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Full text of "Edison Microfilm Reel 274"

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Compilation  ©  2007  LexisNeVdS' Academic  &  Library  Solutions, 
a  division  of  Reed  Elsevier  Inc.  All  rights  reserved. 



Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Senior  Editor 

Brian  C.  Shipley 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
Linda  E.  Endersby 

David  A.  Ranzan 
Indexing  Editor 

Janette  Pardo 
Richard  Mizclle 
Peter  Mikulas 

Paul  B.  Israel 
Director  and  General  Editor 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Smithsonian  Institution 

A  UPA  Collection  from 

Hjp  LexisNexis* 

7500  Old  Georgetown  Road  •  Betliesda,  MD  20814-6126 
Edison  signature  used  wilh  permission  ofMcGniw-Edison  Company 

Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers 

Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
endorsed  by 

National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission 
18  June  1981 

Copyright  ©2007  by  Rutgers,  The  State  University 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publication  including  any  portion  of  the  guide  and 
index  or  of  the  microfilm  may  be  reproduced,  stored  in  a  retrieval  system,  or  transmitted  in  any 
form  by  any  means — graphic,  electronic,  mechanical,  or  chemical,  including  photocopying, 
recording  or  taping,  or  information  storage  and  retrieval  systems— without  written  permission  of 
Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

The  original  documents  in  this  edition  arc  from  the  archives  at  the  Edison  National 
Historic  Site  at  West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

ISBN  978-0-88692-887-2 


Director  and  General  Editor 
Paul  Israel 

Senior  Editor 
Thomas  Jeffrey 

Associate  Editors 
Louis  Cariat 
Theresa  Collins 

Assistant  Editor 
David  Hochfelder 

Indexing  Editor 
David  Ranzan 

Consulting  Editor 
Linda  Endersby 

Visiting  Editor 
Amy  Flanders 

Editorial  Assistants 
Alexandra  Rimer 
Kelly  Enright 
Eric  Barry 

Outreach  and  Development 
(Edison  Across  the  Curriculum) 

Theresa  Collins 

Business  Manager 
Rachel  Wcissenburgcr 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey  National  Park  Service 

Richard  L.  McCormick  Maryanne  Gerbauckas 

Ziva  Galili  Michelle  Ortwein 

Ann  Fabian 

Paul  Clemens  Smithsonian  Institution 

Harold  Wallace 

New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Marc  Mappen 


Robert  Friedel,  University  of  Maryland 
Louis  Galambos,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Susan  Hockey,  Oxford  University 
Thomas  P.  Hughes,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
Ronald  Kline,  Cornell  University 
Robert  Rosenberg,  John  Wiley  &  Sons 
Marc  Rothenberg,  Joseph  Henry  Papers,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Philip  Scranton,  Rutgers  University/Hagley  Museum 
Merritt  Roe  Smith,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 


Wc  thankfully  acknowledge  the  vision  and  support  of  Rutgers  University  and  the 
Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers  Board  of  Sponsors. 

This  edition  was  made  possible  by  grant  funds  provided  from  the  New  Jersey  Historical 
Commission,  National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission,  and  The  National 
Endowment  for  the  Humanities.  Major  underwriting  has  been  provided  by  the  Barkley  Fund, 
through  the  National  Trust  for  the  Humanities,  and  by  The  Charles  Edison  Foundation. 

We  are  grateful  for  the  generous  support  of  the  IEEE  Foundation,  the  Hyde  &  Watson 
Foundation,  the  Martinson  Family  Foundation,  and  the  GE  Foundation.  We  acknowledge  gifts 
from  many  other  individuals,  as  well  as  an  anonymous  donor;  the  Association  of  Edison 
Illuminating  Companies;  and  the  Edison  Electric  Institute.  For  the  assistance  of  all  these 
organizations  and  individuals,  as  well  as  for  the  indispensable  aid  of  archivists,  librarians, 
scholars,  and  collectors,  the  editors  are  most  grateful. 

A  Note  on  the  Sources 
The  pages  which  have  been 
filmed  are  the  best  copies 
available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
made  to  ensure  legibility. 


Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
items  contained  on  these  reels 
may  be  made  in  order  to  facilitate 


General  Letterbook  Series 

The  thirty-three  volumes  in  this  set  contain  tissue  copies  of  Edison’s 
correspondence  for  the  period  March  1911-June  1918.  The  last  book  also 
contains  a  few  letters  from  August  1918,  January-March  1919,  and 
September  1919.  There  are  no  extant  letterbooks  for  the  period  after 
September  1 91 9.  Most  of  the  letters  in  the  first  five  books  are  by  Edison  and 
his  secretary,  Harry  F.  Miller.  The  correspondence  in  the  remaining  books  is 
primarily  by  Edison  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft,  writing  as  assistant  to  Mr. 

Many  of  the  items  in  the  earliest  books  relate  to  the  commercial  and 
technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline  storage  battery  and  . '  ®  ^ 
automobiles,  trucks,  locomotives,  safety  lamps  for  miners  and  country _house 
lighting.  Several  letters  pertain  to  Edison's  organization  of  the  battery 
business  in  Europe,  including  the  appointment  of  John  F.  Monnot  as  his 

There  are  also  numerous  letters  relating  to  Edison's  phonograph  and 
motion  picture  businesses.  Included  are  items  regarding  the  introduction  of 
the  Diamond  Disc  phonograph  and  the  Blue  Amberol  cylinder  record  in  912 
and  the  selection  of  suitable  music  and  recording  artists--a  Process  in  wh  ch 
Edison  was  closely  involved.  Other  letters  deal  with  the  development  of  the 
Home  Projecting  Kinetoscope  and  educational  films-a  project  for  which 
William  W.  Dinwiddie  was  hired  in  December  1 911"andthe  !"Lr°dU2o"  °fg1  5 
Kinetophone  (motion  pictures  with  sound)  in  1918. The 
contain  frequent  references  to  the  fire  of  December  1 914  that  destroyed  the 
Edison  Phonograph  Works. 

After  the  outbreak  of  World  War  I  in  Europe  in  August  1914, .the j  letters 
discuss  the  effects  of  the  war  upon  the  American  chemical  industry,  the 
disruption  of  markets  for  the  carbolic  acid  (phenol)  fhrt  Edwon  used  in  th 
manufacture  of  phonograph  records,  and  his  experiments 
synthetic  phenol  as  a  substitute  for  imported  carbolic  acid. 


Jersey;  and  the  sale  of  his  surplus  stocks  of  benzol,  toluol,  and  other  chemical 

oroducts.  The  letters  from  1915-1918  contain  many  references  to  Edison  s 
role  as  the  head  of  the  Naval  Consulting  Board;  his  increasing  preoccupation 
with  war-related  research  for  the  U.S.  Government  including  submarine 
research  conducted  at  Sandy  Hook,  New  Jersey;  and  his  extended  absence 
from  the  laboratory  during  the  period  August  1917-May  1918. 

A  few  items  deal  with  Edison's  ore  milling  technologies  and  the  royalties 
earned  by  the  Edison  Crushing  Roll  Co.  Additional  correspondence  with 
businessman  Henry  B.  Clifford  concerns  his  proposed  application  of  Edison  s 
ore  milling  technologies  to  sites  in  Colorado.  There  are  occasional  lette irs 
discussing  the  cement  business  and  Edison  s  continuing  interest  in  poured 
concrete  houses. 

Among  the  many  letters  relating  to  Edison's  personal  and  family  affairs 
are  items  regarding  his  health,  diet,  and  sleeping  habits;  the  activities  o  his 
children  and  other  family  members;  his  membership  in  clubs  and  societies, 
his  book  and  journal  orders;  his  charitable  donations;  improvements  at 
Glenmont,  his  home  in  Llewellyn  Park,  New  Jersey;  and  the  upkeep  of  his 
winter  home  in  Fort  Myers,  Florida.  Also  included  are  letters  pertaining  to  his 
friendship  with  Henry  Ford,  John  Burroughs,  and  Harvey  Firestone  and  his 
vacations  and  camping  trips  with  them.  In  addition,  there  are  numerous  etters 
in  which  Edison  expresses  his  opinions  and  prejudices  about  a  variety  of 
social,  religious,  political,  and  economic  issues.  Included  are  letters 
discussing  Edison's  widely  reported  ideas  about  the  del®Jer'°^ib®.^tsh°f 
cigarette  smoking,  his  support  for  womens  suffrage  and  prohibition  h 
attitude  toward  Jewish  bankers  and  industrialists,  his  position  during  he 
presidential  campaigns  of  1912  and  1916,  and  his  opinions  about  the 
European  war. 

Approximately  15  percent  of  the  documents,  including  all  substantive 
letters  pertaining  to  Edison’s  business  operations  and  personal  affairs,  have 
been  selected.  The  following  categories  of  documents  have  not  been 
selected:  routine  letters  of  transmittal  and  acknowledgment;  non-substantive 
correspondence  concerning  the  ordering  and  shipment  of  materials,  etters 
about  routine  financial  transactions;  routine  or  repetitive  responses  to  letters 
from  individuals  seeking  employment,  requesting  advice,  and  offering  advice, 
and  responses  to  other  unsolicited  correspondence. 

The  books  are  numbered  from  25  through  54;  LB-099,  LB-1 17,  and  LB- 
118  lack  numbers.  Although  every  technical  effort  has  been  made  to  ensure 

the  legibility  of  the  documents  reproduced  in  this  edition,  some  letters  may  be 
partially  unreadable  because  of  spreading  or  smearing  ink  or  light  imprints. 
In  addition,  there  are  occasional  pages  that  are  wrinkled  or  torn. 

Unbound  tissue  copies  of  outgoing  correspondence  and  interoffice 
memoranda  can  be  found  in  the  Edison  General  File  Series  and  in  the 
company  record  groups. 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-086  (1911) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  March-June  1911.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Harry  F.  Miller.  There  are  also  some  letters 
by  George  A.  Meister  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Many  of  the  items  relate 
to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline  storage 
battery  and  its  use  in  locomotives,  electric  vehicles,  and  lamps  for  coal 
miners.  Included  is  correspondence  with  business  associates,  such  as  Ralph 
H.  Beach,  Sigmund  Bergmann,  Henry  M.  Byllesby,  Heinrich  H.  M. 
Kammerhoff,  and  representatives  of  the  Baldwin  Locomotive  Works  and  the 
Philadelphia  &  Reading  Coal  and  Iron  Co.,  as  well  as  J.P.  Morgan  &  Co. 
Some  of  the  letters  concern  Edison's  disappointment  with  the  development 
of  the  storage  battery  business  in  Germany.  There  are  also  documents 
pertaining  to  Edison’s  procurement  of  chemicals  and  minerals  for 
experimental  and  production  purposes,  including  purchases  of  electrolyte 
potash  from  Germany.  Additional  correspondence  with  Henry  B.  Clifford 
concerns  his  proposed  application  of  Edison's  ore  milling  technologies  and 
the  inventor's  cooperation  with  the  proposal.  Among  the  selected  items  is  a 
representative  sample  of  replies  to  letters  seeking  information  or  Edison's 
advice  and  opinion  on  a  variety  of  matters,  including  the  commercial  and 
technical  development  of  his  phonograph  business  and  cement  house. 
Included  is  a  letter  from  Edison  concerning  the  relationship  between  bankers 
and  inventors,  which  he  sent  to  engineer  Robert  Lozier  of  the  Kountze 
Brothers'  investment  house.  Among  the  letters  pertaining  to  family  and 
personal  matters  are  items  concerning  Edison’s  homes  in  West  Orange,  New 
Jersey  and  Fort  Myers,  Florida;  his  attitudes  on  religion,  immortality,  and 
agnosticism;  his  prescriptions  for  good  health  and  longevity;  his  collections  of 
books  and  periodicals;  and  his  charitable  donations,  including  a  contribution 
to  the  Young  Men’s  Christian  Association  in  Port  Huron,  Michigan. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "TAE  Letterbook  From  March-6-1 91 1  to  June 
28-1 91 1 ."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number 
"25."  The  book  contains  700  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately 
20  percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 

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tCA-.'hu*zssusv>  ;i.7J  . . . . . . - . . . .-  - . 

fibts^V'-  c-fC/O-wtL-a.  t<-  Y'"1' . - .  . 

iiw4  i  '^''fafa’Oj  &’.  hU'-cJnsT.  Y%  S . 

.  d'j-tW^  zfadr  .  ft'^L  .  . 

.  P  cr*vOL&s~c>i  §i*-\y^uv£ t  Co  •  A“7  (f.r  S  T~^  -  fj?  -  5”7  f  "- J"f  f'-  £3  *- 

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CcJisliLAj-  "TTHO  S-eLn^o  .£)'.$  -  t>~)  S'  . . . — - - -  -  -  --  -  -  -  -  - - 

..'WlrVUa  ..?•  C.  YpCPOU-Io-Z-S . .  . . --- - -  - - - - 

Vm.  .IaJcUm+^Is i  - 

'j'AWvbsi  rf- . Wsk^vaA'^  ■  Ci! ,  I*  J. 

CiunrtrcL  ■&  zz<c  -  r/r 

•«AW1.^  flCi^Vy^tryucL  //  -  X  i~ 3 

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1  cAjC  yri*,  .(R.oQ  -T6  a.-  &; 

Ctcuwvw ex. 

JfsJu-vc*  .CJ-  -XC- . 

o-tclasr^.<*£L.  cheiA  ■  'll-  2-*/ 

.  Jf/ wfcw  .  (leiut  -  i+i  -  +52. .  . 

Jfmvltotj.  (ifU.-ftf.  /•><,..  .  . .  ... 

Ji/u/ns*n£cLo-  fyurf'- ■  / 1 7 
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JtfrU.ZUnf,  . 

<& ' Q,  t ^ 

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j  i'CLA^LM-iXbsi+tUl -V3  -  J-J  O  -  3  x, 

iksdu.'Mn  'PHCAy-V't  . 

ft  eSiUwto ,..  flirU  6.  17 . - 

.  ftuM/  ..  ftjcUn^n. cl  C,  r  7?  . 

. ..  ftuchu-/  CltujC'CitH-eU' v  -  S'/ 

. '  ik&vinA,  i//vv  -  /«V  . 

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Ifttswu/ i-  t-omL^i.oux.c£  3e  s' 

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ftoAsWVLn.cL.  H  IQ.  j  eft -  - - - 

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fftvCtcL^o. .  QjJ. .  ftfftfr . - . - . 

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~vx*,  ^ftuUL. 

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jd.v^-cw.  ,  13  tu- 

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>- »-  d.  3^1 
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shnst/VvCpf*-Q^(-’  'WLAsf-'-  (e  k3 
■byLsw^  HU ^cbvijtM*  -A*.  (r^V  - 

^k^-Clvs  -C  b-Sf-J . - 




yyltrb tk*.  btojyrf.j  -  <f 

yrilrUrtSi^j,  ^  i>-{v^.-  Jj>.  I  S' 

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VyuhiMi ,  cJ^ardL*  -  ?.z 

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}yltd'&*far''  -  {Iam.  ’lit'' 

WlrtfrCi*,  Un*Asi.#j*i 

yniJjJc^  y^c*.  /f  f 
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]  HlXsltsv  '■£!■  1 7  3 

11UalL^,rb  Xy-7  ■ 

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ycT-L'jd'-  xfi 

OniLa  ■Mw./f  Wf- 

yyi(LC*rv\X.  UjMUltsisf  &\ 0  *Z  ■Pf’l 

'Vn,(ZAytXXy~-  \J .  0.  3  o  ">  -  H'  7  0 
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C". .J.7V  . . . 

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Yfisn.Q  &n.  K-  P-  H-o'-h-  -  (sH-b'M  l 

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ini  ysia,  ,  nr),  la  PC’ 

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fjUy.cJLttstl-1*..  .  C-  C  ■  3^“>  . . 

I A  f/l7- 

PaJH,.  U/..^,...5~^S' 

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PdJu.,  J.  M.  b&l 
(p/vftjtt,  .  l.biAsVU&l-  &rw  (elil- 
PA^xJd A  a^vZs  Cvtbx,  /  hsv^v^J-U  6 

/i/inw^j.  J 

f\lrV^.  . £^V*rC.  £r.A.t.  — . - . 

f\rvX-  ^(viv'  (t'i-XII  . 

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flildulL,  '1'vidcw  l<>. 
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04  IQsuro.  S^c-.  3<T>- 

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iflo^UJcL^  -  y^l  A  flX.  i'1.3-*^ 

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-Jtiryxt..  ^orl~v—  1.7 

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a  •“ 

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— - - - 

s^/4,  f.-HS’ 

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Jtrltr^a^-Ku.  jj,n  -/v> 

*XJZi.cmX  ,  Cs.H .  !  (  / --3  J°" 

Jolt  ,d-X.  177 

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^Lu-UA-  ,  /ZtyvXi-uUs  X3X 

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JswJM  'h*l.  JUnf*-.QJ&  ZOX-^ 

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i-f^Odcj  s>- hi  ■  -Y'^? 

JJJhthr  ff,0>  on 

^C/n-  ^  ■ 7t  ■ 13 1 X 



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sbrvCctwJi  (\,.'h/!  ~  .‘-t-(o£i . 

.  W.  L-fcll  ..... 

. A^cicJt^ t-  0*4  >  I/Oxrt'dt 

JLcJasYjUsC La.  ^J-OwaaxX'  S~lt  °j 
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J  rLLisSstrvtx-  hO^Myw(/\,  0 ,  6  6  .*/“ 

CryyvmanAtA  h.  f*'  tCh 

Xw/tfXd'  C&U-/*vu,t,nA'  t  'yU'cJzd'  Ur' Lpt .  35 
\wiA/\rtArfLvClj  W^4-cXTvvi^vr_  (s>  7-*4- 

l/ftrtv  I*'  id 

\)lnU*A ■  cAmAa  /?'  7-y~V- 
.  i ( Jt'w  y/^4^,  2  *■/  - 

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(rvt,  J- 14/ ■  L  Li 

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cJ-ao  .  a-  32  * 
'UzaaJX,  &  Cl  3  33  . 

Ul(k.cL  (1-331  -.3*1/ 

Id/Muryv  tlSjx/^  e-  Co-  3 
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.  'l.Jj/Ovi/X  :  SXa-maCia)  /3 .  M2  7 
W  a£ZaClavia  TaJ'CL- 

T'VU/wA/vuO  (ZLtiy.AA.oL  ">H  .  $  f<A 
<nritMja/Ldy  1 4  SAM  xf  £  7  6 
UJcbdtA-  GIl/lusa  ctM,  &  £7>- - 


March  6th  11. 

E.  S.  Freeman,  Esq., 

V.  0.  Box  No.  236, 

Lancaster,  N.  H. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  2nd  instant  regarding 
the  auto  endurance  test  through  New  England 
received.  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
that  two  of  our  electrics  went  through  New  England 
hut  did  not  pass  your  way. 

Yours  very  truly, 


March  4th  1911 . 

Dr.  J.  Struthers ,  Secretary, 

The  Engineers'  Club, 

32  West  40th  Street, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir;- 

Club,  c 
Chas .  i 

Will  you  kindly  see  that  my  name  is 
ti  the  Application  Book  of  the  Engineers' 
endorser  to  the  application  of  Mr. 
Bradley,  for  membership  in  the  Clu£.. 

Yours^wrytruly , 

jjarcb  4th  19X3  « 

Cfcas.  R.  Kimberly,  EBq. , 

Superintendent  Tiverton  School, 

Walhonding,  Ohio. 

My  dear  Sir 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
ot  a.  1st  instant  relative  to  W 
t„tsrvl..  tending  »  «“  -M"‘  “f 
It  gives  me  pleasure  indeed,  in  W  perusal  of 
a.  various  communication.  to  not.  otter  people. 
,1...  on  the  above  mentioned  subject. 

Kindly  accept  my  thanhe  for  . 

you  re  very  tr^W 

/  r 

the  letter. 


■  T 

l  \ 

Mar.  8th  11. 

Mrs .  Martha  H.  Kirk, 

Poet  Office  Box  544, 

South  Norfolk,  Va. 

Bear  Madam: - 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  3rd 
instant  regarding  the  magno  electric  vitalizers 
which  you  sent  to  he  recharged,  heg  to  state 
that  we  know  nothing  whatever  about  them  and  have 
no  way  of  charging  them.  I  enclOBe  herewith 
the  Two  ($2.00)  and  am  returning  the  vitalizers 
by  separate  mail. 

YourB  very  truly, 


it  i fli 

Mr.  J.  E.  Fries, 

Crocker-Wheeler  Co., 

Ampere,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Itr.  Edison  direotB  me  to  write  and  thank 
you  for  the  hook  entitled  "Death  and  Resurrection" 
by  Bjflrklund,  translated  by  you.  He  had 
already  purchased  a  copy  from  a  Chicago  concern, 
he  thinks  the  latter  are  the  publishers  of  a  paper 
called  the  "Monist". 

Yours  Tery  truly, 





Mar.  11th  11. 

Mr„  Arthur  J .  Rhoadee , 

cars  Pennsylvania  Salt  Mfg.  Co., 

Greenwich  point, 

Philadelphia,  Penna. 

Pear  Sir:'- 

Your  letter  of  the  9th  instant  received. 
Hr.  Edison  directB  me  to  write  you  that  he  shall 
probably  use  about  100  pounds  daily  of  cobalt  oxide 
or  hydroxide  within  a  few  months,  if  his  present 
experiments  wort  out. 

The  market  for  cobalt  oxide  is  quite 
limited,  new  uses  should  be  found  before  the 
industry  will  amount  to  anything. 

Yours  very  truly , 



March  16  th.  11  • 

American  Breeders'  Association, 

Eugenics  Record  Office -Euge nice  Section, 

Mr.  H.  H.  loughlin,  Superintendent, 

Cold  Spring  Harbor ,  Long  Island.  H.  Y> 

Dear  Sir.- 

Bep lying  to  yours  of  the  1st  instant 
beg  to  state  that  the  records  mentioned  in  your 
letter  have  not  reached  us  as  yet.  Kindly  send 
a  tracer  after  them  and  oblige. 


ry  truly , 


March  16th  11 . 

Frank  Evans,  Esq., 

Fourth  Avenue, 

Kingsland ,  Auckland , 

llew  Zealand. 

Fear  Sir:- 

Youre  of  the  30th  of  January  received, 
in  reply  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  say  to  you  the 
there  is  no  trouble  in  concentrating  the  black 
sands  in  Hew  Zealand  by  magnetic  apparatus  and 
briquette  the  ore  by  furnaces.  But  there  is  no 
market  for  the  ere  that  Mr.  Edison  has  heard  of, 
Yours  very  truly, 

Secretary' . 


/!  \ 

Robert  Grau,  Esq., 

53  Elm  Avenue, 

Mt.  Vernon,  N.  Y. 

Rear  Sir:- 

A.b  requested  in  yours  of  t"  HI 
instant  I  beg  to  enclose  herewith  the  contj 
Blip  Y/iiich  Mr.  EdiBon  has  signed. 

Yours  very  truly, 




March  22nd  11 

Arthur  L.  Ill,  Esq., 

c/o  Win,  Campbell  Wall  Paper  Co., 

Hackensack,  New  Jersey. 

hear  Sir:- 

Youre  of  the  19th  instant  requesting 
information  regarding  the  cement  house  received. 
Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  no 
companies  have,  as  yet,  been  formed  for  exploiting 
the  scheme,  and  will  not  until  the  first  house  has 
been  successfully  cast;  probably  some  time  this 
year.  I  enclose  herewith  a  booklet  which  contains 
al  the  information  available  at  this  time. 

Yours  very  truly, 



March.  22nd  11. 

Mrs.  Kellie  Dixon, 

Camillus,  Hew  York, 
hear  Madam: - 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  18th 
instant  beg  to  state  that  we  only  use  songs  that  have 
proven  successful.  I  am  returning  your  words  as 
we  have  no  use  for  the  same. 

Yours  very  truly, 


torch  22nd  11. 


V.  L.  Spoon,  Esq, , 

Burlington,  H.  C. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  17th  instant  regarding 
tto  newspaper  article  on  the  Acouetiphone  received. 

Hr.  Edison  *trects  me  to  write  you  that  what  you 
8aw  was  a  newspaper  *«.ve;  he  has  not  invented 
such  an  instrument. 

Youra  very  truly, 


March  22nd  11, 

Geo.  W.  Robertson,  Esq., 

Mt.  Vernon,  Indiana. 

Dear  Sir 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  17th 
instant  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  the 
system  you  Bpeak  of  would  he  a  success.  You 
could  have  an  extra  battery  and  work  the  pump  motor 
from  it. 

Yours  very  truly. 


March  22nd  11 • 

jlpenr  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  16th  inetant  regarding 
an  Idea  of  yours  for  a  loud  talking  telephone  received. 
Mr,  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  the  telephone 
like  cut  enclosed  has  been  constructed  many  years  ago. 
There  was  no  particular  advantage  or  increased 

Regarding  a  position,  beg  to  state  that  we 
have  no  vacancy  which  we  can  offer  you. 

Yours  very  truly, 


V.  S.  I  return  herewith  your  drawing. 



22nd  11. 

B.  von  Helve  rt , 

Markt  90, 

Rooeendaal,  Holland. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Rep lying  to  your  letter  of  the  4th 

in.t.nt  Wl»»  y°“  „ 

d.  d...  ».t  .did*  yo«  .oh...  1.  ,r.otlo>W.  .» 

.ould  increase  td.  “°  *“°1‘  “d  ”«ulr” 

to.  mod  exertion  on  tie  put  of  td.  driver. 

Yours  very  truly , 



March  23rd  11. 

Prudential  Insurance  Co.t 

Edmund  K.  Hopper,  Esq.  , 

Hewark,  Hew  Jersey. 

Hear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  3rd  of 

.  +B  tvat  the  following  children 
October  1910,  heg  to  state  that  the 

...  ,41.„  t,  «  -*•  '•«""  ln 

Edison’s  life-.-- 

Marion  E»  Oeser, 

Thomas  A,  Edison,  Jr., 

William  L.  Edison, 

Madeleine  Edison, 

Charles  Edison, 

Theodore  M.  Edison. 

If  you  Will  kindly  forward  the  necessary 

„  rm  I  will  have  it  signed  by  Mr.  Edison, 
amendment  form  I  will 

yours  very  truly , 

Secretary . 


B.  E.  Beach,  Eeq. , 

50  Church.  Street, 

Hew  York  City, 

Dear  Sir:- 

Bnclosed  herewith  find  letter  from 
Mr.  W.  R.  Lyle ,  Bipon,  Via.  regarding  the  Beach 
car,  which  kindly  give  the  attention  you  deem 

yours  wary  truly , 



E.  H.  Johnson,  Esq., 

care  Union  League  Club, 

Hew  York  City. 

My  dear  Johnson:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  22nd 
instant  would  say  that  the  nickel  sheet  is  not 
what  you  require.  W  not  come  over  to  the 
Laboratory  and  explain  to  me  what  is  desired? 

In  all  human  probability  I  can  put  you  on  the  track, 
and  if  you  bring  a  young  experimenter  over-in  two 
weeks  you  would  have  what  you  want. 

Yours  very  truly, 

March  24th  11- 

Charlton  H.  Smith,  Esq., 

Box  237,  R.  J1.  D.  No.  1, 

Seattle,  Washington. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Rep lying  to  your  letter  of  the  9th 
instant  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
the  insects  without  a  doubt  would  he  killed, 
hut  it  can  only  he  ascertained  experimentally  if  it 
would  or  would  not  injure  the  tree. 

Yours  very  truly, 


March  24th 

&unuel  Insull ,  Esq., 

139  Adams  Street, 

Chicago,  Ill. 

My  dear  Sammy :  - 

Yours  of  the  20th  instant  at  hand. 
Young  Thompson  was  a  mucker  at  the  laboratory  many 
years  ago.  He  was  with  Kennelly.  He  was  bright, 
but  always  appeared  to  me  aB  "too  Bmart".  I  have 
not  known  of  his  doings  since  he  left. 

He  is  a  nephew  I  believe ,  of  Joe 
Clarke,  whom  I  think  you  will  remember  as  being 
associated  with  Albert  Pulitzer  in  starting  the 
New  York  Journal ,  and  who  iB  now  publicity  manager, 
for  the  Standard  Oil  Company. 

(Mj  impression  only)  is  that  you 
should  investigate  lhompson  pretty  thoroughly. 

With  kina  regards,  believejme-i" 
S  inc^eay'youigs. 


Perhaps  you  had  bettor  have  Kline  come  over 
and  so--  v;hat  we  aro  doing  in  the  battery.  So- day  we  are 

12,000  veils  behind  o  -dore.,  notwithstanding  we  make  365  cells 
■nr,-.,  d^jr,  3,,  April  15th  we  will  tern  out  500  cells  per  day, 

°r.d  I  am  making  machine rY  to  run  it  up  to  2,000  colls.  ThiB 
is  no  romance;  Kline  can  verify.  We  are  replacing  lead  bat¬ 
teries  at  $800.00  when  the  same  people  can  buy  the  load  at 
§21.0.00  and  these  people  have  used  both  lead  and  Bdison. 

Shore  is  no  use  giving  you  the  reasons  why  they  do  so;  it 
would  take  too  long.  Perhaps  I  could  sum  it  up  in  the  remark 
mfi-'.:  by  tne  Superintendent  of  Hearn  2=  Co.  that  "A  few  hundred 
dollars  more  or  less  price  between  two  types  of  battery  was  ox 
no  consequence  to  them  if  they  got  reliability  and  mileage, 
which  they  did  vrfth  the  Edison  battery,  and  he  believed  that 
the  Edison  battery  was  much  cheaper  in  the  end  then  a  lead 

batters’’  any  way." 

itov 7  Bergmaun,  1  think  I  had  better  not  naviso  you 
what  to  do  in  connection  with  the  German  battery  situation, 
because  I  do  not  know  all  the  conditions. 

I  have  not  changed  my  mind  in  the  slightest  partiou- 


3.  Borgraann-  3. 

lor  as  to  tho  future  of  tlio  battery— its  use  will  be  enormous. 

1  havo  sent  you  colls  and  tubos,  lithia,  etc.,  to 
help  you  out,  but  Kline  will  learn  that  we  had  to  ao  it  by 

■n. thl.  elding  shipments  to  others. 

J,  ;v..r,-.  hit d  figures  gotten  out  so  as  to  make  you  a 
r  :  .-j'  and  nickel  tubes,  which  is  the  most  dif- 

r  ,  •.  '  business. 

•  -ot  chare  -.--r  r'read  expense?.  1  could  ship 

...j.-.-.y.  -j-.-c".  in  quantity,  -’t  «vv  'k.V;  owing  prices: 

cubes  cample  U,  M  typo,  ■  thousand, 

I  --or  Sockets  o  b»> .  '  i  •  1  . per  thousand, 

•jfhese  prices  induce  royalty.  'actory  Orange, 

packing  exvra. 

At  these  prices  I  only  charge  repairs  on  tods, 
depreciation  on  tools  and  interest,  labor  and  material,  to 
which  I  add  12#  profit— no  general  expense-  In  tiro  ■  - 

probably  be  able  to  materially  reduce,  as  v/c  are  eoiu-  -li 
experimenting  to  reduce  costs, 

Kalcing  these  tubes  here  vri.ll  require  a  very  considex- 
•rblo  investment  of  money  on  my  part,  should  your  orders  reach 

If  you  buy  tubes  and  pockets,  the  work  in  the  German 
••  ...(..j ; ^  be  a  mere  nothing- 

i  hav--  talked  to  Eogers  and  he  says  wo  could  not  use 
the  tools  or  machines  you  have,  as  our  machines  have  been  so 
constantly  improved,  as  well  as  methods  and  dies,  that  -they 
would  not  .work  in  cur  system. 


3*  Bergniann-  5. 

As  to  shipping  oanploted 
poo  hats,  v.'a  would  tsupply  a  limited 
ns  our  o  opacity  is  "brought  to  1000 

cells  instead  of  tubes  end 
number  until  such  times 
cells  daily,  which  will 

about  August- 


March  25th  XX. 

Prof.  Vincenzo  Grimaldo, 

Costa  Vittorio  Emanuele  166, 

Bari,  Italy. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  21st 
ultimo  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  is 
so  over -worried  that  he  cannot  spare  the  time  to 
prepare  a  paper. 

Youre  very  truly. 



March.  25  th  11. 

S.  B.  Way,  Esq., 

Union  Electric  Light  &  Power  Co., 

Twelfth  and  Locust  Streets? 

St.  Louis,  Missouri. 

Lear  Sir;- 

Bep lying  to  your  letter  of  the  16th 
instant  would  say  that  the  photo  was  received 
but  was  torn  in  two  pieces,  while  in  transit. 

If  you  would  oar.  to  send  another  I  am  sure  Sir.  Edison 
would  be  glad  to  get  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Secretary . 


March.  25  th  11. 

Geurge  V/.  CurtiSB,  Esq.,  Pres., 

piiee  Savings  and  Trust  Company, 

Peoria,  Illinois. 

Ify  dear  Sir;- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  20th 
instant  regarding  the  erecting  of  the  monument  to 
,,_e  memory  of  Mr.  Robert  G.  Ingersoll  would  say 
that  X  not  capable  of  making  a  public  speech; 
hut  I  should  like  to  add  my  mite  towards  the 

Btatue  .  iX  acceptable . 

tlon  1 

Some  day  when  the  veil  of  supersti- 
Le  lifted,  Ingersoll  will  stand  out  as  a 
personality.  ..  - 

Yours  very_ truly , 

March  28th  XX* 

Hew  York  Association  of  the  Blind, 

Mr.  Walter  1.  Hervey, 

118  Bast  59th  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  JO"  I«tt0r  °f  tht  24tb 

instant  Kr.  Mi»»  01”=“  "  “  y°“ 

that  to  ...»  not  «*”  «  “  tl*“4  “  * 
00„ltt..  in  *lo»  »o  «n  toto  »» 

YourB  very  truly, 



March  29  th  U* 

Messrs.  Brentano's, 

5th  Ave.  &  27th  St., 

New  York  City . 

Gentlemen : - 

Will  you  kindly  Bend  the  following 
hooks  to  the  Laboratory 

The  Christ  Myth  by  Drews, 

of  ».»->><*•  W  =>•"■“  CO"  K“  T  ' 

Food  Adulteration  by  Wiley. 

s.„a  «.  «  “■  M"*tory  ““ 

Yours  very  truly , 



4  t 



Wiitr.ey  Blake  JoneB,  Esq., 

78  Sherman  Street, 

Canton,  Ohio. 

March  29th  XI. 

Dear  Sir 

your  letter  of  the  27th  instant 
rejecting  a  position  at  the  Laboratory  as 
cbemlBt  r.o.iv.d,  ».  «... 
to  toow  what  salary  yo»  "ould  *•  ’llU”®  t0 
work  for. 

Yours  rery  truly, 


March  29th  11. 


•Funk  and  Wagnalle  Co., 

44  East  23rd  Street, 

New  York  City. 

Gentlemen: - 

Yours  of  the  25th  instant  regarding 
the  expressing  in  one  word  a  telephonic  message 

People  generally  say,  "  received  a 
phone  message"  or,  "  he  phoned  I  sh°^d 
think  “phonogram"  would  he  the  proper  word. 
They  will  shorten  it  to  phone. 

Yours  very--trr'i:tiy*i 

ky  ec-r  w-reviith  four  tracings  of  ass 

T  am  sending  yon  a  steel  hox  for  g 

blJ  rf  »iSHt  "B-l"  0.11.  f«  »  *°  S° 

sighting  «na  firing.  assembled sid 

in  Sheet  1. 1  th.  ho*.  *h«  ™ 

by  r S^r-r^^fhfr «. relish- 

LctioIlpS  7  Som  talcing  the  end  thrust  o.  ^  tr-..  ^  _ 

8  S£^eSeiasS^^l^^n^bf  1: 

that  reason  v/e  show  in  o  0iae  0f  the  box  in^fth°ua^  or  the 
the  connection-plug^  £  thls  OBBe  take  the  s 

Of?  oOTi>ioot:lon-pl'iOE*  T  ooriB,ae,  to  M  «M 

<  ponVly  o'  Pl"e'  “,M  “  ***  “ 

S”S  0  U  —  «-  ““’W  ’iW- 

«...  --  -  ms/se.??*  .*«  «£ .ts-jets 

inf-iudinf-  it-  1  'vo,  r-  yiv arrangemen «b  07  „°t+.4f,ic,ri,  hefor 

S&?  «  SrSrS&B'Jrepar/d  for  your  -,ticism 

ISWS  K  up  an  outfit.  ln  EoWnt  «, 

Kindly  p«a®pthi|flehOf  t,aCRSht  to  the  «t*« 

-hat  v/e  have  devoted  £-  l*°0> 

I  have  no  pri^®  of  tll0°0’ 

„.+v  VOur  recommendation. 

draPings  7  YorJ.s  vary  truly. 

:indly  return  • 



•IX  1st  11  ■ 


Boo k  and  Bible  House, 

146  north  Tenth  Street, 

Philadelphia  Penna. 

Bear  Sirs:- 

ViJU  you  fcinaiy  enter 
vnur  list  tor  one  years 

Mr.  Edison's 


gASTHO-EHTEHOLOGY  beginning  i 
issue.  Send  the  bill  to  the 

rith  your  next 
laboratory  and 

oblige , 

Youre  very  truly , 




April  1st  11. 

E.  W.  Podge  ,  Esq.  , 

Buskin,  Tenn. 

Pear  Sir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  27th  ultimo  received. 
You  are  correct  in  your  theory'.  There  is 
absolutely  no  reason  why  a  man  should  ever  aie. 
Could  the  arteries  he  kept  free  of  scale  and  our 
bacterial  environment  fought  and  proper  fuel  taken 
in f  life  should  go  on  for  centuries.  All  this 
•riU  come  in  time  and  through  high  science. 

Yours  very  truly , 


I.  ' 

f  ' 

i  ■■  ■■ 

April  5th.  11. 

H.  F.ohinson,  Esq., 

41  West  33rd  St., 

Hew  York  City. 
l!y  dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter*  of  the  24th  ultimo  and 
4th  instant  came  duly  to  hand. 

Ur.  Edison  directs  me  to  Bay  to 
tt.t  your  book  .inyuto"  »* 

Inventions"  i««  »“»  “o'®11*  *°  ll1* 

attention.  H.  —  you  ,.ry  UnUy  for  a. 

mi  auyo  «•  »u“r«  “ 

«*-  Yours  v  ery  truly , 




April  8th  11. 

ffeo ..  V.,  Curtiss,  Esq.,  ?  res  „  , 

Iilme  Savings  &  Trust  Co., 

Peoria,  Illinois. 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  4th  instant  and  cannot  possibly  do  what 
you  request  in  regard  to  the  address. 

However,  I  enclose  herewith  my 
chock  for  $100.00  tov/ard  the  Btatue  to  be  presented 
to  the  city  of  Peoria,  by  the  Ingersoll  KcnumerjJ 

yours  v<M.-y  truly, 


April  8tli  11. 

The  Philadelphia  &  Heading  Coal  &  Iron  Co., 

j.  T.  -Jennings ,  Esq.,  Electrical  Engineer, 

Electrical  Department,  Pottsvill®.  Henna, 
year  Sir:- 

iours  of  the  30th  ultimo  addressed 
to  the  Edison  Storage  Battery  Co.  has  been 
me  for  my  attention. 

t  „  now  constructing  at  the  Laboratory 

WW.  -*»  »—  "f  “**• 

-or  tii«  purpos.  of  in  “‘“l  P'“ 

.hat  10  ««W  »**•*•  ?  Mlleve  1  C“ 

what  1.  a..troa.v--.6.a.?vw.^» 

„o»M  you  help  -  «y  *•  ew.fl»0ht^h_ 

.m..y  if  »»■ 1 

Yours  vw'y  truly  , 

(/^oCs C'ux- 


April  12th  11. 

C.  C.  Crabtree,  Esq . , 

620  St.  Joe  Street, 

Rapid  City,  S.  D. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  3rd  instant  enclosing  a 
prospectus  of  the  Royal  American  Portland  Cement 
Company  of  Rapid  City,  S.  D.  received. 

In  reply  Mr.  Edison  directB  ae  to  write 
you  that  there  is  not  a  cement  company  aatt  of  the 
Mississippi  that  has  made  a  cent  in  three  ye*.T8. 

The  eastern  companies  for  over  three  years  have  been 
oelling  cement  at  a  great  loss  and  five  have  failed 
within  six  months.  If  is  impossible  to  get  capital 
to  put  up  new  plants,  at  least  here  in  the  east. 

Yours  very  truly, 



April  12  til  11. 

M.  L.  Cox,  EBq. , 

Ohio  State  University, 

Columbia ,  Ohio. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Youra  of  the  4th  instant  received. 
Ur.  Edison  directs  me  to  say  to  you  that  his 
models  are  so  very  much  scattered  that  he 
positively  could  not  get  them  together  to  make 
any  exhibit . 

Yours  very  truly, 


Apr.  12th  11. 

John  Blakeley,  Esq., 

Commonwealth  Trust  Bldg., 

Philadelphia,  Penna. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  8th  instant  addressed  to 
the  Pyro  Electric  Co.  has  Been  handed  me  for 
attention.  I  do  not  know  anything  about  the 
above  mentions  d  concern  except  that  the  Phonograph 
Works  rented  them  a  room  and  did  some  work  for  them 
a  number  of  years  ago. 

'  Yours  very  truly, 



Ho  So  Heitman,  Esq,, 

Port  MyerB, 


Bear  Sir:-  y-0_  7>//r.  ..  .•  '/ 

Your  letter  of  the  22nd  ultimo 
received.  Ur.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
and  say  that  he  sees  no  reason  why  he  should 
pay  more  than  the  contract  calls  for.  What 
is  the  UBe  of  a  contract  if  it  is  not  lived 
up  to  and  if  the  contractor  makes  a  mistake 
should  he  (Ur.  Edison)  pay  for  it? 

He  says  he  lost  on  many  contracts 
and  no  one  ever  reimbursed  him  for  any  of 
hi:;  losses. 

Yours  very  truly, 




13  th  11 

Philadelphia  &  Reading  Coal 
Mr-  J.  S.  Jennlngi 

Electrical  Engineer, 
l  Dep't.,  Pottsville,  Penna. 

Dear  Sirs- 

Yours  of  the  11th  instant  regarding 
the  miners  lamp  received.  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  tc 
4 t n at  v/in  start  at  once  and  construct 

after  they  have 

fc.rocie  of 

Lth  them  to  you 

it  ions  which 

ery  truly. 



Orange,  New  Jersey,  April  20th  11. 

J.  VI.  Howell,  EBq. ,  ' 

General  Electric  Co., 

Lamp  Department, 

Harrison,  N.  J. 

Can  you  spare  me  four  or  five  feet  Tungsten 
wire --small  size. 

(Signed)  Edison. 

original  sent  on  y.p.  pencil  Mr.  E's  h.w. 

April  20th  11. 

Messrs.  Brentano's, 

k+Vi  Av®  •  &  27xil  St  • , 

5th  At..^  York  city< 


Your  invoices  for  the  Months  of 
January,  February  and  March,  amounting 
$59.92  received. 

The  publications  forMrs.Lewls 
Hiller ,  jhio  togbeSer  pother ^ 

sundries  have  the  boolcs  ordered  by 

Will  you  hindly  have  the  ££opatopy  andMrs 
Mr.  Edison  billed  »  ™  Llewellyn  Park. 
Edison's  'bl^*d invoice s  as  follows,  so  tnat 
Also  issue  new  invoic  aocount,  as  foil 

To  Mr.  Thos.  A.  Bdison:  Laboratory:- 

l/l7-l  The  Corsican  2.00 

'  i  Famous  Imposters  1.50 

1-Insects  &  Disease  x#a5 

1/21  1  Marshalls  Reproductions  ^ 

'  Postage  .54 

1^25  1  ISmic  Prejudices^  a’.OO 

‘  1  Medical  Chaos  &  Crime  ,22 




lAl  KBS’  *5:22  %;y  4.o= 

McClures  iew'ifi  MiH«r^ 



2/14  10  Place  Garde 
5  "  " 

1  Valentine 

2  Carde 

3/7  McClure e 

Muneeye  1911 

3/17  3  "If" 

2  "If" 

Forward  $17.50 




.05  9.75 


1,00  2.50 

! 50  .95 


This  will  make  the  account  chargeable 
as  follows: 

Mr.  Thomas  A.  Bdlaon  (Lab.)  $29.22 
Mrs.  "  "  "  (1-.?.)  30.70 


An  early  reply  will  oblige, 

Yours  very  truly, 

Q>n  _ 

Assistant  Secretary. 


April  20th  11. 

US.  Pleasant  Cemetery  Co., 

Hr.  C.  H.  Prettyman,  Sec., 

375  Belleville  Avenue, 

Hewarfc,  Hew  Jersey. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Y„„r  circular  of  *•»  lnS*“ 

the  let  ..mere  cl  ».  *1—“'  “• 

received.  *r.  ““»  ’’°"14  1U“  *°  “•*  ”” 

detail.  regards  «»  •»*—“* 

Of  the  lots. 

»  earlsr  *.PW  **u  M  aPP"clat'4' 
Yours  very  truly, 



V;V  April  20th  11. 

Rev.  Jas.  L.  Meagher,  PreB., 

Christian  Press  Ass’n  Pub.  Co., 

26  Barclay  Street,  Mew  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  10th  instant  also 
your  book  entitled  "The  Wonders  of  the  Universe" 
came  duly  to  hand.  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to 
thank  you  very  kindly  for  the  Bame  and  Bays 
that  he  is  so  over-worked  just  now  that  he 
cannot  find  time  to  read  it ,  but  hopes  to 
read  it  thoroughly  this  summer. 

Yours  very  truly, 



Director  of  the  U.  S.  Geological  Survey, 

Mr.  George  Otis  Smith, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Flease  Bend,  me  the  address  of  parties 
who  can  supply  me  with  samples  of  Elaterite, 
Tabhyite,  or  Wiedgerite.  I  desire  to  make 
experiments  to  utilize  the  same  in  commerce. 

Yours  very  truly, 

-Pres.  &  Gen.  Manager, 

Fhila.  &  Reading  Coal  &  Iron  Co. , 
Pottsville,  Penna. 

of  the  14th  instant 

liners  lamps  received.  Mr. 
s  to  write  you  that  he  has 

down  to  you  as 

Yours  very  truly, 



April  20th  11. 

P.  E.  Donner,  Esq., 

Bonner,  Childs  Sc  Woods, 

Union  Bank  Building , 

Pittsburgh,  Penna. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  15th  inBtant  requesting 
information  regarding  Mr.  Alfred  J.  Thompson's 
integrity,  received. 

In  reply  Mr.  Edison  desires  me  to 
write  you  that  the  above  named  person  was  ,  when 
a  young  man  employed  as  an  experimenter  at  the 
Laboratory.  He  was  a  bright  young  man,  inclined 
to  be  "smart"  and  worked  here  for  two  years. 

He  then  went  to  Havana  on  Borne  machine 
business  and  we  no  nothing  of  his  record  since. 

He  is  related  to  Mr.  J.  I.  C.  Clarke,, 
publicity  man  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company. 

Youfs  very  truly, 


April  20th  11. 

Messrs.  English  &  Co., 

Box  Bo.  1212, 


South  Africa. 

Dear  Sira:- 

Your  letter  of  the  20th  of  March 
regarding  the  cement  houses  received.  Mr. 
Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  is 
not  ready  to  talk  -business  yet.  I  enclose 
herewith  a  booklet  giving  a  full  description 
of  the  proposed  idea. 

Yours  very  truly, 


April  20th  11. 


April  22nd  11. 

Mrs.  Rosalie  Rhodes, 

1113  College  Avenue, 

East  St.  Louis,  Ill. 

Dear  Madam 

Enclosed  herewith  find  money  order 
for  $2.00  for  four  tickets  for  the  purpose  of 
raising  the  funds  to  build  a  Jewish  Temple ,  as 
per  your  letter  of  the  13th  instant. 

Yours  very  truly, 



April  22nd  11. 

S.  Bergmann,  Esq., 

25  Oudenarder  Str., 

Berlin,  H.  Germany. 

My  dear  Bergmann 

1  was  sorry  to  hear  that  you 
could  not  Bee  your  way  clear  to  use  tubes  and 
go  ahead. 

Rogers'  has  gone  over  the 
tools  arid  Bays  the  following  are  the  only  ones  he 
can  utilize:- 

B landing  Die  for  Nickel  Grid, 

Slotting  Die  for  "  " 

First  Bend  "  " 

Second  "  "  " 

Blanking  Die  for  Iron  Grid 
Hydraulic  "  "  "  "—Type  "A" 

tt  ■  «  Nickel  "--Type  "A" 

Two  Iron  Filling  Machines. 

Put  a  price  on  these;  the  duties  are,  I  believe, 
4S  per-cent,  and  this  makes  it  difficult  to  buy 
more.  I  have  told  him  to  figure  out  if  we 
cannot  buy  some  of  the  parte  *h*?e  **  tt 


Tjig  itam. 

to  KCt  some  Tuugsten 
Klein  was  °v6r  t0  g 

,**-..«—***•  —  7: 

«  it  is  ’■"i*"*'4  1  *Ul 

0„  »t«W  »»•  “*  ''"y 

,  wpRVB  our  sales  are 
rapidly.  *«  ^  la8t  tW° 
about  ten  thousand  dollars  per  day. 

Kind  regards,  Believe  -  . 

Yours  very  truly, 


Newark,  New  JerBey. 

x  „  .„di«  *»•  *. 

x.*  !»*.  ,.»«■  —**•  <*  — vr ' 

„„  IT-  ia  authorized  to 

view  of  improving  the  same.  He 

■nake  atich  change,  ae  he  deems  necessary.  He  will^ 
aXso  install  a  superintendent,  who  will  take  - 

charge  of  the  factory.  You  to  act  as  technical 

Please  refer  to  Mr.  H.  1. 

all  office  and  sales  matters.. 

Yours  tjuly . 

Yours  truly 


Apr.  29th  11. 

Robert  E.  Doan,  Esq., 

1327  G  Street,  N.  W. , 

Washington,  D,  C. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  25th  instant  received. 

Cut  dovra  your  food  gradually.  Don’t  use  the 
table  as  a  social  adjunct,  as  it  causes  too  much  food 
to  be  taken,  men  you  have  in  the  course  of  time,  got 
the  total  food  down  to  a  certain  point,  you  will  start 
to  loose  weight,  men  you  notice  this  gradually 
increase  your  food  and  thereafter  keep  your  weight 
constant.  The  food  you  then  take  will  all  be 
assimilated  and  will  pass  into  the  large  of  storage 
intestines,  free  of  food  value,  which  will  prevent 
pu trifaction  by  bnct.ri.l  .ctlcn.  Ictrif.ctlT.  t«l«. 
.in  .....  to  p...  into  th.  blood  ...a  you  ail  .loop 


you  Bbould  not  try  to  ol».p  »"  >“<*•  nr 
forty  y.»r»  I  only  »l«Pt  f»«r  Mur.  p.r  any  »a  no. 
,l„p  fro.  fir.  to  fir.  onn  ono-bnlf.  But  it  i» 
profound  .loop  »»d  I  ric.  p.rfbotl,  rofro^.a. 

You  can  get  into  the  hahit  by  gradually 
reducing  your  Bleeping  hours  over  a  period  of,  y» 
three  months;  until  you  sleep  only  six  hours.  You 
will  be  surprised  at  the  change,  providing  your 
arteries  have  not  been  hardened  by  over-eating.  __ 
Yours  very  truly, 

Apr.  29th  11. 

Richard  W.  long,  Esq., 

50  Church  Street, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  vo  your  letter  of  the  24th 
instant  regarding  Iron  ,  Mr.  Edison  directs 

me  to  write  you  that  for  testing  «ement  the  color 
is  too  light,  and  that  he  can  possibly  rind  a  use 
for  it  in  time. 

j  enclose  herewith  our  chemist's  assay. 

yours  very  truly, 


May  lot  11. 

Clarence  I.  Peck,  Esq., 

Monadnock  Block, 

Chicago,  111. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Rep lying  to  your  letter  of  the  24th 
ultimo  would  Bay  that  1  eat  every  kind  of  food, 
hut  in  very  small  umo-inta.  If  I  find  I  am  losing 
weight  I  increase..!.-  slightly,  until  it  is  constant. 
I  avoid  the  use  of  the  table  as  a  social  adjunct. 

prom  my  observations  of  other  persons,  I 
should  say  that  I  eat  one -quarter  of  the  general 
average  for  persons  who  take  but  little  exercise. 
What  little  I  do  eat  is  so  perfectly  assimilated 
that  it  passes  into  the  large  or  storaga  intestine 
with  all  food  value  extracted;  leaving  nothing  that 
will  permit  the  intestinal  bactera  to  set  up 
putr if action. 

fours  very  truly, 

.  I 

\  stay  nt  19U. 

H.  S.  Eeitnian,  Esq., 

Port  Myers,  Florida. 

Dear  Sir 

Mr.  Edison  is  ir.  receipt  of  a  latter 
from  the  Wallace  Company,  the  tone  of  ehich  is 
very  unsatisfactory  to  him.  He  requests  me  to 
write  yon  for  the  copy  of  his  contract  re  the 
swimming  pool. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Secretary . 


May  1st  11. 

JTai-i.onal  Press  Intelligence  Co., 

25  West  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

Bear  Sirs:- 

Mr.  Sdison  directs  me  to  write  you  to 
abolish  sending  clippings  to  the  Laboratory 
treating  on  moving  picture  subjects. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Dow,  Jones  &  Co. , 

44  Broad  Street, 

r0u  to  discontinue 

Mr.  Edison  instructs  me  to  request 
mtinue  sending  t’r-i  Wall  Street 

Yours  very  truly , 

Rev.  W.  M.  Rochester ,  Sec., 

The  Lord'S  Day  Alliance  of  Canada, 
Confederation  Life  Building, 

Toronto,  Ontario,  Canada. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  22nd  ultimo  received. 

Ifr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  we  tried 
the  experiment  of  shutting  down  our  kilns  Sunday 
and  it  seemed  to  work  all  right,  but  Inside  of  two 
months  nearly  all  were  wrecked  and  we  had  to  return 
to  Sunday  work. 

Yours  very  truly, 


lira.  Clarence  Dally, 

103  Clinton  Street, 

Bast  Orange,  K.  J. 

Dear  Madam; - 

Enclosed  herewith  find  newspaper 
clipping  which  Mr.  Ediso*  desires  me  to  send 

Yours  very  truly, 


Index - Bergiaann 

April  24th  11. 



Bergman*:-  The  prlcea  quoted  on  tubes  are  the  lowest 
possible;  leaves  little  or  no  profit.  We  get  hundred 
twehty  five  dollars  kilowatt  hour  three  hour  rate 
for  submarine a  eighth  inch  tubes. 

(Signed)  EDISON. 

May  2nd  1911, 

American  Lithia  &  Chemical  Co., 

Hr.  Wm.  H.  Crane,  President, 

50  Church  Street,  New  York . 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  21st  ultimo  regarding 
Carbonate  of  Lithia  received.  Mr.  Edison  would 
like  you  to  name  your  price  for  twenty  tons,  to 
be  delivered  one  ton  per  month. 

Yours  very  truly. 



May  2nd  11. 

L.  B.  Markwith,  Esq., 

Box  No.  886, 

Orange ,  N.  J. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  29th  ultimo  requesting 
Mr.  Edison's  subscription  for  one  of  the 
concerts  in  the  City  of  Orange's  public 
perks  received.  He  directs  me  to  write 
you  that  he  will  be  unable  to  comply  with 
yourc request  this  year. 

Yours  very  truly, 




2nd  11. 

S.  KLyce ,  Esq. , 

School  of  Karine  Engineering, 

Annap  ol i s ,  Mary 1  and  . 

Bear  Sir: - 

Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
that  he  is  in  receipt  of  your  paper  on 
"Supplementary  Remarks  on  Theory  of  Mat  ter « 
enclosed  in  your  letter  of  the  27th  ultimo. 

He  says  he  has  read  it  hut  it  is  heyond  his 

capacity  to  comprehend  it. 

Yours  very  truly , 



May  2nd  11. 

Sam  D.  Henry ,  Esq. , 

Coon  Rapids  Enterprise, 

Coon  Rapids,  Iowa. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  28th  ultimo 
regarding  an  idea  of  yours  for  softening  the 
tone  of  the  phonograph  received.  Ur*  Edison 
directs  me  to  write  you  that  the  idea  mentioned 
by  you  has  been  used  by  many  persons  for  years. 
Mostly  every  person  likes  loud  records  and 
this  is  the  reason  we  never  have  put  a  device 
of  this  kind  on  the  market. 

A  number  of  years  ago  we  started  to 
put  out  a  felt  valve  in  the  small  part  of  the 
horn,  but  it  was  afterward  abandoned. 

Yours  very  truly, 




May  3rd  11. 

Thos.  A.  Edison,  Jr.,  Esq. , 

Burlington,  Mew  Jersey? 

BECK  Tom 

Am  sorry  you  had  such  had  luck  with  autos. 
Money  is  a  little  tight  just  now  with  me,  hut  if 
a  FQBD  runabout  will  answer  your  requirements  and 
it  will  go  anywhere  in  the  United  States  with  two 
persons  and  is  simple.  Kas  interchangeable  parts, 
which  can  be  gotten  quickly,  requires  cheaper  tires, 

1  will  buy  you  one;  providing  you  do  not  tell 
William  I  gave  it  to  you  but  that  you  Baved  money  to 
buy  it  and  to  make  this  the  truth  I  will  deduct  two 
($2.)  dollars  per  Y/eek  from  the  allowance. 

Thic  car  is  very  economical  in  gasoline 
and  tires,  so  you  will  not  have  to  Bpend  much  to 
keep  it  going.  1  think  the  price  is  $750.00 

(Signed)  Edison. 

P.S.—  Ford  has  the  largest  auto  works  in  the  World, 
and  makes  one-quarter  of  all  the  autos  sold 
in  the  United  States.  They  are  bought  mostly 
by  the  Western  farmers. 

May  6th  1911. 

p ,  V.  Be  Craw,  Esq. , 

4th  Ass't  Postmaster  General, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

My  dear  De  Graw:- 

I  enclose  herewith  a  copy  of  a 
letter  which  I  have  just  received  from  a  Mr.  Leo, 
whom  I  do  not  know* 

Kr.  Miller,  the  postmaster  at 
r  wife's  brother.  He  was  appointed 

by  McKinley,  they  being  neighbors 

square  deal. 

.  I  believe  he  has 

ponce  is  my 

n  satisfaction  and  hope  that  he  will  u 
Yours  very  truly 

V  A-; 

Way  3rd  11. 

Mrs.  K.  C.  Williams, 

Wheaton,  Minn. 

Bear  Madam: - 

Your  letter  of  the  first  of  March 
received.  It  doea  not  matter  what  one  believes, 
it  will  change  nothing  in  the  end.  Scientific  men 
as  a  rule  do  not  believe  in  the  immortality 
of  the  aoul;  because  the  more  they  investigate 
the  works  of  nature  the  more  firmly  they  reach  that 

It  is  almost  impossible  to  control 
one's  belief,  and  if  one  can  believe  the  religion 
of  the  Bible,  they  had  better  not  try  to  shake  the 
belief  as  it  is  certainly  more  consoling. 

However,  if  we  all  carry  out  the 
Golden  Rule  in  this  life,  we  have  very  little  to  fear 
from  the  hereafter,  no  matter  what  our  be lief^me.-y- "u« T 
Youtb  very  ’truly , 

Hay  6th 

Dudley  S.  Crandall,  Eeq. , 

R.  D.  Ho.  1— Box  No.  24, 

Sturgeon  Bay,  Wisconsin. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  18th  of  April 
at  hand.  It  is  a  fine  letter  and  I  thank  you  f 
giving  me  a  copy.  I  enclose  herewith  a  paper 
called  the  "Do iwn  Homer" ,  which  I  have  just  run 

Yours  very  truly , 

May  9th  11 

John  Ho  Wood,  Esq., 

156  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  wants  you  to  cancel  the 
$6500.00  insurance  on  the  Greenhouse,  also  reduce 
the  insurance  on  the  barn  from  $6000.00  to 
$3000.00,  and  on  the  horses,  vehicles  and  harness 
from  $6400.00  to  $1000.00. 

He  also  wants  to  know  in  how  many 
companies  you  carry  the  insurance  on  his  house 
and  contents,  and  if  they  are  all  good. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Assistant  Secretary. 

toy  9th  11. 

American  Lithla  &  Chemical  Co., 

Mr.  Wm.  H.  Crane,  President, 
50  Church  St.,  New  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  3rd  inBtant  received. 
Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  is 
ready  to  receive  quotations  for  one  ton  of  Lithia 
a  month  for  one  year.  Contract  to  start  some  time 
this  year. 

Yours  very  truly, 



May  9th 

'  ^  I 

f  J  ' 

General  Electric  Co., 

Ur.  W.  R.  Burrows, 

Assistant  Engineer, 

Harrison,  Haw  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir 

VourB  of  the  3rd  instant  regarding 
the  Tungsten  lamps  received.  In  reply  Ur. 
Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  wants 

one  and  two-tenth  volts 1/2 — 1 — 2 — 3  and  4 

candle-power.  One  watt  per  candle  or  less. 

He  will  he  at  the  Laboratory  when  you  come  over. 

Yours  very  truly. 


May  9th  11. 

Loon  E.  Landone,  Esq,, 

car*  Franklin  Robison, 

Columbia  University, 

New  York  City. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Youra  of  the  3rd  inBtant  requesting 
an  interview  with  Mr.  Edison  regarding  the 
introduction  of  the  kinetoscopes  in  the  common 
schools  received.  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to 
write  you  that  he  is  at  the  Laboratory  most 
of  the  time.  Better  call  up  on  the  phone 
when  you  propoae  coming,  to  make  sure  that  he  is  her. 
phone  No.  907  Orange. 

Yours  very  truly,  ^ 



May  9th  19X1. 

H.  Stamm,  Esq. , 

12  Guilford  Street, 

London,  W.  C,  England. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
he  is  so  oyer-worked  that  he  cannot  find  the  time 
to  do  anything  in  connection  with  your  very 
interesting  communication  of  the  26th  ultimo. 

yours  very  truly, 


May  9th  11 


S.  T.  Cherry,  Esq., 


Parsons,  Kansas. 

Pear  Sir 

Ab  requested  in  yours  of  the  28th  ultimo 
I  enclose  herewith  a  photograph  of  Mr.  Edison's 

Yours  very  truly, 



4  '• 

May  9th  11.. 

Robert  T.  Lozier,  Esq., 

care  Kountze  Brothers , 

New  York  City. 

My  dear  Sir 

Your  favor  of  the  4th  instant 
received.  Glad  to  see  that  you  have  made  bo 
good  a  connection,  and  also  that  the  large 
bankers  ar9  connecting  up.  with  engineers. 

It  mates  it  easier  for  the  struggling  inventor 
who  gets  fleeced  by  promoters. 

Yours  very  truly, 


May  9th  1911. 

•T .  :? .  Morgan  &  Co . , 

Wall  &  Broad  Sts, t 

Hew  York  City. 


Your  letter  of  the  6th  instant  regarding 
the  storage  battery  received.  I  will  be  in  town 
this  week  and  will  call  and  see  your  honorable 

Yours  very  truly, 

May  10th  11. 

W.  S.  Mallory,  Esq., 

Edison  Crushing  Roll  Co., 

Stewartsville ,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Mallory 

Please  b—,*  me  copies  of  all 
Crushing  Roll  agreements.  I  want  to  have 
on  file  to  guide  me  in  hilling  royalty;  also,  Mr. 
Edison  may  want  to  see  them  some  time. 

Yours  very  truly , 





May  loth  11. 

Niagara  Alkali  Co., 

H.  D.  Ruhm,  X°M'i 

PreB.  4c  Gen.  Mgr.  , 

Niagara  Palls,  B.  Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  3rd  instant  received. 

Mr.  Edison  directB  me  to  write  you  that  we  purchase 
our  electrolytic  potash  from  Germany.  It  is 
practically  free  from  chlorides  and  we  would  he 
glad  to  have  you  quote  on  supplying  us  as  well 
as  the  soda. 

Yours  very  truly, 

■  A  d 


May  10th  11. 

Soissons ,  Count  de 

Beaufort  Mansions, 

London,  S.  W.  England. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  26th  ultimo  received. 

Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  the 
newspaper  clipping  which  you  enclosed  is  correct. 

He  works  eighteen  hours  daily,  has  Been  doing  tnis 
daily  for  forty  five  years'.  This  is  double  the  usual 
amount  men  do'.  This  makes  ninety  years  i  add  twenty 
years  for  youth  and  you  have  one  hundred  and  ten 
years  as  his  age.  He  is  still  working  eighteen  hours 
and  expects  to  keep  it  up  twenty  years  more,  which 
will  make  his  age  one  hundred  and  fifty  years. 

The  reason  he  can  work  eighteen  hours  is 
because  he  eats  very  little,  sleeps  little  and  wears 
clothes  that  do  not  pinch  the  blood  veins  in  the 

Yours  very  truly, 




May  10th  11. 

H.  E.  Heitman,  Esq., 

Port  Myers,  Florida. 

Dear  Mr.  Heitman:- 

I  found  three  letters  from 
Wallace  and  Company,  copies  of  which  I  enclose 
herewith.  They  clearly  state  what  Wallace 
proposed  to  do. 

In  view  of  the  disagreeable 
letter  he  wrote,  I  am  not  inclined  to  pay  any 
further  sum  and  suggest  if  he  thinks  he  has  been 
unjustly  dealt  with,  that  he  can  sue  for  it  and 
let  the  Court  decide.  I  will  allow  fifty  ($50.) 
dollars  toward  paying  his  lawyer.  ^ 

Yours  very-'truly , 

Enclosures . 

May  11th  11. 

J.  H.  Wood,  Esq. , 

156  Broadway, 

Hew  York. 

Dear  Slr:- 

Bnclosed  find  the  following  policies  as 
requested  in  yours  of  the  10th  inBtant. 

On  Mr.  Edison's  ham 

*  5022  Phenix  Ins.  Co.  *2000.  Expires  Oct.  6,  1912 

#•33257  The  Home  n  Co.  *4000.  Oct.  , 

On  Horses.  Vehicles  and  Harness 
#207190  Penna.  Piw  In..  0«.  «2S00.  KP.  » 

4727  Hartford  "  "  "  *3600. 

On  Greenhouse 

#800797«  St.«  **■  °Ct‘  ^  12' 

„9«9  H.UU  »1~  *  <*•  *2000-  10-6'12 

1040507  Commonwealth  In,.  Co.  *«»•  ».  «*•  »•  1912 

Yours  very  truly, 


May  11th  11, 

Ut.  Pleasant  Cemetery  Co., 

Ur.  B.  H.  Prettyman,  Sec., 

375  Belleville  Avenue, 

Hewark,  Hew  Jersey. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  10th  Instant  received. 
Will  you  kindly  advise  me  if  Both  of  lir.  Edison- s 
lots  are  in  use? 

Yours  very  truly, 




Kay  13th  11. 

Agnes  E.  De  Monde , 

173  Madison  Street, 

Brooklyn,  New  York. 

Dear  Madam: - 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  9th 
instant  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
he  will  give  the  hoy  a  month's  trial  at  the 
Laboratory  at  seven  dollars  per  week. 

Yours  very  truly, 


May  13th  11. 

American  Lithia  &  Chemical  Co. , 

Mr.  Wm.  E.  Crane,  President, 

50  Church.  St.  ,  New  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  11th  ins  tail  t 
quoting  on  Lithia  Carbonate  received.  In  reply 
Mi-.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  can 
buy  all  the  I.ithia  he  wants  at  fifty  five 
cents  per  pound,  and  your  offer  therefor  does 
not  interest  him. 

Youru  very  truly. 



Robert  Grau,  Esq., 

53  Elm  Avenue , 

U?t.  Vernon,  M.  Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  13th 
instant  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
the  amount  is  exaggerated;  he  did  not  take  out 
foreign  patents  because  he  did  not  realize  the 
value  of  the  invention. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Assistant  Secretary. 



May  17  th  11. 

Jaa.  W.  Byrnes,  Bsq. , 

Rogers-Pyatt  Shellac  Co., 

79  Water  Street,  Be m  York. 

Dear  Sir 

Mr.  Bdison  directs  me  to  write  you 
that  he  would  like,  to  loan  the  hook  on  Shellac, 
mentioned  in  your  letter  of  the  12th  inetant. 

Yours  eery  truly, 



May  Wth.  11. 

H.  H.  Blisli,  Esq., 

car«  Harger  &  Bliah, 

811  w.  Walnut  St., 

Bas  Moines ,  Iowa. 

Bear  Sir:- 

Your  latter  of  the 9th  instant  regarding 
a  phonograph  record  or  a  heart  beat  received.  Mr. 
EdiBon  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  will  have 
one  of  hin  experimenters  see  what  can  be  done 
regarding  the  same . 

Yours  Tery  truly. 


May  19-1911, 

J.  Park  Charming, 

42  Broadway, 

Hew  York. 

My  dear  Sir;- 

Knowing  of  your  active  connection 
with  some  of  the  large  mining  enterprises  of  our 
country,  X  believe  that  you  would  he  much  inter¬ 
ested  in  a  crushing  plant  which  was  built  last 
year  at  Tomkins  Cove,  Hew  York,  for  crushing  lime¬ 
stone  for  commercial,  purposes,  which  is  equipped 
with  my  crushing  rolls  and  stationary  screens . 

The  machinery  in  this  plant  has 
capacity  of  about  10,000  tons  in  ten  hours,  and  the 
large  rolls  will  crush  single  Btones  weighing  15  to 
17  tons. 

I  have  instructed  our  Mr.  Mallory  to 
present  this  letter  to  you,  and  he  will  be  glad  to 
accompany  you  to  the  Tomkins  cove  plant,  which  is 
located  only  36  miles  from  Hew  York,  on  the  west 
Shore  R.  R. ,  any  time  when  it  will  suit  your 

I  'believe  that  the  costa  obtainable 
by  this  method  of  crushing  will  make  cownercial 
some  low  grade  ore  propositions,  and  I  trust  that 
you  y/111  be  able  to  find  time  to  visit  the  plant 
and  see  for  yourself  just  what^le-'tSSTng  done^  • 
Yolors  very  truly, 

May  19  th.  11, 

My  dear  Kammerhoff > 

Mr.  RogerB  tells  me  you  have 
resigned  from  the  battery  company  and  leave  in 
July,  and  that  you  would  like  to  come  over  with  us. 

I  could  give  you  a  place  in 
some  of  my  enterprises  providing  Mr.  Bergmann  is 
made  to  understand  that  I  am  not  trying  to  take 
you  away.  I  would  not  for  an  instant  do  anything 
to  hurt  Mr.  Bergmann. 

I  would  pay  about  $75.00  per 
week  to  start  with  and  if  you  made  a  success,  I  of 
course  would  increase  the  amount. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Mny  18th.  11  o 

George  Otis  Smith,  Esq., 

Director-U.  S.  Geological  Survey, 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Dear  Sir:- 

win  y.»  .!«.•  «"■'  "•  M1*°”  ’iai 
*  -»«  »“  “lne 
In  a.  Hrtrarim  ern.tly  otlig., 
YOUBS  very  truly, 

Secretary . 

May  20,  1911. 

Messrs.  Rogers-Pyatt  Shellac  Co., 

(Mr.  James  ff.  Byrnes) 

79  Water  Street, 

New  York  City. 


Replying  to  yours  of  the  17th  inst.,  asking  for  500 
pounds  of  re-inf orced  shellac,  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write 
you  that  he  is  not  in  a  position  to  make  a  quantity  of  anything 
just  now,  as  he  is  still  in  the  experimental  stage.  1  return 
herewith  your  formal  order. 

Yours  very  truly, 




May  20,  1911. 

Mr.  J.  R.  Barber , 

1567  Ogden  Street, 

Denver,  Colo. 

Dear  Sir: 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  15th  inet.,  regarding  a 
dry  placer  machine,  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  he 
has  none  of  these  machines  left,  and  does  not  intend  to 

make  any  more. 

YourB  very  truly. 




•  .  \ 

May  SO,  1911. 

Mr.  Arthur  Ton  Barth, 

o/o  Edison  Storage  Battery  Co., 

Orange,  H.  J. 

Dear  Sir: 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  17th  inBt.,  regarding  a  pay 
roll  machine  which  you  have  invented,  Mr.  Edison  directB  me  to 
write  you  that  the  machine  is  so  much  out  of  his  line,  that  he 
could  not  consider  going  into  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 




May  20,  1911. 

Mr.  F.  D.  Lambie,  President, 

American  Building  Corporation, 

299  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

Bear  Sir: 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  18th  inst.,  enclosing  a 
letter  from  the  Engineering  Record  asking  for  information 
regarding  the  Edison  Concrete  House  Moulds,  Mr.  Edison  directs 
me  to  write  you  that  of  oourBe  he  is  not  yet  in  the  business; 
but  you  might  send  Mr.  Beall  the  booklet  which  is  enclosed, 
and  also  one  of  your  pamphlets,  and  tell  him  that  Mr.  Edison  does 
not  sell  the  moulds. 

Yours  very  truly. 



ilr.  Arthur  ..  illiaiss , 

c/o  Xew  York  Edison  Co. , 

55  Du  tins  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  3ir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  17th  last. ,  i 
■git*dlng  the  tankers  who  stood  behind  tile  company 
ite  beginning ,  yr. Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
the  names  you  mention  are  the  only  ones  t.oat  he-  c 
remember  who  were  financially  interested  in  the  X 
York  Company,  he  also  says  that  Edwin  Adams  of  V. 
Lanier  &  Company  was  interested.  He  will  try  to  t 
e  public  Policy  Meeting. 

Yours  very  truly. 

at  the 


May  25th  1911. 

Electric  Locomotive  Dep’t., 
Philadelphia,  Penna. 
Dear  Sirs;- 

Your  letter  of  the  23rd  lnatant  received. 
My  men  are  still  figuring.  I,  personally  have  gone 
into  the  Bcheme  to  ascertain  if  it  is  a  business 
possibility.  My  conclusions  are;--  that  if  it  is 
done  in  the  way  hereafter  described  that  it  will  be 
a  highly  practicable  and  commercial  success. 

Loco  v/ith  battery  for  900  horBe-power 
hours ,  discharging  for  thirty  minutes  over  the  ten 
miles  at  the  rate  of  1500  horse-power,  then  ran  on 
siding,  charge  forty  minutes  to  put  back  all  that  was 
taken  out.  Crew  steps  from  this  loco  to  a  fresh 
charged  one  and  so  on. 

Charging  both  ends.  Only  take  out  three- 
fifths  of  the  capacity  on  each  run  bo  as  to  get  rapid 
charge  rate  with  fair  economy,  and  surplus  for 
emergency-  like  excess  coal  and  water  on  a  steam  loco. 


-  2  - 

Small  cells  to  be  used  to  get  radiating 
surface,  to  get  cooling  from  fan  to  prevent  too 
great  a  rise  of  temperature.  Charge  at  both  ends 
reduces  battery  to  one -half  what  it  would  be  if 
charged  at  one  end  only.  In  this  way  coot  of 
electrification  no  matter  how  great  or  complex  is 
reduced  down  to  small  batteries.  There  is  no  other 
investment  for  the  reason  that  the  commercial  power 
stations  now  in  operation  are  abundantly  able  to 
supply  far  more  current  than  will  ever  be  used,  and, 
at  a  cost  so  low  that  the  railroad  company  could  not 
possibly  put  up  stations  and  make  it  themselves  for 
the  Bame  money.  The  use  of  the  electric  loco 
releases  just  that  many  more  steam  locos  over  this 
route,  hence,  there  is  no  increase  here. 

It  resolves  itself  down  to  one  item,  that 
iBj—  the  only  cost  of  electrifying  the  Chicago  B.  B. 
is  practically  the  cost  of  bo  many  sets  of  batteries, 
and  the  coBt  of  running  is  the  depreciation,  interest 
and  current  for  these  batteries. 

We  have  only  built  a  few  of  these  special 
rapid  charge  and  discharge  rate  cells  and  cannot 
give  the  cost,  but  think  it  would  be  around  forty 
eight  to  fifty  three  dollars  per  horse-power  hour, 
based  on  a  one  hour  discharge  rate.  As  far  as  we 
know  now  from  the  endurance  tests,  they  will  give 
within  ten  per-cent  of  the  rating,  over  a  period  of 
three  years.  They  can  then  be  transferred  to  another 
Loco  not  requiring  so  much  power  and  run  for  another 
at  the  end  of  three  years  the 

three  years; 


-  3  - 

positive  plate  can  l>e  renewed  for  one-half  the 
original  cost,  making  the  cost  say  $78.00  per  horse¬ 
power  hour,  over*  a  period  of  six  years,  or  thirteen 
per-cent  depreciation,  and  still  could  be  transferred. 

The  laying  on  the  siding  forty  or  fifty 
minutes  only  means  that  a  few  extra  Locos  would  be 
necessary  over  and  above  what  would  be  required  if 
there  was  but  little  waiting  for  charge.  While  waiting 
there  is  practically  no  depreciation,  hence  it  resolves 
itself  into  a  question  of  interest  on  the  idle  investment. 

The  scheme  of  eletrif ication  lends  itself  to 
a  gradual  electrification  without  any  disturbance  or  the 
raising  of  large  sums  of  money,  or  the  chance  of 
costly  errors. 

This  feature  of  taking  on  current  at  the 
end  of  each  short  trip  (aB  a  Loco  would  take  on  coal 
and  water)  is,  in  my  opinion,  the  proper  and  commercial 
way  to  attain  the  result. 

There  is  only  one  thing  that  must  be 
ascertained  and  that  I  eon  testing,  to  wit:- 
How  low  can  I  keep  the  temperature  of  the  battery 
down  by  increasing  radiating  surface  by  small  cells 
by  the  use  of  ventilating  fans.  That  we  will  let  you 
know  as  soon  an  possible. 

Please  let  me  know  if  I  am  wrong  and  where 
I  am  wrong  on  the  general  idea. 

May  25th  1911. 


Committee  on  Admissions, 

Engineers  Club. 

32  Went  40th  Street, 

New  York  City, 

Dear  Sirt- 

I  desire  to  have  ay  name  attached  to  the 
application  of  Mr.  Gano  Dunn  as  an  endorser  and  would 
like  to  suggest  that  as  this  gentleman  has  just  been 
elected  -President  of  American  Institute  of  Electrical 
Engineers,  it  would  be  a  welcome  act  to  the  great  body 
of  its  membership  if  Mr.  Dunn's  application  could  be 
acted  upon  at  an  early  date  so  as  to  place  the  facilit 
of  the  Club  at  his  disposal  in  the  discharge  of  his 
presidential  duties. 

I  desire  to  express  my  strong  personal 

admiration  for  Hr.  '™1"°r  “* 

a  man,  an.  '..Here  be  .ill  mate  a  net  acceptable 

membe-'r  of  our  body , 

Yours  ve.ry '’truly, 

;r.  Eobert  Sedgwick, 

47  William  Street, 

Eew  York  City. 

7ear  Sir:-  .  ( 

Beplying  to  yours  of. the  23rd  inst., 
regarding  electric  automobiles,  fcr.  Edison  directs 
•e  to  write  you  that  he  only  manufactures  electric 
Storage  batteries  to  run  electric  cars.  He  thinks 
tliu-t  ;,;rs.  Cary  probably  wants  an  electric  car  which 
hikcs  no  noise  end  runs  perfectly  smooth.  There  are 
a  number  of  mukes  of  electric  cars;  the  most  expensive 
and  best  is  built,  by  Healy.  F,,  Co* ,  of  Sew  York  City  and 
are  used  by  7.  P.  Morgan  and  people  of  that  type.  The 
other  builders  of  less  expensive  cars  are  the  Detroit 
Electric  and  the  Baker  Electric,  both  ‘having  offices 
in  -Hew  York  City  and  build  cars  far  the  Edison  Batter; 
If  she  sends  around  to  them,  asking  to  see  an  Electric 
with  Edison  Battery,  he  is  sure  they  would  bring  one  t 



Zr.  Samuel  lnsull, 

American  Institution  of  Kleotrieal  Sngineers, 
"  29  "eat  39th  Street, 
liew  York  City. 

Dear  3ir:~ 

Hep lying  to  yourB  of  tlie  25th  inst 
regarding  your  oontemplated  visit  to  Kr.  Edison  at 
Orange,  would  state  he  requests  me  to  write  you  that 
if  you  oannot  oome  out  to  the  laboratory  he  will  so 
into  liew  York  when  you  are  at  the  convention. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Mr.  E.  V.  Maohette. 

120  liberty  Street. 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replytng  to  yours  of  the  27th  inst, 
asking  to  snpply  10  pounds  of  Selenium  at  $5.00  per 
pound,  Mr.  Edison  renuests  me  to  write  you  that  10 
pounds  is  more  than  he  needs  for  experimenting.  He 
will,  however,  take  5  pounds  at  that  prioe  in  stioks. 

Yours  very  truly. 



May  3lBt  1911 . 

Miss  Anne  Morgan, 

219  Madison  Ave., 

Hew  York  City. 

Sear  Miss  Morgan 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
of  the  26  th  instant.  In  reply  will  say  .that  I 
am  so  over-whelmed  with  work  that  I  cannot 
possibly  accept  your  kind  invitation. 

Yours^-v^ry  truly. 

June  2nd  19X1. 

Jas.  R.  Reiser,  Esq., 

4th  Ave,  &  27th  St., 

Yours  of  the  29th  ultimo  regarding  the 
automobile  being  buil't  for  you  by  the  Lansden  Company 
has  been  referred  to  me.  Hr.  Edison  is  the  Bole 
owner  of  the  Lansden  Company  and  lately  became  dissatisfied 
with  the  management,  re-organizing  the  sales  and  manufacturing 
departments.  This  caused  a  little  confusion  which  has 

Your  chassis  will  be  shipped  to  Hew  Haven  by 
boat  to-morrow,  to  get  the  body  which  I  understand  is 

We  are  writing  the  body  man  to  adviBe  when  he  will 
Bbip  the  complete  machine  and  will  write  you  on  receipt 
of  his  letter,  and  v/ill  use  every  endeavor  to  get  it  to  you 

Regretting  the  <»eiay  and  with  assurances  that 
everything  possible  will  be  do*,  to  t  the  mxAlim  to  you 


I  am, 

Your a  very  truly, 


Secretary.  / 

George  2£hret,  £30 ,  , 

92ncl  S  t .  «  2nd  Ave , , 

New  York.  City. 

Near  Sir;- 

The den  Company  has  been  controlled  by  me 
for  >■  past  two  years,  lately  I  became  dissatisfied 
with  the  management  and  made  a  change,  re-organizing 
the  facto ry  and  sales  departments;  Mr.  Lansden  being 
no  .longer  connected  with  the  Company. 

It  ia  now  in  better  shape  to  turn  out  first 

class  machines  and  I  propose  completing  your  order  for 
the  five  ton  trucks  at  the  earliest  possible  moment, 
and,  to  your  satisfaction. 


June  3rd  1911. 

W.  A.  Williams ,  Esq., 

University  Avenue , 

University  Heights, 

Hew  York  City. 

Hear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  ofthe  26th  ultimo  regarding 
the  Edison  Electric  Light  Co.  of  Europe,  Ltd., 
received.  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
-mat  the  Company  was  wound  up  years  ago  and  a 
small  dividend  was  paid.  The  patents  were  knocked 
out  and  we  did  not  win  out. 

YourB  very  truly, 

4.  ; 




June  3rd  1911. 

Arthur  Williams,  Esq., 

55  Duane  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

My  dear  William*  i- 

Yours  of  the  26th  ultimo 
received.  I  had  to  turn  down  MisB  Morgan's 
invite,  I  am  so  completely  over-loaded  with 


June  3rd  1911. 

H.  U.  Byllesby,  Esq., 

206  So.  La  Salle  St., 

Chicago,  Illinois. 

My  dear  Byllesby 

Your  letter  of  the  9th  ultimo 


Your  address  before  the  University 
of  Pennsylvania  is  very  clear  and  very  good.  I  am 
quite  surprised  that  you  have  such  a  facility. 

I  also  want  to  Bay  to  you  that  you 
are  missing  a  great  opportunity  that  you  do  not  come 
down  to  Orange  and  let  me  explain  to  you,  that 
recent  developements  in  my  new  storage  battery  is 
Buch  that  a  new  epoch  in  the  electric  business  is 
now  starting,  and  those  who  investigate  thoroughly 
will  reap  the  benefit.  I  believe  I  know  as  well 
aB  anyone  how  things  will  turn  out  as  a  business 

I  have  read  the  proceedings  of  your 
last  convention  and  am  further  surprised. 


June  3rd  19X1. 

K.  F.  Parshall ,  Esq., 

Salisbury  House , 

London  Wall , 

London,  E.C.  England. 

My  dear  Parshall : - 

Your  letter  of  May  15th  received. 

Recent  improvements  in  the  battery 
have  put  a  very  different  complexion  on  the  whole 
scheme.  A  new  epoch  is  opening  in  the  electrical 
business  and  I  believe  of  enormous  extent.  To  give 
you  a  glimpse  I  state  that  I  propose  to  furnish  a 
tender  of  one  car  attached  to  an  electric  locomotive, 
containing  battery  which  will  absorb  800  horse-power 
in  forty-five  minutes  and  give  it  out  at  the  rate  of 
1500  horse-power. 

This  is  for  the  Baldwin  Loco. 

Works  for  electrification  of  all  the  Chicago  terminals, 
thirty  one  railroads.  Insull  can  furnish  the  current 
without  effecting  his  regular  load,  to  any  great  extent. 
The  electric  locomotives  replace  and  release  the  steam 
locomotives.  There  is  no  third  rail  or  complication; 
the  whole  thing  comes  down  to  investment  and  depreciation 
of  battery,  onlylJl-  and  the  change  can  take  place 
gradually  without  disturbance . 


The  electric  zone  in  Chicago  is  to  he 
ten  miles  from  the  center  and  the  limit  of  speed  is  to 
he  twenty  miles  per  hour.  The  weight  of  train  1250  tons. 

I  am  certain  this  will  he  a  success. 

On  the  other  hand,-  on  a  trolley 
road  at  Y/ashington,  D.  C.  four  miles  long  with  eight 
percent  grade  the  storage  battery  car  leaves  the  barn 
at  six  A.  M.  fully  charged  and  goes  into  the  barn 
at  twelve  midnight,  also  fully  charged.  It  stops 
four  minutes  at  each  end  of  the  line  and  we  ram  the 
current  in,  so  that  it  takes  the  trip  without  drawing 
out  the  permanent  charge. 

The  old  idea  of  carrying  the 
charge  far  the  whole  day  has  exploded, 

X  am  driving  a  one-horse 

butcher's  delivery  wagon  with  only  16  cells,  20  volt 
motor  It  starts  charged  in  the  morning  and  at 
night  it  1b  fully  charged  when  the  days  work  is  over; 
they  booBt  at  high  density  every  time  they  come  in 
for  a  load.  This  vehicle  sells  for  $700.00 

Have  sold  a  bettery  for  submarine, 

2500  horse-power,  charging  five  hours,  discharging  two 
hours.  This  to  some  foreign  government,  cannot  find 
out  to  whom. 

Just  get  your  thinking  cap  on  and  think 
out  what  it  means  to  have  a  reliable  battery  which ^wlll  take 
in  enough  current  in  ten  minutes  to  run  the  vehicle^mile s , 


-  3  - 

etc.,  with  a  weight  of  about  fifty  pounds  per  horse¬ 
power  hour. 

I  shall  hold  off  dealing  with 
with  anybody  for  a  while,  as  I  think  there  is  a  big 
opening  for  big  finances  here. 

Beach's  battery  car  is  now  down 
to  2?a  pounds  per  seated  passenger,  and  one  road  at 
Concord,  North  Carolina,  has  abandoned  it's  trolley. 

Bergmann  h&8  made  a  botch  of  the 
German  Company.  Went  ahead  with  the  old  type 
against  my  advice  and  protest,  and  now  has  no  capital 
to  go  ahead  with  the  new  cell.  He  has'nt  the  slightest 
idea  of  the  value  of  the  battery  and  wants  to  sen  out. 

With  kindest  regards, 

Sincerely  yours, 




Juno  5th  1911. . 

Lawrence  H.  lucker,  Esq., 

515  First  Avenue,  South, 

Minneapolis ,  Minnesota . 

■Hear  Lucker: - 

The  invitation  to  your  wedding 
was  received  a  day  or  eo  ago,  I  am  sorry 
I  cannot  he  present  at  the  ceremony. 

Please  convey  to  the  future  Mrs. 
Lucker  and  accept  yourBelf  my  best  wishes  for 
$  long  and  happy  married  life. 

Sincerely  yours. 


June  5th,  1911. 

Hr.  luoe. 

Press  Clipping  Bureau, 

65  Part  Plaoe 
flew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Hoferring  to  the  servioe  which  you 
rendered  to  Hr.  Miller  Mr.  Edison  would  like 

to  have  you  oome  out  and  talk  the  matter  over  with 
him  as  regards  the  olippings. 

Yours  very  truly, 



June  bth. 


Messrs.  Mann  Sc  Maokeille , 

12  East  46th  Street, 

Sew  York  City. 


Replying  to  yours  of  the  1st 
inst.  Mr.  Edison  direots  me  to  write  you  that  the 
bolts  for  the  new  oonorete  house  are  about -65# 
finished  and  on  account  of  the  rush  on  the  new 
storage  batteries  he  had  to  use  the  tools  and 
stop  making  the  formB. 

He  hopes  to  resume  soon 
and  finish  them  up  quiokly. 

yours  very  truly. 

3eo rotary. 


Juno  5th,  1911. 

Mr.  Vi'.  K.  .:oClintook, 

22  Hassau  Place, 

E.  Orange,  S.J. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Heplylng  to  yours  of  the  2nd  inst. 
rep.arding  Storage  Eaitery  Cars.  Mr.  Edison  direots 
Be  to  write  you  to  come  over  to  the  laboratory  and 
have  a  tall:  with  him  on  the  subject. 

you  had  better  oall  on  the  telephone 
before  coming  so  that  Mr.  Edison  will  be  sure  to  be 
there .  Cur  telephone  number  is  908  Orange,  3.  J. 

yours  very  truly. 





June  8th  1911. 

W.  Mo  Barrett,  Esq.,  Pres., 

AdamB  Express  Company, 

59  Broadway,  New  York. 

Dear  Mr.  Barrett:- 

We  will  make  twenty  (20)  one  and 
one-half  ton  trucks  complete,  except  motor,  tires 
and  battery  for  Thirteen  hundred,  ninety  seven 
( $1397 o 00)  Dollars  each,  net  cash.  Assembling 
the  motors,  tires  and  battery  to  make  complete 
machine,  is  included  in  this  price. 

We  will  purchase  the  tires  and 
motors,  getting  the  manufacturers  discount  and 
give  you  the  benefit,  without  profit  to  us. 

The  batteries  can  be  obtained 
from  the  Edison  Storage  Battery  Co.  at  a  twenty 
(20 f)  percent  discount,  through  the  Adams  Vehicle  Co, 

Should,  upon  the  completion 
of  the  vehicle,  the  accountants  find  that  we  have 
made  more  than  fifteen  (15*)  percent  profit  on 
Labor,  Material  and  overhead  expenses,  we  will 
refund  the  excess  to  you. 

We  intend  to  use  the  heet  material  and 
make  the  heat  and  most  lasting  vehicle  possible. 

We  estimate  that  the  twenty  machines  can  be  furnished 
within  six  weeks  from  date  of  order. 

We  hope  in  a  few  days  to  give  you  price 
for  the  three  two  ton  wagons. 

Mr.  Charles  Deshlev, 
o/o  General  Hleotric  Go., 
Harrison,  H.  .,fit 
Dear  )ir:- 

ileplying  to  yours  of  the  5th 
inst.  enclosing  a  letter  from  Dr.  Horne,  re- 
sarding  electro-magnets,  Mr.  Edison  directs 
me  to  write  you  that  he  no  longer  makes  mag¬ 
netic  separators,  hut  he  thinks  they  are  made 
by  the  ..etherill  Company.  The  address  of  this 
Company  can  be  obtained  ftom  the  Hew  Jersey 
Zinc  Company,  franklin  furnace,  Hew  Jersey. 

Yours  very  truly, 



I  return  herewith  Dr.  Horne's  letter. 

7th.  1911, 

Mountpleasant  Cemetery  Company, 

37 &  Belleville  Avenue, 

Hewark,  Hevi  Jersey. 


Referring  to  question  of 
$400,  which  you  oharge  Y.r.  dison  for  the  oare 
of  his  two  lots,  will  you  kindly  inform  me  if 
this  is  subject  to  withdrawsi^at  any  time. 

Yours  very  truly. 

June  9th  1911 

Marcella  Qoodopeed, 

Hartford,  Michigan. 

Hear  Madam:  - 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  letter  of 
the  4th  instant.  In  reply  to  same  would  say 
that  the  general  public  have ,  for  years ,  been 
calling  for  louder  and  still  louder  records; 
but  I  have  always  maintained  that  anyone  who 
really  had  a  musical  ear  wanted  soft  music. 

Of  course  we  could  mellow  it  in  the  x-acord 

itself  and  we  are  now  working  on  a  record^, 
in  which  the  tone  is  very  soft  and-lnellow. 

Yours^very  truly, 


June  13  th  11. 

R,  H.  Beach,  Esq. , 

50  Church  Street, 

New  Yorlc  City. 

Beach: - 

The  opinion  of  hoyB  here  is  that  the 
bposting  charge  ia  all  right  at  Concord,  providing 
that  the  temperature  never  gets  above  98,  and  what 
is  better  95,  and  that  every  two  weeks  the  battery 
should  be  given  a  long  charge  of  twelve  hours  to 
insure  that  the  iron  should  not  go  dopy.  Also 
that  particular  attention  should  be  given  to  filling 
with  water.  It  should  be  kept  up  high  as  per 
Instructions  and  never  be  permitted  to  go  low,  as  to 
be  too  close  too  plates. 

The  idea  boost  is::-  take  out  two— fifths 
and  then  boost.  If  you  take  out  three-fifths  before 
boost  it  is  harder  on  battery  and  not  so  economical. 

Better  get  a  days  run  schedule  showing 
ampere  inpap  and  output  on  boosts  and  all  data, 
mileage  etc.  on  boosts,  temperature,  water  line 
and  send  it  to  us. 



June  03  th  11 . 

Louis  Sinks,  Esq., 

71  Saeeau  street, 

Sew  York  City. 

)ty  deai  Hicks 

Your  letter  of  the  9th  instant 
re  the  Edieon  ve.  Allis-Chalmers  Co.  suit 
r»flTn*>  duly  to  hand,  also  ..the  copy  of  Judge  Hazel1  b 
opinion,  which  1  have  read.  It  appears  very 
strong.  I  congratulate  you  for  having  won  out. 

Yours  very  truly, 




June  16  th  IX. 

Commonwealth  Edison  Company, 

Louis  A-  Ferguson,  Esq., 

Second  Vice  President, 

120  Wes  t  Adams  St . , 

Chicago,  Illinois. 

My  dear  Ferguson: - 

Yours  of  the  8th  instant  received. 
The  Locomotive  type  of  battery  could  not  he  furnished 
for  several  months.  I  have  only  one  tube  filling 
machine  which  is  very  complicated  and  it  will  require 
months  to  make  more  to  turn  out  cells  in  quantity. 

The  Locomotive  batteries  have 
tubes  one -eighth  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  whereas  the 
truck  or  auto  batteries  have  tubes  of  one-quarter  inch. 
The  small  tubes  petmit  of  double  the  number  of  plated 
in  the  same  cell,  hence  its  great  charge  and  discharge 
rate . 

If  you  contemplate  UBing  your  road 
within  eight  months  it  would  be  useless  to  wait  for 

the  new  design.  The  present  one-quarter  inch  tube 
cannot  be  made  to  charge  rapidly  enough  for 
Locomotive  work. 

Henry  B.  Clifford,  Esq., 

320  Fifth  Avenue , 

Hew  York  City. 

l£y  dear  Sir;- 

Yours  of  the  14th  instant  received.' 

The  leached  ore  will  not  he  magnetic.  You  can 
easily  and  cheaply  briquette  this  ore  and  if 
original  concentration  is  good,  it  is  a  desirable 
ore  for  blast  furnace,  if  you  get  your  Bulphur 
low  enough. 

Regarding  the  building  of  a  mill 
and  spending  a  lot  of  money ,  my  advice  is— ~ 

"Don't  do  it."  Build  a  small  experimental  mill 
Which  will  be  inexpensive,  with  output  oi  two  tons 
daily  and  work  out  every  detail  exhaustively,  then  you 
know  what  you  can  do  and  can  invest  large  sums  with 
every  assurance  of  success.  My  experience  is  that 
the  majority  of  men  act  too  quickly  on  insufficient 

There  is  absolutely  no  reaeon  why  a 
failure  Bhould  be  made  in  a  milling  proposition 
if  there  is  an  unlimited  supply  of  ore  to  be  had. 

There  is  not  a  detail  in  your 
proposed  process  that  I  am  not  thoroughly  familiar 
with,  except  cyanidlng. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Juno  21,1911 

?he  7e Laval  Separator  Co., 

165  Broadway. 

Kew  York  City. 

Gentlemen: - 

Replying  to  ycnrs  of  the  14th 
inst.,  regarding  a  centrifugal  machine,  Mr.  Edison 
directs  me  to  write  you  that  it  is  not  a  liquid 
shellac  at  ordinary  temperature  which  he  wants  to 
separate  hut  a  liquid  about  like  table  syrup  at  280° 

Fahrenheit . 

You is  very  truly 

’/*’  4 




June  21,1911 

Mr.  Henry  P.  Clifford, 

520  Fifth  Avenue, 

11  ew  York  City. 

Pear  Sir:- 

Heplying  to  yours  -of  the  18  th 
inst.,  Mr.  Edison  directB  me  to  -write  you  that  you 
had  better  come  over  and  see  him  before  you  go 

Yours  very  truly , 



June  17th  11* 

Hon.  Franklin  Murphy, 

224  McWhorter  Street, 

Newark,  New  Jersey. 

Pear  Siri»* 

Mr.  Upton  has  showed  me  your  letter  of  June  16th. 

In  your  letter  you  say:-  “It  ie  only  frank  to 
say  that  information  has  been  received  that  in  some 
instances  the  Edison  Cement  has  been  unsatisfactory,  and 
the  Commission,  in  the  discharge  of  its  duty  to  the  public, 
felt  that  in  so  far  aB  possible  they  must  use  cement  of 
undisputed  quality." 

I  ask  that  you  let  me  know  the  instances  where 
Edison  Cement  has  been  unsatisfactory ,  so  that  I  may 
investigate  them. 

I  hope  you  will  give  me  full  information 
regarding  this,  wh^oh  I  will  consider  confidential,  and 
that  you  will  permit,  me  to  investigate  any  complaints  which 
may  have  been  reported  to  you  and  place  beiore  you  the 
Edison  Conqaany’s  statements  regarding  them. 

Yours  very  truly, 


-June  23,  193] 

caidwin  Locomotive  Works, 

Philadelphia,  Penn. 


Heferring  to  ycur  letter  of  June  21et.  We  are  puehing 

the  experiments  as  faet  as  possible;  we  are  just  aB  anxious 
as  you  are.  Our  problem  seems  to  be  solely  a  question  of  keep¬ 
ing  the  heat  down  by  blowing.  Today  we  have  a  new  scheme  01 
blowing  and  will  test  tonight.  Just  as  soon  as  poseible,  we 
will  give  you  seme  of  the  rough  preliminary  tests  -  it  looks 
good.  > 

»ourc  very  truly, 


Qoplan  ef  Phone  Ke»w®*»  *»«’4  frwa  81,4  MBt  t0  J*  p*  M*  00  * 

^0^  Index  under  J.  P.  Morgan  *  Co. , 

^  JUHB  *6  1911. 

Mr.  Edison: - 

Mr.  Porter  of  J.  ?•  *•  Co.  Phoned  that  It 
is  reported  from  Parle  that  you  have  given  up  your 
European  rlghte  on  Battery  for  Traction  on  Haile  to 
Beach— 'and  for  Submarine  purposes  to  another  party. 
What  rlghte  have  you  accorded  Monnot  for  the  sale  of 
your  Battery  for  other  purpoeee. 

Mr.  Porter  would  like  to  cable  your  reply. 

Ur.  Edleon 'e  answer  to  the  above. 

Porter — J.  E.  Morgan  &  Co. 

Have  not  parted  with  any  rights .  uy  agent 
is  selling  submarine  batteries  to  European  aovernments- 
Beach  haa  no  rights.  Monnot  Is  simply  a  dealer  In 
Automobile  lighting  batteries.  I  told  him  to  dell  in 
prance  ar*L  if  he  did  satisfactory  buainess  I  would  not 
sell  to  other  dealers. 


Message  received 

and  anewered  June  26th  1911. 

June  2Bth  11, 

Bose  U.  Stevens, 

2004  Military  Street, 

Port  Huron,  Hich, 

Dear  Hadam:- 

Beplying  to  your  letter  of  the  21»t 
instant  Ur.  Edison  directs  ms  to  write  you  that 
you  may  use  the  name  -Edison"  for  the  benefit  of 
the  City  Hospital.  I  also  enclose  herewith  a 
check  for  $10.00  toward  the  receipts  of  your 

Yours  very  truly, 

Assistant  Secretary. 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-087  (1911) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  June-December  1911.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Harry  F.  Miller.  There  are  also  some  letters 
by  George  A.  Meister  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Many  of  the  items  relate 
to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison’s  alkaline  storage 
battery  and  its  use  in  locomotives,  electric  vehicles,  lamps  for  coal  miners, 
and  country  house  lighting.  Included  is  correspondence  with  business 
associates  such  as  William  C.  Anderson,  Ralph  H.  Beach,  and  Sigmund 
Bergmann.  Several  letters  pertain  to  Edison's  organization  of  the  storage 
battery  business  in  Europe,  including  the  appointment  of  John  F.  Monnot  as 
his  representative  and  his  relations  with  financier  H.  Herman  Harjes  of 
Morgan  Harjes  in  Paris.  A  few  items  deal  with  Edison's  ore  milling 
technologies  and  royalties  earned  by  the  Edison  Crushing  Roll  Co.  Also 
included  are  letters  to  financial  consultant  Roger  Babson  about  population 
statistics  and  other  matters  and  to  author  Poultney  Bigelow  about  the  use  of 
airplanes  during  the  Mexican  Revolution.  Among  the  items  relating  to  family 
and  personal  matters  are  letters  concerning  Edison's  tour  of  Europe  in  August 
1911  with  his  wife  Mina  and  his  three  youngest  children.  There  is  also 
correspondence  regarding  Edison's  winter  home  in  Fort  Myers,  Florida,  his 
collections  of  books  and  periodicals,  his  charitable  donations,  and  his 
membership  in  clubs  and  societies,  including  the  Essex  County  Country  Club. 

The  spine  is  marked  "T.A.E.  From  June  28- 1 1  Dec.  3, 1911"  and  "26." 
The  front  cover  is  marked  with  similar  information.  The  book  contains  699 
numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  15  percent  of  the  book  has 
been  selected. 

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Ford,  Bacon  and  Bar la, 

115  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 


This  will  acknowledge  receipt  of  your 
letter  of  the  31st  ultimo,  alBO  the  copy  of  the 
report  which  you  have  made  upon  the  service  and 
equipment  of  the  Philadelphia  Rapid  Transit  Co. 
for  the  Pennsylvania  State  Railroad  Commission. 

I  think  this  is  one  of  the  best 
reports  I  have  ever  read  and  thank  you  very 
kindly  for  the  same.  ,, 

Yours- very  truly, 




yy  dear  Anderson:- 

Your  favor  of  the  1st  instant 
received.  In  reply  thereto  would  say  that  I 
actually  have  three  different  rectifiers,  all 
on  different  principles  now  on  test.  I  cannot 
afford  to  put  out  anything  that  is  not  extremely 

Yours  very  truly, 

To  W.  C.  Anderson,  Esq.,  Pres., 

Anderson  Electric  Car  Co., 

Detroit,  Michigan. 


July  7th  1911. 

Burns  D.  Caldwell .  Esc^.  ,  Vice  Pres., 

1).- In  ware ,  Lackawanna  &  Western  R.  R.  Co., 

90  West  Street,  New  York  City. 

Bear  Mr.  Caldwell 

Your  letter  of  the  5th  instant 
regarding  the  application  of  Rev.  V/illiejn  Albert 
Prye ,  Pastor  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  of 
Grange,  for  the  privileges  of  membership  in  the 
Bose;-:  County  Country  Club  under  the  rule  covering 
the  extension  thereof,  to  clergymen  resident  of 
Essex  County  has  been  received;  and  I  have  to-day 
written  the  Committee  on  membership  endorsing  your 
proposition.  " 

Yours  v-ory  truly, 


July  7  th  1911. 

Committee  on  Membership, 

SsBex  county  Country  Cluh, 

■West  Orange,  Hew  Jersey. 

Gentlemen: - 

Mr.  Bums  D.  Caldwell  writes  me  that  he 
Mas  proposed  the  name  of  Rev.  William  Albert  Erye , 
Pastor  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  of  Orange 
for  the  privileges  of  membership  in  the  Essex 
County  Country  Club  under  the  rule  covering  the 
extension  thereof  to  clergymen  resident  of  Essex 
County,  and  I  desire  to  add  my  endorsement  to  the 

proposition.  ~*-f 

Yours  ve  ry  truly , 


August  4th  191')  . 

.Edison  Portland  Cement  Co., 

¥.  Sc  Mallory,  Esq..,  Prss., 

Stewart Bville ,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Mallory 

Beplying  to  your  letter  of 
the  3rd  instant  beg  to  say  that  the  young  msn 
you  have  reference  to  regarding  the  cement  hag 
experiment  is  Peter  Christen sen.  He  would  like 
to  have  you  send  him  some  more  gunny  cloth.  like 
the  i&8t  lot  he  received. 

A  letter  v<ill  reach  Mr. 

Rdison  if  sent  cars  Morgan,  Grenfell  <i  Co., 

#22  Old  Broad  Street,  London. 

Yours  very  truly, 





Bdiaon  Crushing  Roll  Co., 

W.  S.  Mallory,  Esq.,  Pres., 

Stewartsville ,  New  Jersey. 
Dear  Mr.  Mallory 

Replying  to  your  letter  ol  the 
5th  instant  beg  to  state  that  the  following  accounts 
show  the  balances  as  of  July  1st  1911:- 

Roll  Contract  Expense  $35,966.71 

Legal  »  other  Exp.  a/c  Rolls_20J1^01  $56,097.72 

^  1  D  +  n  7A/11  $39,923.22 

Royalty  on  Rolls  to  7/1/ i  « 

RET  LOSS  $16,174.50 

in  this  connection  will  say  that 
Hie*.  »<™  MUUmX  *.«•■  *““*  " 

do  not  Enow  of  as  yet . 

Yours  very  truly, 



Sept.  7,  1911 

lr.  Jacob , 
c ,/o  3cgart  &  Bogart, 

•i  or  11  Building, 

I;en  'iork  City. 

Dear  3ir:- 

heplying  to  yours  ’-f  the  5th  last.,  regarding 
concrete  houses,  I  beg  to  state  tnat  the  houses  Being  Built 
in  Virginia  highlands  near  Washington,  B.  C.  are  not  being 
built  with  Edison's  moulds.  J5r.  adison's  moulds  are  not 
yet  completed,  being  only  about  60£  finished. 

,.e  enclose  herewith  a  booklet  for  your  iiu«H!.. 


yours  very  truly. 



sept,  nth  n. 

•Edison  Crushing  Roll  Co., 

W.  S.  Mallory,  Esq.,  Pres., 

Stewart aville,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Mr.  Mallory:- 

Your  letter  of  the  9th  lne  an 

warding  the  Roll  *1‘°  ””  °f 

.r  the  SIW  co.  «*  »“•  k-  M1S°“ 

the  **XW  1.1^  »“■*  »“i”d- 

M  to  ad.i.e  that  the  agreement 

M"‘“g  ““V 

a.t.e.ent  tend,  to  —  *>*«  “ 

within  a  radian  of  eeventy  five  miles  frpm 
City  of  Detroit? 

«  «„1,  »PW  **  M 

Yours  very  truly,  / ^ 



The  Chat field  Mfg.  Co., 

Carthage,  Ohio. 

Dear  Sirs:- 

Sept.  26  th  11 

Your  letter  of  the  14th  inetant 
regarding  the  application  of  Dr.  Rosensteln 
received.  Our  head  chemlBt  Dr.  Goldstein, 
airectB  me  to  quote  you  as  follows:- 
"Dr.  RoBenstein  acted  as  my  assistant  in  the 
chemical  laboratory  for  one  and  one-half  years. 

His  work  during  that  time  was  satisfactory  and 
he  appeared  to  he  an  intelligent,  steady  man. 

1  found  him  well  posted  in  theoretical  chemistry, 
both  organic  and  inorganic,  as  also  in  analitical 
work.  Whether  ho  is  qualified  to  hold  a  position 
requiring  technical  experience  such  as  ie  mentioned 
in  the  inquiry  I  am  unable  to  Btate,  since  he  had 
no  occasion  to  exhibit  any  such  requirements  while 
working  with  me?  (Signed)  Goldstein. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Assistant  Secretary. 

Arthur  ▼  .  Brady,  Beq. ,  President, 

American  Electric  Railroad  Association, 

Atlantic  City,  Sew  Jersey. 

Bear  Sir;- 

I  would  suggest  that  the  Association 
appoint  a  committee  to  investigate  the  storage 
Battery  cars  now  -in  operation  in  various  partB 
of  the  country,  driven  By  my  new  Battery. 

I  predict  a  great  future  for  cars  of 
this  character  and  think  the  committee  if 
appointed  will  be  surprised.  Both  technically 
and  commercially. 

Tours  Very  truly, 


Oot.  12th  1911. 

<  i 

My  dear  Ferguson: - 

See  enclosed  telegram. 
I  started  a  garage  In  Chicago,  with  the 
understanding  we  would  get  a  good  rate. 
tBaat  can  you  do  for  us? 

Louis  A.  Ferguson,  Esq. , 

Second  Vice-President, 

Commonwealth  Edison  Co., 

120  Vest  Adams  Street, 
Chicago,  Illinois. 

W.  U.  Barrett,  Bsq.,  Pros., 

Adams  Express  Company, 

59  Broadway,  Hew  York. 

My  dear  Mr.  Barrett 

I  am  as  you  know  'the  owner 
of  tne  Lanaden  Company  and  we  hare  don*  everything 
possible  be  make  a  good  truck  and  giv*  satisfaction 
to  our  customers.  But  1  fin*  that  it  is  impossible 
to  build  a  good  vehicle  and  **11  it  at  a  profit, 
without  doing  a  lot  of  things  no  white  man  should 
do;  so  1  have  decided  to  step  building  any  more 


Oct.  18th 


w.  u.  Lysnar,  Soq., 

Gisborne ,  H«w  Zealand. 

Hy  dear  Sir:- 

?our  letter  of  the  18th  of  August 
regarding  the  storage  battery  eleotrlo  oar  received. 
Enclosed  herewith  you  will  find  copy  of  letter 
from  Mr.  R.  H.  Beach  the  builder  of  the  care . 

I  have  hot  the  slightest  doubt  of 
the  success  of  the  cars  ae  there  are  now  fourteen 
cars  running  in  various  parts  of  the  United  States, 
three  roadB  having  given  second  orders,  and  the 
aaiars  having  thirty  more  on  order. 

Yours  very  truly. 




Silver  Lake,  IT.  J.  Oct.  16th  1911. 

Mr.  Thos.  A.  Edison, 

Orange,  Sew  Jersey. 

My  dear  Mr.  Edison:- 

.Attached  please  find  letter  from 
W.  M.  LyBnar,  Mayor  of  Gisborne ,  Sew  Zealand,  we 
have  a  contract  from  the  City  of  Gisborne  dated  July 
15th  1911  for  two  single  truck  cars.  These  cars  are 
to  he  equipped  eat*  with  105  oells  of  A8  battery. 

We  are  at  work  on  the  cars  and  we  believe  from  our 
«tudy  of  the  conditions  at  Gisborne  that  the  cars  will 
4o  their  work  satiefactorily.  Hr.  Harris  the  agent 
for  Sew  Zealand  is  here  and  has  been  here  for  several 
months  in  your  battery  plant  with  a  view  of  equipping 
hiaself  with  a  technical  knowledge  so  that  he  can 
handle  these  batteries  properly.  He  is  coming  down 
here  to  work  in  a  short  time  and  will  go  out  to  Sew 
Zealand  with  the  cars  and  install  them,  we  feel  sure 
that  these  cars  will  prove  satisfactory.  Think  you 
need  have  no  heoitation  In  so  advising  Hr.  Lyanar. 

Yours  truly, 

(Signed)  fi.  H.  Beach 

President . 


Oct.  18th  XI. 

My  dear  5 ope 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  letter  of 
the  11th  instant  regarding  the  organization  of  the 
Telephone  PioneerB.  I  am  eo  far  behind  in  work 
that  I  could  not  poasibly  attend  the  Banquet;  hope 
it  will  be  a  great  buccbss. 

With  kindest  regards,  I  am, 

Yours  very  trulyT/1 

To  Henry  W.  Pope ,  Bsq. , 

15  Dey  Street, 

Mew  York  City. 

Oct.  18,  1911 


Mr*  Honry  B.  Clifford, 
c/o  "/aldorf  Astoria, 
Vev;  York  City. 

Dear  3ir:- 

Hoplying  to  yours  of  tho  loth  inst., 
Mr.  iitiaon  directs  me  to  write  you  that  ho  is  making 

Borland -Grar.nis  Company, 

310  East  Huron  Stroet, 

Ohicugo,  111. 

tierce  n:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  Sop 
arding  :’r.  John  H.  Marklo,  Hr.  Sdl3 
to  write  you  that  ho  knew  liarklo  ir. 

3  of  electrical  lighting  as  an  ongi 
up  many  sloctrie  lighting  stations 
3  of  an  Engineering  company.  He  har 
ever,  followed  his  career  since  then 

Yours  very  truly. 


Oot.  19th,  1911 

i.Ir.  S.  Bergraann. 

23  Oudenarder  Btraase, 

Berlin,  U.  Germany. 

Bear  Bergman*!:  - 

.'.'hen  you  get  Bench's  hook  back  from  Rnthnau  please 
send  it  to  B.  Bodor  of  the  Buda  Peete  Eleotric  Co.  to  look  over. 

I  have  jacked  those  battery  people  un  and  you  will 
be  certain  to  get  your  plates  In  the  time  promised. 

Did  you  get  Kammerhof's  letter  quoting  prices? 

T  reduoed  the  royalty  to  40«f  until  you  oan  be  making  money 
and  cut  off  all  general  expense  and  added  a  very  little  profit. 

Beach  1b  getting  lots  of  car  orders;  has  12  build- 
ing  and  19  running.  There  seems  "fco  he  a  big  field  for  these  cars. 

m  Wlll  y°u  please  get  all  the  data  on  the  Electric 
Taxicabs  in  Hamburg.  City  seems  to  be  full  of  electric  Taxis. 
Get  technical  data  and  also  Tudor  prices  and  guarantees. 

There  is  a  concern  in  H or folk.  Va.  who  are  making 
a  great  success.  They  are  buying  lots  of  batteries.  Their 
scheme  is  thiB. 

They  go  into  a  town,  put  up  posters  announcing 
they  will  exhibit  the  Edison  System  of  Lighting  Houses  by 

his  new  Storage  Battery  at  the  - Hall.  Admission  free. 

Then  they  show  6,  8  and  10  Cell  A-4,  also  B-4,  with  4.  6  and 
10  C.P.  Tungsten  Lamps  3/4  Watts  per  candle,  and  give  their 
prices  and  terms;  they  take  lots  of  orders.  They  make  the  man 
give  a  cash  deposit  and  charge  a  monthly  rental  sufficient  to 
pay  for  battery  in  six  years.  I  guarantee  them  five  years. 

Tne  deposit  is  for  full  list  price  of  the  battery,  to  be  re- 
turned  should  he  give  up  lighting  his  house  by  Eleotrio. 

nAwk®y  c^u,r8e  the  battery^p  which  costs  14  cents  and  chare* 
him  .jl.So.  They  send  the  cells  by  freight  ana  after  two  or 
three  weekB  they  ship  another,  which  is  to  be  used  when  tN 
firsu  one  gets  near  discharge,  --  and  it  is  returned  to  jrorfolk 
by  _reight;  one  charge  for  ordinary  farmer  lastB  over  a  Month. 


Oct.  19/11 

They  generally  put  one  10  C.P.  lamp  in  dining  room,  dine  in 
sitting  room,  4  C.P.  in  hall  and  bearoomB,  ns  when  they  are 
through  dinner  they  turn  out  the  light  and  go  into  sitting 
room  ami  turn  on  the  light;  when  thoy  go  to  "bed  they  turn 
that  out  and  light  bedroom  light  until  they  get  to  bed;  this 
is  the  farmer's  way.  Of  co\irse,  there  are  lots  of  beuter 
class  houses  that  use  more  light;  then  they  use  A-6  and 
ship  oftener. 

They  also  ao  same  thing  with  tug  boats,  dredges, 
yachts ,  and  lately  have  put  in  fifty  sets  in  automobiles  in 
llorfolk  for  lighting  head  and  side  lights,  charging  -A.10 
for  a  charged  battery.  '.Then  the  owner  thinks  hiB  lights  are 
low  he  goes  to  the  garage  and  gets  another  battery  that  is 
oharged.  Host  of  them  come  to  his  little  charging  Btation 
anc  make  the  exchange.  He  makes  them  deposit  the  value  of 
the  battery.  This  gives  him  back  his  working  capital,  and 
the  rent  pays  for  battery  before  it  dies.  He  says  'there  is 
no  end  to  the  amount  of  business  as  it  is  cheaper  and  better 
than  the  Prestolite  and  everybody  well  pleased. 

This  is  a  fine  chance  for  men  with  small  capital. 
*5,000  to  build  up  a  big  bis.  Already  several  have  gone  to 
llorfolk  to  investigate  and  are  going  into  it. 

I  find  that  since  I  left  we  havo  sold  16  sets. 

60  cells  each  with  gas  ana  oil  engines,  for  large  private 
houses  in  the  country.  Ana  the  boye  aay  it  is  going  ro  be 
a  big  business,  but  I  like  the  Horfolk  Bcheme  bes,,  as  its 
bo  easy;  you  don't  ask  anybody  to  invest  money,-  juet  deposit 
as  surety  which  can  be  returned.  The  llorfolk  man  says  ne 
is  sure  they  will  never  ask  for  return  of  the  money. 

rery  truly. 


Cfcas.  K.  Ba*tew, 

4S0  Iwt  Bleh  Street, 

ColnaliM,  Ohio . 

Dear  Slr:- 

Rep lying  to  your  letter  of  the  85th 
ultimo  Ur.  Bdleen  directs  u  t*  write  you  that 
hw  hae  dlecerered  the  sethed  ef  dieeelTiag 
Vzwte  ef  Seda  tr.  the  feints,  but  a  Hector  Petecoea 
of  Hew  York  City  u*»»  tetra-wthylawBeuiuB  hydroxide* 
la  caeee  like  this. 

Yeur*  rery  truly, 

Oct,  £5th 

E.  Eelhen,  Esq., 

care  Kolbsn  *  Co., 

Prug-Vysaceo ,  Austria. 

Py  dear  Kolben:- 

Ia  reply  to  your  letter  of  the 
11th  ultimo  X  find  in  leaking  up  the  contracts 
that  Bergmann  has  Germany  and  Austria-Hungary. 
But  it  he  dess  nothing^  he  will  less  his  rights. 
Bait  a  little  while  and  see  what  he  does. 

Xeurs  rery  truly , 



Oot.  26th,  1911 

Mr.  E.  S.  Opdyke, 

c/o  Che  Edison  Crushing  Roll  Co., 
Stewartsville,-!'.  J. 

Dear  Stra¬ 

in  accordance  with  Ur.  Mallory’s  letter  of  the 
26th  Inst.,  we  beg  to  advlso  you  that  during  this  month  to 
date  we  have?  received  checks  for  royalty  on~Rolls  and  for 
other  charges  on  account  of  the  Rolls,  as  follows:-  viz. 

Oct.  7  Tomkins  Cove  Stone  Co.  (Sept.Royalty"Conkins  Cove")  §1025.23 

9  Velltjy  Island  lime  &  Transport  Co.  ,  146.99 

a/c  Salary  *  expenses  J.  Hcfadden  7/24  to  8/10 

26  Kelleey  Island  lime  k  Transport  Co. 

Sept.,  royalty  "White  Rock"  plant  365.36 

’’  "  ’’Marblehead"  "  848.13 

"  "  "» in-on"  "  272.40 

In  future  we  will  advise  you  promptly  the  receipt 
of  checks  whi  ch  apply  particularly  against  the  Roll  account, 
and  which  will  enable  you  to  follow  up  collections  to  a  better 
advantage  from  your  end. 


Tours  very  truly. 

October  26th,  1911 

Mr.  Thomas  Bag less, 
little  Walsingham, 

Norfolk,  England. 

Bear  3ir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  yi,ura 
of  September  4th  also  the  book  that  you  sent  Mr.  Edioon 
for  whioh  he  directs  me  to  thank  you. 

Yours  very  truly. 



Ootober  26,  1911. 

Dr.  K.  S.  Frank, 

Siemens  &  Halske , 

Room  408  West  St.  Bldg., 

90  West  St. ,  Sew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  23rd. ,  Mr. 
Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  is  at  the  Labora* 
every  day  and  that  you  can  come  at  any  time  =ut  Mou  had 
better  telephone  to  make  sure  that  he  will  he  here.  Cm 
number  is  908-Orange. 

Yours  vsry  truly, 

~J  ^ 




0«t.  2T(k  11 . 

Earxwni  Wireless  Telegraph  Co.  of  iotrlca, 

J.  BottofclAJ ,  B»5.  ,  Vice-President, 

sw  vuaiMD  street,  ir«w  y°ric. 

Pear  Ur.  BottoKiey:- 

XhSxe  leew  to  be  s  jrWf  by 
tire  Government  to  put  in  storage  batteries  for 
wireless.  I  suggest  -jrfru  tone  over  to  the 
Laboratory  and  Look  truer  our  Works .  Perhaps  we 

can  stake  none  arrangement  that  would  b$  mutually 
beneficial.  - - 

YoUre  very  truly, 


October  26 ,  1911 

Hobart  Grau, 

53  Elm  Avenue. 

Mount  Vernon,  fi.  Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Beplying  to  yours  of  the  26th  inst. 
Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  will 
make  the  same  subscription  for  your  book.. 

YourB  very  truly. 


Ire  U.  Miller,  Bb<i.  , 

Air  an ,  Ohio. 

My  Avar  Ira:- 

Your»  of  *1 la  2 1st  iuetant  receiTW*. 
I  am  doing  aozna  •xparimonting  as  aereral  late  ef 
law  grade  Colorado  gold  ore,  at  the  inatlgatie* 
of  Mr.  Clifford ,  with  the  ultimate  view  af 
iaatalliug  some  of  aur  cement  crushing  machinery. 
The  problem  ie  a  little  teugh,  hat  I  think  I  can 
da  it. 

I  hare  no  eennectien  in  a  bueineae 
way  with  Clifford,  hut  may  hare  later,  if,  °F« 
inraatigatian,  I  find  ha  ia  reliable. 

X  am  enclosing  herewith  year 
•noloeurae  an  requested. 

Yours  retry  truly. 

Pet.  27th  1913 • 



Oct.  27th  11. 

Harriet  Harden  Bar* a, 

Jeckean  Tark, 

Chicage,  XXUnoia. 

Ky  *eer  Xadan:- 

Tfcur  letter  ef  the  24th  in » tent 
**c*iT*<i'  1  c  Taint  reccllactien  a T 

yeur  brother  at  laglanaralie. 

Tear  sea  ca»  cane  and  eee  the  " 

latnatny  at  Orange  **y  t tar 

Te«r»  rory  truly. 


October  Slat  1911. 

Ifr.  J.  R.  Rineey, 

Rewark,  Raw  Jar any. 

Pear  Bir 

Hare  la  a  list  of  the  aaaata  of  the 
Laneaan  Coaqpany,  and  the  prise  at  which  they  art 
for  mle:- 


Inetrumente  and  Toole 
furniture  *  Fixture a 
Patterns,  Tenplates  ft  Plea 
Prawiugs  &  Design* 

Company' e  Truaks  in  Uae 
hater! ale  ft  Supplies 
: Orders  in  Proeess 
: Chassis  and  Bodiea 
Cjaaplata  Chaaaie  ft  Bodiea 





23489 .90 

Referring  to  the  order*  in  process,  ee 
hare  orders  bonked  amounting  to  ♦63,000.00,  which 
eould  be  turned  orer  to  thepurekaser  of  the  assets. 

The  Coagkany  has  been  In  existence  over 
•even  years.  It  has  sold  a  great  number  of  sagons 
which  have  given  satisfaction,  and  Its  name  ant 
prestige  Is  an  asset  of  nek  value. 

yours  very  truly, 



act.  amt.  ii- 

Ill*  Boont*  H.  Stoker, 

TO  Irrlng  Plaea, 

Saw  York.  City. 

Swt  «i*»  W»e«;- 

Saplyin*  to  your  lattar  of 
tha  £6tk  lE*t*nt  *aqu«fctiag  an  irrtarria*  vlth 
In.  -Miaftn,  ojs  »H*r  Iigireaaioii**  of  tkO 
Bur^«*n  tr  J® ,  *•£  to  WOT  that  K»<  ****** 
ohfrcta  to  giriu*  inVsxTiaw*. 

Yofur»  ■*ery  truly. 

Mr.  Robert  T.  logier, 

120  Broadway, 

H.  Y.  C. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  ol*  the  30th 
ult.,  regarding  a  gathering  of  the  old  Edison  men, 

Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  your  suggestion 
is  all  right,  hut  you  must  not  have  it  later  than  Feb. 
11th,  as  after  that  Sate  he  goes  to  Florida. 

Yours  very  truly. 




Hr.  Arthur  B.  Heave, 

225  fifth  Avo., 

New  York  City. 

Dear  3ir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  2Bth  ult.,  regarding 
your  hook  on  scientific  detective  stories,  Kr.  -Edison 
directs  rco  to  write  you  that  he  will  be  very  pleased  to  re¬ 
ceive  a  copy  of  the  work  when  printed.  Ho  says  if  you  want 
points  for  those  kind  of  stories,  you  had  better  drop  over 
and  see  hie:  some  time* 

‘fours  very  truly. 




Hov.  1,  1911 

Ur.  l<’rank  X..  Wilson, 

c/o  Wilson  Consolidated  Mining  Co., 

Salt  lake  City,  Utah. 

Dear  3ir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  26th  ult.,  ro- 
garding  hisouth,  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
he  is  not  in  the  market  yet  for  it,  because  of  some  un¬ 
known  reason.  He  gets  good  results  at  times  and  at  other 
times  the  results  are  poor,  if  he  can  find  the  reason 
ho  shall  want  considerable  bismuth. 

Yours  very  truly, 



How.  4th  1911. 

H.  E.  Heitman,  Esq., 

Fort  Myers,  Florida. 

Dear  Slr:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  27th 
ultimo  Hr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that 
It  will  he  all  right  to  build  the  fence  as 
mentioned  by  you  and  to  hire  an  extra  man  to 
help  Zeeman. 

He  says  he  will  attend  to  the  sprinklers. 
Tours  very  truly. 

Assistant  Secretary. 


Hoy.  3rd,  1911 

Br .  Joseph  Insull, 

190  Bartlett  Ave., 

Pittsfield,  Mass. 

Dear  Mr.  Insull 

•Your  favor  of  the  29th  ult.  \mB  received.  In  reel} 
1  would  say  the  proposition  referred  to  in  the  advertisement 
o overs  an  idea  of  starting  a  number  of  men  in  business  for 
themselves ,  using  their  own  capital,  as  agents  in  exclusive 
territory,  for  promoting  the  use  of  my  storage  battery  for 
lighting  isolated  residences  beyond  reach  of  gas  or  electric 
mains,  either  by  rent'-l  of  batteries,  or  with  batteries  charged 
with  small  generating  outfit.  Such  a  business  will  niece  a 
man  also  in  line  for  supplying  my  batteries  for  lighting  and 
sparking  gasoline  automobiles,  and  for  recharging  these  sets. 

Bo  would  also  be  in  a  position  to  take  an  agency  for  electric 
trucks  and  pleasure  vehicles,  and  for  charging  batteries  gen¬ 
erally.  There  are  also  a  great  number  of  other  uses  for  the 
battery,  os  you  will  see  by  enclosed  list.  These  will  be 
open  to  the  operations  of  such  agents.  Beside,  there  arc  some 
other  things  coming  along,  which  will  fall  in  lino  for  their 

At  this  immediate  present  I  am  interviewing  a 


J>1-  <2)  Uov.  3/11 

number  of  Hev;  York  and  near  by  applicants  in  order  to  size 
up  the  pousibilitieB  of  the  idea.  In  a  short  time  the  matter 
'.vill  be  crystallised  and  then  I  shall  be  in  position  to  send 
you  written  particulars  in  detail. 

Your 8  very  truly, - 



Hovember  6th  1911. 

To  Whom  It  May  Concern: - 

The  bearer  Thomas  Conroy 
ha.8  been  employed  by  me  as  Coachman  continously 
for  over  twenty  five  years.  Hta  work  was  always 
satisfactory,  and  there  is  no  better  coachman,  in 
my  opinion. 

He  leaves  of  his  own  accord. 

f'  y3i>«mttS  Cl 

Hovember  7th  IX. 

My  dear  Bergmann 

Yours  of  October  24th  at 
hand.  It  la  impossible  to  quote  any  lower 
prices  than  given,  without  actual  Iosb,  and 
I  cannot  do  this,  aB  I  have  outside  stoek- 
holders  In  the  Battery  Company  and  do  not 
own  it  all. 

You  say  the  iron,  is  too 
high— that  you  can  mate  it  cheaper.  Ton  can 
probably  make  iron  cheaper,  but  not  the  kind 
of  iron  we  make.  We  buy  pure  Horway  iron, 
pure  sulphur  acid,  crystalise  our  sulphate 
three  times  and  take  the  greatest  precaitions. 
Make  1200  pounds  dally,  pay  $1.50  wages  and 
$2.26  for  the  foreman.  Without  the  iron  is 
made  exactly  right,  I  would  not  guarantee  the 
life  for  four  years,  as  I  do  now. 

You  ask  me  to  quote  on 
nickel  hydroxide .  This  shows  you  intend  to 
continue  with  the  factory.  How  you  can  ever 
win  out,  when  you  aye  possessed  with  the  idea 
that  you  must  compete  on  price  with  the  lead 


bsittsry  1b  more  than  I  can  figure  out.  Your 
present  methods  and  ideas  will  certainly  make 
it  impossible  for  you  to  succeed.  You  will 
gain  considerable  experience  from  what  I  am 
doing  in  Prance  and  England .  I  have  arranged 
to  carry  a  stock  of  about  one  thousand,  cells 
in  '.Umdon,  and  the  same  in  Paris,  with  an 
expurt  tester,  and  keep  this  stock  up. 

The  firm  in  Paris  who  are  to 
merchandise  the  battery  pay  full  list-price 
for  battery,  less  80  peroent  off.  They  pay 
forty  aents  royalty  and  also  pay  custom  duty. 
Thi(»  makes  the  cell  high  in  France ,  but  the 
firm,  who  are  engineers,  and  who  are  perfectly 
familiar  with  both  the  lead  and  Bdlson  battery, 
aay,  that  the  price  of  the  Edison  will  be  no 
handicap,  as  by  it  they  are  enabled  to  open 
up  a  very  large  business  in  directions  where 
the  peculiarities  of  a  lead  battery  make  it 
impassible . 

In  England  we  have  a  large 
bus ins sb  in  eight,  s specially  from  engineering 
concerns,  who  are  using  and  are  familiar  with 
the  lead  battery. 

I  am  sure  my  advice  to  you,  1b 
correct  about  doing  the  business,  but  in 
addition  get  *  good  business  man  to  work  up  the 


■ailing  «nd. 

You rm  rary  truly, 

m — 

3.  BergmMin,  Esq. , 

23  Oud.ena.rder  Str.  , 

Berlin,  5.  Germany. 

spp pp 

Replying  to  y-urs  of  the  7th  inst.  regarding 
n  telle  me  you  hr.d  better  keep  him  on  and  do  the  t> 
he  done  until  he  gets  down  there.  He  is  no >7  tryin 
other  man  end  he  will  not  expect  the  place  to  he  ai 

Vours  very  truly. 



Nov.  7  th  1911. 

American  Museum  of  Safety, 

29  West  39th  Street, 

New  York  City. 


I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of 
your  very  kind  invitation  of  the  4th. 
instant,  Inviting  me  to  membership  on 
the  American  Honorary  Committee,  and 
while  X  appreciate  the  honor  thus  intended 
to  be  conferred  on  me,  I  cannot  accept,  as 
X  do  not  like  to  go  on  honorary  committee*. 

Yours  wery  truly, 

of  the  3  0th  oil 
[  bag  tc  state  1 


in  business  for  thsiase  nes 
in  exalt)  si  vs  territory  -f'0) 
i  for  lighting  isolated  rs: 
:rio  trains  either  by  rents, 
oiiarged  with  small  genera! 
mid  also  place  a  man  in  r 
;ing  and  sparking  gasoline 
:s.  iie  would  also  be  in  a 
•io  trucks  and  pleasure  vel 

Ltal  as 

:he  operati 

At  the  present  time  LSr.  Ec 
of  iie\-!  fork  and  nearby  applioantt 
jility  of  the  idea.  In  a  short  t'i 

the  30th  inst, 




Nov.  15th  11, 

My  dear  Mr.  fiarjes:- 

I  have  refrained  from 
writing  you  about  the  battery  until  I  had 
gone  over  the  matter  very  carefully  and 
decided  what  to  do.  While  in  Europe  I 
have  closely  observed  thing*  and  I  find 
that  it  would  be  impossible  to  urge  the 
investment  of  any  money  in  manufacturing 
the  battery,  either  in  France  or  England, 
until  a  certain  preliminary  introduction 
of  the  battery  had  been  made  through  a 
small  merchandizing  channel i  whereby  a 
demonstration  and  creation  of  a  demand 
was  inexpensively  brought  about. 

There  is  no  doubt  that 
there  will  be  an  enormous  opening  for  the 
creation  of  new  business  all  over  Europe, 
by  this  battery,  but  it  would  be  too  * 

expensive  to  do  it  in  the  usual  way;  for 
instance  aB  Bergmann  has  done. 


-  2  - 

I  have  arranged  to  keep 
a  constant  supply  of  batteries  in  Parle 
and  London.  Kr.  Eonnot  will  go  ahead, 
engine or ,  demonstrate  and  introduce  them 
gradually,  and  create  a  market  large  enough 
to  warrant  the  erection  of  a  factory. 

I  have  asked  Eonnot 

that,  when  he  has  demonstrated  to  everyones 
satisfaction,  that  certain  large  projects 
are  very  desirable  in  a  banking  point-of- 
view,  that  he  shall  lay  the  thing  before 
you  and  your  group  to  become  interested. 

I  am  anxious  that 

anyone  who  goes  into  any  projects,  (based 
on  anything  invented  by  me)  shall  not  meet 
with  loss,  but  always  with  profit. 

Vith  kind  regards ,  I  am, 
Youtb  very  truly, 

Herman  H.  HarjeB,  Esq., 

31  Boulevard  Haussmann, 

Paris,  Prance. 


dov.  16th  11. 

Hr.  S.  G.  Varner, 

o/o  The  College  of  the  City  of  Hew  York, 
Department  of  Chemistry, 

Dew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Ur.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you 
that  he  will  accept  your  proposition,  hut  that 
he  cannot  promise  that  the  position  will  he 
permanent,  although  he  anticipates  that  it 
will  he. 

He  would  like  you  to  start  as  soon 
as  possible,  although  he  knows  you  desire  to 
give  some  rvotic.e  to  your  present  employers. 
He  has  the  camera. 

Yourfl  very  truly, 




17th,  1911 

The  American  Telephone  and  'Jeleeraph  Co., 
15  3cy  3t., 

Mew  York  City. 

Attention  of 
Mr.  e.J.  Corty, 
_ Chief  3ng • 

Gentlemen: - 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  16th  inst.,  Mr.  Sdison 
airecte  me  to  write  yon  to  send  Mr.  Morehouse  over  any  time 
to  look  into  his  storage  battery.  He  hadhetter  telephone 
out  to  make  cure  that  Mr.  ridison  will  he  here. 

YaurE  very  truly. 



;  f  _,<■' 

-J  r  '  Hov.  15  th  11. 

Isaac  Harkens,  Esq. , 

62  Beaver  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

your  pamphlet  at  hand  and 
I  have  read  it  with  interest.  The  Jews 
are  certainly  a  remarkable  people,  as 
strange  to  me  in  their  isolation  from  all 
the  rest  of  mankind,  as  those  mysterious 
people  called  Gypsies. 

While  there  are  some 

tt.  moment  He  get.  Into  Art,  ®.le, 
and  Literature  the  Jew  is  fine.  The 
trouble  with  him  is  that  he  has  been 
persecuted  for  centuries  by  ignorant, 
malignant  bigots  and  forced  into  him  present 
characteristics,  and  he  has  acquired  a 

sixth  sense,  which  gives  him  an  almost 
unerring  Judgement  in  trad,  affairs. 

Having  this  natural  advantage 
over  tie  fellow  he  taken  too  great 
an  advantage  of  it  and  got  himself  disliked 
by  many ,  as  I  saw  in  Europe. 

I  'believe  that  In  America, 
where  he  is  free,  that  in  time  be  *ill  ceaae 
to  be  bo  clannisb  and  not  carry  to  such 
extre ernes  bie  natural  advantagea. 

I  write  you  thie  as  I  can 
aee  from  the  tone  of  your  hook  that  you 
are  trying  to  uphold  the  honor  of  the 
Jewish  race. 

Yours  very  truly.. 


4  '  l"" 

Hov.  fOth,  1911 

iii-.  Percy  ’taxman. 

Flatiron  313 g.t 

Uev;  York  City. 

Bear  Sin- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  17th  inst.,  regarding 
educational  films,  Ijr.  Edison  directs  ne  to  write  you  that 
he  will  have  the  films  and  apparatus  set  up  in  the  laboratory 
next  month.  You  can  drop  him  a  note  and  he  i»ltl  let  you  ’-nov: 
v, hen  you  can  cone  to  see  them. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Mu..  . 





LI;;  lioar  Grai’-- 

Sinoe  my  return  I  have  taken  up  the  direction  oj 
the  Musical  ernl  of  the  new  disc,  because  we  have  no  head  to 
the  musical  end  of  our  recording  department,  and  our  selection 
of  people,  arrangement  of  voices,  selection  of  instruments  to 
accompany,  has  always  been  left  to  a  man  who  I  do  not  think 
is  equal  to  the  duty.  Y/e  use  bands  when  they  should  be  or¬ 
chestras.  Y/e  keep  instruments  in  our  orchestra  which  hurt 
the  whole  by  beating  and  interfering  with  the* other  instru¬ 
ments.  '.Ye  accompany  a  singer  with  a  loud  strident  blast, 
when  it  should  be  soft  and  mellow.  Our  men  play  out  of  time: 
they  do  not  tune  well  and  we  get  beats.  We  have  a  flute  that 
on  high  notes  gives  a  piercing  abnormal  sound  like  machinery 
that  wants  oiling,  because  the  man  has  had  this  defective 
.lute  for  years.  It  is  not  in  any  other  orchestra  that  we 
,v,-0  records  of.  Hone  of  the  men  we  have  can  recognise  a 
„c,od  from  a  bad  opera  singer;  they  think  if  they  sing  at  the 
retronolitan  Opera  House  they  are  fine,  whereas  it  is  notorious 
that  many  o.C  them  are  press  agent  singers  or  are  great  on  dra¬ 
matic  eartB ,  their  singing  being  indifferent.  They  select  and 
record  opera  which  is  merely  recltltive  .  without  tune  or  con- 

fcion  when  put  on  the  phonograph.  They  ao  nou  reoarse  nun, 
ong  which,  with  the  aid  of  the  environment  of  the  stage-  an 
scenery  night  he  good,  is  dead  and  of  no  value  on  the  phe 
ph  v/her o  the  atmosphere  of  the  stage  is  ehcent.  The  "id 
in  fact,  all  wake  the  same  mistake.  They  ®'’ke  another  nr 
:e  and  think  that  because  n  singer  la  good  on  the  stage  he 
1  he  goon  on  the  phonograph.  This  is  not  the  oase,  hecaui 
>  phonograph  exaggerates  the  tremolo  which  is  present  in  n 
every  voice.  It  also  misses  some  of  the  weaker  overtones 
ich  sive  hesuty  to  the  voice;  some  singers  nave  strong  ove 
oes  and  others  weak,  although  the  former  nay  have  lose  vol 

1  have  been  going  over  all  cur  records  .-.iy  .a 
already  gone  through  30G0  subjects  to  got  a  broad 

,5  the  aid  of  several  people  ho  are  opera  goers  ana  are 
th  the  music  and  are  themselves  musicians.  Out  of  this 
have  selected  about  25C  tunes  to  be  put  on  the  new  ds< 
Lso  have  listened  to  several  hundred  Victor  discs  of  tn< 

a tod  in  good  music  and  I  want  you  to  help  we,  a 
ietftte  to  our  record  deportment  just  what  they 

I  aw  now  studying  the  "oreirn  records.  - 
v)g  O1.o  fine  barytone  in  your  Portuguese  records  named  3*3. 
ilso  a  tonor,  whose  name  I  cannot  just  at  t-iis  moment  .  toa 
cvtreiaeiy  fine  voices  for  our  high-grade  work  an 

i  many  places  tv,  Europe 

( 3 ) 

Hires  Vienna.  3xun,  Berlin,  etc.,  where  there  are  schools  of 
music  "or  teaching  singing;  that  there  ore  local  opera  houses 
Where  there  are  permanent  singers.  It  is  among  those  thut 
I  think  wo  shall  find  some  fine  voices  suitable  for  us  ana 
especially  for  concerted  pieces,  like  Higoletto  and  Lucia 
Sextette.  I  propose  to  depend  upon  the  quality  of  the  records 
and  not  on  the  reputation  of  the  singers.  There  are,  of  course, 
many  people  who  will  huy  a  distorted,  ill-reoorded  and  scratchy 
record  if  the  singer  has  a  great  reputation,  hut  there  are  in- 

!  beauty  of  the  record,  with 

.cos,  well  instrumented  and  no  scratch.  inese  are  .10. 
music  and  are  the  only  constant  and  continuous  buyers 
rds  hence  I  propose  to  put  out  only  this  type,  (even 

will  answer ,  are  Carmen  Helies  ,  Ear g arete  nylvaa.  Agnosre uui  , 
Pallia .  Selma  Kura  has  the  finest  voice  of  ail  in  her  line,  but 
I  understand  the  Victor  and  Oramaphone  have  secured  her  exclu¬ 
sively.  This  is  too  bad.  The  greatest  contralto  in  this  world 
•is,  in  my  opinion,  SaUia.  and  if  you  can  tie  her  up.  we  have 
the  star  of  the  contraltos.  I  suppose  Eurs  is  gone  beyond 


I  see  Hunriorstein  in  London  has  started  his  Op*-- 


'„a- .  0.  (41  llov,  FO/ll 

H on bq  and  hm.  grout  success.  Ho  starts  out  with  announcement 
that  he  will  use  no  stars  in  the  Opera  World  and  will  put  on 
new  talent.  He  iB  a  genius  and  a  fine  musician  himself. 

Doubtless  you  can  manage  to  get  some  test  vecords  from  his 
talent  and  send  them  over.  If  O.K.  we  could  tie  them  up,  or 
get  tlie  best  of  their  repertoire.  I  do  not  intend  to  r.&y  great 
sums  for  exclusive,  but  prefer  to  pay  good  price  for  say  12 
records  from  their  particular  repertoire  which  we  will  select. 
These  v/ill  do  for  list  and  for  advertising  purposes  and  last 
for  two  or  three  years,  putting  one  out  nov;  and  then.  If  tlio 
Victor  then  gat  them  I  do  not  much  care,  as  they  are  in  our 
catalogue  permanently  and  about  all  the  good  things  they  have 
to  offer.  The  Victor  would  simply  get  duplicates  and,  perhaps, 
a  little  addition  to  their  repertoire  now  and  then,  but  they 
would  he  under  big  expense,  whereas  v:e  would  not,  auu  we  wculo 
bo  free  to  find  other  singers  with  the  money  we  saved.  Uy  im- 
nr  ess  ion  is  that  i,  singer  ’would  be  more  easily  enticed  to  give 
the  dozen  songs  by  a  large  lump  sum  down,  and  no  tie  up,  than 
by  a  continuing  contract  with  much  less'  at  first  ami  promises. 

I  will  arrange  a  list  of  pieces  I  want  recorded 
and  send  them  to  you  to  see  what  you  can  do.  If  1  on  cni-d  .  ir... 
a.  professional  musician  .familiar  with  instrumentation  of  all 
hinds  and  of  Opera  and  singers,  and  who  would  act  ns  consult¬ 
ing  musician  to  you  upon  the  payment  of  a  modest  salary  for 
giving  you  advice,  or  a  sum  per  hour  for  each  consult.!  ..ion, 
it  might  be  a  good  th-ng  for  us.  This  could  be  done  In  Vienna 
and  perteps  other  cities,  and  the  expense  not  he  great. 


:  .  k 

■  Vi;  ' 

{  ( 

1  Bovemher  20th  11  • 

My  dear  Btrgmann:- 

I  told  you  In  Berlin  that  Xammerhof 
wae  here ,  and  that  your  men  could  writ,  him  and  got  any 
Information  about  no*  thing*  you  wanted,  and  I  al.o 
told  you  about  the  new  batt.ry  orato.  *h«  ia» 

Bargmann,  your  men  don’t  take.  advantage  of  tjri-e-*-X 
opportunities:  you  better  go  oyer  that*  and  raise  hell. 

You  must  know  that  we  are  very  buoy 

.  .  _«rrf  Your  men  must  ask  and 

and  don’t  know  what  you  want.  Iour  ““ 

we  will  give  full  information  and  send  models,  if  you 
request  it« 

The  new  tray  la  a  fine  improvement, 
„  the  bottoms  of  the  cans  are  raised  one-half  inch; 
««.  .111  »  vary  Ut.l.  **“* 

in  wet  places. 

Please  tell  your  men  not  to  offer 

of  Q.n-w  —  ...tru-E^y,  *■  I 

„  J.JpplM  .  UK  ™u  or  cell,  to  lonion  U 
yfce**  t  will  keep  a  permanent  supply. 

.  ,:%■  : 



B  -  8  - 

X  h*v»  connection*  «»*r  there  that  v«y 
good,  and  from  to*  results  which  I  **p«et  they  «Bt 

you  will  derive  great  advantage ,  because  they  will  obow 
tbs  boot  way  to  Mil  th*  good*.  They  intend  to  UM  the 
battery  to  bring  out  some  thing*  which  ar*  rather  large 
affair*.  The  battery  being  a  minor  part,  moot  of  the 
application*  will  be  to  things  where  lead  batteriee 
are  hnpo.eible.  Konnot  of  Parle,  le  one  of  th*  technical 
men.  Proa  their  effort*  you  will  get  (without  cent) 
the  beat  line  for  operating  in  Germany. 

I  sell  the  batteriee,  P.O.B.  London  and  Parle, 
a*  they  are  taken  from  my  stock  for  epot  cash.  I  taow 
what  profit  1  «*  going  to  make,  hare  only  one  men  to  pay. 
H*  form,  the  batteries  up  and  ship*  and  divide*  hi.  time 
between  London  and  Pari*.  The  partis*  pay  for  war.-houe* 
and  all  other  expenses. 

You  should  have  your  battery  man  write  Walter 
Holland,  our  electrician  of  th*  JSdi.on  Storage  Battery 
Co.  for  explanation  of  all  kinds;  about  llthia  and 
.tuff  coming  out  of  pockets.  Meet  of  the  stuff  is  the 
nickel  oxide  in  toe  little  indents  outside  of  toe  tub. 
wnich  stick,  in,  in  filling  the  tube  in  the  machine. 
Hothing  should  ever  come  out  of  toe  tube  it.elf ,  except 
in  oases  where  they  have  neglected  to  put  the  right 

sffiuat  ss.  lias*  a-mm  at  iaE!S~ 

a  th.y  i.r.  of  »•  *m 

out  .M  ».  =.11.  .Ill  **  **  “* 

„ .  II  PMW*  am  a  Jfltsiish  «■»*  *»•  *a'“tl“ 


B  -  »  " 

of  the  litb.1*  In  the  faotory  forming  *•  ch«ok«4  by  tbr** 
different  men.  Our  t.*t.  here  .how  «h*t  it  i.  ««***» 
that  truck  batterie.  can  be  guaranteed  for  three  tal 
yeare, -all  our  long  endurance  teste  shoe  four  yeare. 
Actual  use  in  Hearn  and  company',  truck.,  efcich  bare  now 
been  running  within  two  and  on-half  months  of  three 
yeara,  etlll  have  their  full  capacity. 

lately  I  mo  guaranteeing  four  (4)  yeare,  on  the 
b..i.  that  if  tb.  battwr  «.■«•  100  —  1  tw" 

,„ara  to  b.  onpabl.  of  |hW  -»»*■ «»  “* 

rated  capacity.  If  It  tall,  rtthln  thf.  V»»  «« 

,.t  baok  twonty-fiv.  p.r.«t  of  tb.  100  ,.»•»*  **“' 

Tb.  otb.r  day  I  oyar  and  wont  ane-balf 
day  »ltb  your  old  frl.nd  «•••»•  1  “14  ““ 

battefl.B  fat  —  ««-«. 

tb.»  ft  f oat  yaata.  >»  *  *»*  1  “*  d° 

anything  and  I  etart.d  to  find  oat  .by.  »  round 

raf.  eldctrlalan  noald  not  ».  «*— 

told  rat  thw  -f  ~  good  .»d  a  ft  of  ««>"  If- 

rat  lnv.otlgatod  and  fund  hi.  <•»  —  ™ 

in  tt.  that  .old  bl>  *1  tb.  batftl...  »• 

old  nan  got  bl.  natch  Of  and  t.ld  hi.  »n  that  If  b. 

to  1..P  bl.  lob  to  got  oat  of  tb.  con..f.  an 
that  h.roaft.r  b.  .»  going  «  an.  Odl.oa 

n  find  that  tb.  Blsotrlo  Storag.  batt.t,  Co. 
Pbll.d.lpbl.-b.  a  WW  d.partn.nt  dffUUl..  all  «•!  “*  *"»**• 


B  -  4  - 

giving  ten  peraent  oommiasion  on  tfco  battarie*  and 
fifteen  (415,00)  dollar*  for  each  renewal.  Of  oourae 
1  had  no  ahow  against  thin  kind  of  robbery.  But  three 
concerns  hate  discharged  their  super intends at*  and  Hearn 
find  Company  hah  their  men  in  Jail.  X  was  told  by  a  man 
who  worked  Tor  the  Tudor  Company  in  England  and  Germany 
that  they  do  the  Bane  thing.  X  think  that  it  is  a  fine 
thing  for  me,  because  when  I  unearth  it,  the  concern 
never  will  buy  a  lead,  battery  again. 

Beach  is  full  of  ordess— has  taken  another 


Xn  the  morning  X  will  see  about  shipping 
the  tubes  mentioned  in  the  letter  of  lovember  6th. 

About  guaranteeing  by  mileage --don't  do  it. 

You  then  guarantee  the  truck.  Generally  the  trucks  are 
rotten.  Just  guarantee  that  the  battery  will,  at  the 
end  of  three  years  be  capable  of  giving  within  ten(lO^) 
percent  of  its  RATED  capacity.  Bite  the  word 
e  A  p  a  b  x.  b  l  This  means— that  on  account  of  dirty 
or  bad  watsr ,  you  may  have  to  charge  15  or  20  minutes 
more  at  the  end  of  the  third  year,  that  has  nothing 
to  do  with  the  mileage  of  the  truck,  because  the  battery 
even  at  the  end  of  three  years  always  has  20  to  25  percent 
mors  capacity  than  what  l.  usually  used  for  trucking,  and 
they  need,  not  charge  any  acre ,  as  they  ueually  over-dharge 



After  you  hay*  been  dolhg  business  fok  a 
couple  of  year*  anft  the  thousand*  of  truck*  over  her* 
hare  paeaed  th*  tvc-and- three-quarters  to  thr««  y«ar* 
all  right,  you  oan  raise  tho  guarantee  to  four  yoars  and 
*o  on. 

Bhrat’a  load  batteries  laet  ulna  month*,  that 
la  tha  average  of  hundred*.  H«  uaa*  fire-ton  truck*  and 
It*  hard  on  l*ad  hatt*ri**;  hat  duet  what  w*  want  for  ours. 

Regard  log  the  item  about  paaeenger  cars.  The 
Information  you  want  1*  In  'Beach* a  hook.  Beeide*,  your 
engineer  can  easily  find  that  out  without  writing  ua  to 
give  him  information  about  German  oara  we  never  saw. 

Ihy  don’t  he  aak  ue  what  the  drop  of  Voltage  would  he  on 
A  Vo.  4  wire  from  Bergaann  to  Rathnau’e  office,  with  a 
request  that  we  should  forward  from  Orange  the  exact 
distance,  in  kilometers,  between  Honorable  Bergaann’* 
and  Honorable  Bathnau’s. 

With  kindest  regard*,  I  «n. 

Your*  very  truly. 

8.  Bergaann,  B*q., 

4  Beast*  retraeee, 

Berlin,  V*  Germany. 



Sit.  21* t  1*11. 

V.  3.  Andrew*,  Baq. , 

General  Bl*o trio  C#., 

Schenectady,  Haw  York, 
iiy  dear  Andrew* 

Y*ur*  *f  to*  17to  r*c*iw*d. 

Han't  aaod  to*  rectifier;  haw*  an*  *f  *t*r  an  itarm 
•that  work*  fin*.  I  an  going  back,  into  to*  electric 
business  again,  ta  show  **m*  p**pl*  that  I  re**nt 
treatment  recelrod.  Thia  deea  net  apply  t*  yn^- 

Yaura  Tory  truly. 


JUrember  15  th  1911. 

•=e  ®tpy = 

Kr .  J.  P.  Mermot, 

Paiie,  Franc* , 

Hear  Sir:- 

C*sfirealng  sur  -warieue  eanreroatieaa 
in  the  nattar  «f  Xu rap tan  ropreetntation  of 
Edison  Storage  Battery-  Company 

■With  th*  exception  *f  Germany  and. 
Austria,  and  th*  sale  of  hatt*xi*»  for  Got- 
ernniont  use,  you  are  to  b*  the  exclue ir* 
European  representative  of  th*  Edison  Storage 
Battery  e*s3>a»y  in  the  sal*  of  th*  Edison 
Storage  Battery,  *n  basin  as  outlined  in  th* 
letter  «ddr*ss*d  by  hr.  T.  X.  Dyer,  Vice-pres¬ 
ident  of  th*  Edison  Stor*g»  Battery  Company , 
in  Octsbsr  1911,  to  hr.  Cromelia,  of  London, 
and  of  which  you  ha-re  a  copy. 

All  inquiries  from  said  Countries 
coming  to  the  Edison  Storage  Battery  Company 
or  hr.  Croat I in,  are  t»  be  forwarded  to  you 
for  attention. 

This  arrangonent  is  to  endure  as 
lang  as  your  result*  are  satisfactory  te  me. 

Teure  truly, 

November  26,  1911* 

oo  Mitchell  Chappie, 

Boston.  Mass. 

Mr.  Cliapple;- 

!  was  honored  with  an  Invitation 
btend  the  reception  tendered  to  yon  and  U8. 
ple  on  your  Twenty  Fifth  wedding  anniversary, 
the  pressure  of  a  thousand  and  one  business 
ers  made  it  impossible  for  me  to  be  present. 

Although  somewhat  belated,  I 
i  to  of  for  ay  sincere  oonerotulationa  to  iW- 

ond  your.olf  ns  you  enter  into  yonr  Wonty 
matrimonial  yoer.  »nd  .Wo  to  1.1.  y« 
h  may  see  many  more  anniversaries  togcthgn 

_ I 

‘6.  1911, 

the  15th  instant, 

int  photographs  which  yon 

ton  tier  to  yon  ray  thanks 

the  finest  examples 



N07.  28th,  1911 

Mr.  Si  grata  d  Bergmann, 

c/o  The  Borgmarm  Electrical  Works , 

S3  Oudenarder  StrasBe, 

Boi-lin,  Germany. 

My  Bear  Bergmann 

Beplying  to  your  favor  of  the  9th  instant  in  re¬ 
gard  to  early  forms  of  ry  plntinumiridium  laraps  with  long 
filaments  attached  at  various  pointB,  I  suggest  that  you  look 
up  figure  5  of  toy  United  States  Patent  IIo.  214,637,  issued 
April  22,  1879.  You  night  also  examine  ny  United  States  Patent 
llo.  227,227,  issued  May  4th,  1880.  In  this  caBe,  long  lengths 
of  platinurairidium  v/ire  were  wound  in  coils  which  were  grouped 
together.  The  coils  were  connected  in  series  hy  wires  ns 
shown  in  Figure  4  of  the  last  named  patent. 

As  I  understand  it,  theso  two  references  ought 
to  answer  your  purpose.  I  do  not  vno'.v  of  any  models  of  these 
old  lamps  around  the  laboratory.  Undoubtedly  they  wore  dis¬ 
carded  years  ago.  Slue  <-/  &  /'’*■"  <ft  fo  f< > ■  > 

i{.  Yours  very  truly. 


W.  C.  Anders op,  Esq.,  Pres., 

Anderson  Electric  Car  Co., 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

My  dear  Anderson: - 

Replying  to  youra  of  the  23rd 
instant  would  say  that  the  tests  on  yo^rcar  were 

s  SL.-rsar 

£,*£&  3*S  S»*« 

transmitting  mechanism  when  subjected  tt>  mcreaseu 

If  a  60  volt  motor  is  the  standard 
in  a  truck  to  cover  grades,  wiqr  is  it  not  a 
pleasure  vehicle?  The  dTop  of  voltage  on a  6 

eiu&sff  jsss~ 

srffis  •SfiSrs  ss/arwris. ««. 

Regarding  American  Enpress. 

I  saw  the  manager,  and  it  will  not  he  so  ®aeyf or 
the  Iron  Clad  to  fool  him  hereafter.  He  knows  he 
has  been  misinformed. 

As  regards  the  Adams  Express 
Company,  I  do  not  think  they  will  buy,  but  ft** 
build  their  own  electrics.  aKO  *~^<L 

'  g  -  Yours  very  truly. 

U\fU.  ***  1 


December  2,  1011  • 

H.  M.  Byllesby* 

206  So.  La  Salle  Street, 

Chicago ,  Illinois* 

fcy  deer  Bylleeby : » 

Your  far  or  of  the  28th  ult . 
received,  t  have  very  much  to  do ,  having  more  than 
290  experimental  eho  depend  tg>on  me  dally  for 
directions ,  and  j  go  away  It  greatly  disturb* 
the  organization  and  nfe*elf. 

Am  getting  old  and  more  and 
store  like  to  stay  at  home.  Hoe%v*r,  If  I  can 
arrange  matters,  I  will  go  to  bo  with  you  the  last 

With  kind  rega^  ( 

Yours  very  trulj^ 

.  rf.w- 

Believe  me, 


December  2,  1911- 


Ity  dear  Graf  :  - 

Can  Adelaide  Patti  .till  ***** 
Vould  it  be  possible  to  get  a  few  “L^*r  *onea 
on  the  new  Disc  before  .be  paesee  away. 

Also  can  we  get  something  from 
Jiary  Anderson  (Krs .  Sararro]  in 

Sand  and  was  our  greatest  actre.8? 

Aleo  Duse  the  Italian  actress. 

Ve  shall  need  some  of  Sarah 
Bernhardt's  for  the  new  disc  also. 

Yours  very  truly. 


General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-088  (1911-1912) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  December  1911 -March  1912.  Most  of 
the  correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Harry  F.  Miller.  There  are  also  some 
letters  by  George  A.  Meister  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Many  of  the  items 
relate  to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline 
storage  battery  in  the  United  States  and  Europe,  including  the  pursuit  of 
financial  backing  from  J.  P.  Morgan  &  Co.  and  the  use  of  batteries  in 
automobiles,  locomotives,  and  safety  lamps  for  miners.  There  are  also  letters 
pertaining  to  Edison's  phonograph  and  motion  picture  businesses,  the  choice 
of  suitable  music  and  singers  for  phonograph  recordings,  and  the 
development  of  educational  films-a  project  for  which  William  W.  Dinwiddle 
was  hired  during  December  191 1.  In  addition,  there  are  letters  to  Charles  M. 
Schwab  of  the  Bethlehem  Steel  Co.  referring  to  a  visit  with  Edison  at  his 
laboratory  by  the  Argentinian  naval  delegation;  Max  U.  Schoop,  pioneer 
developer  of  thermal  spray  devices  for  coating  metals,  regarding  his  proposal 
to  treat  phonograph  plates  with  nickel  tinsel;  and  physician  and  author  Joseph 
Grandson  Byrne  concerning  his  medical  survey  on  the  causes  of  seasickness. 
There  is  also  a  letter  pertaining  to  Edison's  collaboration  with  Henry  B. 
Clifford,  who  sought  to  use  Edison's  mining  and  milling  technologies  at  sites 
in  Colorado.  Other  letters  mention  the  final  illness  of  Mary  Valinda  Miller, 
Edison's  mother-in-law;  the  preservation  of  laboratory  buildings  from  Menlo 
Park-  and  the  fate  of  other  old  machinery  and  equipment.  There  are  also 
inquiries  concerning  either  Edison's  proposed  poured  concrete  house  or  its 
model;  correspondence  with  New  York  sculptors  Frank  E.  Elwell  and  James 
Earl  Fraser;  and  letters  relating  to  books  read  by  Edison  or  added  to  his 
library,  the  inventor's  donations  to  charities,  his  membership  in  organizations, 
and  his  reminiscences  about  acquaintances  from  earlier  in  his  career.  A  few 
letters  discuss  the  work  of  former  employees. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.A.  E.  Letter  Book  From  December,  4, 1 911 
To  March,  6, 1912."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with 
the  number  "27."  The  book  contains  700  numbered  pages  and  an  index. 
Approximately  15  percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 

Q/zJLtm, ,  3MAq.  <£ur£a,_l- - - - 

CuJ<usno y  _ 

CuiswiAwi'  //. A? .  vfr ^  ...  ..... 

OdL&cma, .,.  V,  C  ■‘S’J . 

Cdhx/cLLt ,  &.  H  ■  I  bb. . . . . 

C^duuum,  k>..c , '2.6  >-.%  °\  t~2M,£s.3:.jrs‘ ■ 

CiliCa  .  ClaJ+yUAso  .Co  ..2  °  ^.S3S . 

Q^M/jt<Ly  Ik^mCw,  . . 

faLaAM^tyu,  y. .  .'h...C  ....zi.‘?..._ - - 

.  ah**,.  8 rc«.y.3'7  -  - . - - 

CdtJIrirtt' ,  -mu>.  RytrtvxSt ,  ^ .  %(i>% 

XitJklsO  8^vcuuj<wO___  6<A./«^<3v_'Z--<^-/2--.3j  S> _ 

iji/dcuyvv?l.:}rv.  /!)...3l/-3  . . .  . 

C\a<yU/\AsCC\ms _ 7~^cb^CC&(ryt'LaJj  3  S' *-f—  .. 

(XMrlrtfc'  'WImls) ' m c£q  cvuM,  tf.  3  f  f . .  . . 

(lMUMscL<r(  'Pl'U^xtU.  Lf~(o3  .... 

CL^dJA^ty^  Oc\y^  Co ,  &  6  $ 

(M&Ltu**.  Ci^tuJr,  r/p . 

Co.  SH  _ _ _ 

C/Jj'Ura.UcJy .  rf.  sz''i  .  . 

. CL^eCAJUPV,  UJ.-J,SX'L  . . 

....  Q/yt^AZC(^rtAAaJC^MJL  Jl _ _ _ _ , 

G^Ju,  Ibrviras^cL  £ 6>/3 .  . 

_ /.  32.  / 

yi  A]/ b#ua.r.§  asyrU&j&v- 

uilh,  .  C  .C  .-le  ~ 

I  ,  cj^cu 1 .0,. 7 

,  G- .  .  9 

Ms, _ 

ftAjuQAsLvisC',  irUa.  C.ft.  l/~S-  (oSi 

...  a^vdl,  /^^.5v-.^^:o.5i3,^ 

...  ^MTLcrj-L  ,7-4. C  -t53  . 

G^t^p-b-oj  ,1+  •'»'(  •  5  to 

|2ju)^vvk- A-t' ,  T-^n-vx  £c  i - - - — 

. &JjLourr  //  •  C  •  6  f-  • . 

- ns~3b  o 

_ I3.aaA/HJL,./Qsi-  .fymjojdi,  b-  I'lS-.(dS\  . ._ 

_ f3idy\^rkVr  QJLLctsru  0  --  . 

(loJLcbuJw*  £tTso~rvor£ov-l  UJcrA-oo  I  ».  i - 

.  f&sJUliuA  jAS* .,  CtfLcuvn  U)  •  I  o  7--  5  5  Z 

/^■Ututm.  ,  CPXtv  1 1  *f-  .  - . . 

(Lhsuuajt,,  'YMajo.-^  ■  lj .  lib 
_ Quilk*..  C.  -n.  117 

fopyuLf  "W XUwa^-^viCtw.  Co-  /2-S-2.0/ 

,  (hsKSOiTA  .  iy  . '  3  (0 

-.-IlflXJvU.,  AO.  G.  1+  !'/</•> 

flu/w^tA  ,  'Wl .  I  4-  9  . . .  ... 

(LoaXlu.  --Lo.  c _ I  rJ  I 

(IcwAcL  ,  Ww.  'Hi  .  I 8 I . 

_  (b'XMJOcJk&jL..^ _ _ _ _ 

.-.(lift /OvoOAsd  r^rtoi/i!.  I  2 
foLfiltxdL'  CtoJl  d  ,  3.39 
faoJrtvn  7/U/Ci  /< .  lLj-D 
QxX'Cu  ^  JClJcAooUo Ccr.  %  S  ? 

. . .  Ifouyvrb  oowi'U,  7.  Ip  3-  3  7  0  *  J  7  / "  ^ 

-1 1&vMUot.,.<jL.,U,.lf.7 .  _. 

jlcUlfiru^j.d  lL.  ci^.3 _ ’ 

...  I^vcrxtrii,  ^.CO.  O  X'y  . 

D'L.Xl  3^r.5 . . . . 

_ MiAscJubsnJM'V,  JUoudL,  314-Ip  . .  . 

:.  I&utWW'JLm-  J)'  3SS 
..  $Ml£,  ■MLUo.'l'Hcooy,  38 I 
-I3(nyut,,  0.//,  381 
IQjl'uyu,  l^Myvui  3.3  t> 

..  ftM-cu^yt,,  itUo.  tyjMj.3. 3.  ( 

J3*oA/ll£& ,  I1-(p0b 

frculuj,  tf.6-  4-3o  . 

_...,:  43  ru/aJso-,  'livio..  7oyy^tCh^.i-l-.lo.t-£- 

:  ftsvrt'lk ,  jjr .  Co .  >-{-  Ip  S'  / .  . 

t3  O-l/OcL,  -WA/>.  13,  Aj^l-LOnrU^irO  l/L^  (p 

. I3xooty^,  "Wap.  cJuzsitd£i  V..j8>-7A .:. _ 

n^CCctU,  CL.  £.  Lj-S(o  . 

.  .  >3ajuX,  'hwp,  Si'i-H.  y-  f'J . 

..  .  fSjoruxM*'  ftjotoLtlj  Co  ■L{-8'% 

. . /XiXLc^-,  CL&l^rLjadT'i'O}  'S-  2. 3  . 

G^doP-cJd-i^ ,  Q  •  C* .  S  3  G> 
t3 <tuppuuu^u^ ' cJLoaJIjo*.  Slol-Slo'L 

l3u^aJ3tof  ,  g  ,  Q, .  S(p  3 
t^coclLJ,  C.  CL.  S(o  7 
..  f3aJLc£3,(ksu^rJ{  SI7  0 
...f3x*A***££,  c-tf.  Si3-S9J. 
fSJLcootr,  ^cocatS-J3.  SJ  fa 

A3 odL-j/rc'^t! t  — ■duA/ct-A-o.ja-c^  cot-i 

jScodLut^,  /f.  //•  61  (p .  ..  - 

!&4r3o£(rPo ,  iSsOcct&s-/  3-  (p  1  j. 

...  ft^oArWCo.  l/.  if.  (p5y0 . 

...  ftyiovoa'ocoi/' ,  'fiicoyij'f ,  (p(o2. 

..focJ.L  A.  <dW~. . - - . - . 

.....  /3 ^udJL'U  ,,ClAJdMjsit*tro.Cf..-  67s~  ~  - 

/3  s&SA&UrU',  E .  ft.  b  ~](i> 

_ J3sa^ctuLfA.  Co.,  Id.c/5...- _ _ 

— - - 

ci^.xl - -  - ■,— . . 

0C<fW\JiX3y\ ,  PsvuaJL  /</-...  3.0  -  1 3S-  335~ 
fo.  (p^jitAoCtisv-c  l4"OYnJ-  t3^soLcl4^tsi,j .  Co  ■  (o 

.sjrt^'i&b  i  ,  SO  .... .  /  . 

C^UAArtJo  oLaj^uJ  Cff  .  ctt-.-3  ?X  . 

C4<xife,  ?l/).JJA>u*  ,7 ...  - 

... Ccrwcrw; U) ...  1 3  o . .  ..._ . 

...  Cm^vvv'u-'Vi- eXoyyyy,  j3jocs^\y(r-.Co.~.l.  .3. 2-.S.CZ./J}.  ~..So.  ’J.S ... 

MAiul  <  C$Ua*usC*cU  Co..  >3)  . 

Ctr^cu  VojILua  Co  ■  IH-~J. -  - 

. CMAJds.V.y.vSS .  - 

OxoJXr, .  JCl/Ooo.  o.  If  7  .. .  . . 

(jiyyJZoJL  'Vvvcu/vu,  Pmo**,  Co  ,  Ik  >4- . 

..  ZcJu^,.  MCo  -n  •  I  So.  •  . .. 

.  UiS,£.-yy\,  i  si- 

....  CA^uy-uo ,  C.'M.  Ill 

CLdvtO  ,  'ILi-  4- . :.. . .  .  .  .  . 

.. .  Cx-o’chiA' , .  J  .  'JVi'.  7-  b  0  . . 

CluLftn*L“y., ..  13.  z 7c?- z; i/-.r. Q-J o. 

LtviAs.vw,  'IUcJlZlas.  P..Z'Jci  . . 

. UljUVVVU\’\jto ,  dfz-tX-cj/y  tZXcuCe^ , .%  f  (o 
CoJbb,  drUJ?  £? z.  77  .  . . 

C^j-u^rtTfA t-  Co-  C‘j.Es  '3  _  .. 

.^AiTyt^'^C^sUA-'  ^ciAjaXvXscLsCor  ,.  3>  irfrbf-  ... 

. .  C^lAy^r-pi^LtAy  f  l4iyLJr(AAt'  Oy.  3  S~  *J 

uW-i-t,  J.  OsM'UulJs,  3  (oz . 

iasdXin'L  t  j-yxGsi  z-/< .  3  7  7 . 

..Csnwbttc  .Co-  3  $3.-  U-3  Z. . . 

tf.i./3., .  33j.Z - : - - - 

.dko4Jr,§}.  ,*...39.3  .... 

— CwxZia..,  wL#k,.fa..  Lt^ZS. _ 

mtnv,lt.l4. J4..3  I  . 

.  -bcu/vnzo,  lSytodJbb^jJ+  33 - - - 

;l  C^(k-l-Cy!X(t..L^Jc..rJ. _ : _ 

_ Cdcfei  'PtiXisi .  CP2i^sM.iZ']3 .  . . . . 

\>.C*t&n,.,/  t.Jf.Lf.fy 
..  CamJtU.  M.JJ.  lZl  o 
..  ckruhs.CL.ti.  *4-9/  , 

. :  uduttz,  m,  t.  j.u,  7  %  . . 

..  .  ZvlilleiA'Oi/  7  ,  Sty- 

. dtxzji,  /f.J  S3  7 . 

. Cu^trLysoXoOytty ,  ZyivU)  CmZLj  £  Sfatf-  . 

Ccun~a-cL>y  f  ^yUyu2XS0u,a 

u , . /wry.t. .  CotteJCL ..A  0.  / _  -  .  _ 

.  .  jjuj  Co-  (ol/-tf-  . . 

..CcjLu,  8.9.  J-  (oS.X _ _ 

cJlayd^,  rf.  U)-L>  6  3.  . .  . . 

CAT^jXui.,  cjhxo •  Q •  b 
OcirP'L'LsV^ClM' t  ./?•  //•  (o  7  J 
.  CcC'\J^ydm-t  (1  oJLjaJb  ■  /f- LI  cj  - 
..(dlAAdksivyO!  HtCiXiXsQ  f  rMo-UVui^’A^l.  Co  ■ 

■  cJkjiclAMs. i ,  yh4AJ.  HuAAyLt  (o 

_  --s:dLLzlJ±L. 

r-CUas- \A*  t-SJb. - 

._  .jsdntU'tri',  &-  ■  &■  S~l . 

l$*Cos\  ,  7-7  GuJbJA4-.5'.S-5l'f 

^/jAaJha^Oj  clluw,.  P,  °i  S' . -.-. 

_. ,.  $J*Yuryi'cU-,  Cuami< >  £••  $  7 

l$M*  l&rio,  lOsvn.ft.  M-l . 

c.  ISO . 

i9^ab,.a.e..  13  3.  - - - 

cLPAAA',  ft.  1. If-' I 

JJ)yL^U'Hf  W  S.  %S2. 

_ JSmAoI  0.  £.  !.3l  (p.  I . 

JSfi&Wl/,  cSui/vica  T-CjS  ...  . 

__ .ISjudsht. ,-  PcLu^ul'  j.  7~‘jcf 

jjj.CiM/V,  A  trliA  U  3  fLf- - 

: . VmIIm-Aouo.  ft 13.  tho-J .  ... 

_  JS  Cu-Jbji-LAsfc-j ,  40  .  9  •  4/7  j7 

lSjLl)  Jl-l  VU'L<j ,  jhl  u’t-y  4>.  Lf.  2,  ^ 

. IScusts&tvu  .  U}...A,.5So_ . . .  — 

.  fysCUi'UxJto  mJvuu  f .  S  "1 1 
$As  OrJs^t  (U'kpLr.SSjJt . 


a  CyAstSL t  IS.  (of \ . 


■i^  J^JUsisCjJL  i  .  f ..  5* .  /;A3  _ 

f|  _  £cJ<UnX:  ,>  •  <sf ..,r<S"  . 

||||  ’$^sy\si*Ms6SyJ^ j  CXr  •  ,  (o.  v>  .  ... 

||  ...  ^?La^  . 

||  CdiMn,  W't.  I %k>-M-'L  8 . . 1 

.  &Xc^mXL-t ,  -^-.'Vn ,  1 7.7..  - - - 

||  .  ..  tcU^ryi  l.'Zhir>.  ■  &  ■  ^,,...1.8  i' . . 

...  Cc^XviaCuvu  , ^ . . 

1 1  E&t-w.  C j  -  Co.  17.3  . 

II  ...  CVt-woLcu,  ,  a  .  ft .  3.  x  if 

|f  £lcUani' .  ci-wJ-,  .T-'j.b _ _ _ ... 

If  .  uf^/v,  i  Lo.  3  o  o  .  . 

P|  _.  ll'CLittr'-  Vvtiiwi^i  yXf&uo. . _3  3 

$$  dctui^n  i/  ..  'Q-  y~(o . . . . 

bij  .  .O'bd'ZAsyvL;!  sd,  0-30- . . . 

dcLoxJJ^,  tf.  0-3  S' 

■;j>3  . 

&UrCr(<JL-fsis<-,  loO  b  l 

Easwldlt ,  JS.  /(*.  lob<j 

§;jl  .  .IflAMn*'/  (s-.G/,  k2t ... 

:'h  .  ddM,  'pyiAQ,  tioiMu.  ...... 


1  SXCt^yiyyi/' ,cLe.  3  ‘-f~.Lf.lo-  Cj -lot.O . . - 

^  ,  C  •  2  •  Lo~l. 

y 7/  - . 

'jJLe^f  J>-K-  *& . 

iDcu^-t  Co'Vb 
^rV(L,  H-’j  lii 
^AO^yocA,  10  ^  .  lb  $ 

J  tratlA,,  JJ~Vo-isCiA'  -%o{-% 

3/ia,r%$zlbw £.iX3^os^^j  o^C't'ot*-'/  2. .S3.. 

3suJ'd-f  I'l'U&o  ■  I'lctJy^  10.  ZSS 
'j  j1Cui  UoCo ,  I'I'UscJL',  3  0  I 

^JAX,  u,  Ww  .  ^  rLa^c~.  "If-  bio 
3a*4  i  -  &.^<ri'‘>4-  O.  M-o  S’ 

^Jaccit,  i, 

.  jAOA'iJ^  H  ~7  ^  7 

,  f$jJU*LA/L',  Lh  b  f 
icJUku^jLthi^,  bL,  S/0 

. laJJi  -  s'1-  Lf- 

'j- /iqszsCUi-'  .jj'  o-nyt-u>  /.  6-ZS-SX<p 
^Miyyuos^O^^  : 

ncJ&o-i  Co^  to  ■  bT-OfioW- 
^MAdU',  C.-wi  (d30  I 
. ?>k4,  ./</.&■  6/A5" 

__  'foJnJ{l  ‘Vjsia.cjisiaX /  (s>Lf-(o 

_  S -  -  • 

r  ,l4lrt>lSutJ.’d%r.Lf.lh . 

JiJJAa.*  A&JUL  i os . 

. Jw  .M  '  - 1-1.7-- . . 

_..  14  lfi-'Lll--53(o~  <+'l-')-S'Sef-  <o  1 1 

JIaAU^,  f’/u-j  'UJ  .  f0.  %l. 

JjjjUrOCb,  ^CUU-Sa  ■  %Z  1 
Jt! Cu,L  I  cfc ,  Cisi  yvC/J .  %  7  & 

)j^AAjAuiA/  H-^L^',  2.S'Lh 
JJXLcLcLl^^,  '\/aAsnAsoJLj  (So  .3  2.  ^ 

Jfy/tvdAASlsYXj ,  C-  ■  Ci.  ■  '3  *4~ 

JftAct.aMs',  C>-  CO.  3  S  %■ . 

Jfyl luv^L  ri'h',  UOsiyv-  3  °I  Lf- 
3jsCLAA*4,  fjLL-cl  .  3  C! S’  . 

MyiCuSuyi-Vt-LrCt^!  M).  S-  U-3  7 

fcjjuyyisi  vUsi-' ,  J-.  Cl.  ■  0-3^ 

..Mttck.cM',  JfrCL.  Lf.Lt-0 

JjstLcLrPuzsvi/,  /'hisyw  Lf-  7  / 

JJxLh-isTU',  LO-V.Sr]-  (o^ 

Al-ih iJbSitC  ,%dbyv  S  ST-'J 

(^'V^erC'L-d-C-A.oL  Cajra-j<u^  Cc  .SLf.% 

j3.(rt£<lAt\Xuui',  £7.6/2- 

|  ,  Jt/CCc^  (d  Lf-~f 

JLl bis 


/£c  .3vuuo.SlO~~3.r- - 

\icJiluisrVL  ,  C^-ucltew-  9- 

H-cO^,  <U).J.  13 

)^MCaGAsvijO- ,  .2-8 1 

I4k-Jz4  ,  <^(rtsis 14-33  '  1 Q  S 

I^CUiJl<UJ-  ,13.10 !.  V-  I 
/^Oy^UyytJ-^c^cJv/  .  4A  ^ 


/MoJasj  fjvOy-J^cj  Co  ~7 f 
,  'ft  ■  I3>  ■  S'  °1 
I-UMla,,  'yyt'aj'  nr.  . 

jJvLl&svuoLiA. t  .'Vyi/aA&u^ .  ly-b  - 

,-tild^uU.  ,  J'ruL  m-  <f 

/foA^ru^  ,  /  7  3  . 

t./  /^.C.  CP.  I  IS 
jJxuAJ-hiviss ,  ^  ■  R-  17 b 
jjvisyrj,  ~VKtK*f<r^,  2.  I  b> 

Ihu.  MR.  1  a  1  *' 

1-hLcUrdUi,  14.-w.-i.r1 
l-html#,  C’unx.zl'  '  r  d  $ 
l'k/i/i  uA/i  is  cbi^K  .  £*suio  7-  87- 
.\^rviraAt^y,  lO.Co-^d. 3  0.7. 
l-i\JbcLuyly  ,  CLlMf/A*St  3  (o3 
.  l4-atuC&cJus'~ ,  uaJtIua^  3  b  Lh 
IMAO.  -M.  j?.  3  bS 

/•/c<U3  ,  3 

■hrVM/zJru ,  'liJoust-t^c,  i4-l-t-  / 
fycinu,  Wla-t  !+<+■!- 
IfCuLL,  f-C~.  U-?3-(t>(e0 
/•hyV)-  vt  Q  <rfisY^ 

...  /?,  +..?.  f. 

.  I'llVrchsJ'  ft,  nl'f'luiA  .C-  D  ■  8~3  f 
.  IhrfrUs,  dtsO-  O'  -,  ft  -  S'  3  *j 
/ ■feisyvvrL'i' .  //  ■  3~63 

_J_ l&ct^ch^yi-'  (XJti^CCtst'tsd^'  S3 7. 

..  GsiZb**^  S73 

../'fciAAlai'yn'ia,  C.j^.  S8S 
13  MSS(o 

./UctJLJL,  /4:S?1 

l-i-OiA/lrtXAds,  IU*Js(aJj  LO,  (s  13 

^-^yyUil^^.0^.  63*- 
O'- (4-  633 
!Jc£lrUA-,CL-  6  9  7 
/rkMjt,  'T'VUAA ,  tout  Ms.  (dW 


M  uyyuouyucj _ 45l._  /?—' 2-.KJ5. - 

f  t+-  ys' 

-&  2.  $ 

^  s!T^~o  .  _ 

1 ,0  p  »  7.7  - . - 

(Voi-M -UbsY^-1  t  *lO oAsgL- Lf^to 

-  ■tvoo. .  0  ■  yty- 

,.C,  a.  is.?- 2-7 k 

■  .x  0.  S. 

iytmto.o  •  w. .  v-<5  / 

C&y  (iojU\fc  u>  trUisi  33f-^ 
^q/Jimvs,  CUt-cku-v  /t,  3  9  (0 
ktrKt'U,  CcLurcu^cL-  7  / Lutto  t-t-T-l 

'(uLUt,  ^/io^cuo ,  U~  7  X--  ^2-  7~  klLh 
fbcLcAostl'tr.  3'1'i  .  /  7  L-f-  9  (p 

,VMls,  £-3-SlLf~ 


I ■CuH'tJUi,  l-hujay^oL-  &•  IstbLf- 

|  M****^-  'f--  I  ^  .  — 

^Ctk'ccLc^  !klJufyo.,1iJ,  l-i> 

j.&^wv  ,  0-?  I  3  i'  ? . 

j.4^*.,  R.#-|  S.2.  - 

\Z<k/yi^Ju4 .  ^ 

.  je^vH^/ .o&.isj 
){hVJUlso  rU oJLtu  O./V'f 
)  i^uedU  /  ^JiyyyUA,  %  o  3 
|kA<A.  ( A<wJx  & .  1  .Lf 1. 

)  ido-w  ,  -\  •  ilt-  •  V-.Lf-A 

Ita,  jWfct  'Ms.,  3  f(p 

jU^U,  iMrOvt  UJ.  3U 

jimJtui,  0--  Cc  .  *A  7  3  - 
C.^fr.  u  .  SIS 
jlbyr^-  J>-  £  •  *  ^  0 
jiLufl.  iy-c.  SLf-t 
Jtnpf-i  Q.'to'-JTJ'h 
jisAAs/  QucJU-OA-Aj,  (o  t  & 
j^oy^  f~  LAyt*cj1 


<•  G^L^lc-^'  /  A . 

Ao,  ■£?■  13 .  (o7 

.l£<n^j,~fo CcJLa^tf  i'll) •  11$ . 

'£’i/ncs<r€**/  V  d  ■  .1 7-  o 

&a JL^u,<L,  &.IT-.1 
£<ryu*' ,  (IvUaX  .  7  •  II  o 
£uut  qJv<m>,  m.  /SLf- 

,  10  >  !$'..  7-  °1 
,*-}  .  AD .  Z  3  I 
llcUtsasi.cL'  t°.  3  3  0 

£v(\ArtjX/ ,  'Tl'  ls  .  I'3 ,3  tj—  l 

CoL{ajx'>'<-'  3S~°I 

■JltjjM#'  f.-J.  ti-Ll-  3 

r  ML-Ca.3  JJ  crz-oi  ‘ 

■JLlrfru,  4  vf  i  Lf~  Cl  J 

^uaAsikfc ,  *yi, ,  qJ-lcuiJx-3  ■Ui.Sf'j 

(3nyduu^  Stf^'L.- 6  ^  S’  (o  l(o-  (oJ'Z 

C LicU.mW/ 

rt-  -M-  Cu  -3  f~  if 

£tJUo^yu>L^  i  'M'  •  ^  7^ 

jPoJfa^J-fr  £S%1 

.^uwu>{  It) •  !\-  ls3tf. 

■  j£^4,  Lt^cLtilk 



•  &-'-£•  SSO.  ~  . 

Co.  i.Pi . .l!_. . . . .:— _: . . — ./martu+ia  ,fS, . 

l  C./1.3  6- . . .: - - - - - .,maMA>;  m.  f.blj . 

_JM.a£cJ^  _ _ _ _ _ IWlALfisvu.  frJrkU ^yu.‘j  U-  (ot  f 

WUrfLub, 30litU^^..Lf  7. . . . .  . ..IWmJlL,  jtrLn,  /?.  (J2(o 

WtMorlsu/  ,W>s4..6n-13'l0S'm'H  \~56"Jrf32>  ‘/~3. 6  /-  £A / -f-^2. 3-  if  6  2.-  bo  J 
Xyt,..2.iZ. . — 

...  >  I  U  0J  .  _  ,  ... 

CcLu^oO  /  6  0 

'Vn/r\fU4L*y\ ,  .ttu*\ •  7..,..|.I.S - 

/*/yitsviaLt'.l  ./Swt£  Lx.  3  - .  — 

wme.'W-.'W  ,j6'i-f~ . . 

IL . ^yvUXvv ,  ■  \b  y 

'Y/iXllo,  JSbwu  A. .  17  7- 

'YftM/H/Xrt  t  -On'&Astio  -  IS. X“i  2 -  . . 4j 

,/lllcu'CtU'u,  .  13 ■  7-  2- -f^3 . . ' - - - -ij- 

'W'U/LC&'K,  .^Crf-i^yu  %SH~ . - . - . . - . -I . 

^'ICocJz&u ,  Q/.M).  %5ci  .  . -- . --■ . - 

{WU^iLd,tiurJ^AO^icu-  ^'.2.6  2-r 3£(p.  -4- 

tyvCdti-tsis,  OlUjsis.  *2.  (d  (p . - . .  . ■; 

prUsrLU>f  . CP.  Jf,  2  SI  -  _  . •  . -ii--- 

/yi/ioicol  %-trb/Hs.  d ,  3.  o  ‘3. . -  . 

1^7'XJlhJy,  J/lCts  'M  l'.  3  OJrfr-  .  - . 

y  3o  S 

|  3rtaMJUwJ/°.y3  0(o  . 

f,.  Q  ■% 3.o.y3jX-3  ?J-  6> .o  3-btpl  ;- 

I.muM'OM',  cL  O.  3.3.1. . . . . - . ; . | 

/  IciaJ^  3  3  2. . . : - - - . |j .... 

.AjU^usdJb f  3 if-o  . 

C/.3l(p  -  .  ■ 

y’WU  wlaltuyu^o  Hcc.  <rvob}.  Lf.U-.if--  U Xy? . “if— 

^p^x^LLa^  ,AUt  .iXi4-3X.Jp — - - 4- . 

~  -llWtea,..  a...  - - _..._ - - - — i!~- 

1  XnPUr,  C,-Cu„  So.  I . . . . ; - - - 

- ___.2I_~--.jj_ 

.t^Loca^L^.  C/.  b3  j. 

%U,/3-  (oLfy 

nxuu>.  //•  {L-bj  ^ . 

’  J  JH+*  nAp*  y.  '.  Tj.  0  y~- . 


jyyic  RsvtrtsJ-  IP. - 

$mM*oU4  r  fa^l*Coto{j  /  T-V- 
0  JZu^Uuao,  ^ZtrCoJJ  I  h>D 

JibsyUtsu  ,  .jj  •&  .  I  b  I  . 

'fa*  iUUcJ*.,  .  z  o'/- 

vkaZLol^  ,  ,  Ja  aJ,cL  Z  i>  0 

/)/l/lo  I'itAsi- 1 'Ctsv  'i/  /S>A-JJ>  Co  ■  3'3~J 
Cite  ilCAJ  C<r,  <j  .13.  3  ?  ~j 

/ £jui  lx ,  h  vm.  jl.Jj.i4- 14. (p 
4yl.oC^^>^^,  ’'DLui-j  Co-uve^c^  ij-76> 
/yyit,  JUoi/u, ,  6 .  9  .  6  /  f 
yyUy  Cc<sCCh<1 ,  \  ■  6)3  3~ 

me,  Micctflo.  J-13.  (oh 
y\/ic  IliA^r,  ttovt  6  Ids 


<VUJUi4rViSt  9  ••&•  77 

'"/u^MA* ,  "W .  ki  ,i  o  % 

'Vl,,  U  ,  ZmaAlCuaJ-  (UAcla^-^i. ,  1 1  cl-~i-’ib-lt 
ywi t/v  fo-vU/U^-*  UtAUnj  C*  •  Z  3  +-(>$2 

%.yi  (°Co.  CrO ...  J  if  7 

CtrLlucf,  3  9  <? 

/jU.fa'* Jt .  i  ■  Lt-  Ll~  / 

/\  uj/^61l',  Ulia^J^AnLC^  i4-i-/-Y 
moALtX,  'liUo .  q  •  £ .  7 

SlloA  fiuao  H  McLlii^U^A.  Co  .  /.f~  (d  / 
'yy^rfarvi--,  fajuUsVCisrui-,  S  3 

%.^.Cu AtmdUdL  fWlotn*  <JUaJ>-  Sb$ 

tt.Vu-  UtJhnu.  S'/b 

(j'VyultiU  OMujti  g  •  I +  H- . . 

Qjjjr,  'VyLm  Q^cl, , /  7-?-'  1 7  ?  •  /  f  D 
■  0jw>  Cuicliixd>,zLS0 


(tyjld'  C  (r^iryisy  I'&UAsWl'UQ  Co-3  to 
(ifcuf  ,^-tiuJtj  Y  i°Jv(/J,  3ll 

-nuo.  Lf-o  k) 

o  ■  Ui .  .cf-  7  7 

f /cusPu) ,  Co.. 

i.\-  3  /  3 .  . • 

fJiilSSi-  <f-  Co.  cjvcuo.  "2.  3 

ffluc^UA.,  C-  ..llo3 . -  . 

(fcuvW/  if.  A.  I  Si. 

i fujfl^OA.  'MojU-vUc/s  18*1 

PJjatja,  i  Oaa^Msas  ~  & 

PJviLx ,  fju^l  'Wrvti&j  Co.  2.  X  (o  -  2.  £  0 
(’.uU-tn  .  W-IH-&/W  i  x  t.  S 

(|VwL^  ^-L\wca-  .tt^cfa^-C'  Co  •  2-^/-k 
fJuJtijs,  CUX'/zO/vt  cLu\s  §  .  7.  £>  (o 
Pjdvlo 'f  lits, 
pjMsl^o  -,  %^4uyo  f  '2~%$ 
j  fJcdi jJ>,  loccths^ ,  317- 
!  firdtsn voudxk.  fcf-  -^erus-cw.cUisSl'L-f.  3lLf- 
fJos' -dsi&snu-f  ^^c-sni  iis-  iZoc-trb  c-U-  315 
PsJjty^tn'U  t  Jj,  3  *-h] 

/Pous'Is-i  K.Jto  7 

(f/lUX-.  'll-WlO  JsU  I  LO-  Lf.fl 

CpusCLH-,  'jyu-dsiccJ\  C<- .  Lf-7  S' 

Pa-ctq-ott,  &■- J •  ^'2- 

pjtjjuufu),  7')'Vis>.-<f.  5"1  0 
PjWxXfn-i-,  cJisOaAu)'  Slf-lo 
fjsvuifa-^,  3'Yl'V).  -%ju>-  (m,  5~5. 1 

.  ?jMm,  c  /vn-#n 

/  fjLCLct^K  j  CtTxJl 
CJ^J%J\J^rocU)  /<f-'(o  f(p 

PtL^yy^dx,  yi .  b>c{o 

fra/iAa/t-cL  W,IJ).b*l  l 

r M.-.3 1  ip. 

flUjcJvOM/,  ft-.  l4  ■~M'  -  - 

faiybvito, .  'lu/yvt  .JjrX^r . 

fasuto,  £  n.q-i'i^'L/sD 

{Z,(rxLw^rTi-M-^vi  ]  -12. 

tflucJun-ri^rrucL,  Cu.JSI.18 
.fl/rtin  yucuyi,  Jju'tr,  3a). /J  S| 

(iAxsJCo,  . 

(iZiruiC,  6  .  )  0 

(foa, ,  CaXvvvt  i  W  • 1  H*3  . 

(fh/VtUvi  l4ixcUnb  PunMUl* uJj  Cuwu'/aZCrV'  / y-f 
(^(Xa^vUTK  ct,  fl-'  1-5  3 
^/tU/&Mryu  ,^o^v.  fL-.lfal 
ij^rax?  i  ^  Cumin  Ibl 
lianuU^-ci ,  sM^vyuiut ,  i  IS) 
ifZlTXO.  3ti  ■%■  3  I  7 
fluJL  CiichiL/nu-,  JkL^tr.  3 1  3 
^yJk^TUcLo  ;  Jb^UaJLctsryl,  3  I  1 ' 3  "2-  ° 

/2cc|o.|atA^(  GrG,  Q-IVc^fr  /-/-  I  0 

(bn-y'iL,  4- ,  c4o  V-  7  f 

.  <^._J’-  ^”2.  / 

d,<rnOU>,  W,<UyvUjL  H  8 
Jlijucttuusu-,  I’tVuuVL^i- 
tZotdjS',  /£L«~.  CunLoJj&JL 

ImvuMo,  H-  o.  s%  b-sy 
ZJ^AXOT^,  Cu  •  S'.  o 

I2l.uC{  CjjuXo  f  CjLci/ulu),  letalo 

(brl  IjJLcX,  'WAO.  "C II uutu‘-uc  //>??- 

2-..0 - — 

sAMcLAyCcLoiyLcL'  QsUL  Co:  ~L*l-f-' 3.1.0 

-^yyn^UCpLULo ,  J.-A  ■  3  fc> 

-  sbcJ^a-tzM  -  3  8-  S^.'3  7^ 

-J-LLO-syyLCum.,  'I'l'l'CisCisyiAAS*  ‘-f-S 

MlJU  , . oLclo.5TL^L . 

sJuyvxMsb ,  M-  ~lsO  •  ?  3 . 

soJast^isyTM'i. '  'Vi'l/io,  -y$  ■  G,  .  S’  */-  . 
ydJLcu,ir,  10sv\i .  (3.  1.0  (o 

...-jMvtMfctvv  C<ryH&ni<lMM. .. (JLuJr-. 

JxJLejJ,  0-1.57 7 . 

:MuJ\  H-V.5  to 

f  C&vc<slIl4  U,  (o*L  I 
McxLoCctcLK,,  /J-wl-  j.  (at.  7.-  0  z-3 
...  y<CPuA-6  ,  CL.  'M,  (file  7 
yAssILirrj', j,  '7-ft.  7'Vls.  (filf . 

^'CyUU&TsOj  £  IP.  (fi  f  3 

,  ,  ; 

-^zi^U^AsyUX^ ,  fyv4)j -fi  13, cits  I  fi7 

Mv^ltlcua.  -0-0,11  0 

Jusn. qJM-l  >  Cb  f  .  .L5J.  . . -  • - 

Mm,,,  no  :  .., . . 

^i^i(xJtJ{vCtvvk  ,  Ui--  t. . 2.  3-7 -  -  - 

C//  JsL£/LisCsCLs2sts  Z  5^ 0-~  3  2-1 
-AJ-U-MasL-J, ;  Q  Cl  vrUsO  73.  Z  ^  ^  2’2- 

-A sCL'i-yvajP y<^t  ~A-  (3 .  2-1 C 

MJjuJU.,-  ItUlo,  cJUlllM^.  3  2  3  . 

JiJilAsasdb r  IsLCi/uiJi.  Q-  3.2-  Lf- 
^J.cPnyuraJ',  oPisUaMsO  3  2-  3 -J  'ji 
3jL  (M,  3  3  / 

AxXyyytMJilof  t&urfiJ&yiO.^  •  3^  -3  - 

A -jo-ay\-J^  ,4  •  1-  3  (o  $ 

Asi'unjs-,  o.  //*.  3  7*7- 

Jxo^fJLo,  C.  H.  y-  6  °.  -  ..— . 

sh/lCUAStfi  ,  CJUvaUsl.  Cl-  l/t  0  /. 

AP-Ll  vlAj^O^ylP,  (XscCO/t-yL  Lf~0"2- 
.IZClCL.iTT'>J/UsJ4)  X.Af.  L/-03rU.S3  - 

JJlc^i*.  n:M  y-n 

AmALIitl^,'.),  -0,  UZ.'l. 

A  J-Cyttsiryis,-  U,  /  i.  .  77  5 / - - - ■-— 

jMCrLCt,  UoMtUL'i-rL.  ‘4-6'L 
AscPl^AjMI'  'YYUsiso  \LcJCu-  cIuIcUolo  L/r 
A J/\,clll-0,3 ,  dLUMfo  J<f  -  Lf-  %  .0 
—  AsAftfC,  JuMtn  ..M.  -Lf  U . . . 

. ,2(3 . 

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oj'  ^tn^ojxr^py^ ,  ^-h-  Co  .  3  S. T  . 

'jsusist'ut/'i-n  S&.  t-f-  3~s~ 

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WA/vv 6 ,  X3°l 

faliriL  ®juuX<lcM*  VjyJ^<^Ci^uM<^<^ V-^0 

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o,e.  Shi? 


pec.  4,  1911 

Ui.BE  Frances  a.  Culveard 

Kanager's  Office,  _ 

Western  Union  Telegraph  Co., 

Louisville,  ”y« 

Dear  Kiss  Calveard:- 

X  recently  received  your  memorandum  and  the  Kostor 
of  the  Western  Union  Telegraph  Company  at  Louisville,  .-.cntuc^y 
in  Tjovenher,  1666,  and  hog  to  than’:  you  for  you/  ic.rnl  t..n.£~ 
fulness  in  sending  it.  It  is  very  interesting  to  me  end  re¬ 
calls  the  days  of  long  ago.  I  remember  every  one  of  troj.en 
,,hoeo  names  are  mentioned  on  this  roster.  I  suppose  man. 

them  here  passed  away.  ; 

Yours  very  truly. 


Dr.  Georae  ?.  Kunz, 

The  National  Arts  Cluh, 

14  Crane rcy  Park, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Dr.  Xunz:- 

I  an  in  receipt  of  your  esteemed  favor  of  the 

ssr^&ssag  5s%.0,s  » sass 

frier,  ds. 

In  regard  to  making  reoorflB  I  wauifl  Bay^fW_ 
your  information  that  I  an  under  agreement  with  the  hono 
graph  Company  not  to  make  any  records  of  my  voice,  so  _ 
have  never  done  it. 

With  all  good  wishes  for  the  success  of  your 
Association  in  its  work.  I  remain 

Yours  very  truly. 



Dec.  7th,  1911. 

Mr.  Alfred  Diehmann. 

36  V or rent  St., 

Brooklyn,  H.Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Ur.  Bee.  and  also  Mr.  Botirgimrdee,  have  Been 
tolli„e  „  ahcut  yo«  electric  vehicle.  -I  the  fair  .hoc 
yo'J  have  Been  giving  my  new  Battery. 

forty  years  J  have  *****  **  «  »«•  »«««“ 
t„  introduce  ay  nec  thief.,  they  yeu.relly  ehteyouiee 
a  lot  of  people  oho  have  nonoy  inveBtod,  and  I  tra  very  froto- 

mi  to  those  who  treat  ne  fairly. 

I  went  over  to  see  Khret's  Brewery  the  other  clay,- 
the  first  I  have  ever  seen.  How,  suppose  yon  and  your  father 
jump  into  an  automobile  and  come  over  to  see  a  laboratory, 
j  think  we  can  show  you  come  interesting  things.  You  can 
make  the  trip  in  one  hour.  If  you  decide  to  come,  say.  next 
week,  ask  on  telephone  if  I  will  he  home,  and,  if  so,  come 
right  over  at  any  hour  convenient  to  you. 

Yours  very  truly, 



Deo.  7th,  1911 

V.  K^ttredge, 

...  vorl:  Central  l-  Hud non  River 
Grand  Central  f  rminnl. 

Co. , 

:zy  Dear  KeV  radge 

your  kin;’  invitation  of  the  let 

to  he  one 

cr  tho  of  Mor  »*  m  Urn*  of  «  rootaoloey  CM 

of  tfW.-'  fort:  ~!p. ;;  received  and  much  appreciated. 

January  13th  1*.  «  long  off.  PoBOihly  I  can 
find  time,  howvor,  to  drop  in  and  neo  the  hunch  of  ’’Glide 
Rulers"  on  the  occasion  mentioned,  hut  you  will  vro^ly 
remember  that  I  never  spea1:  in  public. 

Yours  very  truly , 



-t  Doc.  7th,  1911 

Albert  Walker ,  Ssq., 

13  Park  Row. 

Mevf  York  City. 

Dear  I’r .  Walker 

I  have  received  from  yon  a  complimentary  c  opy 
of  your  hook  on  the  History  of  the  Sherman  Daw.  and  thank  yon 
therefor.  In  my  opinion  your  work  is  a  model  of  concise  state¬ 
ment  of  facts. 

Before  receiving  the  copy  which  you  wero  kina 
enough  to  send  me,  I  already  had  the  hook  and  have  been 
reading  it  assiduously.  The  vagaries  of  the  mental  apparatus 
of  mankind,  as  shown  in  laws  and  their  interpretation,  hrve 
a  peculiar  ohai-n  for  me.  and  I  love  to  study  them. 

Vours  very  truly. 


V  A  f 

Dec.  eth  11. 

Mr.  Etienne  de  Pedor, 

Budapest 1  Altaian#*  Villamoeeagi  Reervenytareaeag , 
VII,  Kazinosy-utcza  19,  Budapest,  Hungary. 
Dear  Sir:- 

Rep  lying  to  your  lot ter  of  the  15th  ultimo 
Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  cannot 
understand  Bergmann'e  Company'#  advice.  E*r  the 
same  mileage  the  space  for  the  Edison  Battery  is 
just  the  same  as  the  l#ad  and  the  weight  about  one- 
half.  You  cannot  substitute  Edison  for  load  without 
changing  the  voltage  of  yeur  motor. 

You  had  better  do  nothing  with  the  cabs 
until  Mr.  Edison  gets  the  machinery  ready  te  make  his 
"cab  type"  battery  and  develop##  a  taxi-cab  for  London 
and  Paris,  which  he  is  now  doing  and  vdaich  will  be 

Replying  to  your  connnuni cation  regarding 
the  concrete  house  proposition,  Mr.  Edison  d*sir#s 
me  to  say  that  the  iron  mould*  are  n#t  yet  ready*. 

IHhen  they  are  he  will  eehd  you  full  particular# . 

Yours  very  truly. 



V  f'-.V 


Yj,  viilliajE  L.  Moffat, 

31  Fulton  St., 

Eew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir: 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  6th  inst.  ,  reading 
the  Berkshire  ,hite  Portland  Ce.ent  Co..  Mr-  Bdison  direct, 
,,  to  write  you  that  no  ce.ent  project  in  the  present  stat, 
-f  -the  industry  looks  attractive. 

yours  very  truly, 

,,  <v.  //  , 




Dec.  12th  11. 


5th  Ave .  at  27th  St., 

Uew  York  City. 

Dear  8irs:- 

Kindly  discontinue  sanding  the  various 
periodicals  sent  to  Mr.  3.  0.  Edison,  98  Glenwood 
Avenue,  East  Orange,  New  Jersey,  terminating  with 
the  December  1911  issue ,  as  mentioned  in  your 
letter  of  the  4th  instant. 

Renew  for  the  year  1912  the  same 
publications  sent  to  Mrs.  Marion  B.  Oeser  during 
the  year  1911  and  send  the  bill  for  the  same  to 
the  Laboratory. 

Yours  very  truly, 


Dec.  15th  11. 

C.  T.  JoneB ,  Bsq. , 

Grand  Hotel, 

Broadway  &  31st  St . , 

Kew  York  City. 

ISy  dear  Sir 

Your  very  kind  invitation  of  the  11th 
instant  to  attend  the  lecture  and  moving  picture  of 
"Buffalo  JoneB"  roping  animals  in  America  and  Africa 
received.  I  am  afraid  I  will  not  he  able  to  accept- 
it  being  so  near  to  Christmas. 

Can’t  you  come  over  to  the  Laboratory 
our  things  before  you  leave  Hew  York? 

Youra-vefy  truly. 

and  see 

Deo.  le/ii 


3d  ward  Marnhall, 

446  West  J?3rfl  St., 

How  YorV  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Knolosed  herewith  I  nn  sending  you  article 

I  wish  to  state  that  I  am  "'or king  or.  a  now 
Conor ic  law  to  r enlace  the  Sherman  Act.  hut  it  will  take  me 
some  time  to  complete  same.  However,  when  ready  will  lot  you 

youra  very  truly. 


D«c.  15th  1911 


ire.  GibbB  &  Hill, 
Pennevlvania  Station, 

Now  York  City. 

Your  letter  of  the  7th  instant  re?»i7*d*_ J'iooo® 

S*S  |s  f™?  ' 

rjr  s\srris  s 


Thev  required  sufficient  storage  in  **«  tottery 
to“iaaS lines.  The  locomotive  then  drops  its 

Sfi'blS'  ^S^opS^r*^  SLgedJ^ifty  mi^u?es 

f|hs  srsjrx.-s.iss:  -runs.1--  - 

The  whole  investment  to  electrify  will J^^twenty 
If  you  require  further  information  will  be  uleased 

Yours  very  truly, 


Strictly  personal. 

My  dear  Mr.  Nichols 

Yours  of  the  15th  instant  received. 
I  already  have  a  history  of  yoar  "hole  Career,  and  «• 
far  as  I  an  concerned  it  is  favorable.  ^  — — — 

Yours  very  truly ,  ^ 

W.  W.  Nichols,  Esq.< 

71  ^roadway, 

New  York. 

Dee.  11. 

Dr.  Joseph.  Byrne  , 

29  Test  61**  Street, 

Dew  York  City. 

„„  w  yo»  —  -  «•  «k  — *  1 

„.e  t.  „.tt  TO®  »»-““•  “*  “““* 

tiJjretl>:’  ,  on  the  see -before  the  age 

!  w  you  "  ««“  “ 

of  ten? 

A"  or  aanwated  hr  »«ing*» 

*"*"  „  WMBM  oo«ri»»o  u,  ^ 

3  n-  Xe  your  **r  trowu* 

A-  »***■•  M__  ,,ot  (pirouetting  of 

♦  v  *g  %?&£&&  SI**“4’ 

x-  only  aiz*y.  •*> 

V.  ,..1L,iiu  would  »*ke  you  dizzy  »r 
5  O-  X>*  yeu  thlnkeucb.  turning  *oui 

souseated  noev 

Yeur*  Y**S  trBly* 



jg.  x.  Idleon,  m*. 

Salisbury,  Mm*1***- 

B“  “ww  «.  T-»  >“*» 

**—  »  — — — -; ZJT 
«.  «.*-*-«»  — * ~*v  t. 

,.,  1»  *rtW  »«“•  ~  ”“  '"”**  . 

“*w*  •”’**  tZZ. ««».  -« « »«■  «*« rr,igM- 

mo  ohippeT  t«  pay  r«  cratW5’  0, 

this  to  fc«  th*  e*M  Bbipjxd  {pr*J>*id)  el.tb*p 

'  __  ..u  „  ,  «W  **•“  *" 

Z,  «,,««-»>  —  «»* 

fW  (5^)  »«•«■*  «  ®W  __  _ 

»*•  waTi  j»  "iJfak.. 


iuw  .*.  ~**s“  -vsysi^1'  s-.1- 

o.  ».  *  C*.  IT cSwTtor***  *  ; 

Von  Clit* *  ®-  3r-  «  CM«urd«  3*. 

qotna  &  co.  ,,,, 

<&»«***  M&-  ******  ** 


Doo,  19th,  1911. 


H .  J.  Force, 

Chemist,  I).  h. 



Dear  Sir:- 

’.Vhon  you  made  rne  a  visit  some  tine  ago,  ’.vo  had 
a  conversation  ahont  storage  battery  locomotives  for  nines, 
ana  you  nay  remember  I  explained  to  you  how  entirely  unneces¬ 
sary  it  is  to  have  an  overhead  trolley  outside.  In  this  con¬ 
nection  let  me  ash  you  to  look  Over  the  mailed  article  in 
-'Mining  science"  of  December  7th.  1911.  which  I  am  forward¬ 
ing  by  this  mail.  This  bears  out  what  I  then  tola  you.  It 
would  seem  to  me  that  it  is  worth  while  for  your  people  to 
look  into  this.  Possibly  they  have  been  afraid  of  experiment¬ 
ing  too  extensively. 

Yoiirs  very  truly. 




Cunningham  Piano  Oo., 

50th  ”>t.  ?'  Parksido  Ave . , 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 


Your  favor  of  the  18th  instant  is  roc  Rived, 
in  reply  I  beg  to  say  that  there  will  he  no  trouble  in  mak¬ 
ing  highly  artiatic  piano  cases.  I  am  now  raking  phono 
graph  cabinets  like  the  viotrola  and  others,  but  far  finer. 
This  style  of  cabinet  is  illustrated  in  The  Furniture  world 
of  December  14th.  which  you  have  undoubtedly  seen. 

I  expect  to  be  in  a  position  in  a  few  months 

to  license  manufacturers. 

YourB  very  truly. 



jymc  •  21  at  1®H 

P.  Ho  cra*mt^n> 

care  Edlaon  Mwntfacturiag  <*,» 

TiUMilB  Juneii*»> 

tendon,  Sngl^nd* 

M"  Slr:K.  »«,  —  X-  -  -  - 

— l" wl“*-  ~ 

relating  ^ihite.  One  *«*•  «• 

Rules,  Regulate  **A  ytasneisl 

he  8*3r*-»  -111  _  truly. 

Yeurs  -rery  truly, 


Deo.  1911. 


Dec.  rs/ll 

Washington  Street, 

Columbus,  Indiana • 

Denr  Sir:- 

iy  ' 

Your  fa 

rtr.  f  «  «»- 

:  the  of 

yr  ?.»  'f"’  ®°  w“  ” 

ness  ever  since  tee  tan  foi- 

T  m  ul*/nvB  cj-Rtifiefl  to  bear  from  our  enthusi¬ 
astic  salesmen  of  which  ”nd  to'consratulate  you 

I  wont  to  tnnn.-c  you  for  ^U1.V°  ,he  ,r(mr  disabilities  in 
St-^v,tSB4u! It  M3-  bcoa*ree»te«Vto  n.  that 
?ou  might  m.  to  have  nn  autograph  photograph.  -  - 

therefore  forward ine  one  by  this  mail. 

’with  the  Greetings  of  the  Coason 

Hr,  Robert  T.  Lozier, 

120  Broadway, 

Ifev;  York  City. 

Lear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  26th  instant,  Hr.  Kdison 
states  that  the  10th  or  around  that  date  vddl  he  all  right 
for  the  Linner. 

Hr.  Dyer  says  that  the  hotel  can  put  up  a  fine 
dinner  from  *3.00  to  *5.00  per  plate,  and  that  he  resides 
at  the  hotel  and  will  l>e  glad  to  see  you  any  time  to  make 
arrangements.  Hr.  Dyer  is  going  away  on  the  2nd  of  January 
on  soinc  fruBineBS. 

Anything  further  that  I  can  do  for  you.  kindly 
advise  and  I  will  attend  to  it. 



Hit' a  Ona  Otto, 

c/o  The  Bulletin, 

Ban  Francisco ,  Cal. 

Bee.  ?.8th,  1911. 

Your  recent  lotter  in  regard  to  the  value  of  motion 
pictures  for  educational  purposes  has  hem  received,  and  I  am 
glad  to  learn  that  the  idea  has  appealed  to  you  so  clearly  that 
you  are  prepared  to  exploit  it  in  such  a  progressive  way. 

•Vhen  I  consider  "ur  present  system  of  education 
and  see  the  children  staggering  under  the  weight  of  a  vast 
mass  of  mere  statements  of  facts.  -  just  words,-  I  am  not  sur¬ 
prised  at  the  almost  universal  state  of  mental  indigestion  ex¬ 
hibited  hy  the  pupils  of  public  schools.  It  is  a  fact  too  well 
known  to  need  argument,  that  scenes  and  incidents  viewed  hy  the 
eye  are  more  apt  to  he  indelibly  impressed  on  the  brain  than 
similar  scenes  and  incidents  described  orally  or  in  type  would  he. 

For  instance,  in  teaching  geography,  the  country, 
people,  costumes,  customs  etc.  of  China  might  he  described  in 
words  very  fully  and  perfectly  hy  a  most  competent  teacher, 
supplemented  hy  hooks,  with  the  result  that  the  young  mind  is 
confused  with  a  mass  of  words  which  have  been  prepared  hy  mature 
much  as  no  two  persons  ever  agree  on  a  mental 


0.0.  m  Hoc.  78/11 

concept  founded  upon  wore  verbal  or  oral  description.  It  is 
not  surprising  that  young  pxxpils  would  not  in  this  way  obtain 
an  adequate  idea  of  China.  3ut  if  the  teaching  were  illustrated 
by  motion  pictures  showing  the  characteristics  of  the  country 
and  its  people,  every  wind  would  receive  practically  the  same 
impression  which  would  he  indelibly  recorded  on  each  brain,  and 
thus  the  subject  would  he  taught  perfectly. 

5ho  same  line  of  reasoning  applies  to  the  study 
of  history,  which  to  most  children  is  a  hardship,  being  merely 
a  collection  of  ''•rings,  queens,  wars,  statenon,  and  ao  forth, 
with  a  lot  o "  slippery  dates  thrown  in.  Of  course,  the  in¬ 
cidents  of  past  history  cannot  now  he  photographed,  hut  many 
of  the  principal  ones  can  he  reproduced  in  motion  pictures, 
v/hich  can  he  used  to  tremendous  advantage  os  an  aid  in  im¬ 
pressing  historical  facts  on  the  pupils  mind. 

Again  such  an  abstruse  subject  as  chemistry,  as 
now  taught,  presents  great  difficulties  to  the  average  pupil, 
the  only  redeeming  feature  being  the  experiments ,  hut  with  the 
aid  of  the  motion  picture  presents  a  most  alluring  study.  For 
instance,  to  watch  the  gradual  -Tormation  or  a  crystal  is  one 
of  the  most  fascinating  sights  that  can  he  imagined.  Hot  only 
crystallisation,  hut  also  a  vast  number  0r  chemical  processes 
and  reactions  can  he  shown  beautifully  in  magnified  motion 
pictures,  thus  rendering  the  study  chemistry  clear  and 
intensely  interesting  to  children. 

I  could  also  mention  detail  as  to  other  things, 
such  as  manufacturing  processes  of  all  kinds,  mechanics,  physics, 


0.0.  (3)  Deo.  f!0/ll 

animal  and  in Beet  life,  botany,  agriculture,  etc.,  lmt  lack  of 
time  forbids,  for  the  lint  ia  almost  indefinite.  Suffice  it 
to  nay  that  the  subject  has  a  moat  fascinating  interest  for 
me,  and  I  am  preparing  to  exploit  it  very  thoroughly,  having 
gathered  around  me  some  experts  in  various  lines  of  work  "'ho  are 
now  studying  with  me  the  best  methods  of  presenting  the  various 
subjects.  It  gives  me  pleasure  to  look  forward  to  the  time 
when  It  will  be  difficult  to  get  children  away  from  school 
in  contrast  to  the  present  w'non  many  of  them  go  there  with 
some  reluctance. 

Allow  me  to  congratulate  you  in  being  so  far 
abreast  of  the  times  in  preparing  to  devote  newspaper  space 
to  this  subject  and  thus  take  part  in  a  popular  campaign  for 
the  new  education  that  will  educate. 

:rr,  very  truly. 


December  28th  13. 

Ur.  Thomas  A.  Bdioon,  Jr., 

R.  F.  D.  Ho.  3, 

Burlington,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Tom:  - 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  21et  instant 
your  father  directs  me  to  write  you  that  the  reason  he  did 
not  approve  of  the  Christmas  tree  battery  was  that  twice 
it  has  been  done  and  ones  the  vdiole  battery  was  ruined 
on  the  railroad  by  the  express  company. 

When  we  get  our  house-lighting  outfit  worked 
up  „  fit  you  out,  so  tliat  you  «»  llgut  y.uf  !*»..  .11 
the  time . 

Wishing  you  the  compliments  of  the  season,  I  am, 
YourB  very  truly. 



Dr.  George  B.  i-ioClellnn, 

Princeton  University, 

Princeton,  II. J. 

Ky  Boar  Bir:- 

Phe  honor  you  flo  me  in  extenfling  an  invitation 
to  deliver  one  of  the  Spencer  Trask  lectures  Before  the 
University  i.  oroeoainfly  erstlfyinl-  «»a  W  »ob  suureei.te.. 
E„„  „  ,  nero  not  eroafly  ovornorM.  it  »o»li  bo  inposom. 
for  no  to  soni  yon  on,  »nob  ns  I  "ooM  Itt.  to  con- 
ply  «ith  yonr  invitation,  for  I  on  inoopoblo  of  .leliverine 
a  lecture. 

With  kind  regaras,  I  remain 

Yours  very  truly. 



Deo.  ?.9th,  1911 

W.  it.  Lanmnn ,  Ksq., 

16f>  Broadway, 

Hov;  York  City. 

Itiy  Bear  Kr.  Lanman:- 

I  an  sure  you  will  understand  the  reason  of  the 

„oln,  to  aallto.  to  to  to.  yon  »»  !«-»•*  *»"  ”°”11 

t,„t  t  „  a.  Mi.on'a  aaaiatant .  to.  foaition  naturally 
oall.  for  „y  oloso  att-ann.  torn.  a.  X  ft  »»*  “  ““<»• 

,  «,  apaaHaO  to  ».  3««~  •»“* 
t,.„  note  too*.  J  1*«  torron.a  when  yon  n«a  tto  offloe  at 
aP0  Brora,, ay.  ana  to  »«  ttot  ao  tor  aa  to  oonia  ace  ttora 
1B  no  rtoaon  Ay  all  tto  noto  tooto  oannot  non  to  r.tornri 

to  hira,  aa  they  o»6M  to  to  tor.  in  t»  to.aotoion.  no  aaya 

to  only  loanoil  tun.  tor  tto  tto.  toiaB. 

Of  oonrao,  thin  nhouia  to  aone  in  a  toainnae-l  . 

„nnor.  ana  if  yon  .ill  ■“**  “  “  *»  ‘ 

should  he  addressed,  15r.  ^ison  wiU  write*  &  0rmn" 

request  that  the  note  hooks  he  returned  to  him. 

7,’iahine  you  a  nort  Happy  and  Prosperous  dew  Year. 

t  remain 

Yours  very  truly. 




Dec.  12th,  1911. 

Pr°f*  Wraith  College  of  Applied  Science, 

Syracuse,  ’I.Y. 

X  ^.ve  seen  a  cop-  of  a  Syracuse  newspaper  of  the 
7th  in.vfcant,  containing  an  interview  in  which  you  tahe  issue 
without  you  supposed  to  he  ny  opinion  in  regar.l  to  the  value 
of  n  college  education. 

As  I  wish  to  ho  thoroughly  understood  on  this  pom  . 
+1o,  r,m,t  3*fVe  seen  an  article  in  some  newspaper 

let  m  say  that  you  sni.-p  . 

t',«t  oontatnofl  »  P~t  »*  *■»  «*«"*"  ^  1 

„  s.  «»*>*  “  011  rlf  ■” 

lf„„,  «,  liters  «  »<*  *«  I  «*•»« 

t,,  ,«!«>  W»  »».  W  ™a  »“>■*”' 
oneJmeieea  tl»  ™™»E  “l"'"rtas"  to 

.oho.M  lit.  «»  »» ““•**■  of  *«**>*  “ 

stniler  ooll«»*  nnivoreitios. 

„  the  tin.  of  the  totervie.  «t»  n  *»»  — 

of  reporters  .t.i.UPO  »«»» 

.  4.  n-  t  said  or  else  the  blue  penci  . 

some  of  then  did  not  get  *!-•-  I  sard, 

was  afterward  applied. 

Yoiirs  very  truly, 


Jan.  3rd  1^12. 

Mayor  Herzog, 

Reuchling  bei  Lauf , 

Bavaria,  Germany. 

My  dear  Sir 

jill  you  kindly  deliver  the  enclosed 
draft  for  ONE  HUNDHED  MASKS  to  Mrs .  Mary  Lederar 
with  Mr.  Edison' b  best  wiaheB. 

Thanking  you  for  your  attention  to 
this  matter,  I  am, 

Youre  very  truly. 


Jan.  8th  12. 

Union  Trust  Company , 

Ur.  Chao.  K.  Dunn,  Treats., 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yeur  letter  of  the  29th  ultimo  received. 

Replying  to  earne  Mr.  Idieon  directs  me  to 
write  you  that  he  is  doing  some  experimenting  for 
Mr.  Clifford  in  werhing  cut  a  process  for  lew  grade 
ores.  Se  far  the  process  is  quite  successful.  Imt 
there  remains  more  to  he  done. 

It  is  true  that  Mr.  Mdison  will  exact  a  email 
royalty  for  his  trouble. 

We  can  give  you  no  information  regarding  Mr. 
Clifford 1  a  financial  standing,  except  that  his  hills 
here  are  paid  promptly. 

Yours  very  truly, 


Jma.  8th  1912. 



Jan.  12,  1912. 

Priend  Clowes 

Yours  of  the  4th  Instant  received. 
I  remember  you  perfectly.  Don't  think  I  aver 
turned  one  of  the  hoys  down.  "I  never  did". 

Sinoerely  yours 



Jan.  13th  12. 

Scientific  American, 

Jtunn  and  Company, 

361  Broadway, 

Haw  York  City. 

Bear  Sirs 

Youra  of  the  8th  instant  refuse ting  an 
article  on  concrete  furniture  received.  Mr.  Sdisen 
directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  ie  net  yet  ready 
to  talk  on  the  subject  mentioned. 

Yours  very  truly, 




Jan.  13,  12. 

F.  D.  Iambi*,  B*q. , 

299  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Iambi* : - 

Replying  to  your  lottor  ef  the  10th 
instant  requesting  an  int*rri*W  with  Mr.  XAiaon,  beg 
to  atat*  that  Mr.  Idison  dir*ct*  me  t*  writ*  y*» 
any  tin*.  Batter  call  up  *n  the  phene  before  coming 
or*r»  to  mala  euro  that  h*  is  her*.  Call  907  Orange. 

Yeur*  Tory  truly, 



Jan.  13th  1912. 

Henry  X.  Dixey,  Eaq. , 

649  list  113th  8treet, 

Saw  Sark  City. 

Xy  *tax  nixay:- 

Yaura  of  tha  9th  tnatunt  received. 
1  am  Barry  they  could  not  uae  you  at  tha  Bran*. 
Studio  until  wo  gat  our  apeaking  picture  achama 

If  you  ara  a  littla  ahort,  1 
oould  maka  you  an  advance,  on  account,  of,  way 
$50.00  per  waak  for  a  while.  I  hope  wa  ahull  ha 
ready  to  da  came thing  ahortly. 

With  kindoat  ragaxda,  I  an. 

Your*  rary  truly. 


Jan.  10th, 1912 

wr.  George  ?.  Morrison. 

Manager ,  Damp  v; 

General trl o  Company, 

Harrison,  II.  J. 

Dear  Hr.  Morrison:- 

Your  favor  of  the  6th  instant  is  received .  ana 
in  reply  I  beg  to  eon "inn  what  I  told  you  at  our  interview, 
namely,  that  the  small  building  at  Menlo  Dark  in  which  the 
first  c omnertfial  incandescent  lamps  were  made  is  sti  11  my 
property,  and  1  am  willing  to  3ct  yon  it  for  nreservatior 

You  may.  therefore,  regard  this  letter  as  con¬ 
taining  a  formal  presentation  of  the  building  to  your  Company 
including  full  authority  to  take  possession  of  it  and  to  do 
ns  you  please  with  it. 

There  is  no  one  in  charge  of  the  property,  so 
this  letter  will  he  all  the  authorization  you  will  require. 

Yours  very  truly. 



Sir.  Sigmund  Bergraann, 

23  Oudena rder  St. , 
Berlin,  31, 


My  Dear  Bergmann:- 

aa  sorry  that  the  two  American  patents  referred  to  did  not 
help.  You  night,  look  up  the  same  thing  in  ray  British  Patent 
Ho.  4226  of  1878,  figure  BP.,  54  and  55;  also  figure  3  ih  Brit¬ 
ish  Patent  Ho.  5306  of  1878. 

In  ey  British  patent  Ho.  578  of  1880  there  i» 
an  arrangement  of  several  filaments  in  series  in  one  lamp. 

See  figures  6,  7. and  9.  It  may  also  he  well  to  look  up 
figure  36  in  my  British  Patent  Ho.  3765  of  1880. 

I  presume  that  in  your  examination  of  figure  4 
of  my  United  States  Patent  Ho.  227,227  you  did  not  overlook 
the  fact  that  an  undivided  filament  in  one  length  was  wound 
over  several  supporting  frames  that  were  contained  in  the 

Yours  very  truly. 


,  V' 

1/  <  A 



Jnn.  15th,  1912 

To  the  Officers  anti  Members  of 
T'he  3d la on  Club, 

Orange,  How  Jersey. 


On  the  occasion  of  your  first  Annual  3anquet,  I 
with  to  express  a  feeling  of  gratification  that  there  exists 
among  our  employees  a  unity  of  spirit  which  has  led  to  the 
formation  of  a  cluh  whose  chief  object  is  to  promote  social 
uplift  end  the  mutual  welfare  of  those  whose  business  lives 
arc  no  closely  iTrfc  or  woven  • 

I  aesire  at  this  time  to  offer  my  congratulations 
to  you  on  the  measure  of  success  you  have  thus  far  attained, 
and  to  express  the  hope  that  during  the  year  before  you  the 
social  work  yon  have  begun  will  so  grow  in  importance  and  dignity 
as  to  result  in  mutual  and  enduring  benefit  to  all. 

Yours  very  truly, 



'  £  _ /  Jan.  16  th  18. 


Mr.  ThM.  3ref ,  Managing  Blrecier , 
jpSinon-GoaollBOhaft  m.h.h.. , 

Fr±«4rlch3tr .  10, 

Berlin  S.  T.  46,  Qersaany. 

My  dear  Sir 

Replying  to  yaur  lot  tor  of  the  27th. 
ultime  llr.  Rdieon  direct*  mo  to  writ,  yev  that  the  fiw 
aeloctiono  made  on  the  Bloc  by  Sarah  B«*ha*li  wil1 
he  sufficient  for  the  present. 

Ycure  Tory  truly. 


Jan.  16th  12. 

Jama*  Gaunt,  Sfiq>, 

24  Waat  50th  Streat, 

Haw  YarJc  City. 

My  dear  Ur.  Gaunt 

Answering  yaur  telegram  of  aren 
data  Mr.  Idiaon  directs  me  to  wrlta  yau  that  ha  will 
be  glad  te  sae  yourself  and  hrathar  an  Thursday 

Y4ur8  vary  truly, 

Sec ratary. 


Atlas  Engine  "Works , 


January  1&,  1912, 

Gentlemen: - 

Pleased  to  receive  your  letter  of  the  10th, 

I  do  not  use  engines  myself,  huh  bo  many 
people  come  to  the  Laboratory  on  all  kinds  <*  BC*eraes 
requiring  power,  that  a  concern  to  whom  I  can  refer 
them  i s  welcome . 

Years  ago  when  the  Diesel  engine  first  came 
out,  1  was  very  enthusiastic  about  it  and  predicted  a 
great  future  for  it,  also  gave  a  number  of  interviews 
to  the  newspapers.  But  as  nothing  was  dons  for  years, 
1  felt  a  little  cut  up  about  it. 

Can  you  .end  «  JfcoM.  or  ..allot  »**■•  ”” 
,  would  al.o  1»W  to  haw.  a  **>•  ««  “r  “ 
pries  list. 

Yours  very  tru3-?> 

-  /■  <  hr**- &  -Vr ^ 

•  '  cewt  UvrM'V* u- : “  '  j" 

Jan.  16.  1912 


VV.  *rt.  Ulllor, 

Akron j  Ohio.. 

Dear  Jir: 

Replying  yours  of  the  14th  inst., 
its  mo  to  write  you  that  we  are  still 
i  goia  ore  and  Getting  goofi  results. 
Yours  very  truly. 


January  18,  1912 

Ur.  Graham  Rhoads , 

care  Hack  Broa.  Auto  Co., 

Chicago,  Illinois . 

1  have  look.,)  Into  the  —"a'-  S“  f*r 
..concern,  any  right.  Ur.  Carter  e*y  have,  W  ™“°"  °f 
hi. connection  „ith  the  Hell..  ComW.  they  111  he 
detained  1»  due  «»  W  «“  “**  “  ‘ 

in  vdnch  1  cannot,  a.  it  1.  •«*  «  « 

heed,.  1  a.  informed,  ho.ev.r,  that  the  euit  In 
question,  ...  brought  by  hr.  Carter  and  hi.  a.eoolate. 
after  a  propo.itlo.  by  uhlch  they  -*>*  have  * 

licenae  fro.  th.  Patent.  Cowany  ...  rejected  by  the..  ^ 
That  propoeltlon  Involved  the  ellalna  on 

unde.irahle  nlaw*  1"*  «*•  »1‘“  ’ 

undorotand,  1.  pr.ctlo.Hy  Uh.t  1.  non  propoaod.  »- 
prop.ait.on  having  hoc.  one.  -da.  th.n  r.J.ct.d  an 
Lit  brought,  .1th  ....  attendant  .orrla.  and  -»»  •  “ 

i„  to.  late  to  expect  it  to  b.  fvcr.hly, 

if  again  brought  up. 


If  Hr.  Carter  helieres  that  there  ire  any 
special  and  penoMi  reascca  a  licence  Should  he 
granted  to  hia,  it  should  he  applied  for  direct  to  the 
Patents  Coapaay,  and  It  Till  he  gi-ren  courteoue 
ccnsideratier . 

Tews  truly. 


\  Jan.  18th  me. 

Mr.  Charles  Schwab,  PreB., 

Bethlehem  Steel  Company, 

Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

Vr.  Mallory  has  spoken  to  me  of  your 
deBire  to  have  some  of  the  Argentine  naval  people 
visit  the  laboratory. 

1  would  be  happy  to  show  them  the 
laboratory  at  any  time  and  1  hope  you  can  come 
with  them. 

Very  truly  yours. 

Jan.  22,  1912. 

P „  H.  Cromraelin ,  Esq., 

care  Edison  Manufacturing  Co., 

TTillesden  Junction, 

London,  England. 

Dear  Sir : - 

X  want  to  get  full  catalogues  of  the 
largest  music  publishing  houses  in  England,  Scotland, 
Ireland  and  France;  Belgium  and  Spain.  1  have  Italy 

and  Graf  will  get  the  other  countries.  1  am  hunting 

for  old  songs  and  music. 

If  there  are  any  bookstores  in  London 
keeping  old  second-hand  music,  i.e.  in  book  form, 
send  address,  and  if  they  have  a  catalogue,  send 

fours' very  truly, 

that . 


Thomas  Graf,  JSeq., 

Edison-GeBellschaft  m.h.h. 
Yriedrichstr.  10, 

I  want  the  full  catalogues  of  the 
largest  music  publishing  concerns  in  Russia,  Sweden, 
Norway,  Germany  and  Austria.  Cromelin  is  getting 
me  the  other  countries. 

AIbo  the  nameB  of  second-hand  hook 

firms  who  keep  old  hooks  of  muBic. 
old  songs  and  music. 

Yours, very  truly, 


EC it or  of 


Buffalo,  li.Y. 

Dear  Sir:- 

marketing  of  product  an  Germany. 

,  n  To^v  nr  thorouph  imflorstand- 
irhoro  Reama  to  ?-  3 ?n*volvea.  I  think 

ing  of  the  trtie  inwarCneaa  o  -  -  there  jB  scarce- 

the  American  prices  gave  no  pro.. at. 

American  prices  arc  h-seC  ^  the  coat  of^lahor. 
material  ana  general  e o^ense  v;  „,he  general  expenses  in 
percentage  of  the  whole  profit.  ?0  tQ  60  per  cent 

different  mnxit^ftoturing  concerns  vary  r  •  f  lf  we 

of  the  total  cost  of  l^°r  anC  waterai  VJ0  afl(1  very  little 


-  ssmS-k iSsHSS S£ 

hy  the  ns-7Br>apors. 

yours  truly. 


jnn.  ?,  191S 

wir  M.  D.  Leavitt, 

Z7>5  ‘.Vest  108th  St., 

Hat.'  York  City. 

Dost  Kr.  Leavitt.:- 

R.nlytae  to  yonx  ft™  of  the  14, h  loot™,  " 
to  yonx  foxttoonlne  Rook  -MW  V.or.  of  W.W1..1  MOM.,". 

,  ooeot.too.  OH-  <*  —  58  «"  ““ 

ana  noo  toe  to  antoorlt.  fox  one  ooW.  In  pnjnont  of  -Ulot  I 

end oso  check  for  that  amount. 

v0ura  very  truly. 



Jan.  22nd,  191P. 

Kr.  Paul  J.  Xruesi, 

American  lava  Company, 

Chattanooga,  s>enn. 

Dear  Kr.  Kruosi:- 

Your  favor  of  the  15th  Instant  has  been  received, 
and  in  reply  T  want  to  nay  in  regard  to  Walter's  qetion,  that 
no  offence  has  been  talcon-  Both  Kr.  Inaull  and  1  understood 
that  ns  Walter  did  not  kno-v  nuch  about  suoh  things  he  had  gone 
off  Half-cocked  ,  and  so  we  thought  nothing  of  it  hut  dismissed 
it  from  our  minds. 

Yours  very  truly, 



Jan.  24,  1912: 

Miss  Lottie  K.  Koona, 

1642  Earth  Clark  Street, 

Chicago ,  Illinois. 

Lear  Madam: 

Replying  to  youre  of  the  17th 
Inst  regarding  quotation, "It  is  2$  genius  and 
98#  honest  effort  that  brings  about  suooeBS  in 
any  line  of  work!  Hr.  Edison  direots  me  to  write 
you  thatycu  oan  use  this  quotation  for  publication. 

Yours  very  truly. 



■'Sfr ^ 

^  ‘  'a 


■C2~++***  ^'^*-<r> 


Jan.  26,  1912 

I.'r.  August  Hilden, 

405  Pine  St. 

Calumet,  Mich. 

Xear  Sir: 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  13th  Inst., 
regarding  a  painting  of  Mr.  Sdison,  1  beg  to  state 
that  are  returning  same  to  you  ty  express  today 
as  Mr.  Edison  does  not  *ant  it,  he  has  already  a  half 
dozen  paintings  of  himself. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Secre tary, 

Paragraph  fro*  letter  received  from  Monnot  of  l/l6/l2. 

13 t**^^*** 

I  regret  to  have  to  tell  you  again  that 
Bergmann  is  still  offering  his  battery  for  sale  outside 
of  Germany  and  Austria  and  1  find  many  instances  where 
he  has  quoted  prices  very  much  lower  than  we  can  make. 

This  creates  a  very  had  impression  especially  as  he  is 
still  supplying  a  battery  of  inferior  qualtiy. 

1  just  received  to-day  a  letter  from  one  of  my  salesmen 
who  is  now  in  Belgium,  that  Bergmann  has  delivered  a- 
battery  to  Bobin.oa  and  <».  •*  *»«»•» 
truck.  Tbe  teat  of  this  truck  ...  co  bad  that  the 
people  it  ua,  aoaud.lou.  to  deliver  euck  batt.rie. 
and  tbe  re.ult.  bare  been  epre.d  all  over  Belgium. 

1  told  you  already .  thi.  create,  a  very  bad  l«,r...ioo 
and  injures  your  good  name  in  Europe. 

PS.  «T^1 

jr  ^  ~ 

r  ' 



Jan.  27th  1912. 

John  F.  Monnot,  Esq., 

31  ,  Rue  Daru, 

Paris,  France. 

My  dear  Monnot:  - 

Your  letter  of  the  16th  instant  received. 

1  have  already  notified  Bergmann  about 
selling  batteries  outside  of  his  territory.  I  will 
again  notify  him  so  that  he  will  not  misunderstand  it. 

We  are  making  one  hundred  rectifiers 
ar.d  as  soon  as  they  are  ready  you  will  receive  one  of 
the  first  made. 

The  small  cells  will  he  ready 

Youpa-^ery  truly, 



Jan.  30,  1912 

Jr i end  Andereon:- 

Youtb  of  the  26th  instant  received. 

In  re  FORD  car.  1  Rave  aslced  Mr. 
Ford  to  send  on  a  oar  so  that  ve  can  put  on  a  starter 
etc.  and  reduce  the  number  of  ceils  to  a  jatnimum 

„d ...  It..  WW  “•  “■*'  “  *  SOlnt 

where  be  can  afford  to  use  them. 

I  will  aahe  a-  Price  on  the 
battery  (If  we  can  get  the  device  0.  K.)  that  will 
..  a  alight  profit  an«.  and  oat  1.  H 
.nJo„0  =.,  «t.  «  «  —  ”111  “  "  7^t„y 

oan  to  MP  ***  «  »•  “*  «  , 

.ill  ».  n°  <■"'*1-*  *M“ 

on  account  of  costs.  ™«re  W1A 

doliaori.B.  tt.  -am  «*»•  —  l”  *°  *  ”1”t 

practical  device. 

yours  very  truly, 


Jan.  30,  19Ii- 

Mr ,  F.  Hess, 

South  Pascagoula,  Miss. 

Uy  dear  Sir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  17th  instant  has 
been  received,  and  in  reply  1  *eg  to  say  that  1 
remember  with  a  great  deal  of  Interest  my  trip  to 
Rawlins,  Wyoming,  in  July  1878,  where  1  went  with 
a  party  of  astronomers  to  make  some  observations 
with  my  Tasimeter.  1  also  remember  meeting  you 
and  having  some  discussion  with  you  relative  to 
solar  radiation. 

1  am  glad  to  have  your  letter 

r.«.m«  these  .ns  »««  ^  ^ 

tin.  *“»  *”  r“lpr0~'’"'1' 

Yours  wry  truly, 

j?eb  €  1,  1 


Heff  Collage, 

Vr.  IT.  7.  aneaeront, 

1730  Chestnut  3t. 

Philadelphia.  Pa. 


PleaBO  accept  «r.  Edison's  thanks 

for  the  Dr*  1Ie^'8  b0°k  ',p0Wer  Thr011Sh 

perrecteo  Ideas." 

Yours  vary  truly, 



>  '  ■ 

Feb.  2,  li>12. 

Col.  Jacob  Ruppert, 

1116  Fifth  Avenue, 

Hew  York  City. 

My  doar  Colonel: - 

1  have  just  been  told  that  you 
have  ordered  Edison  batteries  for  twenty  one  of 
/our  electrics,  for  which  1  am  greatly  pleased. 

All  that  1  want  is  a  chance  to  make  good,  and  you 
will  find  that  with  reasonable  care  the  batteries 
will  have  a  life  so  much  beyond  our  guarantee, 
that  it  will  surprise  you. 

When  you  get  an  idle  three  hours, 
and  the  weather  is  good,  get  in  your  auto  and  come 
over  and  see  the  laboratory. 

With  kind  regards,  believe  me. 

Very  truly  yours, 

42  7 


9,  1912. 

Thomas  Giaf,  Esq., 

Edison-GesellBchaft  m.b.h., 

Eriodrichetrasse  10, 

Berlin,  S.  W.  48,  Germany. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  ofthe  EOth  ultimo  addressed 
to  the  Kinetophone  Studio  has  been  referred  to 
Mr.  Edison  for  his  attention.  He  directs  me  to 
write  you  that  the  subjects  recorded  are  not 
satisfactory  to  him,  hut  that  when  they  are  will 
carry  out  the  idea  of  showing  it  first  to  royaltie 

Yours  very  truly* 

Secretary . 


Nat  Hyams,  Esq., 

Room  7,  Glenn  Bldg., 
Cincinnati,  Ohio 

Your  letter  of  the  11th  instant 
with  your  good  wishes  received,  for  which  1  thank 
you.  1  remember  you  and  also  the  "Dumb 

Han  Of  Manchester"  perfectly.  Glad,  indeed,  to 
hear  that  you  are  healthy  and  happy. 

With  kindest  regards,  helievejme^ 
Sincerely  your  s', 


?eh.  13th  1912. 



& ,o 

Peh.  nty 


Mr.  Et i firm e  de  Podor, 

Budapest!  Altalanos  viiiamossagi  P.osssvonylarsnsng, 

Budapest ,  Hungary. 

I'y  pear  Eir:- 

I  have  received  a  handsome  copy  of  tho  hook  entitled 
"Edison",  which.  7  understand,  ovios  its  existence  to  your  food 
self.  1  wish  t  were  more  conversant  with  the  Hungarian  language, 
hut  would  say  that  so  far  >•»  my  examination  of  the  work  poos  it 
appears  to  he  an  excellent  production,  and  I  trust  your  expecta¬ 
tions  in  regard  to  its  circulation  my  he  amply  realised. 

liy  impressions  of  ny  recent  trip  abroad  are  still 
fresh  in  my  mind,  and  I  think  there  is  none  more  vivid  and  satis¬ 
factory  than  those  of  ny  trip  through  Hungary,  which  country  far  e 
coeded  my  expectations  in  being  so  hill  of  life  and  up  to  date. 

I  have  taken  your  hook  home,  v/horo  it  will  occupy 
a  place  in  my  library.  Krs.  Edison  is  also  well  pleased  with  it. 

With  k-'nd  regards  and  all  good  wishes 
Yours  very  truly, 



f  ■ 

Behruary  15 ,  12 . 

Charles  H.  Huntley,  Bsq., 

General  Electric  Co., 

Buffalo,  Hew  York. 

My  dear  Mr.  Huntley: - 

your  favor  of  the  12th  instant 
recievod.  Ol.d  to  hoar  that  you  hav.  *eot  right- 
o„  th.  rood  question.  Bo.,  .hen  you  I*ol  ““ 
d„.,  ten  ouch  into  th.  old  rut  and  ml  youre.lf 
up  With  excess  food,  which  only  putrifies. 

_  _ _ v,n^ni!  is  certainly 

fine  for  daylight- 

With  kindest  regarde,  1  am, 
Yours  sincer  ely , 



Set.  16,  1912. 

My  dear  Mr.  Barrett: - 

1  send  you  the  attached  for  your 


A*  you  are  going  lato  electrics 
extensively,  1  think  you  should  pound  somebody  for 
neglecting  their  business.  A  few  -choice-  oaths 
thrown  around  promiscuously,  would  do  a  world  of 

Sincerely  yours, 

Mr.  AdOlphus  Bunch, 

St.  TiOuiB,  Mo. 

I  take  pleasure  iu  introducing  to  you  Mr.  Robert 
Schuttler  Hot*,  the  President  of  the  new  bans den  Company,  v,ho 

proposes  to  go  into 

ergotic  campaign  in  yo 

ictr ic  vohiole  business.  It  nay  bo  of  ir 
7  that  I  have  recently  sola  ovor  $100,000  v 

storage  batteries  to  brev/i 
their  electric  wagons. 

s  in  this  vicinity  for  ' 

Yours  very  truly. 

Fab.  15th,  191 2 

Ur.  James  1.  Frssar, 

3  KoDougall  Alley, 

Washington  Square,  Hew  York. 

Bear  3ir:- 

We  have  been  greatly  (Hsapoointed  in  not  yet  laving 
ln,,.de  an  appointment  with  you.  I  eel  led  you  on  the  telephone 
yoat oi- Jay  afternoon.  aP  arranged,  hut  there  was  no  rosponse. 

I  am  sorry  that  th-re  has  been  so  much  uncertainty 
about  this  matter,  for  •*.  SMson  has  tremendous  interests  on  hand 
celling  for  his  attention  IB  hours  a  day.  and  his  time  cannot  he 
.  trifled  with. 

lie  says  he  is  willing  to  have  the  or- fit  taken  on 
Saturday  afternoon  at  the  Laboratory,  say,  about  8  o'clock. 

If  that  is  impossible  for  you,  he  nays  you  can  take  it  at  his  house 
on  Sunday. 

Please  telephone  Ur.  Katin  early  to-morrow  morning 
(4600  Bryant)  and  make  a  definite,  appointment. 

Yours  v rary  truly. 

WHK/BS  Assistant  to  Hr.  Bdison. 


Pol).  16th,  1912 

“•  M»«» 

Chicngo,  Ill* 
near  Mr.  Insull:- 

I  t„y„  pl.„o.>ro  1»  40 

»««-  «...  *.  *-«-*  -  *”•  ~  “  "h0 

poopooo.  to  CO  i»to  «  oooccotto  to  P»oh 

oohicXeo  in  Ohio.*.,  AO  X  OoHooe  it  to  to  «.  - **  ™ “ 

vehicles  an  -  +v__+ 

„,  ,11  to  o,ton.  thio  A„.i„0.0  ..  t«  »«  1  ,-"t 

„  Moot  With  tho  co-opoiotion  oh»0».«CO»ont  oi  C» 

nna  your  Company. 

your 8  very  truly. 


FA)  .  20,  1912. 

W.  C.  Anderson,  Esi . ,  Pres., 

Anderson  Electric  Car  Co., 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Rsplylng  to  your  Minneapolis  manager’s 
letter  of  thel3th  instant  addressed  to  you, 
regarding  the  felt  coverings  used  in  connection 
with  the  battery,  Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to 
write  you  that  the  rubber  suggestion  is  a  good  one; 
rubber  faced  cloth. 

Yours  very  truly, 


February  20, 

W.  C.  Anderson,  Esq.,  Pres., 

Anderson  Electric  Car  Co., 
Detroit,  Michigan. 

jjy  dear  Anderson: - 

Please  find  enclosed  a  "kickback" 
to  your  letter.  Will  he  pleased  to  have  you  "coma 
tack".-  inability  to  make  a  practical  wind-proof 

.  nnacialtv  of  the  AOTERSOif 
battery  box  seems  to  be  a  specialty 

"entourage" . 


yours  very  truly, 





22,  1912, 

J„  H.  Wood,  Esq , , 

156  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 

near  31r:- 

Hcgarding  the  Buildings  at  Silver  lake  purchased 

from  Kao Andrews  and  Forbes;  the  valuations  are  as  follows: - 

Building  No.  1,  including  alterations,  cost  $6500.00 

_  ■  *  6000 .00 
Building  No,  2  no 

Building  Ho,  3  including  "  14500.00 

Building  No,  4 


We  are 
property.  Will 

carrying  too  much  insurance  on 
you  please  see  me  about  it. 

Yours  very  tmly. 


Secretary . 

?o\).  1912 


Tmb.  26,  1912 

Philadelphia  &  Beading  Coal  &  iron  Co., 

Ur.  J.  X.  Jennings,  Electrical  Engineer, 

Electrical  Department,  Pottsville,  Penna. 

Dear  Sir:- 

This  will  introduce  to  you  my  assistant, 

Mr.  Kammerhoff,  who  brings  with  him  a  few  hanging 
lamps;  the  same  as  are  used  in  Germany  and  England. 

We  have  been  working  on  the  small  "battery 
and  now  feel  that  they  are  practical.  1  feel 
certain  they  will  last  for  three  or  four  years. 

How  much  longer  they  will  last  1  cannot  say.  Electric 
truck  batteries  have,  so  far,  shown  no  lose  at  the 
end  of  three  years,  three  hundred  days  per  year  usage. 

Regarding  the  HAT  LAMP,  please  give  Mr. 
Kammerhoff  all  the  information  possible. 

Trusting  we  will  evolve  something  good,  1 

am.  — s 

yours  very  truly,  y 

°  &  — — 



26,  1912. 

J.  F.  Monnot,  Bsq., 

31,  Rue  Darue, 

Paris,  France. 

Dear  Sir:- 

A»  per  request  of  Itr.  *dlson  1  enclose 
herewith  letter  received  fro.  Hr.  B.  ^ 
Moscow,  Russia,  regarding  storage  batteries. 
Kindly  give  it  the  attention  you  deem  necessary 

and  oblige, 

yours  very  truly. 

Assistant  Secretary. 

February  27,  1912 

W.  M.  Barrett,  Esq, ,  PreB,, 

Ad am 8  Express  Company, 

71  Broadway,  Haw  York. 

My  dear  Mr.  Barrett:- 

1  am  enclosing  herewith  further 
reports  of  the  Battery  company's  Inspection  depart¬ 
ment,  which  will  require  more  lurid  language  on  the 
part  of  the  "head  push"  of  Mr.  Adame. 

Sincerely  yours, 

Enclosure , 


Fell.  23rd ,  1912 

My  Dear  Mr.  Jehl:- 

I  an  enclosing  Bone  newspaper  clippings which 
give  an  account  of  the  Raison  Birthday  festivities.  The  arti¬ 
cles  aro  fairly  correct,  hut,  of  course,  they  fall  short  of 
the  great  tine  we  had.  The  nest  fun  of  all  was  that  the  "old 
nan"  was  greatly  surprised.  He  ’new  that  something  was  eoing 
on.  hut  did  not  ’-now  the  dinner  was  to  he  at  his  house  until 
10  minutes  before  he  was  led  in.  He  thought  there  wcb  going 
to  he  a  reception  or  something  of  the  hind.  The  modal  house 
and  conretc  chair  had  been  made  on  the  quiet  in  the  Works,  and 
what  with  that  and  the  lay-out  of  the  dining  room  and  the  lov¬ 
ing  cup  and  testimonial  we  gave  him  a  great  surprise.  He  was 
very  happy  that  night,  and  bo  was  Mrs.  Rdison.-  In  fact,  we 
all  were.  I  am  going  to  send  you  a  cory  of  the  photo  of  the 
loVing  oup.  You  will  see  that  your  name  is  engraved  on  it. 

I  wish  you  could  have  been  with  us  to  have  made  the  occasion 
still  more  enjoyable. 

With  kindest  regards,  I  remain. 

Yours  sincerely. 

p.g, —  I  thought  you  light  also  he  interested  to  see  a  1!°^ 
of  the  guestB  invited  to  the  dinner,  so  I  send  you  one  herewith 


Feb.  23rd,  1912 

J.  KoGuire, 

40 f3  V.  Jefferson  At., 


Dear  Ur.  McGuire : - 

Allow  me  to  thank  you  for  your  favor  of  the  12th 
instant.  I  was  very  glad  to  receive  it,  and  have  read  Its 
contents  with  much  pleasure,  for  they  brought  hack  interesting 
memories  of  the  e-ents  that  took  place  so  many  years  ago  when  I 
was  pounding  the  key  at  Louisville  in  company  with  yourself  and 
others.  I  remember  every  operator  you  mention,  hut  you  loft 
out  Billy  Lewis  and  Charles  Kixer.  I  believe  Lewis  Is  dead, 
but  Mixer  is  a  Government  employee  at  fashing ton.  Ho  came  up 
to  Hew  York  on  a  trip  and  called  over  here  to  see  me  a  few 
months  ago. 

I  thank  you  for  your  kina  remembrance  of  my  birthday 
and  beg  to  express  my  appreciation  of  your  congratulations  and 
good  wishes  for  that  event. 

With  kind  regards  and  best  wishes,  I  remain 
Yours  very  truly. 



Fob.  P.6th,  1912 

Hon.  *^*T^.orrljer  ’^e stern  Australian  Government, 

"  Perth,  Western  Australia. 

pear  Sir:- 

four  cable  of  the  11th  instant  was  duly  received, 
ana  reply  thereto  has  been  unavoidably  detained  because  of  the 
overwhelming  mass  of  business  I  have  had  on  hand.  A  cable 
has  been  sent  to  you  stating  that  the  information  desired 
will  be  sent  by  mail. 

You  will  find  enclosed  a  small  pamphlet,  giving 
a  general  outline  of  my  scheme  for  pouring  concrete  houses. 

This  pamphet  was  prepared  for  the  purpose  of  giving  information 
to  a  large  number  of  inquiries  arising  out  of  a.  public  exhibit 
of  a  model  of  the  first  type  of  houses  which  7  prorose  to  havo 
constructed  a  little  later  on. 

It  was  my  intention  to  have  gotten  this  enterprise 
started  sometime  ago.and  I  had  a  corps  of  engineers,  draughtsmen 
and  mechanics  at  work  for  over  two  years  preparing  the  drawings, 
patterns  nnd  moulds  for  this  first  type  of  house.  As  the  work  wan 
approaching  completion,  other  important  mattors  arose  in  connection 
with  my  Phonograph,  Storage  Battery  and  notion  Picture  Enterprises. 
These  being  active  enterprises,  which  must  be  going,  and 



the  Poured  House  not  yet  having  ranched  its  commercial  stage, 
the  choice  naturally  ley  in  favor  of  my  active  interests. 

Consequently,  2  have  hoen  devoting  my  energies  to  those  things 
entirely  durine  the  last  two  years,  working  night  and  day  to 
introduce  improvements  for  developing  them  on  the  moat  modern 
lines  and  building  them  up. 

Hence,  the  Poured  House  has  of  necessity  received 
hut  little  of  my  attention  dxiring  that  time.  It  has  not  been 
altogether  neglected,  however,  for  the  preparation  of  the  moulds 
has  hoen  going  on.  and  they  and  the  patterns  hove  boon  prepared 
to  a  largo  extent.  The  moulds  for  the  cellar  and  part  of  the 
first  story  nr-  now  erected  in  one  of  the  yards  adjoining  our 
factories  here. 

I  holiove  I  oan  see  my  way  clear  J  o  tal  e  up  the 
subject  again  in  the  near  future,  at  which  time  I  expect  to 
resume  work  on  the  project  and  carry  it  to  completion.  It  may  be 
of  interest  to  add  that  pourings  into  a  few  of  the  moulds  have  been 
made,  especially  of  ornamental  parts,  and  the  results  have  hoen 
highly  satisfactory  and  promise  well  for  the  ultimate  production 
of  complete  structures  in  accordance  with  my  ideas.  Some  of 
those  parts  have  been  out  in  the  yards  continuously  for  nearly 
three  years,  through  all  conditions  of  weather,  and  they  show 
practically  no  signs  of  wner  or  defacement. 

I  shall  ho  glad  to  take  up  the  subject  with  you  at  some 
subsequent  time,  which  I  hope  may  he  in  the  not  remote  future. 

Yours  ”ery  truly. 


February  ?.9th,  1912. 

Dr.  Josoph  Byrne, 

29  7/ost  61st  Street, 

Hew  York  0:tty. 

My  Aoar  Sir: 

I  take  pleBsnro  In  aoknowleAging 
receipt  of  a  copy  of  your  kook  "On  the  Physiology 
of  the  Semicircular  CnnalB  anA  their  Relation  to 
Siokness,"  which  you  have  keen  kinA  onongh  to  senA 
mo  with  your  coraplirnnntB. 

Allow  mo  to  thank  yon  for  your 
courtesy.  anA  to  say  that  the  work  1b  certainly  exhaust- 
ive,  anA,  whnt  is  quite  unusual  in  most  works  of  a 
similar  nature,  the  subject  1b  fort if in A  with  factB 
instenA  of  theories. 

Yours  ve  ry  truly. 


March  4,  1912, 

M.  It,  Schoop,  Esq.., 

Hardturmstrasse  82, 

Zurich,  Switzerland. 

/  dear  Sir:- 

b  of  the  12th  ultimo  received. 

The  nickel  tinsel  received  is  too  thick, 
t  ie  also  imposBihle  to  feed  it  in  definite  amounts, 
in  account  of  the  ragged  edges. 

We  use  20,000  sheets  to  one. 

,ur  machinery  is  now  so  perfect  that  we  make  it  very 
ouch  cheaper  than  the  price  you  give. 

Your  atomizing  process  is  certainly 

:  ~rss 

-rio/r.  ms*  ASfvass 

which  was  too  soft. 

In  case  1  want  something  made  in  soft 
metals  hv  vour  process,  is  there  anyone  in  the 
UNITED  STATES  that  is  operating  your  process? 

Yours  very  tntiy, 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-089  (1912) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  March-June  1912.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Harry  F.  Miller.  There  are  also  a  few  letters 
by  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Many  of  the  items  relate  to  the  commercial  and 
technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline  storage  battery  and  its  use  in 
electric  delivery  trucks.  Also  included  are  letters  pertaining  to  Edison's 
phonograph  and  motion  picture  businesses,  the  choice  of  suitable  music  and 
singers  for  phonograph  recordings,  and  the  development  of  educational  films, 
a  project  for  which  William  W.  Dinwiddie  was  hired  in  December  1911. 
Additional  letters  relate  to  the  use  of  phonographs  with  telegraphs;  the 
development  of  concrete  highways;  visitors  to  Edison's  laboratory  in  West 
Orange,  including  representatives  from  the  German  Industrial  Commission 
and  the’ Deutsches  Museum;  and  the  election  of  Edison  as  a  life  member  of 
the  Museum's  board.  Among  the  correspondents  are  William  C.  Anderson  of 
the  Anderson  Electric  Car  Co.  and  Marshall  C.  Lefferts  of  the  Celluloid  Co. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.  A.  E.  From  -  March  6, 1912  To  -  June  26, 
1912."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number 
"28."  The  book  contains  701  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Less  than  10 
percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 

fjrfAAW,  nni-yoo 

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(3 c<Jiuas  4-  CocLcw^wi  cJ\Vyiso ■  Co ■  Clft- 

CO-  (o  zee 

CixA/Ulovu,  o  .  (/  ■  33 
OvuCUo  Sb 

CLb-"-<L!  ti/o-fa  •  *  -  -‘r7 


fau\  U'‘Q-  7~ - ^65"/ 

Ctijcuvo,  I’K'.-s  ul-£.  U-i  3 

C'l*rOvu^l/'' ,  ^  l"‘~ 

jUU'Jc.ft-  n>.  m-  i>4-3 

I  ■'  * .  r  p  ,  ^ 

w  '  ■  7 

C<ru xjAaJLL,  'tsU*cI  1 1.0 

CtftrA ,  3JLrnULA  H-fi,  /  le  0 
Cduyyui^-u , 1  ■  £■  iSb 
Uur.^,1-Kvj.  hvMZu-  if-  I Z1 

0 uxltcrn-  ,  Qyy^xiur>^!  /  f  / 

Cxjuaso,  Z  tils' 

!Uru^fru^j  ,  'tyU'lo  CoMsyCoL,  7.  a  (p 
QmwksOiL'  ft  ■  If  -2-e  7 
(UJifC-fP.  %o  f 

l ,  fc'  *  T'  • 

Ovkv,  'lofftcllA.  t  Co  ■  -  :  ? 

Csfr&^?^/ua^i's  ‘T'yi'W-  i 

C/rtLCyui,/  ft-ft~J 

C^yyuff'^  V'l'i'U  .Cu.Lj-~}  cf 
yCrfsvtCfwu,  4-  f  - 

!  \\  ■  If-  i  U 


CMlsuvO,  c.d-  S/if- 
f-ASi-yvjclsijCC ,  fyfUs*'  <£* .  'ft  Z  / 
O^Yoj'tC^Clly'U^  l(P/P.  &  ■  /?  .  6  Z  G 
CryyiXtrz&y,  &rvuio  6// 
C&/x/>rUCc^,  CtJsyyu.  6  3  fa 
Cdr^* /  /\P  o~i*^  q/^'  Qsp  .  £  iJT" 0 

CrrjhJ,  fftcuvcCct  £jo~ 

fPcootytt^ui^cjo  ^f/wsist&CpT' \t>vot'  Co 

cMumJLL,  Co. 8.  GS~] 

Clo^o\-iov\. a/van-v  /^ccX^vtr  &•  i 

c£a^,  S-J.c.Cff 

i!L:UstscLhso t  CL,  ■  fC.  t~]  X '  7-  *j  0 
Cc&lOf  -yvUAA  /-ircdULu,  7.  ?*}■-'$! 

cXo^uMt^o,  jo  8-ft-S^ 
CaoJAsuju  t  ~f.^-  3  o  °f 
Clin AAsyotC  CjLoso£t<? .  g.  3/0 

Ccm^iJu^Tj  /  $ .  lh  & 

CUv/Ji  CcIaatI'I'l-  lC- : -L 
cJuxjajtA  ■  du  .  jj  17 
C'CG/uCw.  J^lun^oOoi  C<f.  4“  Z  ^ 
C^-yu,  OsOAArU ,  IVlrCiC/in.  Lr  5 1 
C^rT-ihr^ur-yui,  0, ■  CJ.  Li-S/-~ 

k/.  (o'FZ 

jSsiAstA/Vls  .  ~^'QsV\sO  .  (ff  &  (t> 

&tU,.  U)-1-  *3- 
IStJlyLuJ-,  lo.Uxs.-ioI 

CJ  ■  -  b 

fruvc-Q*  C.C.A.  n.  L-o.zsy 
I  iluXjo,  J^urcUv-  7? 

[)/(JLv«'.  UosiL'^V'  X.  loS 
l-'W'.  lit) 

0mizc,  'Vhite.yHAtfo''  it*  ? 

^Jud/uAo  ScIl^TVO  -  CiAJi^yyt^tMJT^u 

c*.  %  y(p 

0Q/SUO,  ZJsvyuyi  7-S9 
Ikj/Jkoirvv  ,  ft/yi  jbusisir  5-^  1 
)j^JUs  Vxvyvu'  Cd.  D  /  -z. 

fSax-w,  f-co.  3&>j 
pj^rttl,knl.  3  (oz 
$s/wi&vu/yi^i ,  /'tcmx*-*  O-  Lf-  /  o 
OxLqa^&U,  7j'Urtdi'<^!^  0-/0 
[$si-'At,  n-.'ZCi^u  o-  3  o 
ISivk/^-i  rH'io.  o>>  o~  o"f 
(S ohnsnrcuyu ,  Zoc?.  /3  ■  o'/S' 
i9o  /3-w  >  X'  ■  -7iz .  S’  2.  t-r- 

,0s  ixJOx  ,Y-  &  ■  3~zJ 
lSsL02JZ^i  /&yV.  (l^cLotjaA.  SS~1 
0iOtk ,  CsLcuo.  j.  5~bO 

JO JsWscOiotcO-Z ,  LO  ■  ^  (c  I 
l3jUsOt<i*eJo<)  -yyu<oUA^)-si^  S’  6  z- 
0/jynttf ,  1/KClzYu  j (e  I  o 
OuA/ix ,  fAX)wJo£i>n  (o/  6 

Cct^rK,  i°  ^- 


&  ■  ?S2- 

'tolVMHsq  ‘U-  ?  S  1 
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£aaiA3}'j*' •  ■■'■■'  ^  tJ-  J 

01<^>  LCo .'  -%C4>- H  •'—  “•' 

Cdi/XfH  C- ■Xaa'iMasi*'  i  li^rCC  Jo  ■  LJ- 
S'X'J  J  S  0  £f-~  G$  £ 
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cit,  // 


Jj/M  .  yJLri**'^'  Z.O-’Jo 
?■  a  ‘  3  9 

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f,  ■  -?  4-  .7  4 

tiC  __ 

jWl^,  'WW.  ikioM^j  I  4-$ 
JJJUamaj,  Q-  ■  .  J  b  ‘ 2- 

JsewscJCAo  /?•  I  ?0 
HjflA  'l  'MSVt*,  0/^-1  oj 
^A^Uctl,  -wJULic^  /  ^ 

Urt-0  %).JA/HA>dcA  Co  ■  1  “2-  4 
"j/Moi  itn 4AS  trj  V .  f-  Z.  (el 

hui'jtv^  ,fyv.  /^W  ■  Z(e  ‘t 

'fan*,  IF u).  Z63V 

iUUtf,  Ww-fr- 

^MrU'HsWL',  VO-  T  -  21  b 

%ihl.  C.f-  3/7 

A?.  a>.  3l? 

! tl^,ww.w.  3 "z- 1 
^AA^lxJ^yy^^,  C"a'-  32  “ 
^jjtcXd'l  'iJ/yi'i'  4-1  7 
^JLctsu^sfo,  n/yiAa.  uJ-  $.  4-(e  o 

^aM-LA  ,  4  <7.  ¥??■ 

fyjjsnsvt',  j  .  'yuAo:C<ryi'  Si  1 

4w^K. f  CdJrOCt  £.  JT6  £ 

■^T^^r-vy ,  ft-  (p  2  ( 

^JAA^rvij^f  CCi-t4Ui>  J ■  (t  (e  & 

'^'  CitAhut' Co-  (t>7  7 
■tfsdUJ^iAscL,  S.  P-  G  $% 

+ °  /iWz^  s(pf 

•Si  dr 

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,  w ■#•  * '  a'A/S7z 

U<AM<J{  'WUyvn*',  J-SS-f*  J f7^ 

,  ,XI , ,  4  4  44 

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iijJ^uXL  J./T-i  (p  o  ( 

j^AMcJ\  t  WUyvn*',  7-  $  d  -  b 
jilUyW*  f:  ’&>■  b-ti  •  1 0 
jfavt,  pux^ui  %  ■  to  I 
tfywdtU',  i  ilJvyuX^  ~J’  I  7~  1 

ffarJ:,  'Mm.  rtsrlrt,  £.  /  <4~  7 

'lufcfctYi.  &>YiwyusU7  C- .  /  t-f-  S 

'Mfauf,  ioaMu  I  <}o 
b/lcUwOMs,  1  ^ 

'{<d/jiy ,  fa,  'Id/yyi  - H  ■  I  7  fa 
'MmJL.H-  S.  in.-^  +  3-<frSf® 

'Oyvdc-UX^l^,  -^t-D  ■  £•  -  3 

,p^cJ<JU)l  7m u>.  dUsM*  y.  2.  "7  3 

’tJllZl^,  cuzU^  //.  Z-7^ 

'^yiTZ^  '&■()■  3  7-3 
ity-di^CL,  CXd^Uui  / 

Mt i&MZrvx,  3(o3 
ikct<Jx^y^M’ f  bruj^L  //.  J  7  c 
f4t-‘ ^J^iVii  'S',  3/1 
(4C*-Ac^!  UMsd/LUsir  /?  d-o  1 
f-k^dCur^i,  /  '^UatO.  "J7,  l-f-  /  § 
fbuj/yyu&si^' ,  'fy-Cv  ■  Cv  ■  Ld-fa  l 

ij-  Ft 

f4-CMU4,St  o  -CL.  UL  9  > 
(^xcUUsf  CJU^cC  <+<?  O 
!«%d  ,  C-  ?’  *3  o 

PjO^  *3! 

/•faulty  idsm-  &■ 

[tcWj  >.-*•  >°b 


litJUy.  '+1 

i& 3f,s-u>- 

^■C/-  7- 4- V 
l(lfr'Uru,/J'  &■  3S'3 
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(itiXhdeoC',  Irzufz-L  lJ-  (f  "'- 

,  oJL*.  A4f3 

/bdUo  cj,  fii-i<A,t  .U 

liuivcbxX-ls,  O-  "71 . 

I&vUjo  ,  Co  .^-«J .  5~1H- 
iir^uiai,  £./  SIS 
I  tlC'V^sC&ASO^'  i  S'  /  £* 

jiJJU*.  7Mm-  O'W 

\Mjoafl  As-  ^rfr-a^uvo'  (d  (o'z- 

/Witv,  k.j.  b?s 

I'  gacJ'u-,  f\,  5 1 

A^vu,  JWA>- 

tuJr<^;ftU-  ni-zio+11 

IfloJj twwA&eM,  z*7z*S'36  6 

^oL<^  ,(y.  2>z- 7 

njJ^,  /J.H.3{t>S’ 

'yds,  Mm.  cl-tuiu^a-  d.  3  f  z 
ad>/  'yyi'V).  Id .  id  .3  7  j 
:.  cA/dtc-  i ,  /V  •  £<-» .  l4-l  t 
if.-Cti,}-  /.  >r« 

i^£LMilZcO.J,  S7? 

-, ^cus-Jc^qJ*  (o  3  t- 

£cJ^Ax-,  /W-  6-^ <r" 

l  d[si"C,  &cv'ui^CL,  -$  ■  ^ ^ 

|  ts*^cLur^Cf  t  /<!■  ■  0 .  (p  fO 
■fd/2 />cJdu£j  t  CL- .  &>  f  0 

taAji  5 1 

Co  l3l'tJ-U-0-aO>3'S3-3-lol 

j^bj/Auro  ,  'Z'tv  ■  ~  "7  ^ 

JjLltojfc  ^c<maJ*aAC  7.  &? ■  7- fc  % '3  fa  fa 

fflyicuiJ'J  -6.3  *2 


ilVuds'  im.  Cl&sU^cc-  Cu ,  3  f  2. 

IrnLaA,  Wad.  UJ  Co  3  i  & 

£cl*i  CA/ldZ/L  /  U-CO.  t-f~  7  ! 

\fa  -ori  uZ-  S-0  0 
\/:^-C-r-  Sll 

llMl  Ja^J,  *1* 

■jSu'tLoi  fa  3  ~l- 

bJA&jL'  (etf-  <r~ 

'Is'.-C,  tbli-U'Xsl  \J_ACL  !  -^ ■  &  .  ^ 
tLsduTL-Cj  t  //■£'.  <4  J 

■j! ,  cl  .  fa  f  o 

//  (>(o  3 

'ft't^uo  .  W  ■(£■■  6>f! 

r,  -  - 


fat/.  >  -  c 

rA  t'r  '  l7'lr'  c- 

c*’  ■ , 

jjjl  tinau****  J-dL*j&- 
WwJytj.  ^  35<fl 
tfrMsdl  'rtsyfi'-  f3~ 
t^o'A ,  mfj. 


CoJ<£  ■  J- 

wnouM.  Me. 0,3*! 



fC  *  '- 



»•’  33  7  ( 
I  '  w-  L' b 


•;;  f^c^~^rV4‘ 

M  pll^,w'm*V'/b/ii. 

pjr^i  Z7J  ^ 

M*.  “%  fJ-S'S' 

,  ^<Vn  Ct^u^v  *  r-^  ^ 

S,.  ■'%lh'5/‘;L„ 

I ijjat.  'VHAO.  }J,6s  ftwtU'  o  .  ~~ 
factfa.  %'^ei' .  3  7  3  . 
f/Xldtt rt  ,  .  -  7^  ^ 

Pfiiiixo,  &<\'Xn'uc<yL-'t’  o  f  / 

/°rt'6--  TUsd>zocJ\  3  *j  $ 

,  Pacu/x£~  ?■  U- 

(krh^oo,^  roL~ 


P.*Z&~,  ^  .  *  htcUec'j^  -s  '  ‘ 
pouu^.lO-  S3  7 

|Jh(A  *  w-  * 

•j\  PoszAtcLL  {  (Ztr&,  S' $'! 

PO/WUA,  5"  P  ^ 

P$AXstJ/\  f  OJ^c  .J.Sf? 

V  (^xaxutvv,  /vi'H'W  /?  ^"7° 

Pu/vcxno.  iw  .  £~£t  / 

'UfcJE*,  bt? 

Poa^Al,  M-0-  &fc7  „  ,  ,  , 

frjrkc  CUdAXsb  Co  •  6  < 

(Irr/iAAu  1*am*  fa***'.  + 

(bfcnun*,  O-tsxt'Lf-b 

fiiiw  i  /^)‘^»v<'^  L^~  7 
fi^MuOx  l4Ul/uf'  sf 

2x,^Cr-  fyet'vn-  ■}'  $  L”’ 

C]  1 

1  XI.  11.$ 

Ju* ^  !  ?3 

o,  iS.O./^-^t 
(lalrtvnc  f  7  //  •  /  f  4^ 

^  •  7-  -'7 

I (ik^-udooi,  7~^’~j 

\fajjdUL'  <hCc.  C.-9-  7-°lb 
,  JrtrjJLfcL  £.34-0 
y  ^v-CssOf,  ^fsu^oi/  "3  if-  I 


^Wly.  SX  £7-r 

I  iL&JU-  71'U^d .  f'UXA^sCl'S  ?«-■  A4  J  < 

(latent,  liw  rxisttej  Lf-(*1 
(krbspvO  i  J-Jvirpyu?is3 ,  44  4  i  If-  S'  i 
HulLf  ,  ■jihi/u#  7fo.  L/-  f  /  -  v5~^  ^ 
(k/sJUA^A, /  ^  •  44"  ‘^•' 

(buCCtr.-x^  s  rk^-t'i.‘-p  <>  -  $ 

Sv  i '-r  o 

(Ic^^cLcM’,  ^  •  /7  Ci2y  cL,  o  ^4  / 
/tWt,  yiiArt  j~ si>  ‘( 

(hnu^^,  /V.  5  fo 

QtiJLoMhw^i  ok  6 1  f 
(hr^u^jJioL  f  Ju.  (o  3  44. 

,  o.  a>.  ^ 7 

dtUrl’K/Oo-v'' ,  ^  •  |3 .  &  ^  ^ 

(foujU  C^uA  kZ't 

7a.(^c^u>.  St. 

G  0  3 

liaroh  6th,  1912 

Hr.  John  K.  tfoolmnn, 

Elmer,  N.J. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  sent  yon  the  following  telegram  to-day: 

"George  A.  Kullen  was  employed  many  years  ago  in 
my  oleotrio  light  business.  Don’t  'mow  financial  standing, 
hnt  otherwise  think  hi:-’  all  right." 

I  have  not  had  any  dealings  with  Hr.  Million  for 
many  years  other  than  seeing  him  onoe  or  twine  recently.  I 
believe  he  is  now  engaged  in  some  branch  of  the  electrical 
business,  but  1  do  not  know  anything  further.  So  far  ns  I 
know  ho  is  a  straight  and  reliable  man. 

Yours  Tory  truly. 





Myron  T.  Herrick,  Es&., 

Mar lbor ough-Blenhe lm , 

Atlantic  City,  N.  J. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  8th  instant 
wa„  forwarded  to  Mr.  Edison  who  iB  aojourning 
at  his  winter  home  in  Florida,  and  who  three  a 
ae  to  write  you  as  follows. 

"What  you  want  ia  to  get  from, 
the  International  Correspondence  Schools  at 
Scranton,  Pa.  one  of  their  LANGUAGE  PHONOGRAPHS 
and  full  supply  of  records  for  teaching  the 
French  language.  You  will  he  surprised  at 
the  ease  of  learning  correct  accent,  grader  etc. 

This  machine  (French)  with  its 
perfection  of  articulation  of  the  consonants  ,  ^ill 
sake  the  immortals  of  the  French  Academy  green 
with  envy  when  you  spring  it  on  them. 

Hoping  you  will  ha've  a  good  time 
in  "Gay  Paree",  1  am, 

Youra  very  t»ly» 

( Sighed)  Taos.  A.  Edition 



Aril  15/12 

Sfunuel,  Ksq. , 

120  'Vor.t  Adams  lit . , 

Chicago,  Til. 

Dear  Kr.  Jr.snll:- 

’■r.  '-Id*  son  hns  received  an  *nvitnt Ion  to  attend 
t’  o  dinner  of  the  Associated  i?resB  nt  the  ’Valdorf  "storin  on 
the  25th  inatant,  end  has  p-coeetod.  ,Te  wishes  me  to  write 
end  let  yon  ’now  that  ho  will  attend  this  dinner. 

”orr b  very  truly. 

April  lGth,  1912 

::r.  Irving  31 coming dale, 

noth  :*t.  l-.  3rd  -vo., 

n.v-j  York  City. 


On  my  return  from  Xloriila,  .lu  re  I  have  boon  for 
■  month,  1  find  ft  letter  from  V.Y.  .’•rthur  .''illinira  of  the  now 
V.nv:  hiison  Co.,  in  which  h.o  states  that  ho  hna  had  a  con- 
v-veut  Ion  with  you  in  regard  to  delivery  wagons.  I  have  written 
to  hr.  Y.'il  1  iam.«  in  reply,  stating  that  I  wot;''d  also  write  to  you 

Over  a  year  ago  I  heoamo  convinced  that  there  could 
ho  eonntructed  a  light  electric  delivery  wagon  to  take  tho  plaoo 
or  the  one  homo  wagon,  and  that  it  could  ho  operated  with  great¬ 
er  economy  than  tho  horse  wagon.  I  commenced  a  sories  of  experi¬ 
ments  in  the  construction  or  such  a  vehicle  and  sont  ny  assistant 
to  visit  various  largo  concerns  in  order  to  obtain  reliable  dnta 
as  to  tho  cost  of  delivery  with  horse  wagons.  Among  thoso  visit- 
e’  was  your  own  '*i.rm  and  you  very  kindly  contributed  to  the  dnta 
•which  ho  was  gathering  for  me.  and  which  hna  boon  of  considerable 
value  and  has  been  rosorved  exclusively  for  ry  own  personal  ubo. 

Uvor  sinoo  tho  early  part  of  stunner  wo  have  been 
running  our  oxper inontnl  vehicles  over  the  hardest  kind  of  roods 
in  order  to  dovel -.p  weaknesses  of*  construction.  Jn  so  doing  wo 

I.  B. 

Apr.  16/ir 


have  constantly  trough  out  defects,  all  of  which  have  boon 
eliminated  from  timo  to  time  so  that  our  vnMolo  ns  at  prosont 
(1  ovelopod  loops  as  if  it  would  r.tand  almost  anything*  I  am 
now  oxperi ranting  to  roduce  the  'riot ion  in  order  to  economise 
in  current  consumed  in  running  the  wagon.  As  soon  as  7.  hnvo 
the  wagon  In  a  shape  satisfactory  to  me,  1  shall  lot  you  know, 
and  would  vory  much  like  to  have  you  or  one  of  your  representa¬ 
tives  cone  over  and  son  it. 

It  nay  also  interest  you  to  learn  that  for  the  pnot 
si months  v/o  have  been  running  a  hard  road  test  to  destroy  a 
o no  ton  delivery  wagon  made  by  an  outside  manufacturer  for  ono 
of  the  'k-rpr.'.nn  Companies.  Phis  you  could  also  .and  examine 
tho  data. 

"ours  very  truly. 

April  16th,  1912 

LIr.  Arthur  Williams, 

B5  minno  St., 

How  York  city. 

Donr  Hr.  WilliamB:- 

X  ha vo  junt  returned  to  the  laboratory  after  a  month 'e 
sojourn  in  T’loridn,  and  find  in  my  correspondence  your  favor  of 
;.!arch  20th,  in  regard  to  you-  conversation  with  K r.  Irvine  Bloom- 

T  hive  hoen  experimenting  for  eh  out  a  yonr  with  a 
lieht  electric  vehicle  to  take  the  place  of  the  one  horse  wagon, 
and  some  months  ago  cent  iir.  Keadowcroft  around  to  many  of  tho 
large  oonoerns  to  obtain  data  as  to  cost  o **  delivorion  by  horso 
wagons.  lie  was  very  kindly  received  by  Bloomingdnle  Bros.,  who 
contributed  to  the  data  X  have  collected.  T-'ver  since  that  time 
I  have  boon  running  tho  small  experimental  delivery  wagons  over 
the  hardest  kind  of  roads,  in  ordor  to  bring  out  troubles. 

Defects  in  construction  wore  constantly  brought  out  by  this  hard 
test,  and  we  have  eradioated  them  in  our  conatruotion  from  time 
to  time,  until  we  think  that  our  present  vehiole  is  bo  constructed 
as  to  stand  almost  anything.  I  am  now  experimenting  to  further 
re duo e  tho  frdtion  so  as  to  got  hotter  economy  In  cost  of  opera¬ 
tion.  As  soon  as  wo  think  wo  have  it  right  we  will  advise  yon, 

A.  W. 

Apr.  16/12 


and  v/e  should  vory  much  like  to  have  tho  Blooming  dale 'a  repre¬ 
sentative  oono  over  to  Orange  and  seo  the  wagon.  I  shall  take 
plensuro  in  notifying  you  about  this  a  little  later. 

It  may  also  interest  you  to  learn  that  for  the  past 
six  months  wo  have  been  running  a  hard  road  test  in  the  ondeavor 
to  destroy  a  one  ton  delivery  wagon  made  by  an  outside  manufacturer 
for  the  Adams  Kxprer.s  Co.  This  can  also  be  seen  and  the  data 
thereon  examined. 

I  enclose  carbon  copy  of  a  letter  to  Hr.  Bloomingdale. 
yours  vory  truly. 


April  16th,  191? 

J.  V.'.  Lieh.  Jr.  Ks<,., 

57  Dunno  .'5t., 

II O'V  h"o: r>-  City. 

Ily  dear  I!r.  lioh:- 

I  'nave  received  you.’-  rover  of  tho  15th  instant  in 
regard  to  tho  proposed  visit  of  tho  Cor  nan  Industrial  Comnisr.  ion 
to  tho  laboratory  and  7/orkn,  and  in  reply  would  say  that  it  will 
i  Horn  rae  groat  pleasuro  to  have  tho  party  yon  nano  cor.e  over 
and  see  what  we  have  here,  and  I,  therefor  •>,  ertond  a  cordial  in¬ 
vitation  to  them,  '■’he  day  and  hour  you  rent  ion  will  he  entirely 
convenient,  us  it  will  af'ord  tvo  visitors  an  opportunity  of  going 
through  the  V!or':s  hoforo  closing  tine. 

I  shall  also  taVo  : lensuro  in  providing  a  lunch, 
to  he  served  to  Jho  party  in  the  library  n^ter  their  Snspootion 
of  the  plant. 

Yours  very  1 ruly, 

April  16th,  191 

Kr.  Wn.  H.  Maxwell, 

City  Superintendent  of  Schools 
600  Park  Ave. , 

How  York  city. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  yours  of  the  3rd  inBtant,  regarding 
magnetized  schools,  Mr.  Edison  dlrncta  no  to  write  you  that 
icf  Arrhenius  actually  conducted  the  experiments  and  the  results 
were  stated  hy  him,  then  he  would  accept  them  ns  truth,  hocause 
Arrhenius  is  ono  of  the  greatest  and  most  conservative  physicists 
In  tho  world,  and  ho  suggests  that  yon  wri to  direct  to  him. 

Yours  very  truly. 




April  16/12 

Mr.  Georpe  Rittonhouse, 

44  Sanford  Av« . , 

PlsJnfielfl,  I.’.J. 

Donr  Sir:- 

Roplyinp  to  your s  r opart! inp  ohuttinp  down  tho  /'tils on 
Portland  Cement  Co.  plant’ on- Sundays ,  Hrl.  Rdison  directs  ne  to 
v/rito  yon  that  ho  tried  shutting  dorm  hut  wo  burned  our  ■■ ' Inn 
in  consequence.  However,  ho  stopped  everything  else  about  the 
plant  except  what  sve  found  was  absolutely  nooessary  to  nin. 

Yours  very  truly. 



he  anli 

1  think  we  should  continue 
itil  several  things  besides  the  wheels  ti¬ 
the  test  la  a  great  assurance  to  you  in 
n«  any  large  sums.  Your  directors  will 
■  to  "come  hack"  at  you,  after  thin  v.-eoa-, 



V/hen  we  stop  this  test  1  win.  s. 
”C1!  "):e  te8t  of  capacity  and  condition  of  the  hat  to 
which  Wells  should  see  done,  and  certify  as  correct 

Your  auditing  department,  in 
computing  cost  of  delivery  certainly  need  not  chnrg 
off  more  than  ten  { 10 %)  percent  on  the  chassis  or 
the  vehicle,  providing  the  manufacturer  is  held 
strictly  to  exact  duplication  of  the  truck:  v/ithout 
any  alleged  improvements,  which  you  never  can  ho 

Now  that  you  are  not  to  go 
to  jail  on  account  of  the  Sherman  law,  step  in  your 
auto  am!  come  over  and  see  me,  it's”  fortv 
mi n» tea  from  your  office. 

Vit)  kindest 

regards,  T  nr. 

April  19^  h,  1912 

J.  T.\  lieb,  Jr.,  Psq. , 

57  jju nne  "treot , 

He ;  York  City. 

Uy  dear  Mr.  Liob:- 

Ur.  Mead owor oft  haa  ah  o  wn  no  your  letter  to  him  undo- 
date  of  the  10th  instant,  together  with  copies  of  a  circular  of 
the  national  Isolated  Power  Plant  Association  and  ninntos  of  Mooting. 

It  ia  utterly  ahBurd  either  for  Mr.  Kdgarton  or  any 
Asaociation  such  as  he  represents  to  try  to  construe  ray  published 
words  in  favor  of  any  Isolated  Plant  Association.  The  most  ordinary 
nlnd  should  he  able  to  comprehend  that  the  isolated  plant  in  a  large 
city  partakes  of  the  nature  of  middleman,  and  the  most  casual  reader 
of  the  article  in  the  Saturday  livening  Post  of  March  16th  will  see  that 
ray  remarks  are  directed  *\gainst  the  middleman  in  general. 

I  have  always  combatted  the  principle  of  installing 
isolated  plants  in  a  city  whose  streets  are  eruipped  with  a  network 
of  conductors  supplying  current  from  a  central  Station,  and  it  in 
the  height  of  absurdity  for  any  person  or  Isolated  Plant  Association 
to  claim  that  I  am  arrayed  on  thoir  side.  Por  nearly  35  years  the 
Central  Station  has  been  ny  ideal  for  all  Pleetrio  lieht  and  power 
work  in  Cities,  and  I  see  no  reason  to  change  at  this  late  date. 


v  Apr/  19/lS 

Mr.  Mdgorton  linn  .not  the  Bliehtoat  foundation  for 
stating  that  there  might  he  any  possibility  of  my  joining  hln 

Yours  Yery  truly, 


April  PSrd,  1912 


Kiss  Augusta  I.  Corson  "etcalfe, 

Durham,  Okln. 

Dear  Jlisn  Eetoolfo:- 

It  is  "rt  th  thnn’-'S  an  A  much  appreciation  that  I  make 
acknowledgment  of  your  interesting  favor  of  the  l-‘th  ?nr.t«»it  and 
Of  the  grain  of  corn  hearing  a  miniature  painting  hy  yourself. 

The  latter  has  hoen  taken  to  my  hone,  whore  it  is  greatly  admired 
and  will  he  preserved  with  my  other  mementoes  and  souvenirs. 

7/o  also  admire  your  artistic  paintings  on  letter  paper  and  en¬ 
velope  and  can  scarcely  realise  that  you  have  ha d  no  tr;  i  n  ■  ng 
in  thn  development  o ■**  your  talents  ir.  this  direction.  I  con¬ 
gratulate  you  upon  your  success  ns  an  nrtist  as  well  as  a  farmer. 
With  all  good  wishes,  I  remain 

Yours  very  truly. 


Hr.  Vi'illinm  TtallaB  Bosv/orth, 

5S7  ?mh  A vonn a, 

llev/  york  City. 

April  noth,  1912 

Dear  !*r.  Boav/orth:- 

yom-  favor  of  the  .7 5th  inntant  vna  received,  and  I 
thank  you  for  tho  Invitation  to  call  In  and  non  your  node!  of 
the  new  iJeatern  Uhlon  Building.  I  »b  In  tl-.o  city  p.  fev/  flays 
ago  and  flroppod  In  to  aeo  tho  “eatorn  Union  peop-.o,  '/ho  told 
rte  about  thoir  new  sky-scraper. 

If  I  get  a  chanoe  7  will  drop  in  and  see  your 

rno  1  ol . 

yours  very  truly. 


April  30th,  1912 

Dear  young  friendR:- 

ElrlB  0,t*.  £^5.“* 

23  ^Mya^^S'&S«i  =!5r>B^ 


early  training. 

experiment.  t5y  train  ran  -  -c-  -  -fr,  the  latter  city 

gave  no  opportunity  to  go  to  the  unron  where  f 

atory  vould  make  «?  lottor  too  _ong. 

•.  „„„  ,Wrir  (U^fO'-nnt  fr on  what  they  wore 

Sohool-flayn  nr0  vnr-  '  '  _  hnV(,  beauti^i!  nohool- 

whon  I  wan  a  hoy  fifty  year*  »e° •  £Tn\S andymir  Rtudies 

houses  with  modern  conveniences  a  ,W  -i0'the  arts  and  sciences, 
include  many  i^«r2B^«EUo^“an!i%i?lR  o"  +.h«  nrcnent  tine  ought 

a  vn£j»*z  «««:  ™ 

to  do  hig  things  in  the  world. 

V/ith  all  goo  i  v/iRhoR  for  your  future,  1  remain 


April  23rd,  1912 

Kr.  Arthur  7'illinnn, 

57  Dunno  r,t . , 

Ifo-f  york  City. 

Dear  Mr.  V-illiaraa:- 

pages  379  and  300  of  tho  ,'pri.l  numbnr  of  the  Ydinon 
monthly  contain  a  nplondid  two  page  reading  ndvrtiser.ent  of 
the  Dictaphone.  'Tho  iinproffiion  convoyed  in  that  the  Colunbia 
Phonograph  Company  in  tho  only  real  pohhlo  on  tho  hooch,  "e  lined 
to  think  that  our  hot-  won  4 n  tho  ring  and  that  ?;o  worn  oomebody 

in  tho  business,  hut  now  _  ’  « 

And  even  at  that  tho  Mo./  York  3d  is  on  Company  unos 
about  one  hundred  Hdiaon  dictating  machines: 

!To  ■  did  the  Columbia  people  ever  Blip  it  in  on  you? 
7/c  r.r o  rooonoilod  to  tho  ff  ct  that  Honor  nomotines 
nodded,  hut  that  "’illians  (should  _ _ i 


April  30th ,  1912 

The  Young  -jdinon  Society, 

Rogers,  Ark. 

Rear  friends:- 

Your  secretary.  Karris  Torhott,  has  written 
telling  ne  of  the  forwatior,  o-p  your  Socioty.  I  writo  to  say 
that  the  honor  you  do  me  in  giving  it  r.y  name  ia  greatly  ap¬ 
preciated,  and  1  wish  you  all  wanner  of  success. 

If  the  object  of  your  society  in  to  make  n  study  of 
the  groat  engineering  problems  of  the  day,  let  ne  say  that  you 
have  chosen  well,  for  the  field  is  unlimited.  On  all  sides  we 
see  unbounded  opportunities  ?"or  young  men  of  intelligence  and 
ir  actical  knowledge  who  are  capable  of  correct  thinking  and 
prompt  action,  f'uch  men  are  in  great  and  constant  demand,  and  I 
trust  your  studies  may  fit  many  of  you  for  such  positions. 

I  note  you  have  adopted  as  your  motto  "All  things  come 
to  him  who  hustles  while  he  waits.”  if  a  man  will  live  up  to  the 
spitit  of  this  motto  he  .will  he  a  winner  in  any  lino  of  endeavor. 

Yours  very  truly. 



Kay  4th, 1912 

Mr 8.  J.  V.  HaoClatohie, 

Medford.  Oregon 

.Dear  Madam:- 

Your  favor  of  the  22nd  nit.  in  regard  to  the  use 
of  some  eleotrioal  method  of  "Bmudging"  hna  been  rooeived. 

In  reply  I  heg  to  say  that  my  impression  is  that  neveral  in¬ 
ventors  are  working  on  this  problem,  and  I  think  they  will 
ultimately  solve  it.  If  life  were  not  bo  {short  and  there 
were  more  than  24  hours  in  the  day,  I  night  ho  tempted  to  take 
up  thiB  subject  myself ,  hut  na  it  is.  my  time  day  and  night 
is  so  fully  occupied  with  my  own  extensive  affairs  that  it  is 
imp ou siblo  for  me  to  think  of  going  into  the  consideration  of 
anything  that  does  not  bear  on  ny  active  interests,  so  I  must 
leavo  this  natter  to  others. 

Your  oordial  invitation  to  visit  yon  is  much  appreci¬ 
ated.  but  I  do  not  see  any  immediate  prospect  of  accepting  it. 

I  had  ray  family  out  your  way  about  throe  yoara  ago,  and  it  cer¬ 
tainly  appeared  to  ne  that  your  climate  was  the  finest  in  the 

YourB  very  truly. 


May  Oth  193  ?■ 

Tnc  Celluloid  Company. 

lir.  Me  C.  I.efferts,  Ptcs.. 

30  V/aBhlngton  Place,  Mew  Yprlc. 

My  Pear  Sir:- 

Your  letter  of  the  6th  instant  also  the 
two  samples  of  film  support  received.  Mr.  Edison 
directs  me  to  write  you  that  you  gave  him  the  figures 
on  nitro-cellulose:  can  you  give  him  the  same  figures 
on  aceto-cellul ose  ? 

Yours  very  truly, 


Kay  3rd ,  1912 

Mrs.  Charles  ?.  Hughes, 

32  north  Arlington  Avenue. 

East,  Orange,  Ii.  J. 

Ey  dear  Mrs.  Hughes 

I  understand  that  you  ere  having  written  a  memorial 
of  your  late  husband,  and  would  lih0  to  have  an  expression  of 
my  experience  of  him  aa  a  husinenn  nssooiate  and  friend. 

An  he  vms  closely  associated  with  me  for  many  years 
during  trying  periods  of  ny  wort:,  it  is  with  great  pleasure 
that  I  avail  nysnlf  of  this  opportunity  to  say  that  ho  was  a 
most  loyal  and  devoted  co-lahorer  in  whatever  wo  were  soehing 
to  accomplish.  Intelligent,  oonsoi.entious  and  industrious 
to  a  high  degree,  his  wholo  energy  and  endeavor  were  ever 
given  to  advance  tho  work  in  hand,  whatever  it  might  he.  1 
always  felt  that  I  could  roly  on  his  good  judgment  and  trust¬ 
worthiness  during  all  of  our  association. 

As  a  friend  I  found  him  invariably  true  and  ningle- 
heartod,  never  swerving  from  tho  ideals  of  true  loyalty  and 
friendship,  and  in  all  things  a  gallant  gentleman. 

All  honor  to  his  momoryl 

Sincore?.y  yours . 




May  a,  191, 

l!,  I.  Moyer,  Ysq.  . 

•>75  Fulton  Street 

Brooklvn,  New  York, 

Dear  Mr,  Moyer: 

Mr.  Bdisnn  is  now  ready  to  talk  1)11310638 
with  you  on  the  proposition  of  erecting  another  building 
at  Orange,  When  may  he  expect,  to  see  you  ? 

Your3  verv  truly. 


Mrv  0,  1912, 

Young  Men’s  Christian  Association, 

Chairman- Colored  Brach  Committee 
of  the  Board  of  Directors, 

419  Main  St.,  Orange,  H. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Yours  of  the  1st  instant  requesting  a 
donation  for  the  colored  branch,  received. 

Replying  tP  8axae  Mr.  Sdisnn  diroo-to  mo  to  mito  Ml 
that  he  gave  the  main  association  one  hundred 
dollars,  and  he  does  not  feel  lilce  giving  any  more, 
Yours  very  truly. 


nay  nth, 


Ur.  Holt on  Ml, 



Cluh , 

A vc.  ft 

1th  St., 

Ky  dear  Ur .  Hall:- 

t  Hin  in  receipt  of  your  '“avor  of  the  5th  instant, 
and  would  pay  in  reply  that  it  is  ny  intention  to  hp’"'  exhaustive 
V-  lustrations  of  intnnnive  famine  with  notion  piotnre  filns 
teher  in  nil  eountries  where  famine  receives  attention. 

In  the  United  States  vto  are  very  rmch  behind  France  and  other 
countries  in  intensive  farming,  and  I  feel  a  erest  interest 
in  the  subject  not  only  personally,  hut  also  from  the  standpoint 
of  educational  pictures. 

yours  very  truly, 

Mr.  K.  C.  Doff  ertcs , 

Presidont ,  The  Celluloid  Co., 

30  V.’anhlneton  Piece, 

He/  YorV.  city. 

Deer  Sir:- 

Youv  favor  o'-  the  flth  instant  has  he  on  received  and 
its  contents  noted. 

I  an  very  r.ueh  interested  In  the  acetocellulose 
film  an  the  Schools  will  not  allow  the  use  of  nitrocellulose. 

Tho  e ifht  year  school  oourno  -,'in  retire  irar.ensc  ouantities 
of  the  aootocollnloBo  fi In,  an  there  rr-  nineteen  nllllon  public 
school  pupils,  most  of  v/hon  attend  every  day. 

Yours  very  truly. 



William  Pel z or, 

o/o  notion  picture  Patents  Company, 

RO  Fifth  Ava., 

How  York  City. 

snr  Sir:- 

Knclosed  herewith  find  tax  hill  for  i>5  ’’ifth  Ave. 
ley  have  inoreasod  the  asisosonent  this  year  $15,000.  Hill 
nz  kindly  see  if  anything  con  ho  done  to  ho  e  it  reduced. 
Lease  let  Re  know  as  soon  as  possible,  as  wo  want  to  take 
Ivantage  of  the  discount  in  prying  the  hill. 

Yours  very  truly 

Kay  8th,  1912 

Sir  Tollemache  Sinclair, 

Travellers  Cluh, 

l>all  Hall,  ,  a 

London,  Knglana. 

Hy  dear  Sir:- 

mhrough  yonr  courteay  and  Kindness  my  possessions 
have  boon  enriched  by  the  wonderful  and  unique  volume  v/hich  I 
have  just  received  with  your  compliments.  It  is  a  veritable 
mine  of  beauty  and  art.  and  I  shall  tahe  it  to  my  home,  where 
it  will  be  retained  as  a  moat  interesting  memoir. 

T  ercfcend  to  you  my  sincere  thanks  for  so  Kindly 
remembering  me  with  this  charming  volume, 
yours  very  •*ruly. 


that  the  just  of 



icrhly  cleaned  hy  boiled 

copied  down  to  hot  coffee  t< 

md  rineed, 


inavno : 

I  &  -!i>  <f--'  i 


May  15th,  191S 

Hr  a.  V?. 

A.  Lomas, 

1415  Freeman  Street, 
Toledo,  Ohio. 

{Station  B) 

Bear  Hadara:- 

Your  favor  of  the  9th  instant  vjub  received, 
and  it  has  eiven  me  much  gratification  to  learn  of  the  pleasure 
that  yon  derive  from  the  phonograph.  1  trust  that  you  may 
enjoy  it  for  many  years  to  come.  It  is  an  additional  pleasure 
to  receive  a  lotter  from  one  who  knew  me  as  a  hoy,  and  I 
thank  you  for  your  kindly  remembrance. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Hay  Slat,  191S 

l«r.  Joe  Mitchell  Chappie, 

Hat  i  onal  Maga  sine , 

Boat  on.  IiaBS. 

ay  dear  Mr.  Chappie 

v0nr  favor  of  the  IVth  instant  in  rep  art! 
to  eliminating  electrification  of  paper  in  the  proas  rooms 
has  been  received.  In  reply  let  mo  say  that  I  have  made 
no  distinct  invention  covering  this  subject. 

£ho  remedy  is  mil to  simple  and  can  he  car¬ 
ried  out  by  heaping  the  prose  room  saturated  with  moisture, 
so  that  the  paper  will  not  dry  out  and  become  electrified. 

■She  Vfillimantic.  fhread  Co.  have  had  a  good 
deal  of  -rouble  in  this  direction,  and  cotton  mills  also 
experience  a  good  deal  of  difficulty  from  electrification, 
but  I  understand  that  they  control  it  by  artificially  pro¬ 
ducing  a  state  of  high  humidity  which  in  continually  bept  up. 
It  will  probably  pay  you  to  maVo  some  experiments  in  the  name 

I  am  glad  to  learn  that  you  are  about  to 
become  State  printers  for  the  Commonwealth  of  Massachusetts, 
and  some  time  when  I  am  in  Boston  I  shall  try  to  give  myse_f 
the  pleasure  of  looking  in  on  yon. 

Yours  very  truly. 


(£>°  ° 

Hr.  Paul  Cromelin, 

National  Phonograph  Co.,  Ltd., 
Whiles don  Junati on , 
London,  li .  W., 


Dear  Hr.  Cromelin: - 

X  enclose  horow<th  t.  -lint  of  selections  from 
the  Heportoiro  of  Borghene,  with  Kr.  S«son’8  comments.  The 
numbers  on  tho  lofthancl  ro^-r  to  numbers  ei"'en  in  r-  long  list 
which  Dorghese  gave  to  I'.r.  ", ’alter  "ill or. 

yours  very  J  ruly. 


Hay  ELst,  191?- 

II owe oml)  Car It < 

on,  3sq., 


Che  Western  Union  holograph  Co. , 
195  Pros  Away , 

Hew  York  City. 

My  ieai-  Hr.  Carlton 

Your  favor  of  the  RSrrt  instant  has  been  re- 

I  am  afraid  there  has  been  a  misuncl  or  stand  ini 
in  regard  to  the  detailing  of  one  of  your  men  to  the  labora¬ 
tory.  My  idea  won  to  have  a  man  work  on  the  details  of  a 
scheme  for  the  application  of  the  phonograph  to  telegraphic 
communication.  An  a  starter,  1  set  up  a  rough  apparatus 
to  show  that  after  a  fashion  we  could  transmit  and  record 
speech  over  several  hundred  miles  of  wire  at  a  speed  of  oOO 
or  400  words  a  minute.  It  was  this,  or  something  like  it, 
that  I  -wanted  to  eot  into  commercial  shape  through  a  series 
of  experiments.  Your  man  was  here  onlVa  day  or  twor  ^  v, 
have  never  seen  him  since.  Valuable  inventions  require  long 
and  severe  work.  At  the  present  time  I  am  overloaded  with  r 
mass  of  work  and  would  prefer  to  lot  the  matter  rest  in  aha; 

once  until  the  fall. 

As  to  the  P.cotifi  er,  it  1ms  no  market  for 
telegraphic  use  except  through  the  Western  Union  and  Postal 

H.  C. 

May  Sf./lS 


Companies.  It  is  such  n  neat  and  useful  device  that  I  thin! 
it  slioii  tlrt  ho  nt  ill  sea;  so  T  would  say  to  you.  eo  ahead  ana 
use  ‘t  .  If  you  find  it  pood,  not  your  own  price;  I  don’t 
want  rauoh. 

Yours  i'ery  truly. 

May  S7th,  1912 

May  29th,  1912 


Newcomb  Carlton,  Esq., 

Vice  President, 

Uestern  Union  Telegraph  Co., 

195  Broadway, 

Iiew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Carlton:- 

Replying  to  yonr  favor  of  the  28th  instant, 
allow  me  to  say  that  I  fur ni shod  several  root if i era  to  Mr. 
Athoarn  some  months  ago.  If  yon  want  to  use  them  I  know  of  one 
of  your  old  fund  non  who  is  perfectly  competent  to  take  hoia 
of  the  job  and  make  it  £0.  He  worked  with  me  years  ago,  but  I 
oannot  recall  his  name. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Copy  of  letter  sent  to 

VI.  a.  Ande^sor,,  7.eo.  ,  Pree° . 

Anderson  Electric  Carriage  Co.f 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

My  machine  v/Hich  you  sent,  sac  and  which  T  only 
bet-wen  Laboratory  and  house,  was  tested  care- 
t  arrived,  and  over  our  asphalt  test  course  near 
ic  level  .rave  69  watts  per  t.on  mile,  T  had 
air.  the  other  :lav,  Ti  now  takes  109  watts  per 
My  .m.vs  all  is  cl^an  and  well  Ailed,  except 
.•'  ir.oB;  he  cays  i+!«  vary  difficult,  to  get  at  them 

^5: --.11  I  investigate  or  can  you  put  me  wise 
this  or “at  change?  Can  it  he  roller  hearings 
r.c-rt  or  something  of  that  kind. 

Beach  has  abandoned  roller  hearings  on  his 
as  he  found  the  watts  per  ton  mile  kept  increasing 
aV'«c.  Have  you  any  experience  of  this  kind. 


Hr.  V/.  Dinwiddle, 

100  Proa  a  St., 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Hr.  Dlnwidaie:- 

I  aid  not  got  an  opportunity  y 
speak  to  Hr.  Baiaon  about  the  motion  pioture  fi 
Among  tho  Ilegritos",  But  ha a  an  opportunity  of 
him  about  it  this  morning,  ana  ho  saia  that  ra 
commercial  proposition,  he  would  suggest  thnt  y< 
Hr.  Plimpton,  the  Manager  of  our  Urons  Studio, 
upon  it  and  report. 

Yours  very  truly. 

June  6th,  1912 

•esterday  to 
,1m  of  "life 
talking  to 
it  vrill  he  a 
>u  show  it  to 
who  would  pass 


June  6th,  1912 

Deutsches  Museum  , 

von  Koistorwerken  dor  Haturwissensehaft 
unfl  Tochnik , 

Zweibruokenstraose  12, 

Kunohen,  Gremany. 


I  reoelvefi  your  letter  aigned  hy  Dr.  von  filler, 
Dr.  Dyck  and  Dr.  von  Linde,  and  It  gives  me  greet  pleasure 
to  learn  that  your  Oonnission  found  its  visit  to  the  United 
States  of  such  great  interest  end  instruction,  -nd  I  trust 
that  the  ultimate  results  will  redound  to  the  benefit  not 
only  of  our  two  Countries,  hut  indidontly  to  the  whole 
civilised  world.  I  assure  yon, on  my  part, your  visit  to 
ny  Laboratory  was  groat ly  enjoyed  hy  nil. 

Allow  mo  to  express  the  gratification  I 
feel  in  the  honor  you  extend  to  mo  in  the  offer  you  make 
to  propose  to  the  Governing  Council  my  elootion  as  a  life 
member  of  the  committee  of  your  Museum.  It  will  afford 
no  groat  pleasure  to  accept  such  on  elootion. 

I  bog  to  extend  the  assurance  of  my  continued 

eBteera,  and  remain 

Yours  very  truly. 


Yrn .  Goo.  7 If.  Morgan, 

13  Livingston  Place, 

Stxiyvosant  Square,  East , 
How  York  City. 

I  rmr.t  a.ak  you  to  kindly  pardon  the  delay 
in  r  op  lying  to  your  favor  of  the  29th  ult.  Mr.  Edison 
had  a  rather  severe  cold  which  kept  him  away  from  the 
Laboratory  for  a  day.  and  ainoo  then  has  been  so  exceeding¬ 
ly  busy  that  ho  has  only  Junt  had  tine  to  take  the  natter  up. 

Replying  to  year  letter,  ho  inntructn  me  to 
say  that  thus  far  we  have  only  been  able  to  obtain  ono  semi- 
satisfactory  artist  on  the  harp,  because  the  volume  that  is 
required  to  make  a  good  phonograph  record  is  too  great  for 
most  players.  Artistic  work  is  not  the  only  requirement, 
hut  one  of  the  very  important  questions  for  our  purpose  is 
muscular  power,  and  at  the  present  tire  that  is  the  reason 
that  your  daughter’s  playing  would  not  be  available  for  pheno¬ 

ls  hopine  to  obtain  a  more  sensitive  apparatus,  and  if  he  is 
successful  in  his  efforts  to  do  so,  he  woiffi  he  very  glsa  to 
make  another  trial  of  recording  your  daughter’s  playing. 


June  5th,  1912 

Dear  Sir:- 
hand,  together 

Your  favor  of' m  4th  Instant  has  come  to 
ith  your  scenario  for  teaching  the  alphhhet 

I  thank  you  for  submitting  the  same,  and  would 
sny  that  it  will  he  put  into  the  hands  of  my  producing  men  so 
«*«  they  ».y  eo  °vor  it  onroxuily  rwr*  111  -  “  t0  "* 

pr eotlontil!  ty  imp*..  X  -m  *>"  08 

to  tfhat  their  opinions  are. 


irs  very  truly. 

June  8th,  1912 

Hon.  Edwin  A.  Stevens, 

Commissioner  of  State  Highways, 
for  State  of  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir-.- 

In  an  article  that  appeared  in  the  Hew  York 
Sun  of  the  2nd  instant  1  notice  that  you  have  boon  giving 
special  consideration  to  the  cuestions  of  drainage  and  main¬ 
tenance  of  roads,  which  has  led  me  to  wonder  whether  you 
have  had  the  opportunity  of  consulting  any  data  as  to  the 
concrete  roads  in  the  neighborhood  of  Detroit,  Michigan. 

I  am  convinced  that  such  data  might  prohahly 
be  of  considerable  assistance  to  you,  and  therefore  I  am  giving 
this  letter  of  introdnct  ion  to  Hr.  Howard  0.  V/illiams  who  is 
well  informed  on  the  subject,  and  whom  I  have  ashed  to  call 
on  you  hoping  that  ho  may  interest  you  to  the  extent  of  in¬ 
ducing  yon  to  send  one  of  your  engineers  to  make  a  careful 
Investigation  and  report  as  to  the  concrete  roads  above  named. 

Trusting  that  you  win  kindly  acoord  Hr. 
Williams  the  privilege  of  an  interview,  1  remain 
Yours  very  truly, 


June  13th,  1912 

Hr.  J.  P.Konnot, 

31  Rue  Baru, 

Pur  If: ,  Prance. 

Dear  Hr.  IJonnot:- 

Your  favor  of  the  21et  nit.  came  duly  to  hand , 
and  its  contents  have  hoon  noted. 

I  have  purposely  refrained  from  writing  to 
you  until  after  you  should  have  had  an  opportunity  of  talking 
viith  Hr.  Iiiannn  after  his  arrival. 

You  will  notice  from  the  lottars  I  'nave  given 
Hr.  Usman  that  I  adhere  to  just  what  I  said  in  my  letter  to  you, 
and  nothing  will  he  done  to  prevent  you  from  making  good. 

I  concealed  nothing  from  Hr.  Pieman,  as  I 
never  have  anything  to  coneenl. 

Yours  very  truly. 


June  14th,  1912 

Hr.  H.  V.  Pasoall, 

254  Washington  Ava . , 

Newark,  II, J. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Hr.  GlaiBter  of  our  Works  gavo  me  your  name  and 
address.  He  informs  me  that  yon  nr-e  a  tonor,  and  thought 
you  might  possibly  ha  an  expert  sight  render. 

Hr.  Bdlarn  deBiros  to  have  some  operatic 
selections  sung  for  him  two  or  three  evenings  a  week  for  a 
while.  For  this  pnrpoBe  it  is  necessary  to  have  expert 
sight  readerB  who  can  sing  this  class  of  imiBio  at  first 
sight.  Of  course,  he  does  not  expect,  anything  like  oonoert 
perfection,  and  does  not  raina  a  break  now  and  then.  His 
sole  object  is  to  hear  the  various  arias,  etc. 

Can  yon  do  this  class  of  work  and  would  you 
he  willing  to  give  throe  ho\irs  of  an  evening  at  a  compensa¬ 
tion  of  eight  dollars?  If  bo,  would  you  he  willing  to  come 
over  and  make  a  trial  dtiring  the  day  some  time  next  week, 
without  compensation? 

Tie  would  provide  an  accompanist. 

Your 8  very  truly. 


General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-090  (1912) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  June-October  1912.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  Harry  F.  Miller.  Included  are  items 
addressed  to  President  William  Howard  Taft,  longtime  Edison  associates 
Edward  H.  Johnson  and  Francis  Jehl,  electrical  engineer  Charles  P. 
Steinmetz,  and  chemist  Morris  Loeb.  Many  of  the  letters  relate  to  the 
commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline  storage  battery 
and  its  use  in  electric  vehicles  and  country  house  lighting.  Also  included  is 
correspondence  pertaining  to  Edison's  phonograph  and  motion  picture 
businesses,  the  selection  of  songs  and  artists  for  phonograph  recordings,  and 
negotiations  with  musical  talent.  Some  of  the  letters  indicate  Edison's  interest 
in  the  1912  presidential  campaign  and  his  support  for  Progressive  Party 
candidate  Theodore  Roosevelt.  Additional  items  concern  books  read  by 
Edison  or  added  to  his  library,  visitors  to  the  laboratory,  the  disposition  of  old 
machinery  and  equipment,  and  the  inventor's  donations  to  charities  and  his 
membership  in  organizations. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.A.  E.  From  -  June  27,  1912  To  -  October 
-  19,  1912."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the 
number  "29."  The  book  contains  704  numbered  pages  and  an  index. 
Approximately  10  percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 


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aflPiuiJLA  ,  fohm'd-  io  Z' 

^O^xjUXt f  ■ZUcrCjsCj.a^.-,  (Jim,  jrf3 

Juno  noth,  101 

Col.  0.  W.  I-1  o-.vl or , 

Superintendent,  Kentucky  Military  Institute, 
Lyndon,  Kentucky. 

Lear  col.  Fowler:- 

Your  favor  of  the  Slat  instant  has  been 
rooeived,  together  with  a  o opy  of  your  letter  to  no  under 
date  of  Kny  4t'n.  She  original  of  the  latter  isuat  Iwto 
misoarried  in  tho  mail. 

I  have  given  careful  consideration  to 
your  deBiro  to  nano  your  nov;  soionoo  building  for  no, 
and  beg  to  express  rsy  appreciation  of  the  honor  thereby 
conferred  upon  no.  I  therefore  take  pleasure  in  assenting 
to  your  proposal  to  name  tho  new  structure  the  "Shoo.  A. 
Edison  Science  Euilding.” 

She  ideals  which  have  been  projootod  for 
your  Institute, an  Bet  forth  in  your  two  booklets,  are 
highly  oonnondable,  and  2  trust  they  nay  bo  folly  realised 
in  practice. 

Yours  very  truly. 


June  25th ,  1912 

Mr.  TV.  S.  Nunnelly, 

V or  non ,  Tenn. 

Door  Kr.  Hunneliy:- 

Tour  fnvor  of  the  19th  InBtant  has  teen  received , 
and  would  Bay  in  reply  that  v/hile  your  projeot  of  an  Industrial 
school  la  one  of  much  interest,  I  Bhall  have  to  give  you  the 
sane  answer  t  gave  to  the  newspapers  who  interviewed  no  in  re¬ 
gard  to  a  report  that  I  had  given  two  millions  to  a  certain 
College.  Hy  reply  was  that  I  could  use  the  money  myself  to 
hotter  advantage  for  tho  general  welfare  of  the  public.  It 
may  surprise  you  to  know  that  3  am  spending  more  than  my  in— 
oome  in  proanoing  a  series  of  6,000  or  more  motion  picture  films 
to  educate  the  ninetoon  million  children  who  attend  the  public 
schools  of  the  United  states.  By  this  method  the  drudgery  and 
difficulty  of  learning  through  tho  medium  of  hooks  will  he  done 
away  with,  ana  the  more  natural  and  oertain  nothod  of  absorbing 
knowledge  through  tho  eye  will  he  substituted. 

I  appreciate  and  thank  you  'or  your  cordial  in¬ 
vitation  to  visit  you,  but  oannot  avail  myself  of  it  juBt  now 
as  I  am  overwhelmingly  bmy  on  the  above  and  other  work.  Possi¬ 
bly  at  some  future  tine  an  aopportunity  to  make  a  visit  may  be 
more  favorable.  Yours  very  truly, 


r  _ _ _ 

June  28th,  1912 

Che  President  of 

pnnnmn-Paoifio  Universal  Exposition, 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

hear  Sir:- 

Allow  mo  to  express  my  grateful  acknowledg¬ 
ment  of  your  courtesy  in  extending  to  me  an  invitation  to 
'no  the  guoat  of  the  Exposition  for  the  ton  days  beginning 
August  4th,  next.  t  an  deeply  sensible  of  the  honor  that 
you  do  me  in  extending  thin  invitation,  and  regret  that  I 
cannot  nee  ny  way  clear  to  accept  the  same. 

For  the  last  eighteen  months  I  have  been 
overwhelmingly  busy  in  following  up  to  completion  some  of 
the  important  interests  which  form  part  of  my  present  life 
work.  Chase  efforts  will  culminate  during  the  present  Summer, 
and  as  I  am  right  in  the  midst  of  work  which  I  cannot  well 
leave,  1  do  not  soo  nny  pos  sible  tray  for  rae  to  he  away  at  a 
time  that  may  he  regarded  as  a  crucial  period  in  my  affairs. 

liuoh  an  I  'would  like  to  participate  in  the 
interesting  ceremonies  Whioh  are  to  take,  I  am  compelled 
to  deny  myself  that  privilege  and  pleasure,  and,  therefore, 
am  unable  to  send  you  an  acooptanoe  of  your  very  kina  invitation. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Juno  2 5th,  1912 

Hr.  Frank  S.  Price, 


Eloclr  lc  Development  Ars eolation, 

Boston,  Hass. 

Dear  sir:- 

Yonr  favor  of  tho  ?2nd  instant  regarding 
the  formation  of  tho  Electric  Development  Association 
has  been  handed  to  me,  and  I  have  rend  It  with  a  pro at  deal 
of  int orest. 

The  purpose  of  the  Association  is  in  my 
opinion  one  of  ranch  promise  for  tho  future  of  the  eleo- 
trical  industry,  and  I  beg  to  express  my  appreciation  of 
tho  honor  you  do  me  in  Inviting  me  to  become  a  member  of 
the  Advisory  Board  of  the  Association. 

It  eivos  me  pleasure  to  signify  to  you 
ray  acceptance  of  such  invitation. 


Your 8  very  truly, 

July  1st,  1912 

Mr,  Arthur  Williams, 

65  Duane  St. , 

How  Yort  city. 

Dear  Mr.  Williams 

I  am  in  rnoaiut  of  your  favor  of  the  28th 
ultimo,  inviting  no  to  visit  the  Waterside  Stations  with 
Sir  Thomas  Oliver  on  September  18th,  and  to  he  your  guest 
at  dinnor.  While  j  thoroughly  appreciate  your  o or dial  invi¬ 
tation  and  would  undoubtedly  enjoy  the  visit,  I  do  not  see 
any  possibility  of  being  present  on  that  oocasion,  ns  I  an 
overloaded  with  'work  now,  and  my  programme  for  the  summer 
is  filled  with  important  matters  that  will  keep  me  constantly 
busy  day  and  night. 

Of  oourse,  I  shall  he  glad  to  have  Sir  Thomas 
oome  out  to  tho  Laboratory  if  he  so  desires,  and  will  thank 
you  to  let  mo  1-now  a  day  or  tv/o  in  advance. 

Yours  very  truly. 


tty  dear  B«rgttannr» 

I  find  a  letter  dated  New  York, 
October  7th  190?!,  in  which  you  send  ms  a  check  for 
$10,000.00.  I  cannot  understand  what  this  is  for? 
.1  leave  Ay-2 sv/orth  $700,00  of  it.  Can  you.  tell  me 
why  you  paid  it?  If  it  was  Just  generosity,  I 
r;nd  better  give  you  credit,  for  the  amount  on  the 
German  battery  account,  so  that  we  can  settle  the 
w.e cunt,  as  the  boys  say  it  is  long  standing  and 
they  .wont  to  bring  the  book o  up. 

Wi  tb  kindest  regards,  I  am. 
Sincerely  ■ 

Ondenardei*  Strauss, 

Berlin,  N.  Germany. 

E,  H.  Johnson,  'Esq., 

Union  League  Club, 

New  York  City. 

Jly  dear  Johnson 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  6th 
Instant  would  say  that  I  cannot  very  well  help  you 
on  the  electric  vehicle  proposition,  as  I  cannot 
take  sides;  having  the  battery  which  is  used  by  all 
in  common.  While  1  might  help  indirectly,  I 
cannot  openly  and  ho'pe  you  seo  zay  position. 

Yours  very  truly. 

General  Ttlectric  Co.. 

SO  Chureh  Street,. 

ITew  York  City. 

A+1-nMi.'n  Vr.,  A.  w.  Bprchnr.l ; 

..  ":v,-  T„rn<*y.  And  as  v;e  or*  retains  $15,00*. 

•  -f  rstv.ii  mHor-geiiprotcyr  *t*0 

r : ...  <*nv  cwv  St.-»r6£«  Battery  plant  ar.d  want  tc  mnV.r 
they  are  installed  properly,  we  would  like  to 
ami-rye  tc  have  your  men  handle  the  joh.  Can  we  make 
son.*  arrangement  to  thin  effect? 

An  early  reply  will  oblige. 



July  13th,  1912 

Urn.  enroll no  Gardner .Bartlett, 
52  Lanark  Bond, 

Boston,  Haas . 

Uy  aenr  Kadnm:- 

I  an  in  receipt  of  your  esteemed  favor  of 
the  10th  Instant  end  have  noted  its  oontents  with  muoh 

In  roply  to  your  inquiry  allow  me  to  say 
that  <vo  liavc  no  experiment  or  n  abroad,  as  we  do  all  our 
exper iraentinj  hero  in  Orange.  When  you  return  from  Kurope 
I  hope  to  have  my  special  apparatus  completed,  and  you  oan 
then  cone  over  to  the  Laboratory  at  nny  time  to  make  some 

Trusting  that  you  will  have  a  pleasant 
bo jour n  in  Europe,  I  remain 

yours  very  truly. 


C)  9 

1  July  13th,  191?. 

Mr.  A.  B.  Boatiraont, 

Oregon  Iformnl  School, 

Monmouth,  Oregon. 

Dear  Slr:- 

Youj?  favor  of  this  6th  instant  has  hcen  re¬ 
ceived,  and  In  reply  I  hog  to  any  that  uhon  you  cone  to 
tho  Atlantic  Coast  this  summer,  I  shall  he  glad  to  spond 
a  fow  mlnutoa  with  you,  and  will  have  you  uhown  through 
the  Laboratory  an  desired. 

Yourn  vory  truly. 


July  10th,  ISIS 

Mr  .Goo.  I).  Buchanan , 

342  Washington  St., 

Boston,  Mans. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  have  received  your  favor  of  the  3rd  instant, 
and  also  tho  copy  of  your  hook  "Biyonde  Cifrtrn",  ’fith  which 
you  have  so  kindly  oonplissented  me. 

Please  accept  rey  thanks  for  your  oourteous 
ronemhranoo.  I  expeot  to  road  the  hook  in  tho  near  future. 

Yours  very  truly. 


July  8th,  1912 

Ur.  Paul  H.  Cronolln, 

National  Phonograph  Co.,  Ltd . , 

Tillies  den  Junction, 

London,  H.’.V. , 

England . 

Doar  Hr.  Croralein:- 

I  an  uncertain  whether  or  not  you  have  had 
the  two  Hate  of  6ongo  that  hove  boon  sung  for  Hr.  Edison, 
but  in  auoh  oaBea  it  is  always  better  to  give  tho  benefit 
of  the  doubt  on  the  right  side,  so  1  will  enclose  these  lists 
for  your  file. 

Anong  the  catalogues  whioh  you  sent  some 
little  time  ago  to  Mr.  SfliBon  were  two  of  Reeves’,  namely. 

Pert  36  and  Part  37.  Hr.  Edison  looked  over  Part  36,  and 
noted  the  numbor  of  books  that  he  would  like  to  have.  I 
enclose  the  catalogue  heroin.  It  is  narked  by  him,  showing 
what  he  wants.  Ho  would  like  to  have  you  obtai.  these  books 
of  music  for  him  and  send  then  over. 

I  am  afraid,  howevor,  that  you  will  be  dis¬ 
appointed  in  getting  a  good  many  of  t-ho  items  marked,  beonuse 
I  afterwards  found  Part  #37  of  the  Bamo  catalogue,  and  on  compar¬ 
ing  it  with  the  copy  that  Hr.  Edison  had  marked  I  found  that 
by  a  remarkable  oolnoidenoe  someone  had  ovidently  been  of  the 



July  a/iz 

sar.o  mind  anti  picked  out  a  greet  many  of  tho  Items  that  he 
had  noted.  Some  of  them,  or  duplicate  copieB,  nay  sinco  hnvo 
oomo  back  to  Hr.  Hooves,  so  I  am  sending  the  catalogue  just  as 
it  is  in  order  that  you  may  obtain  whatever  you  can . 

Vi'ill  you  please  ask  Hr.  Reovos  to  nail  me 
two  copios  of  the-  onol-e«odx catalogue  on  issues  just  as  Boon 
as  it  oonos  out.  I  will  then  pla-e  it  before  Hr.  Kdison  at 
once,  and  if  he  desires  to  procure  anything  that,  appears  there¬ 
in,  I  will  send  ov.r  to  you  immediately,  and  thus  ho  will  have 
a  better  chance  of  obtaining  anything  that  appeals  to  him. 

Hr.  ICdiBon  also  requested  mo  tc  aBk  you 
to  find  out  what  you  can  nbout  other  second-hand  music  stores 
and  send  to  him  any  catalogues  that  are  isfued.  He  scene  to 
think  t'nnt  Qua? itch  has  a  secondhand  music,  department  and  that 
they  issue  a  separate  catalogue.  Anyway,  Hr.  Rdison  would  like 
very  much  to  hnvo  Qua? itch’s  catalogue  if  such  a  thing  is  ob¬ 
tain  able. 

While  you  are  sending  books.  Hr.  Rdison  would 
like  to  have  you  obtain  the  following  from  Job.  77111 iams ,  Ltd., 
32  Groat  Portland  st.,  London: 

Kusic  and  Its  Appreciation  or 

Tho  konndat ions  of  True  Listening 

Stewart  iiaepherson 

Tho  Hodorn  Orchestra 

Ch.U.  Widor 



July  n/ 12 

A  Selection  of  Solfeggios 

Vittorio  Riooi 

The  Analytioal  Edition  of 
Beethoven's  Sonatas 
Suited,  Phrased  and  fingered  hy 
Stewart  i’acpher son 

#8.  Thurah  Hall  Plots  )  on  back  of  Descriptive  catalogue 

Part  1  )  of  Important  Educational  V.'orks 

On  IIuslc 

Yours  shipment  had  hotter  ho  made  to  Ihoraas 
A. Edison,  as  usual,  and  in  the  natural  course  of  ovents  it 
wiV  come  into  ny  hands.  Any  catalogues  that  you  should  wall  at 
any  time,  pleaso  'nave  then  nailed  to  ne.  1  on  helping  Mr.  Edi¬ 
son  on  those  things,  hut  his  regular  nail  goos  to  his  socrotary, 

1I.S*.  Mill  or ,  who  might  not  understand  just  what  these  catalogues 
were  intended  for. 


yours  very  trul; 

July  10th,  1912 

Hr 3.  Ellen  H.  Firohaugh, 

402  West  Haiti  Street, 

HohinBon,  Ill. 

Dear  jars.  Firohaueh:- 

"!Dho  Story  of  a  Dootor's  felophone"  liaB  reached 
me,  toe other  with  your  kind  favor  of  the  Sr a  inn tent,  and  I  want 
to  thank  you  for  your  oourteny  in  complimenting  mo  with  a  copy 
of  your  hook. 

It  certainly  has  nn  interesting  look  at  first 
glonoe,  and  I  have  promised  myself  the  pleasnro  of  reading  it 

Yours  vory  truly, 


-Tilly  2nd,  191? 

Mr.  Mtienr.e  de  ? oil  or , 

VII  Kaeinosy-ntozn,  19 
3ud.npoBt, ,  Hungary. 

My  dear  <1  o  ?odor:- 

Vour  esteemed  .favor  of  May  29  th  cane  to  hand 
in  duo  season,  and  within  tho  last  fov  dsyn  I  have  nln-  re¬ 
ceived  tin?  souvenir  mentioned  therein. 

r°  nut,  mildly,  ~  am  fairly  overwhelmed 
with  tho  henuty  and  magnificence  of  the  album  Which  you  have 
so  kindly  designed  and  sent  no  to  oomenorate  tho  ooeaaion 
of  my  visit  to  your  bonnt.iful  City  Inal;  sumi-er. 

As  a  work  of  art  tho  album  1b  unique  and  is 
the  aorno  of  perfection  to  tho  minutest  detail.  I  have  never 
Boon  anything  of  tho  kind  more  beautiful.  Ab  a  token  of 
friendly  fooling,  find  an  a  nouvonir  nf  on  enjoyable  visit 
l  '-ng  to  ba  renonborod,  I  shall  trnnnuro  this  album  and  re¬ 
gard  it  m;  one  o?  ry  ohoriBhod  possosslotiB. 

Allow  rao  to  tonder  ny  olnooro  thanks  for  thiB 
handsome  gift,  and  to  expreBB  my  appreciation  of  the  honor  you 
have  done  me  in  conferring  upon  me  auoli  a  striking  and  endur¬ 
able  memento  of  my  pleasant  sojourn  with  you. 

Hy  wife  and  family  doaire  to  join  with  me 

E.D.F.  (?.) 

in  kindent  regards  and  all  good  vviahen ,  and 
Youru  Tory  truly. 


July  2/lP 

I  remain 

it,  *WT»im. 

July  2nd,  1912 

Hr.  Francis  John  , 

VII,  Xasincsy-utcua,  19, 

Budapest ,  Hungary. 

Hy  dear  Johl:~ 

Your  favor  of  Hay  :-W;h  mine  to  hand.  I 
delayed  aeltnowlorteing  It  until  tlio  receipt  of  the  album 
which  was  described  therein. 

From  the  contents  of  your  letter  I  v/as  dis¬ 
poned  to  anticipate  something  elaborate,  hut  when  the  touvenir 
album  onno,  its  great  beauty  was  a  most  comploto  surprise 
to  me  an  gave  rise  to  a  feeling  of  unalloyed  pleasure 
and  gratification. 

I  have  mi'  ten  to  Hr.  de  Fodor  to  oxpress 
my  thanks  for  this  unique  and  memorable  gift,  and  enolose 
for  you  a  copy  of  my  letter  to  him.  Allow  me  to  also  offer 
ny  thanks  to  you  for  the  pains  you  have  taken. to  write  me 
Buoh  an  interesting  description  of  the  albuy  and  its  con¬ 
tents.  I  regard  your  letter  ar-  an  addendum  to  this  souvenir 
and  shall  therefore  preserve  it  with  the  album. 

Tilth  kindost  regards,  in  which  my  wife  and 
family  join  me,  I  remain 

YourB  very  truly, 



July  10th,  1912 

Hr.  Pranois  Johl, 

VII  Kazinozy-utcza  IS, 

Budapest,  Hungary. 

My  dear  Jehl:- 

I  aw  In  3.'  of  your  favor  of  the  26th 
ult.  In  regard  to  the  nows  Item  In  the  "Pesti  Hirlap"  to  the 
effect  that  I  said  to  a  reporter  of  the  Nev/  York  Sun  that 
while  In  your  country  I  saw  a  woman  that  was  yoked  to  an 
ox  In  ploughing  a  field. 

What  I  did  say  was  that  In  Austria-Hungary 
I  saw  a  woman  helping  an  ox  pull  a  plough.  I  oannot  mention 
the  place,  hut  It  was  someWhero  between  Ragaz  and  the  Somwerlng 
Pass,  near  Vienna. 

Yours  very  truly. 


July  13th,  191 

Ur.  J.  Brisben  Walkor, 

Director  of  Congresses, 

Universal  Exposition, 

San  Francisco,  Cal. 

Dear  Ur.  Walker : - 

I  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  f>th 
instant,  and  in  reply  would  say  that  it  is  impossible  at 
this  moment  for  no  to  aay  whether  or  not  I  can  make  a 
visit  to  San  Francisco  during  tho  ooming  winter.  Juat  at 
present  I  am  overwhelmed  with  work  and  thoro  does  not  aeon  to 
he  much  prospect  of  relief  from  pressing  natters  for  some  to  come.  Allow  ne  to  thank  you  for  your  cordial  invi¬ 
tation,  however,  and  to  express:  the  hope  that  I  may  later 
find  myself  in  a  position  to  aocopt. 

In  regard  to  the  original  electric  motor  car, 
I  on  sorry  to  cay  that  unfortunately  it  is  not  in  existence. 
Somo  boys  got  access  to  it  and  in  playing  on  the  car  sot 
firo  to  it,  causing  its  destruction.  Otherwise  1  should 
havo  boon  willing  to  have  it  exhibited  as  you  suggest. 

Yours  very  truly. 


July  15th,  191? 

Hr.  Arthur  Williams ; 

Hew  York  Edison  Co. , 

55  Duane  St. , 

H*w  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Williams 

We  aro  meeting  Bone  little  aifriculty  he 
to  the  insurance  question  in  connection  with  the  introduc¬ 
tion  of  the  Horae  Picture  Machine  in  How  York,  ana  ns  you  have 
undoubtedly  had  somewhat  the  sane experience  in  regard  to  some 
of  your  electrical  devices,  1  am  giving  this  letter  of  in¬ 
troduction  to  our  Kr.W.  71.  Maxwell  of  our  Company,  who  would 
like  to  have  a  little  talk  with  you  on  the  subject. 

PruBtir.g  that  you  will  kindly  favor  him  with 
such  advice  as  you  think  will  be  helpful,  I  am 
Yours  very  truly. 


July  23,  1912. 

Phil.Rdelphta  ft  Rending  Coni  fr  Tron  Co., 

Ur.  J.  T.  Jennings,  Electrical.  Engineer. 

■Electrical  Department,  Rottsville,  Renna. 

Dear  Sirt- 

I  received  your  letter  of  July  22nd  regarding 
the  Miner's  lamp  battery  and  note  that  you  used  the  outfit 
made  hy  hand,  for  about  six  weeks,  without  having  any 
serious  complaints,’ 

Vfe  will  make  the  changes  which  you  suggest  .33 
I  want  to  get  the  battery  perfectly  satisfactory  to  all 
concerned,  so  there  will  be  very  little  desire  for 

‘  After  we  make  the  changes  we  can  give  you  an 
approximate  price  for  the  first  small  lot  and  suggest 
that  we  then  make  six  complete  outfits,  which  you  can 
put  out  under  worst  conditions  of  practice.  Aa  soon 
as  the  tools  are  made  we  will  be  able  to  Si”« 
prices  for  larger  quantities 

Tho  Inns fl an  Co., 

Mr.  Chas.  Breoher,  Seo'y, 

233  High  St., 

Newark,  II. J. 

Gentlemen: - 

Replying  to  your  le+tor  of  tho  11th  instant, 
regarding  the  claim  of  the  Wright-Diokinson  Co.,  Seattle, 
Washington,  for  defective  parts  of  hotel  hus  shirred  them 
last  September  and  as  reontionea  in  their  letter  of  April 
20th  and  yours  of  April  26th.  I  beg  to  say  that  to.  Bachman 
replied  to  your  letter  under  date  of  April  30th,  a  copy  of 
which  I  enclose.  You  will  notico  that  he  requests  you 
to  have  them  return  the  broken  parts  to  the  factory  where  they 
could  be  repaired  or  replaced,  and  we  couia  get  a  rebate  from 
the  wheel  maker  for  the  defeotivs  wheel.  Our  guarantee  reads: 

"fhe  Company  guarantees  the  equipment  free 
from  all  inherent  mechanical  and  electrical  defootB,  and 
should  any  appear  within  12  months  from  time  of  delivery, 
now  parts  will  be  furnished  at  the  Company's  faotory  for 
defootive  parts,  provided  nn  inspection  by  the  company 
proveB  tho  claim.  The  Company  should  not  be  held  responsible 
for  work  done  by  apparatus  furniBhed  or  repairs  made  by  others 

1.  Co. 



The  fault  us  not  ours  that  they  did  not 
follow  out  the  InBtruotions  of  the  guarantee  ana  return 
the  defective  parte,  thereby  allowing  us  to  make  the 
replacements.  We  will,  however,  agree  to  stand  one-half 
of  their  hill,  and  you  are  authorized  to  charge  Hr.  SdiBon's 
aooount  with  §56.76,  which  we  consider  very  fair  under  the 

Yours  very  truly, 

July  23rd,  1918 

The  P.oycroft  Shop, 

Bast  Atirora.  If.  Y. 

G ent lemon 

Roplylng  to  your  letter  of  the  15th  instant, 
kindly  renew  Mr.  Bdison  subscription  to  the  "Philistine" , 
and  send  a  oopy  of  the  hook  "The  Myth  in  Marriage",  upon 
receipt  of  which  we  will  nail  yon  a  oheok. 

Yours  very  truly. 




July  25th ,  1912 

Hr.  W.  !■-.  Brock, 

Tnih-Mc  nor  vino  corporation, 

ynn  Houten  l.  Prospect  3t,s., 

Paterson,  !!.  J. 

My  flow  Hr.  Brook:- 

PI on so  excuse  tho  delay  in  replying  to 
your  favor  o-  tho  19th  instant.  I  have  Boon  greatly 
ruahofl  tho  last  few  flays.  Your  oheok  is  received  snfl 
the  picture  will  Bo  forwarded  in  a  f ow  flays. 

Your  romost  of  a  more  recent  picture  of 
Hr.  Edison  will  Bo  complied  with,  nnfl  I  shall  have  the 
pleasure  of  sending  you  one  with  his  autograph,  under 
separate  cover. 

t  an  rnioh  int  rested  in  the  photo  of  the 
fly-leaf  of  one  of  Hr.  Edison' b  question  hooks,  as  I  have 
boon  looking  everywhere  to  find  copies  of  these  hooks, 
hut  without  success.  Hr.  Edison  wants  to  know  if  you 
would  ho  -.Tilling  to  lend  these  hooks  long  enough  for 
him  to  have  a  copy  rede  hy  the  typewriter.  If  bo.  you 
can  send  sane  to  me  hy  express  or  registered  mail,  which¬ 
ever  in  most  convenient  to  you.  and  I  will  see  that  they 

July  10th,  1912 

Col.  C.  W.  Fowler, 

Supt.  Kentucky  Military  Institute 

Lyndon,  Kentucky. 

My  dear  3ir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  3rd  instant, 
and  also  of  your  interesting  catalogue  and  "booklets,  for  Which 
pleaBO  acoept  my  thanks. 

In  regard  to  sending  you  some  expression  to 
place  before  your  cadets,  I  should  be  disposed  to  be  brief, 
and  would,  therofore,  ask  if  the  following  will  be  satisfactory. 

|  To  tho  Cadets  of  the  Kentucky  Military  \ 

«  Institute: 

You  are  here  to  prepare  for  the  battle 
of  life.  The  victor  in  thiB,  as  in  other 
|  battles,  is  the  one  who  thinks  best  and  works  1 
hardest,  and  keeps  at  it  all  the  time.  _ ■ 

If  you  think  the  above  would  answer  your 
purpose,  please  let  me  know  and  I  wil'  have  it  written  on 
a  separate  sheet  of  paper  and  sign  it. 

Yours  very  truly. 


jnly  23rd,  191® 

Hr  J  J.  Jenkins,  President. 

H  J  City  Dye  Works  &  Laundry  Co., 

J  3000  Central  Ave.. 

Loa  Angeles ,  Cal. 

Bear  Mr.  Jenkina;- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  jour  fetor  of  the  16th  inst. 
,„a  of  the  ante  therein  snolOsea.  Alio.  o:e  to  therto  pon  for 
ell  the  information  oontninea  in  both.  It  is  oertninly  a 
pleasure  to  recite  snoh  food  ante  ...  yon  hot.  eent  me.  a. 
there  i.  a  front  deni  of  Aiffioolty  in  ohteininf  foil  ana 
oorreot  fiforo.  on  the.,  ooet..  1  «na  it  neat  to 
to  f.t  oecornt.  inf.rn.tlon  on  thi.  lino,  for  nohoiy  ..on. 
to  hno.  th,  reel  orpsn.e  of  OP«atinf  thoir  a.lir.ry  «aeono. 

perhaps  yon  vill  ho  surprised  when  1  toll  yon 
that  ny  .nail  aolitory  «B»  in  not  r.aay  for  th.  »rhet  yet. 

I  hat.  oot  ny  otonaara  hifh.  for  tt  1»  of  no  to  pot  ont 
.  not  type  of  nafon  nnloa.  it  »  thoroofhly  fir.t  olaas.  Bo 
for  th.  oag on  a...  not  oon.  «P  to  ny  standard.  It  i-  .till 
in  experimental  operation,  ho,  I  an  runninf  «  on  a  16  -11. 
coarse  that  the  nterafe  nnnnfaotnrer  wonia  not  thinh 
loot  inf  for  th.  purpose,  th.  ooareo  heinf  full  of  roo»  »»a 
gullieB  and  giving  a  most  severe  teat. 

up  to  thia  tine  I  have) not  been  able  to 

.  a-  !,*, 


J.J.J.  (P)  July  S3/l8 

make  1000  oonseoutive  raileB  without  hr  eating  something. 

The  vehiole  in  overloaded  and  is  run  hy  two  Bhifte  of  mon, 
ohanging  hatterieB  at  each  30  milea  so  as  to  get  a  run 
of  about  100  miles  a  day.  When  T  snooeed  in  making  1000 
oonseoutive  miles  without  a  break  1  shall  dortainly  he  sure 
that  the  depreciation  will  not  exceed  8#  of  the  oost  of  the 

I  believe  that  this  vehicle,  if  I  ever 
get: it  right,  will  stand  anything,  and  will  probably  sell  for 
$750,  according  to  mileage. 

Yours  very  truly, 


July  84th t  1918 

Mr.  J. 

iJ.  Reuok, 

o/o  ?o wn  Talk, 

P,R  First  Street, 

San  Francisco, 


Deer  Sir:- 

ymir  fever  nr  the  15th  instant  is  received , 
find  I  feel  Bomowhat  jrelnotant  to  any  that  it  will  he  simply 
impossible  for  mo  to  accede  to  your  request  for  an  article 
for  your  edition.  I  «a  working  under  the  pressure 
of  an  enormous  number  of  important  things,  both  as  regards 
ray  extensive  business  interests  and  a  large  volume  of  ex¬ 
perimental  work.  Although  1  work  nearly  eighteen  hours 
a  day  it  la  all  I  can  do  to  keep  fairly  abreast  with  all  that 
confronts  me.  As  a  matter  of  fact.  I  am  overworked,  hut  do  not 
see  the  possibility  of  any  let-up  for  months  to  oome.  Hence, 
you  can  readily  see  it  is  out  of  the  question  for  me  to  add 
to  a  burden  already  greater  than  it  should  he. 

I  have  enjoyed  rending  your  interesting 
letter  with  its  oomments  on  the  experience  you  have  had  since 
leaving  the  effete  Hast.  Evidently  you  hove  not  found  in 
the  West  either  the  Garden  of  Eden  or  El  Dorado,  let  us 
hone  that  if  you  return  to  this  end  of  the  continent  and  once 
more  enjoy  the  proximity  of  3roadway  and  tho  Bov/ery  that  a  wave 


July  24th,  1912 

Hro.  M.  3.  Stuart, 

1840  Pell  St., 

San  Franoisco,  Cal. 

Dear  Madam: - 

The  five  rooords  have  been  reoeived  from  our 
San  Pranoiaoo  representatives.  We  are  sensing  thesa  one  of 
our  latoet  typo  of  recorders  and  asked  for  a  fovr  more  records 
before  making  any  decision  in  the  matter.  You  will  reoall  when 
you  were  here  I  stated  that  a  recording  voice  to  he  accept¬ 
able  to  Hr.  Edison  nunt  ho  absolutely  free  from  vibrato  or 
tremolo.  The  records  anhmittod  Bhow  this  defect  in  the  most 
pronounced  degree  in  all  exoepting  a  few  of  the  highest  notes 
in  "last  Robs  of  Summer".  How  it  is  quite  possible  that  this 
vibrato  effect  may  be  due  to  done  defect  in  the  recording 
phonograph.  I  ao,  therefore,  writing  Mr. McCracken  today, 
o ailing  attention  to  this  possibility  and  alao  sending  him, 
as  stated  above,  a  new  reoorder.  I  have  also  suggested  that 
the  next  reoord  he  some  simple  ballad  like  "The  last  Rose 
of  Summer"  rather  than  operatic  selections.  With  the  new 
reoorder  and  posnihly  a^ead justment  of  the  recording  phono¬ 
graph  you  may  ho  able  to  secure  some  reoords  uhioh  will  he 
BotiBfaotory  to  Hr.  Edison. 

Yours  very  truly, 

dhb/bs  chief  bhgihbbr 


'  July  E4th,  1918 

The  pacific  Phonograph  Co., 

818  Mission  St.,  Attention  of 

San  PranoiBoo,  Cal.  Hr.  HoOraoken 

Gentlemen: - 

Referring  to  your  favor  of  the  16th  instant, 
regarding  five  reoorfla  made  hy  Hies  Ruhie  Stuart  of  your 
city,  these  records  were  received  in  good  condition  and 
have  been  givcWa  preliminary  teBt.  When  Hrs.  Stuart  was 
hore  ahe  wae  particularly  advised  to  see  that  such  selections 
severer e  submitted  were  free  from  vibrato  or  tremolo.  Hr. 

Edison  is  insisting  that  all  recording  voices  aooepted 
by  us  be  abBolutely  free  from  vibrato.  How  the  records 
you  have  sent  us  Bhow  this  defect  in  a  very  pronounoed  degree 
in  all  the  selections  with  the  exoeption  of  one  or  two  of 
the,  high  noteB  in  "laBt  Rose  of  Summer",  which  come  out 
very  nicely.  It  is  possible  that  this  tremolo  effeot  may 
bo  due  to  your  recording  phonograph  not  running  at  uniform 
Bpeed,  i.e. ,  there  may  be  some  governor  trouble,  belt  oop- 
dition,  or  Borne  other  meohanioal  clause  for  this  disagreeable 

I  an  Bending  you  one  of  our  new  type  home 
recorders  and  suggest  that  when  an  opportunity  ooours  yon 
try  a  few  more  reoordB  like  the  "last  Rose  of  Summer",  "Hftllie 
Gray",  "Happy  Pays",  or  some  other  simple  ballad,  ana  see 
if  you  oannot  secure  reaults  entirely  free  from  vibrato. 
Regardless  of  quality  of  the  voioe  or  training,  it  is  abBolutoly 
necessary  to  Beonre  a  pure  sustained  tone  without  any  shake 
whatever  for  our  present  system  of  reoording. 

1  am  enclosing  herewith  oopy  of  letter  to  Hrs. 


Your 8  very  truly. 



July  29th,  1912. 

Mr.  S.  Gr.  Mo  Conaughy,  Avenue, 
Jamaica,  L.  I. 

Hew  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  2Gth  instant  has  been 
received,  ana  in  reply  I  wouia  say  that  there  is 
still  an  opportunity  to  take  up  the  business  of 
supplying  electric  light  plants  for  country  estates. 
For  some  time  past  I  have  haa  my  staff  working  on  a 
demonstration  plant  in  a  house  near  by.  My 
tion  waB  to  thoroughly  test  every  part  of  the  installa¬ 
tion  in  order  to  hi  in  position  to  conscientiously 
recommend  certain  dynamos  ana  engines.  She  great 
trouble  has  been  the  engine.  We 

number  of  them,  ana  now  have  one  that  we  think  will 
be  quite  satisfactory.  As  soon  as  some 
tontq  are  made,  we  will  be  ready  to  allot  speoifio 
territory,  ana  will  then  advise  you  so  that  youoan 
come  over  and  see  the  plant  and  ai sous s  the  business 
ena  if  you  are  still  in  faVor  of  talcing  it  up. 

My  new  disc  phonograph  iB  just  about 

SAr*  s  js 
fc  —  /srs?: 

of  the  Company. 

Should  decide  to  look  Into  this  natter, 
you  might  drop  a  line  to  my.  assistant  Mr.  W.  H. 
Meadoworoft,  in  advanoe  of  your  coming. 

Yours  very  truly. 

rhe  Architectural  Concrete  0:, 

W.  S.  «allory,  Boq..  Praeidant, 

'  St  opart aville ,  Hop  Jersey, 

Pear  Ur.  toll-ry:- 

PeplyinS  to’  irour  letter  o 

U...W  »  i»  „n.y.utMth..«n«t.p.: 

„„  ar.  vary  ■h.rt.'.f  •*“  *»  thU  ,1“‘.  ! 

pay  the  Caw»t  <WW'* 

f.r  a.  1,.  .«.«•  »*  *••»*—«  U“" 

■your b  very  truly, 



\Till«eden  Junction, 

London,  H.  W.  England, 

AuG.  1,1912. 

Philip  Farnsworth,  Ssq. 

#42  Broadway, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Farnsworth: - 

Your  favor  of  the 

30th  ult.  has  been  received,  and  1  beg  to 
express  my  thanks  to  you  for  your  kindness 
in  offering  to  me  the  photograph  which  was 
enclosed.  I  shall  take  advantage  of  your 
courteous  offer  and  keep  this  photograph. 

If  you  have  any  deBire 

for  one  of  w  l*t«r  plotux.o,  I  *1U  »« 
plea.od  to  o.od  you  on.  on  1-MlW  t»o»  yon 
to  that  effect. 

Yours  very  truly, 

rpr-r  ,  >n,  T  r  r  ”  1 

August  1st,  1912 

Ur.  Albert  F.  shore, 

$565  West  £2nd  St., 
liew  York  City. 

Dear  sir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  30th  ultimo 
has  been  reoeived.  a*  to  reply  1  would  say  that 
the  question  you  ask  is  too  deep  for  me.  I  do 
not  know  what  form  of  energy  flows  through,  or 
travels  on,  the  nerve  fibre.'  There  seens  to  be 
eleotrio ity,  but  I  think  there  is  also  some  other 
unknown  form  of  energy  which  is  the  principal 

Yours  very  truly. 


Aug.  3rd,  1912., 

Hr.  Dwight  G.  Washburn, 

750  -  12th  Street,  H.  W., 

Washington,  D.  0. 

Hear  young  friend 

Your  mother  has  asked  me  to 
write  yon  a  letter  explaining  the  association 
of  your  late  father,  Dwight.  H. - Washhurn ,  with 
me  many  years  ago. 

I  oomply  with  maoh  pleaenre, 
on  __  recollection  of  him  is  always  an  agree- 
ableyone?Hewas  one  of  the  few  men  whom  I 
sent  out  in  1880  to  intro^e  my  telephone 
transmitter  in  various  parts  of  Europe.  At 

I  trust  that  your  oareer 
may  he  as  successful,  and,  with  all  good  wishes, 


Yours  very  truly. 

Aug.  3rd,  1912. 

lire.  Ella  Ii.  Washburn, 

730  -  12th  Street,  H.  W., 

Washington,  D.  C. 

Dear  Madam:- 

Your  favor  of  the  30th  In¬ 
stant  haB  been  received,  and  in  reply  let  me  say 
that  it  gives  me  muoh  pleasure  to  send  your  son 
a  letter  auoh  aa  you  suggest,  and  you  will  find 
it  enclosed.  I  trust  the  boy  will  turn  out  to 
be  as  reliable  and  successful  a  man  as  his  late 
father  was  while  he  was  associated  with  me. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Mr .Paul  H.Croramelin, 

national  Phonograh  Co.  .Ltd. , 

Willenflen  .Tnnotion, 

London,  H.W  • 


Dear  Mr  .Cromraalin:- 

1  have  received  yonr  favorB  of  the  27th  nna  29th 
nit. .together  with  duplioatoB  of  BillB  7318  find  7319, and  the  Reeves 
oatalognos .and  beg  to  thank  yon  in  Mr .Edison’s  hehalf  for  yonr  prompt 
attention  to  the  purchase  of  rausioal  hooks  for  him. 

We  are  awaiting,  with  interest  the  arrival  of  the 
hooks.  I  note  that  you  will  write  later  about  Quaritch. 

Yonrs  very  truly. 

Angnat  9,  1912. 

Mr.  H.  B.  T'iok, 



Dear  Mr.  Bi ok: 

your  favor  of  the  2nfl  inat. 
l8  received,  anft  .1  regret  that  I  cannot  aocommo- 
Aato  yon  hy  loaning  you  a  dipping  neeftle  for 
locating  iron  ore,  aa  I  have  not  one  left. 

Ton  oan  get  one  from  Gurney 
b  Co..  Instrument  Makoro,  of  Wroy,  Hew  Xork. 
They  make  then. 

With  kind  regarAa, 

Toura  very  truly. 

Mr.  R.  B.  Hoover, 

Central  Union  Telephone  Co., 

Springfield,;  Ohio. 

Dear  Hr.  Hoover: 

I  am  glad  to  reoeive  greetings  from 
one  of  my  old  friends,  and  than*  you  for  your  kind  note 
of  the  5th  instant  whioh  revives  memories  of  former 
pleasant  assooiations.  especially  when  I  read  the  names 
of  some  of  the  hoys  who  were  with  ns  in  those  far  away 
days.  1  remember  most  of  them  well. 

It  is  pleasant  to  me  to  see  that  you 
are  still  in  the  swim,  and  I  trust  you  may  so  continue 
for  many  years  to  oome. 

Thanking  you  for  your  good  wishes,  I 


Tours  very  truly. 

,  Cliff  or  fl. 

Waldorf-Astoria  Hotel, 
Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Clifford:- 

y0nr  favor  of  the  lf!th  instant  to  Mr. 
Edison  7/as  reoeived  and  I  placed  it  on  his  deBk.  He  has 
written  a  memorandum  on  it  as  follows: 

"Sell  Clifford  that  he  nifty  not  he 


able  to  leaoh,  aB  there  nay  he  things  in 
the  mud  that  will  nee  up  his  acid.  Only 
a  trial  will  prove  it." 

I  suppose  yon  will  fully  understand 

Yours  very  truly. 


P.S.  I  enolose  an  envelope  which  I  have  had  on  ray  desk 
for  you  for  Jiast  two  or  three  days. 

!  oilman’ 

Chap  Brechor,  Sec' 


Replying -to  your  letter  of  the  2?nd  inst.  t 
closing  one  from  the  Wright-Dickinson  Hotel  Co.  of  Seattl« 
relating  to  our  allowance  of  one  half  of  hill  for.  repairs 
to  hue.  T  would  say  that  the  offer  w*  n^e  was  fair  and 
the  very  host  we  can  do. 

\7o  did  not  agree  to  keen  the  hue  running 

day  hut  did  agree  t.n,i  fiee»  to  replace  dei 
it  to  factory.  They  did  not  return  th#»  ! 
„  to  ret, lane  them  and  get.  our  rehate  froi 


Mrs.  Emily  Burr oil, 

la  Hascottc, 

Chur oh  St., 

Kyle , 

Sydney,  H.S.W., 


Dear  Madam 

I  "beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  favor 
of  June  21st ,  and  for  the  two  very  Interesting  photographs 
of  your  dog  ana  cat  at  the'  phonograph.  Wiese  are  certainly 
quite  unique  and  I  shall  take  a  great  deal  of  pleasure,  in 
adding  them  to  my  oolleotion  of  pictures  at  home.  Please  accept 
ray  thanks  for  you:-  courtesy  in  writing  and  in  taking  the  trouble 
to  send  me  those  two  photographs. 

Allow  me  to  aonuro  you  that  it  is  a  source 
of  much  gratification  to  me  to  learn  that  the  phonograph  has 
been  a  source  of  so  much  comfort  and  pleasure  to  you.  I 
trust  that  you  may  before  long  have  the  opportunity  of  hearing 
the  improved  form  of  disc  machine  upon  which  I  have  been  spend¬ 
ing  a  great  deal  of  time  during  the  last  10  months. 

I  thought  that  possibly  you  might  li^e  to 
have  an  autographed  picture,  and- shall  take  pleasure  in  sending 
one  by  this  present  mail. 

Yours  very  truly* 


Augi.l9th.  1912 

Mr.  ?oul  H-  C.r or.’. f ilit , 

national  phonograph  Co..  ««., 
Will  OB  (5  <m  Junction, 
London ,  H.W., 
Ragland . 

Bear  Mr.  Prowelin:- 

X  have  received  your  '’aver  of  the  3rd  Inst.  , 
in  regard  to  Mortiaolli.  nnfl  have  noto-l  its  contents  carefully. 

Can  you  r.otf  make  a  trade  with  the  Columbia 
people  whereby  no  can  have  Wttttoialli  exclusively  cither  by 
paying  something,  or  else  hy  making  .  trade  in  sons  way  or  other? 
I  mnt  one  tenor  exclusively  for  advertising  purposes  only. 

please  soe  what  you  can  do,  and  if  you  think 

i-t  ie  desirable,  cable  me. 

Tt'nrs  very  truly. 





Aug.  20th,  1912 

John  A.  Hell or, 

Qulnoy,  Illinois. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Allow  me  to  acknowledge  the  receipt  of  a 
copy  of  your  hook  "A  ideological  View  of  Nature",  and 
to  thank  you  for  your  oourteay  In  complimenting  me  there¬ 


Tours  Tory  truly. 


Mr.  Wo.  A.  Hayes. 

o/o  Thomas  A.  Edison,  Ltd., 
25  Clerkanwell  Road, 
London,  B.C., 

Itr.  Walter  Miller  asked  me  to  send  to  you 
direct  the  selections  Mr.  Edison  made  from  Edith  Walker’s 
Repertoire.  You  will  find  some  enclosed,  and  will  see 
that  he  has  writton  a  long  memorandum,  whioh  you  can  show  to 
her.  Possibly  she  may  express  a  desire  to  have  this  memoran¬ 
dum  to  koep.  in  that  case,  yon  onn  take  a  copy  and  let  her 
have  the  original.  You  ore  fully  authorized. 

It  does  not  look  Uko  tho  handwriting  of  a  man 
who  has  worked  all  night  for  the  last  .two  weeks,  but  such  is  the  . 
fact.  He  has  had  one  of  his  extra  strenuous  spoils  lately. 

:  ho  left  here  for  breakfast  at  9.20  this  morning,  and  will 
then  have  three  or  four  hours  sleep  and  probably  return 
soon  uf ter  lunch. 

vet.  chas.  F.  H*  l20tion  Committee, 

fl!’jState  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
Passaic,  H.  «T. 

•near  sir:- 

Yow  favor  of  the  16th  Instant  with  <m- 

0l0s,»»  ...  ro=e».a.  »»a  a  »»  «•«  n«”*  *» 

yon  herewith  rty  acceptance  of  yonr  Invitation  to  a°°“® 
1  *  «  -  «“  ~  — '  at“M 

Augl  26th,  19X2 

Mr.  ff.  0.  Anderson, 

Anderson  Electric  Car-  Op.-,  . 

Detroit,  Hloh. 

Dear  Mr.  Ana  era  an: - 

Yours  of  the  22nd  Instant  was  received.  X 
note  the  death  of  2tt.  Henry  A.  Batchelor.  I  remembor  him, 
hnt  never  thought  ho  would  make  Rny  money.  However,  I  am 
glad  to  learn  that  he  made  good. 

You  a 3k  how  I  am  feeling  -  Well,  X  worked 
122  hours  In  six  days  last  week,  hence  X  must  feel  fine  - 
and  do. 

How  is  the  Honorable  Anderson? 

Yours  very  truly. 


‘  E*  °*  Chamber’ of  Commerce, 

Boston,  Mass. 

”  8“!'  ^  to  yo»  «"«  °*  «“  *** los,ant' 

„  to  ...  that  x  —  — 4  -  ‘  "  ^ 

JL  to  handle  the  —  «***«  *-  *  ■» 

„„«»  tale  too  or  three  »*»  *«  Sot  *lu’' 

.  rorhiod  order,  «  —  «  “  *«  "  “11  * 

„od  on  a  mil  defined  W>.  I  ’»»1*  *W«.  therefore, 
yon  „„it  about  thirty  day  before  nomine  d.m  to  nee  the 
I^t  and  to  the  metier.  If.  -  - 
other  information,  I  mould  e.M»*t  that  yon  « 

ffltohi.»  *t  e  jeB(!rtstl0„  of  the  demonstrating 

mTont  in  yeDterflay’8  H®77  v°:i^:  tori 


Mr.  waiter  Miller, 

.  Edison  Recording  Rooms, 

79  Fifth  Ave. , 

Hew  York  City- 

Aug.  27th,  1912 

Dear  Mr.  Mill or: - 

Mr.  EdiBon  wants  you  to  make  disc  records 

of  five  duetts  to  he  sung  hy  Mrs.  T.  0.  Staats  and  Mrs.  G.  .7. 

Kirwan  when  they  return  from  their  vacation  within  the  next 

two  or  three  weeks. 

The  selections  are  as  follows: 

Duett  —  Hear  Me  “  Norma 
n  from  Forza  del  Destino 

it  __  Ave  Maria  —  Gounod 

n  —  Ave  Maria  --  Sohuhert 

n  —  Quis  est  Homo  —  Stahat  Mater 

I  have  aneeeatea  to  Bra.  Stotts  that  ah. 
eenfl  thia  letter  to  ««dW  JOT  to  r»*a  the  tale. 

YourB  very  truly. 


Aug.  28th,  1912 

Mr.  J.  II.  Priaulx, 

Messrs.  ChaB.  H.  Pitson  &  Oo., 

10  East  34th  St. , 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  priaulx:- 

I  enclose  herewith  two  lists  of  Operas  for 
which  we  want  to  obtain  vocal  scores.  As  far  as  yon  possibly 
can,  send  these  In  the  original  language  and  English,  i.e., 
where  it  is  an  Italian  opera,  we  W^Wltts  to  get  the  Italian 
and  English  words. 

As  I  am  going  away  for  a  vacation,  I  beg 
to  ask  that  you  will  kindly  address  the  shipment  or  shipments 
to  Mr.  0.  Bing,  Edison  Laboratory.  Orange.  N.J.,  and  bill 
the  same  to  Thomas  A.  Edison;  sending  the  bill  also  to  Mr. 
Bing  so  that  he  can  check  the  same. 

We  are  in  a  very  particular  hurry  for  the 
following  ,  which  are  included  in  the  above  list,  namely: 

Magic  Elute 
Joseph  in  Egypt 
Zar  &  Zimrnexmann 
le  Cid 

J.M.P.  (2)  Aug .  28/12 

Will  you  pleaae  also  sand  as  quickly  as 
possible  the  following  songB: 

Idealo  Tost! 

Die  Haohtigall  .  Goldmark 

Diebesglflok  Buohsr 

Morgan  .  R-  Strauss 

7  une  Gung  R«  Strauss 

In  Melner  Haimat  Wird  as 

Jetzt  Pruhllng  Hildaoh 

Das  Erst©  Died  Gramann 

Yours  truly, 


if  the  28th  instant  regnn' 
film  received.  Mr.  TSdis 
you  that  he  vrould  like  t' 

ihe  Hon-Inneamehlf 
ienireB  mn  to  vrrtti 

ir  represent stive  at  the  7 
onmtnc  over  m&t  advice 

to  make 

Ho.  907  Orange, 


:cept  Monsieur  and  Madame  Morris  Loeb’s 

Congress  of  Applied  Chemistry,  Monday,  Sept  "mb-*”. 

second,  nineteen  hundred  t,welvi 

BesBeetf  ill  tar'  vours, 

General  Electric  Co.. . 

Schenectady,  Hew  York. 

My  dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  3rd 
instant  regarding  the  origination  of  the  custom 
of  free  lamp  renewals,  Mr.  Ed  l eon  directs  me 
to  quote  you  ns  follows 

Kl  wap  the  first  and  always  insisted 
or.  selling  light  instead  of  electricity.  Had  they 
not  changed  the  Tungsten  lamp  would  have  wade  the 

companies  richer  instead  of  poorer.  We  sold  light  for 
many  years  when  some  d-~-~d  fool  stopped  it  and  sold 
current,  and,  all  the  other  sheen  followed." 

Yours  very  truly. 

H.  Johnson,  Ssq.* » 

Commercial  Cribls 

20  Broad  St 

Beat  Mr.  Johnson: - 

Your  letter  of  the  SSth'' asking 
lf  it  io  true  that  Hr.  Edison  la  for  "Teddy- 
received.  In  reply  he  directs  mo  to  "rite  you 
that  of  course  it  is  correct.  there  — 
other  reasons  vrtiy  he  is  for  Boos-V 

Yours  very  truly,  . 

■ : 

dopy  of  teleferam  sent  t< 

W/  J?.  Ions,  Sao’y, 

Pennsylvania  Electric  Association, 

Bedford  Springs,  Pa. 

Please  convey  to 'the  Ifembers  of  your  Association  ray 
appreciation  of  their  congratulatory  resolution  on  the  thirtieth 
anniversary  of  the  beginning  of  the  incandescent  lighting  industry. 

Thomas  A.  Edison. 

The  Crane  Company, 
Hr.  H.  Hounsli 

45  Mechanic  St., 

Newark,  3, 

My  dear  Sir: 

Your  letter  of  the  30th  ult.  received, 

which  he  could  easily  have  f< 
unhappy,  so  I  told  all  of  my 
to  cut  the  Crane  Company  out 
them:  that,  of  course ,  made  : 



Sept.  12/lB 

Messrs.  Chas.  H.  Ditson  &  Co.. 

10  Bast  34th  St.. 

Hew  Tort  City. 


Sty  Bine  Haters' 

Kindly  send  one  copy  of  "l 

Tour  prompt  attention  will 
Yours  very  truly. 


1  the  land  of  the 
greatly  oblige 


Sept!  12th,  1912 

Deatsohee  Mae earn, 

ZweihrnokenBtrasBe  12, 

Manohen,  Germany. 

Y0n*  favor  of  the  27th  alt.  to  Mr.  Thomas 
A.  Edison  received,  hat  fail  to  find  the  certificate  which 
yoa  say  yoa  encloBed.  The  same  wee  no  doaht  omitted  hy  an 


yoaro  very  truly. 


Sept.  12/12 

The  Par  hue  publishing  Co. , 

Pixat  national  Bank  Biag. , 
Chicago,  Ill. 


Kindly  send  to  Kr.  Edison  one  copy  of  "The 
Cannibals  of  Finance"  by  Arthur  B.  St il well. 

Yours  very  truly. 

^  ;r  r  ‘  : 

S.t  el  rvmetz  • 

0*a0NN0R  SLOAIJS  h« 

id  me  to- give  a.  letter  of  introduction  to  you, 

introducing  Hr.  Emil  Riohter,  who  is  visiting 

Araori  ca. 

rery  truly, 


General  Electric  Cs 




Sept.  19 /is 

with  the  care  of  agencies.  We  have  no  agents  for  the  sale 
of  the  storage  hattery.  ae  our  polioy  ie  to  Bell  airect  to 
manuf aotur ors  of  automobiles .  etc.  ana  to  railrosas.  We  have 
two  or  three  young  men  who  go  out  from  our  office  when  oocasio, 
,-emanas.  tat  they  belong  to  cur  of -ice  force.  Hence,  you  see. 
I  am  unable  to  open  an  agency,  as  that  would  mean  an  entire 
chan go  all  through  our  whole  system. 

Your 6  very  truly. 

Oct.  1st,  1912 




Mr.  Honri  Robert,  Engineer, 

Rue  ass  Tllleuls  13, 

la  Chaux  ae  Fonas, 


Dear  Sir  : - 

your  favor  of  the  6th  ult . ,  in  regard  to 
the  direct  transformation  of  caloric  into  electric  energy, 
has  been  received.  In  renly  I  beg  to  say  that  some  years 
ago  I  did  some  work  on  this  rpoblem,  hut  other  matters  came 

up  ana  I  was  obliged  to  lay  it  aside. 

!  ara  so  exceedingly  busy  day  and  night  on 

W  business  affairs  and  experimental  work  that  I  oannot  find 
tir,  to  l^ok  up  my  old  reoords  to  see  **  exactly  -t  I 
during  uiv  invention,  but  I  think  you  will  find  in 
” ;.«„<* *•  *  -•  *“  ^  “■ 
1  tlM  *  p.™«-  » «•  *  - 

-  .,o-ckinp  on  this  problem  and  ao  not  see  any  nrosroc  o: 
n0''+  ^  un  for  a  long  time  to  come.  ITo  doubt,  some  in- 

vLtor  will  ultimately  bring  out  something  that  will  be  of 
value  in  this  connection. 

Yours  very  truly. 



The  Lansdon  co. . 

I*r.  W.  X.  Case,  Gen'l  Mgr., 

394  Fr elinghuysen  Avc., 
Ilewark,  I!.J. 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  20th  ult. , 
regarding  the  battery  for  the  runabout  sola  your  company, 

I  have  been  making  a  further  investigation  of  the  matter 

ana  fina  that  the  ■ 

i  at  which  the  machine 

to  you.  namely  .$1850.00,  included  a  battery  of  "E-18"  cells. 
The  machine  was  built  about  eight  years  ago  and  was  equipped 
with  an  "E-18"  battery.  It  waB  kept  in  Hew  York  City  for 
the  use  of  Mr.  lansden,  and  when  he  left  the  Company  it  was  tu 
ea  over  to  Mr.  feXTho  borrowed  an  A-6  battery  from  the 
Edison  Storage  Battery  co.  and  turned  in  to  them  the  "E-18" 
cells,  later  he  turned  the  machine  over  to  you  with  the  borr< 
eellB  which  were  subsequently  billed  to  you.  I  should  think 

m  them  for  the  old  cells. 

Trusting  that  this  information  will  e 

,  to  straighten  out  the  matter  with  them.  I  remain 
Yours  very  truly, 


' X,.  Case,  Gen'IKgx.. 

394  Prelinglmyseii  Ave .  , 
llewaxk,  H.. I. 

Tho  wagon  returned  ty  «io  C"'“"  °°” 

or  Chicago  .  now  .t  the  Brie  Freight  1»  »■»**•  *" 

inspected  tea.,  By  tt.  Baohnau.  »•  »•  «*  «»  "«“•  “* 

„.s  found  in  ouch  .  tea  couaitlou  that  v.  .«mt  ccoept  It. 
They  .greed  to  return  the  wagon  at  the  end  of  the  year  in  ae 
good  condition  a.  received  less  nature!  wear  end  tear  -or  the 

tine  in  service.  '***' 

..  would  II*.  you  to  advise  no  that  the  cost 

would  he  to  put  the  wagon  in  os.He  condition,  so  that  u.  can 
at  an  eouit.hl.  adju.t.«t  with  the  Ol.en  Cartage  oo.  Our 
legal  Departs ent  sdvis.d  u.  not  to  t.*e  it  rr„  the  Bailrn,. 
until  w.  ad  duet  the  ratter  with  the  ol.en  Oort.g.  ~ 

woulfl  slso  like  to  ' 

ill  correspondent*0 



Oot.  4/12 

Col.  J.  I,'..  huffoy, 

341  Sixth  Ave., 

Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

My  dear  Sir 

Your  favor  of  the  let  instant  has  been  re- 
ooived  and  its  contents  noted  with  *uuch  interest. 

in  ren^y  I  would  say  that  Mr.  Clifford's 
statements  to  you  are  correct  as  to  the  grinding  and  concen¬ 
trating  process,  except  as  to  cost  per  ton.  I  have  no  data 
on  this  and  I'r.  Clifford's  figures  seem  to  be  low.  However. 

I  can  say  that  we  have  operated  the  fine  crushing  rolls  for 
over  seven  years  at  our  Cement  Tories  at  Hew  Village,  Hew 
jersey,  where  you  can  see  them  in  operation.  Clifford  is  an 
extreme  optimist,  and  I  heap  advising  him  to  go  slow,  and 
•ouild  a  small  mill  at  first  and  try  it  on  the  dog,  so  to  speak. 

If  you  investigate  personally  I  think  you 
will  find  that  the  process  we  have  here  is  out  of  the  regu- 
!„  Uno  Mi  «*•'«<  ««•  «*  ^  •*"** 


Yours  very  truly. 

oct.  8th,  1912 

,  S.  Andrews, 

Albemarle  Hotel, 

XXadison  Square, 

II  cw  York  City. 

I  am  more  then  pleased  this  morning  to  receive 
wir  favor  of  yesterday,  in  which  you  tell  mo  that  you  have  had 
tv.c  r0Cfl  fortune  to  secure  one  of  the  old  "Z"  dynamos  at  Walsh'e 
V/hat  a  fortunate  thine  it  was  that  you  went  there  first.  .It 
Gavea  a  whole  lot  of  trouble  and  now  I-’r.  Hob  will  be  able  to 
V(k01,  tlll0  for  permanent  exhibition.  I  am  glad  alao  that  the 
machine  was  in  such  good  condition,  you  secured  e  prise, 
er.d  I  congratulate  you. 

Your a  very  truly, 

TAE/3S  7 

Oct.  8th,  1912 

The  Boston  Piano  >'■  Music  uo., 

Mr.  W.  7.  Maine,  President, 
Iowa  City,  Xowa. 

Tour  favor  of  the  28th  ult.  has  been  received, 
and  In  reply  1  be*  to  sny  that  there  are  two  good  reasons  why 
we  set  u  price  upon  our  goods. 

1st.  -  Because  we  have  a  right  to  do  so,  which 
right  is  given  uc  by  the  United  states  government  tinder  the 
patent  lows. 

2nd .  -  To  prevent  the  ruining  of  our  factory 
business .  for  if  trices  were  not  fixed  they  would  be  cut  below 
the  cost  of  production  by  Department  Stores  end  others,  ana 
regular  dealers  would  refuse  to  handle  the  goods. 

Your  presumption  is  wrong.-  I  am  going  to 

vote  for  Koosevelt. 

Tours  very  truly. 


Oct.  11,  1912. 



Public  Service  Electric  Co., 

Eewark,  Hew  Jersey. 

Dear  Sirs;- 

Your  favor  of  the  17th  ultimo  received. 

I  own  the  real  estate  and  buildings  at  Belmont 
Avenue  and  Franklin  Street,  occupied  under  lease  by  the 
Federal  Storage  Battery  Car  Company.  X  have  in  the 
past  furnished  them  with  current  from  our  plant  at  the 
Edison  Chemical  Works  on  Belmont  Avenue,  at  Silver  Lake, 
which  X  also  own. 

As  the  present  facilities  which  we  operate  at 
the  Chemical  Works  are  not  adequate  either  for  the  Primary 
Battery  or  Chemical  Works  there  nor  for  the  Federal  Co. 
at  Franklin  Street,  we  plan  to  secure  an  installation  from 
you  with  a  supply  of  current  sufficient  to  provide  for  all 
needs,  the  same  to  be  furniehed  under  one  contract,  and  if 
I  'take  such  contract  with  you,  I  would  in  the  future  as  I 
have  in  the  past,  furnish  current  to  the  Federal  Company 
as  well  as  lease  the  land  and  buildings  to 

You^B-'fery  trijl y , 



14th,  1912 

mho  Rodeheayer  Co- , 

14  V/eat  Washington  St., 

Chicago,  Ill. 


Your  favor  of  the  9th  instant,  together  with 
sample  of  Bull  Moose  Camnaign  novelty,  namoly,  a  bandanna 
with  song  pr intea  thereon,  has  been  received.  Win  you 
v>leaso  send  me  four  aoson  of  these  hnnaannas.  Kindly  send 
them  to  my  Assistant.  Mr.  W.  H.  Moadoweroft.  at  this  address. 

Yours  very  truly  , 


I  «.b/ss 

A.  3.  PhontiBdos, 

21  tiller y  St., 

Cambridge,  I>»ss 

coir.a.  n  roply  I  Kg  to  a.y  thot  for  ao~  «»  f*  1 

tooo  poking  praparntiona  to  in.tit.ta  a  Wf  °*  *•“»- 
inE  in  aohoola  by  toaaa  of  notion  piotnxoa.  th.  I» 
thiok  I  l»T.  MU  ont  1.  gnit.  ooWrohonaita.  ang  “» 

aomo  two  to  bring  to  oonplation.  I  V»r=  g««a  a  largo  ataff 
of  ayn.rtn  in  variant  lino,  of  kno.loiga  oonatantly  ong«gaa  in 
notion  piotnra.  to  bo  «..«  i«  "*»<«■  rf  8t”aj’ 

-e  ore  •ooniinlatlng  a  largo  nn.bor  of  fil»=  to  oarry  ont 
thio  plan.  The  nark  i.  progresaing  a.y  ana  nigM,  mt  thoro 
j,  ,aat  n.onnt  of  it  to  ho  aona.  ana  it  wm  to  aa~  1«tle 
two  haforo  J  anoil  ho  ablo  to  pr.oant  ayatanatio  oonr.a.  of 
study  for  the  schools. 

•e-i  any  pamphlets  or 

ciih  j  oct  of  teaching  hy 

i  yot.  You  may  he  interest  i 

howover,  in  reaamg  an 

Kendowor oft.  This  v/ae  published  In  J.oslle’s  fleeMyr  ' 


Oat.  14/12 

tember  19th.  You  will  undoubtedly  find  this  at  one  of 
libraries  in  your  vicinity. 

yours  very  truly. 

;‘ii  fiTiTimuitm;  t  j  ?  {?;»?!!!!  IfilUiiSIil 

.5.3. A 




1  ..ft  •  i  ' 






A  „  jL***1  Oct .  17/12 

8&\3  AT  ' 

Ur.  1.  *».  Proudfoot, 

149  Broadway, 

Singer  Blag., 

Kew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

lir.  Baison  Bos  "bowl  asked  to  beoome  one  of 

the  First  One  mwdrea  life  Members  of  The  luther  Bar hank 



Society,  which  is  located  In  Santo  Robb,  Cal.  If  this  is 
till  right,  he  is  desirous  of  signing  the  application,  and  of 
sending  a  subscription.  He  h*«  asked  ne,  however,  to  write 
•  to  you  to  you  to  kindly  see  if  this  is  ail  right  and  let 
n.7  „f-  yam  eerfist  possible  convenience,  ;’S  the  time 

1  a  United. 

Mr . 


!200  Fifth  Ave., 

Trow  Tori:  City. 

D ear  Sir : - 

t  beg  to  aolmovaeage  receipt  of  your  favor 
o.f  Eth,  and  of  letter  of  your  secretary,  Hr,  Crockett, 

under  date  of  September  18th,  and  also  of  a  copy  of  the  pamphlet 
relating  to'  tlio  Bumf or A  Mechanics  Institute,  v/htoh  I  have  found 
very  frosting.  I  beg  to  extend  my  thanks  to  you  for  this 


General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-091  (1912-1913) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  October  1912-January  1913.  Most  of 
the  correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Many  of  the 
items  relate  to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison's  alkaline 
storage  battery,  including  its  use  in  delivery  trucks.  Additional  letters  pertain 
to  Edison’s  phonograph  and  motion  picture  businesses;  visitors  to  his 
laboratory  in  West  Orange;  and  the  inventor’s  opinions  on  economic  and 
political  matters,  as  well  as  his  musical  tastes.  There  is  also  an  item 
concerning  the  death  of  Edison’s  mother-in-law,  Mary  V.  Miller.  Among  the 
correspondents  are  Edison  associate  Paul  H.  Cromelin,  financier  and 
Progressive  Party  leader  George  W.  Perkins,  and  industrialist  Charles  M. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.  A.  E.  From  Oct.  19,  1912.  To  Jan.  8, 
1913."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number 
"30."  The  book  contains  694  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Less  than  10 
percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 


{M/V&MJl',  f/VOsvJ\  \  - 

JjtAsV-  a/  Q  . 


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JskJus*^,  10-0'-;  3J°' 

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&>■  *  6£- (’0('- 
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T^L7~q,-3.  -  3™- 

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yJUvruw,  'IOcJXxa.  %cu>.  L*0 
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£ii^  .M-  3I'5' 

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t^iu ;  7n.J>-  nt- 

laMpv,  Tjua^m.  d  -C'-  ''c°-  f«*- 

uli^;  >.  *>*- 
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Ujtv, rt.  £■  “ 

<s.  #  « -- 

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iJtsj-aSiS.  &'7?-- 

-  '  -  '.  yyktc^. 

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WmL.  feW «■';  -r-'' >n-J'<'7- 

iftjh-,  oi. y  m 

rdlhJ  9-  <s.  A  a  i,- 
MdlU~M,  f.o.  3‘>- 

a-  %  s*** 

Vd-J^uJi^  /O.  P  *rt- 

UjJr,  P.  fajJLd,  373- 
WSaT  CL 4AS.  ¥OC-V?*- 
\NaAcP,X.  422- 


VldL .?&**% 

f/OA/Zt^j  }Z”M-  2/3- 

7 VjvUL.A^,  s-i*-(pi> 
Yujds/^fM.  t^>- 
Wyxfae.C.  rr3 

VpaUjuTiy.  \T.Jf  J'/'j’- 
r^uL.VAf.  Mf 

N/t OJJjLAsnuJ )  W&  "  0  /'r' 
\XCrCfci2j  %  w>  IxZ'f- 

uiqi.m z- 2-1-7-  2^*-  * 

's7^ffj\yyu/i/j  $.  1  \K  (>  i>  7  - 


-  Z5-- 



Oct.  21/12 

"hai-.fts'  4.  '£  Wiaon,  Ltd,, 

",’11113  don  Junction, 

Lon  don,  L.n.’  England. 

Ret  11  Tint  r  to  your  '’svor  of  M,e  5th  Instant 
.F.r.n,  In  tor  rd  t  o  nahing  a  report  on  vv»e  record 
Dorie.  T  oep  to  nay  thnv,  this  report  -.7as  to 

through  an  error  ,  tho  j-nc.e  wns  rads  Madam  Dana 

Howcvir,  I  give  you  below  a  duplicate  of  tho 



SCALE-  un».  *■' on  volume-  considerable  tremolo 

SOU!?  --Hot  good  -  v;e  havo  three  other  singers 
i  icing  this  much  better. 

Iiol’  DESIBA3LE  S3U0EE. 

-rh-i  ' 

hi  3 

:  any  for  your  -infer met!  on  that  Hr. 

roc or d  again  yesterday,  hut  had  n< 
iriglnal  opinion. 

not  men 

As  X  um  v/r  iting,  it  occurs  to  sue  to  ssy 
hr.t  eoretimos  Kr .  Edison  tapes  a  fancy  to  a  song 
tr.:::,?  for  those  trlalc.,  and  wants  to  get  it.  We 
1— -vs  obtain  such  songs  ob  the  composer's  name  is 
ioned.  Could  you  not  mention  the  composer's  and 
ir's  in  your  memoranda  accompanying  trial  recc 
ho  a  ,'r eat  e~nvon ienoe  if  you  car.  do  so. 

YourB  very  truly. 

whe/ es 


Oct.  21,  1912. 

J.  F.  Tionnot,  Esq.  , 

31,  Rue  Darue, 

Pari 8,  France. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Encloaed  herewith  find  letter  from  UessrB. 
David  Owen  and  Son,  Liverpool,  England,  requeating 
information  regarding  the  otorage  battery.  Kindly 
give  the  same  your  usual  prompt  attention  and  oblige, 
Yours  very  truly. 

Assistant  Secretary. 


Oct.  2Bth,  1912 

Mrs.  C.  " .  Bromley, 

2' r.  u,  104th  St., 

Non  York  City. 

j,iy  dejor  Era.  Bromley 

At  last  Mr.  Edison  has  been  able  to  devote 
tiire  to  hearing  o  lot  of  the  trial  reeorae.  Among  them,  he 
heard  the  "Harbor  of  love"  sting  by  your  son.  His  criticism 
it  Was  that  it  is  too  weak  in  places,  and  that  the  solo 
voice  was  not.  mallow  on  this  record.  He  also  criticises  the 
chorus ,  but.  of  course,  that  was  not  your  son's  fault.  He 
did  net  accept  the  record  for  comBoroial  purposes. 

This  criticism  has  been  Bent  over  to  Mr. 
Miller  fit  the  Recording  Rooms,  which  loaves  the  matter  in  his 

i  ho  deems  necessary  to  givo  it 

hands  ter  < 
under  Mr.  Edison's  goner*!  directions. 

t  am  sorry  -that,  it  has  turned  out  so,  hut  think 

i+  well  to  acquaint  you  with  the  facts. 

Yours  very  truly. 

15  °  fat tonal  Head  Quarters,  progressive  Perty, 

Manhattan  Hotel, 

Pew  Yo&City. 

My  dear  Hr.  Perkins 

Kx  Edison  has  asked  me  to  sona  to  you  the 
enclosed  letter  from  Hr.  Henry  B.  HBigh.  together  with 
clipping  from  the  Perth  American  therein  referred  to.  He 
thinks  it  will  interest  you. 

Yours  very  truly, 

ItfrUu****"  "-'fy 


yr.  Harold  w.  Slauaon, 

Leslie's  Weekly, 

226  ?ifth  Ave., 

Hew  rork  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  favor  of  the  2«th  -‘nstant, 
asking  mo  to  send  you  a  statement  of  my  views  p  regard  to 
tho  elootrlo  automobile  as  a  competitor  to  tV  gasoline  tjp 
for  touring,  I  beg  to  say  that  my  entire  ti/*.  a*7  1013 
ir,  so  thoroughly  occupied  in  attending  to  matters  of  gr 
•^•■portanoe  that  I  am  really  overworked,  consequently,  7 
MU  he  unable  to  give  the  time  to  coepl*  with  your  request. 

Your  b  very  iruly  „ 



oot.  30/l2 

Ur.  E*  !£.  Cocde, 

0/0  Hew  york  Edison  Co, , 

55  Duane  St. , 

Dev;  York  City. 

D9ar  sir 

Your  favor  of  the  22nfl  instant,  asking  for 
ray  Impressions  of  tho  Electrical  Exposition  at  Grand  central 
palace,  boa  been  received. 

Allow  me  to  say  in  reply  that  I  could  not 
very  well  write  any  impressions  of  the  Exposition,  as  I  was 
on!*  there  once,  on  She  day  of  the  luncheon,  and  the  exhibits  we 
not  then  ready,  1  had  only  a  short  time  to  look  around,  and 

was  after-wards  too  busy  to  get  over  again. 

I3y  energies  are  so  concentrated  day  and  nigh 
on  some  very  important  matters  Just  now,  so  I  shall  be  unable 
.  the  time  for  the  interview  you  mention. 


spar  1 



Mr.  Edward  H.  Johnson, 

20  Bros a  St. , 

How  York  City. 

Dear  johnBon:- 

Oo t.  30/12 

1  never  thought  at  all  of  the  things  you 
speak  of  in  your  letter  of  the  2flth. 

All  I  aid  think  of  is  the  fact  that  our 
hank  occ  cunt  has  fallen  very  low  and  is  still  foiling  - 
tOO  UlUCh  SO  in  View  Of  the  notoe  X  tun  oorryiag  ia  -bho  ScmVfl. 

X  have  had  great  delay  in  getting  our  disc 
machine  out,-  due  as  usual  to  the  incompetence  of  «•  "“J* 

This  delay  In  getting  the  discs  out  has  tied  up  in  the  factory 
.$800,000  worth  of  phonographs  which  X  cannot  ship  without  discs. 

So  you  see  I  am  hard  pushed  for  ready  cash 
.just  now  -  Wien  X  have  it  you  can  always  have  a  little  slice 
now  end  then  for  personal  use. 

Regarding  the  matter  of 

turn*  »o«  *«  “‘ii’F.Ti'SH.ttoe  nw  »«w 

dollars  a  year  dead  easy. 

yours  sincerj 


Mr.  0.  K.  Downing , 

150  Hillside  Ave. , 

Howark,  u.J. 

Bov.  5th,  1912 

Dear  Mr.  Downing 

I  intended  to  say  to  you  hoforo  1  left  last 
night  that  T  would  send  you  a  lottor  in  regard  to  your  mak¬ 
ing  s  trial  phonograph  record. 

Ho?fevor,  here  it  ie.  Mr .  Edison  would  like 
voxi  to  go  to  79  Fifth  Ave. ,  now  York  at  your  oonwenienoe,  ana 
see  Mr.  Walter  H.  Killer,  Who  will  take  two  trial  reoordB  ana 
send  thcr.  out  here  +o  Hr.  Edison  in  order  that  he  may  hear  them 
cna  •j-aer  upon  thorn.  I  think  it  would  prohahly  he  well  for  you 
to  write  to  Mr.  Killer  firBt  and  make  an  appointment.  If  you 
will  Tie sent  the  enclosed  card  when  you  eo  to  make  the  reaords, 
l‘r.  Killer  will  keep  it  anfl  send  it  over  with  them  for  identi- 

Yours  -very  truly. 


yr.  loo.  H.  Downing, 

ISO  Hillside  Ave., 

Kewnr^.  H.J- 

My  dour  Kr.  Downing 

Tour  favor  of  the  6th  instant  has  been  re- 
ooi vo'i  ;.na  Its  oontcntB  noted.  I  have  consulted  with  I-Tr. 
Sdison  in  regard  thereto. 

On  the  whole,  it  ray  he  just  ob  well  that 
you  do  not  go  to  our  Hew  Tork  weoording  Hoono  at  rreeent. 
They  look  upon  the  work  as  entirely  I*°;e^onal  and  ore 
very  exacting  in  thoir  requirements.  As  their  e<uitnont 

~  rore  reoordB  of  your  songs  «na  send  then  over  oO 
l'r“  Edison  for  his  hearing,  and  their  duty 

If  ho  wanted  you  to  rake  further  reoordshc_wouldsendyou 
there  again,  and  the  enrne  process  would  he  eone  through. 

little  before 
yon  wait  a  f s' 
equipnont  hor< 
ready  you  nay 

in  view  of  your  desire  to  experiment  n 
f-oro  raising  s  real  record,  lir.  Edison  suggests  .hat 
a  few  weoki,  as  he  expects  to  rig  np  n  reoord-nnxing 

't  the  laboratory.  Ho  Bays 

,mo  over  whenever  you  please  and  .expel inent 

way  you  suggest. 

Trusting  this  will  be  s 


Hov.  8,  1912 

la.',  P.  L«  J.  Boettcher , 

1211  8  Street,  H.E.. 

Washington,  D.C. 

ftocx  3  ir :  - 

I  am  in  reoeipt  of  your  favor  of  ovn 

instant  in  regard  to  the  proposition  of  on  universal  alphabet. 

You  ask  if  the  phonograph  can  ho  so  altered 
os  to  admit  reaaily  of  setting  the  same  at  any  particular 
place  or  sound  and  to  prolong  and  repeat  that  soimd  aa  libitum. 
In  reply  to  your  question  I  would  say  that  it  can. 

I  notice  you  use  the  ward  "graph oph one” 
throughout  your  letter.  The  instrument  made  by  me  is  called 
the  "phonograph",  and  v;ub  so  named  vftien  r  invented  it  in  the 

•j  oer  1877. 

Yours  very  truly. 



Bov.  8th,  1912 

IlluBtratea  outdoor  World  ana  Recreation, 
2  Buane  street. 

Hew  ?ork  City. 


X  am  In  receipt  of  your  favor  informing  me 

tflat  at  the  instance  of  Kr-  Chaa.  mills  Ward  yon  have  enter¬ 
ed  ny  name  for  a  complimentary  subscription  for  one  year . 
Allow  me  to  thank  yon  for  the  oonrteay  ana  to  say  that  I 
shall  he  Interested  in  looTring  over  tho  publication  as  1* 


Tours  vory  truly. 


Nov.  12,  1912. 

Bausch  &  Lomb  Optical  Co.,. 

Rochester,  New  York. 


Your. letter  of  the  6th  instant  regarding 
Mr.  John  R.  Anderson,  Jr.,  received. 

In  reply  will  say  that  Anderson  is  a  good 
sketcher  of  ideas,  makes  perspective  pictures  very 
rapidly  of  proposed  experimental  machines  and  is 
pretty  familiar  with  modem  manufacturing.  Is 
pretty  fair  in  systematizing  and  is  a  pretty  fair 

1  would  not  let  him  go  if  it  were  not  for 
the  fact  that  he  and  some  of  my  head  men  cannot  get 
along:-  perhaps  he  can  with  yours. 

Yours^very  truly, 

a  ^-'c-  ■ 

Prof 4  Dr.  Julius  jjonath, 

Balvany-utoza  4, 

Bidapest,  v, 


In  reply  to  your  letter  of  the  28th  ult.. 

allow  me  to  aay.  that  1  do  l 

:  drinfc  anything  containing 

alcohol.  I  find  that  I  oannot  proauoe  resultB  with  a  hrain 
made  stupid  with  aloohol. 

Mr.  George  v; .  Perkins, 

71  Broadway, 

Hr 7  York  City. 

Friend  Perkins :- 

Wil'  you  kindly  have  one  of  your  men  get 
out  the  following  dic.;a  for  me: 

leaving  out  of  consideration  those  Southern 
States  which  always  vote  for  the  Democratic  party,  no  matter 
Who  the  candidate  is,  or  what  the  platform  promises?*  and  also 
leaving  out  of  consider at ion. -a  conserve tively  estimated  per¬ 
centage  of  dyed-in-the-wool  Republicans  who  would  vote  nothin 
hut  the  party  ticket  undar  any  conditions;  in  other  words, 
a  fixed  constant,  not  amenable  to  reason; 

How  many  persons  voted  respectively  for 
Wilson,  T&ft  and  Roosevelt? 

Yours  very  truly. 

Hov.  14th,  1912 

I  I 

Hr.  v/ro.  a.  Collins, 

1615  jjeooursey  Ave., 

Covington,  Ky. 

Bear  Sir?- 

ISr .  Eaisen  received  yours  of  the  11th  Instant 
and  also  the  photograph  of  your  mother,  which  latter  3s  re¬ 
turned  herewith. 

He  states  that  he  never  heard  of  your  mother, 
and  os  ho  is  overwhelmed  with  appllootiono  tox  nnanoisl  as¬ 
sistance  it  is  impossible  for  "him  to  respond  favorably  thereto. 

Yours  respectfully. 



Nov.  14th,  1912 

Harvard  Wireless  ulub, 

Cambridge,  Maas. 

Gentlemen: - 

I  am  in  receipt  of  a  letter  from  your  cioore- 
tary,  Kr.  H.  E.Rowson,  announcing  the  fact  that  you  hove 
ejected  me  ns  Honorary  Member  of  yonr  Society. 

Allw  me  to  thnnTc  you  and  to  express  py 
grateful  appreciation  of  the  honor  you  have  tnus  conferred 

Yours  very  truly,"" 



.  Harry  Cronlngor,  \ 

O/O  Speedwell  Motor  Car  Co., 

Dayton,  Ohio. 

Mr.  Croningex 

1  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  ths  13th  inoten 
ig  incuiry  in  regard  to  the  progress  that  has  been  made  with 

electric  .light  delivery  wagon.  roe  soy  in  reply  that  I  am  now  up  to  Ho.  5 
: i Rental  wagon,  an<l  an  still  running  it  over  the  worse 
is  of  road  that  j  could  find  anywhere.  I  have  eet  ob  a 
a  ay  a  of  re  nr.- iron  ante  that  such  a  wagon  shall  run  2000  miles 
out  a  hr  Mil:  over  this  had  road.  T/ith  No.  5  wagon,  wo  have 
eedad  in  running  700  nlles  up  to  this  morning.  Of  course, 
rrnot  tell  whether  No.  fi  wagon  will  live  to  fulfill  my 

wo  are  nakingjgtog-rasfffr" 
is  vety-'fcruly, 



nov.  21,  1912. 

Mias  Bessie  Hunt, 

Ban  Claire,  Mich. 

Dear  Madam: 

X  Tjog  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your 
favor  of  the  16th  instant,  and  am  plecRed  to  have  suoh 
a  fnvor&hio  expression  of  opinion  from  you  as  to  the 
quality  of  reproduction  given  hy  our  Blue  Amherol  record, 
fou  will  soon  have  an  opportunity  to  hear  my  new  disc 
phonograph,  whioh  I  think  will  please  you  still  moro. 

In  reply  to  your  inquiry  let  me  say  that 
we  will  have  the  heat  grand  opera  singers  making  records 
for  us. 

Yours  very  truly, 


Ky  dear  Schwab: 

I  am  informed  that  part  of  your  selling 
department  has  operated  for  several  years  under  a  plan 
originated  hy  Mr.  Arthur  Jerome  Eddy  whoso  hook  on  "the  Hew 

Competition"  X  have  read. 

one  of  my  companies  is  considering  the 

plan,  ana  I  non*.  srontlp  appoint,  it  M  yon 
„  to  rrhnt  ontent  the  plan  1»»  fen  ouooes.ini  or  oth.roln.. 

Yours  very  truly. 


.  Bov.  25,  1912. 

Mr.  B.  C.  Tousey, 

Ooooanut  Grove, 

Dear  Sir: 

Your  favor  of  the  twentieth  inBtant 
in  regard  to  grapefruit  has  heen  received. 

In  reply  I  heg  to  say  that  I  have  a 
grove  of  ray  own  at  Fort  Myers,  Fla.,  and  get  all  the 
grapefruit  I  need  from  there.  let  me  suggest  that  you 
get  a  copy  of  the  Blite  Directory  and  also  a  copy  of 
"Who  is  Who."  By  sending  a  nice  oiroular  letter  to  the 
parties  mentioned  in  these  hooks,  you  would  prohahly  he 
able  to  work  up  a  aireot  trade  of  considerable  value. 

Yours  very  truly, 

.  Hot.. £5.  1912. 

Mr.  m.  H.  Collins, 

1615  Deeoursey  Ave. , 
Covington,  Ky. 

Dear  Sir: 

Your  second  letter  to  Hr.  Edison 
was  received,  and  he  has  made  an  investigation  of  the 
facta  yon  refer  to.  This  investigation  shows  that 
yon  are  mistaken  in  your  belief.  The  night  he  waB  born 
Mr.  Edison  was  washed  and  dreBBed  by  a  close  relative 
of  the  family. 

There  is  another  thing  in  which  yon 
are  tn  error,  and  that  is,  Mr.  Edison’s  family  was  never 
poor  in  the  sense  that  they  needed  help  from  the  neigh¬ 

Yours  respectfully. 



,  Hov.  25,  1912. 

Mr.  L.  Hugh  I'orfae, 

£4  Waldegraw  Road. 

Brighton,  Snglana. 

Bear  Sir; 

Your  letter  has  been  received  and 
its  sentiments  and  good  wishes  are  greatly  appreciated 
hy  me.  Let  ne  reoiprocate  by  wishing  you  all  success 
in  the  profession  you  have  chosen  for  your  life's  wo-rk. 
It  is  a  noble  profession  and  there  are  always  great 
opportunities  therein  for  these  whose  motto  is  "?hink 
and  work." 

tn  accordance  with,  your  request,  I  am 
sending  a  signed  photograph. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Sefoi-rine  to  your  fav 
t*  concerning  tlie  jro^oso 
olcly  o"b  tained.  hy  comoinin 
r  to  the  latent  Committoo 
od  over  the  article  you  li 

•  N°v.  26,  1912 

Mrs.  Gertrude  Renaud, 
General  Delivery, 

Seattle,  Wash. 

Dear  Madam: 

I  have  received  your  letter  of 
the  eighteenth  instant  together  with  the  photograph 
of  your  two  fine-looking  hoys,  which  I  shall  take 
pleasure  in  adding  to  ny  collection  of  pictures. 

vntirs  truly. 

•x  .  pnvid  P.  Wohlhaupt  er  , 
700  "enth  fitreot, 

'•.’r.r.hington,  !). 

pour  Sir : 

v0nr  .favor  of  the  twenty-third 
.  *  -v  T.<rL'nV  T,.  pyor  hoc  been  referred  to  me. 

moved  his  office  to  .iO.v 

m  ”I>W*;.C"n“lS”i=nr;“»r3 


old  model 
there  hoi 

V.™  no  ^t^t^hihits  ^  up. 
T  RP1  thoroughly  fontlin 

with  whet 

aBATs-.  s-^s^ 

30ch0t  T 

■Por  you  would  ho  to  examine  ...  e  i.  inventions. 


twelve  years  thereafter. 

Bert  Ball, 

Or  op  Improvement  Coraraittoi 
Board  of  Trade, 

Chicago,  TUB. 

X  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  twenty-ninth  alto.,  together  with  the  scenario  and 
> hotographs  enclosed.  T  an  glad  to  learn  that  the  educa¬ 
tional  campaign, which  T  have  commenced,  1b  so  thoruugmy 
appreciated  hy  you. 

In  reply  to  your  question  I  would 
cay  that  ell  the  work  of  the  agricultural  station  in 
ev»ry  hind  of  crop,  and  in  the  most  minute  details,  will 
ho  put  into  tho  school  pictures  in  due  time.  '"here  has 
been  a  vast  amount  of  preliminary  work  to  do,  and  I  have 
fathered  around  me  n  staff  of  very  competent  men  for  this 
educational  work.  ”'c  have  already  gotJ  on  out  a  large 
rrintity  of  picture  films  in  various  branches  of  study, 
hut"  t  have  not  yet  started  upon  the  agricultural  part  of 
my  campaign.  However,  I  Bhall  take  it  up  in  due  course. 

t  am  not  quite  sure,  what  you  wish 
to  vnvo  mo  do  in  rogard'to  tho  scenario  which  you  enclosed 
in  vour  letter.  Be  you  desire  mo  to  have  my  company  give 
estimate  as  to  the  cost  of  a  notion  picture  frlm 

Yours  very  truly, 

j  return  your  photograph. herewith. 
; --resting . 

,  Dec.  3,  1912. 

]'r  .  H. 

H.  liarvin,  Pres*, 
rot ion  Picture  patents  Co.. 
BO  Fifth  Ava., 

How  York  City. 

Dear  Kr .  Marvin: 

I  ar. 

of  the  2nd  instant  invitine 
Dinner  to  the  manufacturers 

in  receipt  of  your  favor 
ne  to  attenfl  the  Annurl 
on  the  16th  instant,  an* 

thank  you 


■Tust  now  T  an  very  hnsy  indoea. 
sit  all  possible  I  shall  he  with  you  on 

vonrs  very  truly". 

hut  if  it  ts  e 
that  occasion. 

Deo.  5th,  191, 

Dr.  J.  K.  Centra, 

406  Portland  Block, 

Chioago,  Ill. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
2nd  ultimo  asking  whether  we  can  furnish  motion  picture 
films  for  making,  the  demonstration  apeoifioally  mentioned 

Replying  hereto  1  beg  to  say  that  at 
present  we  have  our  hands  full  in  making  tlUoa  of  the 
Life’s  Histo&y  of  eoonomio  insects,  bacteria ,  and  elemen¬ 
tary  mechanics,  and  therefore  we  shall  he  unable  at  the 
present  to  take  anything  outside  of  our  school  line* 

These  things  will  take  up  our  whole  attention  for  some- 

;ime  ti 

Yours  very  truly. 

How  York  City, 

Dear  Hr.  Robins; 

Aliev;  ne  to  thank  you  for  your  kina 
favor  of  the  twenty-sixth  ulto,,  nnfl  although  it  is 
.nearly  three  months  in  advance  of  ny  birthday,  I  appre¬ 
ciate  and  thank  you  for  your  good  'wishes  just  the  same. 

I  have  also  received  the  little  cloc- 
tric  lighting  tablet  that  you  were  good  onough  to  send  me. 
It  is  a  very  neat  tiling,  nnd  1  appreciate  your  courtesy 

Deo.  6th,  19X2. 

E.  Eitton, 

R  Eerwin  Sheet, 

Boston,  Mass. 

I  om  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  29th  ultimo,  in  record  to  the  Edison  Ore  Hilling 

In  reply  1  be6  to  say  that  the 

ssTSin  semes*.  ss  is?.‘|.:^5orj«t> 

2SRJ  5  2S#S££  3£«.  - .....  co»w 

operated  with  commercial  success. 

Yours  very  truly. 




Kr.  Handall  Hargreaves, 

160  Claremont  Avenue, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  3ir:- 

Your  favor  of  the  2nd  inst.  together  with 
the  printed  folder,  came  to  hand  in  due  time.  It  is  very 

„«.tifjiw  «  I..*-  «“*  rrt“a  "r-  ,rl*“1* 

„„  rtth  hi.  euoh  a  fWM>  "»u*a"  °f  ”“°t 
visit  to  the  laboratory. 

X  have  shown  your  letter  and  folder  to 

Mr.  Edison,  who  says  that  when  he  has  a  little  more  time 
spare  he  would  be  very  glad  «  r»  come  out  here 

and  sing  for  him  so  that  he  might  hear  your  voice 
suppose  this  would  be  *uite  agreeable  to  you  and  will 

'  no.  h.  is  *«’  “a 

ou  a  iarco  aoo-latloa  of  voh,  1™«“-  m«.«.  “ 

Yours  very  truly, 

nee.  3,1th,  191 

lira.  M.  Ames  Cushman, 

484  Lake  Avenue, 

St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Dear  Madam: - 

I  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
in  re  card  to  nmoke  abatement ,  particularly  with 
reference  to  the  smoke  from  locomotives.  Let 
me  any  in  reply  that  the  storage  battery  railway 
and  street  car  are  no w  being  rapidly  introduced, 
and  we  believe  that  in  time  the  Railroads  will 
adapt  it  for  their  suburban  use.  - - 

Yours  very  trul-yr" 

Deo.  12th,  1912. 

Hacks naaok , 

H.  J. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  am  in  reoeipt  of  your  favor  of  the  10th 
inBtant,  in  regard  to  the  question  of  the  value  of  gold. 
In  reply  I  beg  to  say  that  I  have  never  written  on  this 
line,  but  I  did  moke  certain  statements  in  an  interview 
which,  os  I  remember  it,  was  printed  in  "Saturday  Evening 
Post"  some  where  about  a  year  ago. 

La  ray  opinion,  the  use  of  gold  as  money 
and  the  countless  billions  of  bonds,  -mortgages,  etc.,  all 
payable  in  this  fltictuating  commodity  is  a  dangerous 
thing,  and  some  day  there  will  a  financial  catastrophe. 

This  letter  is  personal  to  you  and  not 

for  publication. 

J  u 

p.  P.  Fish,  Kaci., 

84  State  Street, 

Boston,  Mass. 

My  dear  Ur.  Fiah:- 

1  am  in  receipt  of  your 
favor  of  the  10th  Hurt.,  aahine  for  an  inter¬ 
ne*.  i  am  afraid  you  would  have  a  lone  wait 
you  tried  to  catch  me  in  How  YorV.,  for  I 
;0  there  as  little  as  I  can  possibly  help. 
that  is  only  about  twice  a  year.  X  ^11  e 

very  £lad  to  nee  you  if  you  will  oowo  ove 

J  x  would  suecost 

Mi*  laboratory  at  any  time. 

in  advance  to  my  assistant, 

Deo.  16th,  1912. 

Mias  Ruth  Graham, 

159  Horth  22nd  St., 

Eaat  Orange,  n.  j. 

Dear  Mina  Graham :- 

Heferring  to  our  telephone  conversa¬ 
tion  this  morning,  I  have  asked  Mr.  Edison  to  set  a  time 
when  he  will  hear  yon  sing  for  him.  He  saya Wednesday 
morning  of  this  week  will  he  a  convenient  time,  and  1 
would,  therefore,  suggest  that  you  oome  over  about  10- 
o-olock  in  the  morning  of  that  day. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Dec.  16th,  1912 

Mr.  John  VI.  Howell , 

General  Ele  ot  rio  Co . , 

Harrison,  H.  J. 

Dear  Mr.  Howell 

Mr.  Edison  reoeived  your  favor  of 
the  12th  inst.  in  regard  to  a  photograph  for  llr.Hemane, 
who  came  over  to  the  laboratory  about  a  year  ago.  .Mr. 
Edison  was  very  glad  to  comply  with  your- request ,  and 
has  autographed  a  photograph,  whioh  I  am  sending  to 
you  by  mail  today.  I  trust  it  will  be  received  safely. 

With  kind  regards  and  compliments 
of  the  season,  I  remain, 

Yours  very  truly. 

Deo.  16th,  1912, 

Peter  J.  Hughes,  Esci.,  President. 

Pa.  Panama  &  Pacific  Terminal  Co., 

Land  Title  Building, 

Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Dear  Mr.  Hughes 

Your  favor  of  the  12th  inst. 
na3  received,  and  in  reply  let  me  say  that  I  shall 
he  glad  to  see  you  and  Major  Gillette  v;hen  he  re- 
tjyrna  from  Mexico. 

Wishing  you  the  compliments 

of  the  season,  I  remain, 

Ur.  B.  C.  Wright, 

Advertising  Dept., 

361  Broadway,  Hew  York. 

Your  favor  of  the  12th  instant  has 
i  received  and  its  contents  noted. 

Bet  me  say  in  reply  that  at  the 
lent  time  we  cannot  advertise  for  the  reason  that 
ire  so  rushed  v/e  oannot  deliver  the  goods.  How- 
-,  we  hope  to  relieve  the  congestion  shortly  and 

will  then  start  up  c 

:  advertising  again. 

.  j%.:,  a  C\~ 

Deo.  21st,  191 

F.  P.  Pish,  Esq. , 

84  State  Street, 

Boston,  Mass. 

Dear  Mr.  Pish: - 

This  is  to  confirm  a  telegram  sent  to 
you  this  morning  at  Mr.  Edison' b  request.  The  telegram 
reads  as  follows: 

"Can  see  you  on  Tuesday  morning  any 
time  after  eight  thirty  o'clock. 

ThomaB  A.  Edison." 

Allow  me  to  suggest  for  your  informa¬ 
tion  that  trains  leave  Hoboken  at  8.20;  0.30  and  9.3u  A.  M. 
The  Hew  York  leaving  time  is  fifteen  or  twenty  minutes 
earlier.  1  usually  take  the  <8.20  train. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Deo.  24,  1912, 

Benson  Mines  Co., 

1410  Real  Estate  Trust  Blag. , 

Philadelphia,  Penna. 

Deal'  Sire:- 

Yours  of  the  20th  instant  requesting  the 
loan  of  a  small  hand  magnet  received.  Mr.  Edison 
directs  me  to  write  you  that  some  time  ago  we  made 
one  for  you  and  he  would  like  to  know  what  became 
of  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 


■  Deo*  23rd  ,  1912.. 

Mr.  R.  Harry  Croninger, 

#  Speedwell  Motor  Car  Co., 

Dear  Mr.  Croninger: - 

Your  favor  of  the  18th  lnetant  In 
regard  to  the  small  electric  delivery  wagon  has  heen 

In  reply  allow  me  to  say  that  it  is 
too  early  to  enter  into  arrangements  of  the  kind  you 
suggest .  I  do  not  want  to  ao  anything  definite  on  this 
line  until  I  have  finished  my  tests  and  am  sure  that  I 

have  what  I  started  out  for. 

December  24,  12 

Talbot  Root,  Esq., 

52  Broadway,  New  York. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  20th  instant 
Mr.  Edison  directs  me  to  write  you  that  he  ie  compelled 
to  hold  the  Glen  Ridge  property  for  a.  while  for  storage 
purposes  until  he  finishes  some  'buildings  at  Orange, 
when  he  will  be  in  a  position  to  take  up  the  matter  of 
its  8 ale. 

YourB  very  truly,  ,  , 



Dec.  23rd,  1912 

Mr.  Martin  R.  Thomas , 

Cassaday,  Kentucky. 
Dear  Sir:- 

I  have  received  your  favor  of  the  19th  instant 
in  regard  to  your  idea  for  talking  motion  pictures.  You  are 
mistaken  when  you  say  that  you  left  with  ^  ^^^^^  “pecifioa- 
tion  and  drawings  of  your  idea  tor  nynohroni Ken  motion  pictures. 
The  only  thing  you  did  was  to  write  me  a  letter  under  date  of 
June  13,  1911.  stating  that  you  had  a  plan  for  producing  talk¬ 
ing  motion  piotures  and  asking  my  permission  to  forward  blue 

I  answered  your  letter  under  date  of  June  30, 

to  the  press. 

If  you  sent  any  drawings  or  blue  prints  1  *** 


the  newspapers  of  that  time.  Po  i  ^  the  aetaliB  of  my  own 

have  had  a staff  o  p.  amount  of  money  perfecting  the 

plans  and  have  spent  a  large  omw  “  .  emhodying  my  own 

same.  Practical  m”  to  thlFrepreaentativen  months 

inventions,  hadheenshown  hy  me^to  waaare^elv.ed .  Theoe  talk- 
ing°piotures  will  he  eSited  to  the  P«hlio  in  theatres  ne*t 

avoid  any  mi sunder standing.  y 

Deo .  24th,  1912. 

Messrs.  John  Daniel! ,  Son  &  Sons, 
757  Broadway, 

New  York  City. 


I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  21st 
instant  making  enquiry  about  the  small  Eleotrlo  Delivery  Wagon, 
on  which  1  have  been  working  for  some  time. 

let  me  say  in  reply  that  at  the  time  my 
representative  called  on  you,  I  had  built  and  was  testing  Ex- 
nerimental  7/agon  Ho.  1.  She  standard  of  perfection  that 

I  had  set  for  a  successful  vehiole  was  that  it  should  run  at 
least  2 ,000  miles  over  the  very  worst  roads  that  could  be 
found,  and  in  all  conditions  of  weather,  without  breaking  ao«. 
X  personally  wont  out  and  selected  the  roads  and  I  “a  assure 
you  that  the  ones  I  chose  are  something  awful;  full  of  seams, 
ruts  and  bumps* 

Wagon  Ho-1  broke  down,  and  so  did  Hos.  2, 

3  and  4  although  improvement  wus  etoadij.;'  marked  in  the  pro¬ 
gressive  number!.  We  have  taken  advuntuU  of  our  experience 
with  these  wagons  and  now  have  Ho.  5  d^derthosame  rigid 
break  down  telt.  X  am  glad  to  say  it  looks  to  me  as  if 
Ho.  5  will  aocomplish  what  X  have  started  out  to  do.  If 
h?  rntil  March  1st  it  will  prove  that  I  nave  developed 

an  electric  wagon  that  will  stand  any  kind  of  rough  usage 
and  have  a  depreciation  not  greater  than  ten  per  cent.. 

As  soon  as  X  have  completed  the  cleveip- 
j;n  nt  of  such  a  wagon  I  will  arrange  with  manufacturing 

concerns  to  make  them  in  quantity.  - 7 

Yours  very  try; 


Mr.  Francis  Duennald, 

care  Elizabeth  Sally  Journal, 

Elizabeth,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Sir:- 

1  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  2lst 
instant  in  regard  to  the  proposed  testimonial  to 
THOMAS  JOHNSON  BISHOP,  and  although  I  do  not  recall 
him  to  mind  it  will  give  me  pleasure  to  contribute 
to  your  fund  for  this  purpose.  I  will  send  a 
for  *10.  to  Mr.  Irons. 

Deo.  26th,  1912 

Deo.  28th,  1912 

Mr.  Frank  P.  Hill, 

Brooklyn  Public  Library, 
26  Brevoort  Place , 

Brooklyn,  H.  Y. 

Dear  Sirs- 

Your  favor  of  the  26th  inat.  in  regard  to 
thin  aheeta  of  nickel  for  use  in  making  durable  books,  has 
been  reoeived. 

In  the  development  of  my  Btorage  battery, 
one  of  the  greatest  difficulties  I  encountered  was  to 
provide  a  material  for  insuring  perfect  electrical  oonductiv- 
itv  in  the  'DOBitive  tube.  After  a  vast  amount  of  e^peri 

ffi&Lr-s:  sms  sffif-gs 

of  an  inch  square. 

In  this  product  I  saw  a  future  Possibilitjr 
of  using  sheets  of  metallic  nickel,  not  ftuite  so  thin  as  ours, 
for  making  books  that  would  ^  BHrLlk™rone '  day  t o  a 


that  channel. 

..  -  -  sa  MgE^STEr  ‘ 

in  books,  and  to  of^xperiment  and  special  apparatus 

purpose  would  involve  a  lot  0l-?s?er„-h<.ft4nea  I  am  so  Very 

the  future. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Deo.  30th,  1912 

Mr.  Henry  fit.  Ruohenhaoh, 

32  King  Street , 

RooheBter,  H.  Y. 

Dear  Mr.  Ruohenhaoh: 

X  received  your  letter  in  reply 
to  mine  and  thank  you  for  same.  I  have  asked  our  legal 
Department  to  send  you  a  oopy  of  the  opinion  in  the 
Chicago  Film  suit. 

You  say  you  would  like  to  oome 
over  and  have  a  talk  with  me  on  film  matters.  I  shall 
he  glad  to  3ee  you  at  any  time.  let  me  suggest  that 
you  notify  my  assistant,  Mr.  W.  H.  Meacloworoft ,  in  ad¬ 
vance  and  he  will  see  to  it  that  we  meet. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Dec.  31st,  191H. 

T.  Commerford  Martin,  Es^., 
39  West  39th  Street , 
Dew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Martin: - 

Your  favor  of  the  28th  instant  reached 
me  yesterday,  hut  Mr.  Edison  was  so  much  oooupied  all  day  that 
I  did  not  have  a  chance  at  him  until  this  noon,  when  I  showed 
him  the  letter. 

He  is  under  a  tremendous  pressure  of 
work  lust  now  and  is  and  has  been  receiving  many  invitations 
to  attend  meeting  and  other  funot ions,  all  of which  he  ; t-ecn 
unable  to  aooept ,  as  he  ha3  so  much  that  must  be  done  in  a  giv-n 

i«ii  t: 

as  assr-a  -  “ *  “Sir5 

He^aid  to  me  that  under  present  circumstanceohewillhave 

ask  to  be  excused  from  attending  the  meeting  on  January  -3  . 


happy  new  year,  1  remain 

With  kind  regards ,  and  wishing  you  a 

Yours  very  truly, 


Ur.  Frank  P.  Hill, 

Brooklyn  Public  Bibrary , 

26  Brevoort  Plave, 

Your  favor  of  the  31st  ulto. 
has  been  received. 

Hhy  not  dip  all  printer]  i»»«« 
in  paraffine?  .  'it  is  everlasting  and  is 
used  to  prevent  decay  of  old  buildings. 
Cleopatra* s  Bee die  in  Central  Park  was  saved 
by  it. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Jan.  4th,  1913. 

Mr.  George  Hi  Perkins, 

Progressive  national  Committee, 

Hotel  Manhattan, 

Hew  York  City. 

My.  dear  Mj>  Perkins: 

I  want  to  thank  you  for  your 
favor  of  the  30th  ultimo  with  all  its  gooa  wishes, 
which  are  most  heartily  reciprocated. 

Hill  you  kindly  express  to 
Col.  Hoosevelt  my  thanks  for  the  excellent  photo¬ 
graph  whioh  he  has  so  courteously  autographed  and 
sent  to  me.  I  appreciate  it  very  much  and  shall 
give  it  a  prominent  position  in  my  library. 

Yours  sincerely. 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-092  (1913) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  February-March  1913.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Included  are 
letters  addressed  to  physicist  Michael  I.  Pupin  and  to  Edison’s  European 
associates  Paul  H.  Cromelin,  Thomas  Graf,  and  G.  Croyden  Marks.  Many  of 
the  items  relate  to  the  commercial  and  technical  development  of  Edison  s 
phonograph  and  motion  picture  businesses,  including  the  introduction  of  the 
disc  phonograph  and  the  kinetophone  (motion  pictures  with  sound)  Other 
letters  discuss  the  use  of  Edison's  alkaline  storage  battery  in  miners  safety 
lamps,  for  which  he  won  the  Rathenau  Medal  in  1912,  as  well  as  its 
applications  in  electric  vehicles  and  country  house  lighting.  Also  included  is 
correspondence  regarding  Edison's  cement  and  ore  milling  business,  the 
procurement  of  Ortho-Cresol  from  Germany,  and  foreign  markets  for  the 
kinetophone.  Additional  letters  pertain  to  books  read  by  Edison  or  added  to 
his  library,  visitors  to  the  laboratory,  Edison's  membership  in  organizations, 
and  the  inventor's  donations  to  charities,  including  a  contribution  to  the  Balkan 
War  Relief  Fund. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.  A.  E.  From,  Jan.  8, 1913.  To,  March,  6, 
1913."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number 
"31."  The  book  contains  698  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately 
10  percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 


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Jan.  8th,  1913. 

Mr.  Will  Templeraan, 

«ox  66, 

Silver  City,  Sew  Mexico. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Tour  favor  of  the  2nd  instant  has 
been  received.  I  am  afraid  there  has  been  a  misunder¬ 
standing  on  your  part  as  to  my  manufacturing  sheet  metal 
to  take  the  place  of  paper  for  malting  books. 

The  fact  of  the  matter  is  that  in 
the  development  of  my  storage  battery,  I  found  it  desir^tle 
to  use  small  fragments  of  very  thimaetallio  nibble.  I 
developed  a  process  of  manufacturing  this  rate  rial  in 
sheets  and  then  cutting  it  up  into  very  small  pieces,  lh 
explaining  this  one  day  to  a  newspaper  reporter  who  had 
interviewed  me,  X  remarked  incidently  that  there  seemed  to 
be  a  possibility  of  seme  day  having  imperishable  bo  oka 
which  would  be  made  np  of  thin  sheets  of  metallic  nickle, 
obtained  in  a  similar  manner. 

I  em  afraid  that  this  has  given  rise 
to  a  public  impression  that  I  am  manufacturing  ouch  sheets 
for  that  purpose,  but  such  is  not  the  fact.  I  am  mak¬ 
ing  this  thin  metallic  niokle  only  for  my  own  purposes, 
that  is  to  Bay  for  my  storage  battery. 

Tours  very  truly. 

Jan.  9th,  1913 

Hew  York  City. 

Your  favor  of  the  Gth  inBtant  in 
regard  to  the  awarding  of  the  Eathenau  medal  woo  receiv¬ 
ed  and  its  contents  carefully  noted- 

It  is  exceedingly  gratifying  to 
me  to  have  been  awarded  this  medal  for  my  safety  storage 
battery  miner's  lamp,  and  X  appreciate  and  thank  yon  for 
your  cordial  invitation  to  attend  the  meeting  on  the  23d 
instant  to  accept  the  presentation  in  person. 

If  X  should  do  so  it  would  mean 
quite  a  serious  interruption  of  important  work  I  have  on 
hand.  As  you  are  probably  aware,  I  have  been  busy  clay 

and  night  for  some  months  p&st ,  working  on  a  number  of  c.onpl 
problems ,  and- my  labors  on  thi«  line  are  not  yet  complet¬ 
ed.  There  are  urgent  reasons  why  there  should  be  no 

delay,  henoe  I  cannot  see  my  way  clear  to  get  over  to 
Hew  York  on  “the  23d  instant. 

Bureau  of  Associated  Charities, 

Employment  Bureau, 

13  Central  Avenue, 

Newark,  New  Jersey. 

Dear  Sirs:- 

Your  letter  of  the  4th  instant  requesting 
information  regarding  the  ability  etc.  of  Max  Young 
received.  Replying  to  same  would  say  that  Mr.  Edison 
had  at  the  Laboratory  for  several  months.  He 
seems  to  be  sober  and  industrious,  cannot  tell  you 
anything  about  his  chemical  ability  as  he  worked  on 
one  experiment  continuously. 

Yours  very  truly. 


Jap.*  1-Oth,  X9X.0 

x.  Jacob  V? .  Binder, 

3  Broad  Street, 

Hew  Yor>:  City, 
gear  Mr.  Binder: - 

I  am  in  receipt  of  ^ur  favor 
of  the  8th  instant  .  ana  ^^r^nglSent^ith  a 

the  Xinetophone  I  nave  ^  this  apparetns  °ut ,  an  , 

theatrioal  ayn^°&^®  liberty  to  arrange  with  other 
for  its  exhibition  ^  ^  ^ar^y^a|^ 

yon  for  this* 


Jan.  10,  1913. 

Prof.  u.  1.  Pupin, 

Columbia  University, 

Mew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

Mr.  Edison  has  received  a  request  for  help  from 
the  Balkan  War  Relief  Fund  Committee  of  which  Hrs.  H. 
Karastoyanoff  is  President.  Their  address  is  Mo.  3.109 
Amsterdam  Avenue,  Mew  York  City. 

He  encloses  his  check  for  $25.00  to  you  with  the 
request  that  you  forward  it  to  the  Lawyers  Title  Insurance 
and  Trust  Company,  Ho.  160  Broadway,  New  York,  the 
depository,  if  the  Committee  io  all  right.  He  is  not 
acquainted  with  them. 

Thanking  you  for  your  attention,  I  am, 

Yours  very  truly, 


Jan.  10th,  1913 

Mr-  Frank  A-  later, 

Union,  i!«w  *>*• 


5th  instant  in  -G*  informa- 


ssissa  f 0“”osei1' 
S“lofSer  r^&s^S'S.'s:  f  it" 


hands  of  ^^f^e  ^rhet . 
may  make  then  10 - 



Ja-tt,  11th.  1913- 

Hr.  Ohas.  E.  Spe'ire, 

f>  D.  Van  ITostrand  £  Co. , 

26  Park  Place, 

Bow  York  City- 

My  dear  Mr,  Speirs: 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
9th  inatunt.  A  few  days  aGO  -a  loi’Ge  packace  of  hooka 

cane  in,  fron  which  Kr-  Edison  seleotea  a  number  that  he 
wished  to  keep.  I  gave  the  others  out  to  be  packed  up 
and  returned  to  you  for  credit. 

1  showed  Mr.  Edison  the  extract  from 
the  Boston  Sunday  Post,  which  you  were  kind  enough  to  send. 

He  was  very  much  interested  and  has  turned  it  over  to  the 
head  of  the  Motion  Pieture  Department . 

Pith  kind  regards  and  wishing  you  the 
compliments  of  the  season,  I  remain, 

Yourn  very  truly. 

P.3.--  Do  you  happen  to  have  any  small  books  treating  of 
the  Mirage.  If  so,  can  you  send  it  to  me  on  approval, 
a  friend  who  might  want  to  buy  it . 

I  have 


Jan.  lit*,  ms^ 

Messrs.  Diok  Brothers  s.  Co.. 

30  Broad  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Gentlemen: - 

Heplying  to  your  favor  of  the  Gth 
instant  let  me  nay  that  for  five  years  .past  the  Cement 
■business  has  been  a  lo3ine  game.  At  least  half  a 
dozen  Companies  have  gone  under.  Even  the  Atlas  Co. 
with  Maxwell  and  the  First  national  Bank  people  be¬ 
hind  it,  have  had  hard  sledding. 

Within  the  last  three  months,  however, 
prices  have  advanced.  Irice  cutters  have  learned 
their  lesson,  and  now  all  the  Companies  are  doing 
well.  At  present  nobody  in  the  Cement  business  has 
enough  money  to  hny  anything.  I  would  advise  your 
customer  to  hold  on  to  bis  stoch. 

lours  very  truly. 

Jan,  11th. 

1.84:0  ?oll  street , 

Son  Prancisco,  Calif- 

r  TSadao:  letter  ashing 

V/o  have  reCC^efiuite  pr'oni^  to^e 
if  v;e  are  T>TO^%&eccr0> of  y°nr  iawB^^^erPtooi! 


firsts  sKft**  -* 1 

r-^;£  other  voices. 

;  rfth  other  available  -ac 

Tnoxad  she  Pr0V?,t°0Uiaer  having 
ii  cr  for  the  Phonograph,  we  woxt^  can  he  |^s_a 

kf«=yr  ^fr»  sr*  ggsrs  & 

u  W *ESX.rf.  and  shows  up  al 
me  roller  ,L 


Jan.  14th,  1913. 

lion.  Joaquin  Kemles, 

T.egaoiort  de  Guatemala , 
tfasiiington,  H.  0. 

Dear  3ir:- 

I  oain  receipt  of  your  favor  of  tiie  6th 
instant  ashing  for  information  in  regard  to  the  experiment* which 
I  conducted  in  1898  on  concentrating  gold  in  ary  placers. 

In  reply  let  ne  say  that  the  sand  r-as  dried 

and  sized  hy  screens  of  18  1‘,Rch  a±‘~  V°'' 

fall  from  a  hopper  in  a  sheet  4  feet  long  hy  l/l6"  thich,  in 
front  of  a  blast  of  air.  the  blach  sand  and  the  gold  V-ing  the 
heavier,  vrere  only  moved  slightly  out  of  line  of  the  falling 
sheet,  and  fell  on  one  side  of  a  partition.  sand,  be¬ 

ing  much  lighter,  uas  greatly  deflected  and  fell  on  the  other 
side  of  the  partition.  This  r*tho£  yielded  1  ton  of  con¬ 

centrate .  from  50  to  75  tons  of  sand,  and  saved  85.  of  the 
gold.  I  abandoned- the  scheme  because  there  are 

placers  in  this  Country  that  Will  W  to  operate. 

o  ary 
All  are 

yours  very  truly , 

cfs  qee:[ 
"erii  “'£0 

I  nl 

II  a'  frout- 
jtneifi’  ni 
3f  Otf  90 

Ai  erf  oi 
a  arirfnJ 

Jan.  15th,  1913. 

It r .  Eob  e  rt  Clark , 

0  rund  Forks , 

British  Columbia- 

Dear  Sir: 

I  have  received  your  favor  making 
enquiry  about  my  process  for  treating  low  grade  ores, 
and  in  reply  beg  to  say  that  1  am  making  the  experi¬ 
ments  on  account  of  a  mining  engineer  named  H.  B. 
Clifford,  and  therefore  I  cunnot  give^ information 
to  other  parties.  His  address  is  -aldorf  Astoria, 

Hotel,  Hew  York. 

Your  letter  is  very  interesting  and 
it  ooens  to  ine  you  are  to  be  congratulated  on  having 
Tuoli  an  active  and  courageous  a  wife.  it  i3  a 
source  of  gratification  to  me  to  learn  that  you  and 
she 'take  so  much  enjoyment  from  tfcB  ^ 

„»  smy  for  your  information  that  X  have  been  working 
kr-d  fo-  the  last  18  months  to  improve  the  iiuality 
of' musical  reproduction,  and  have  succeeded  in  pio- 
ducihr-  a  new  kind  of  reproducer  for  use  with  a  new 
t  me  of  hard  record  called  the  Blue  Amberol  Hecord. 
”hese°ar"  greatly  superior  to  the  war.  records  and  I 
think  you  would  be  much  pleased  v/ith  them.  lov. 
can  find  out  about  then  iron  t»r.  Bab.ion. 

I  am  sorry  X  cannot  send  you  a 

ssifAss  a 

wif^migh^Uke  t have  ’an^aut ogrnphed'^phot ograph« 
and6 1  take  pleasure  in  send  you  one  by  this  mail. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Jan.  17th,  1911 

Jan.  S3,  1913. 

Ur.  V.  D.  Wagoner, 

Presidunt.  General  Vehicle  Co.. 

Long  Island  City,  H-  Y« 

■Dear  Mr.  Wagoner:- 

Heferring  to  the  proposed  contract 
for  batteries  for  "Battery  Service  System"  let  me  say 
that  after  mature  reflection  I  much  prefer  not  to  enter 
into  any  such  arrangement.  The  Hartford  case  has  given 
rise  to  trouble  with  other  manufacturers,  and  any 

^tension  on  similar  lino.  •*«>» 


fours  very  truly, 

Qt  bai  i«i- 

ijih  or.'; 

;>«»****! . 


Bdioan  Portland  Cement  Co., 
Stewnrtsville ,  II.  J. 
My  dear  Ur.  Mallory: - 

Jan.  25th, 

Cn  returning  to  the  Office 

after  spending  a  few  days  in  bed  with  bronchitis  ana 
grip,  X  find  your  favor  of  the  20th  instant.  Prom 
my  standpoint  it  certainly  was  quite  a  disappointment 
to  have  to  take  to  ny  bed  the  day  of  the  Banquet,  as 
1  quite  coiinted  on  being  there  so  ns  to  have  an  opportun¬ 
ity  of  talking  to  you. 

Kr.  Edison  did  not  approve  of 
the  message  which  you  Iiad  written  for  the  Cement  Bra,  and 
I  drew  up  something  else  for  him,  and  that  did  not  quite 
please  him  and  he  put  it  aside.  He  did  not  particularly 
care  about  sending  any  message  at  all,  so  I  let  it  go 
until  the  16th,  the  day  the  show  opened,  and  then  brought 
it  out  again,  thinking  that  he  would  settle  upon  something 
and  send  it  as  a  telegram. 

Ac  you  know,  he  has  been  very  busy 
of  late,  working  nighta  again,  and  he  was  too  busy  to  take 
Up  t  explained  to  him  that  the  show  opened  that 

day,  and  thut  you  thought  it  desirable  to  send  a  message, 
but  he  said  he  could  not  take  time  to  bother  with  it  at 
all,  and  therefore  sent  nothing.  It  was  the  best  I 
oould  do  under  the  ciroumutunces. 

I  have  your  large  card  on  the 
architectural  concrete,  and  shall  be  much  interested  in 
watohing  the  monthly  report. 

Yours  very  truly. 


ran .  24th,  1513. 

“jsst'ji'  Ttsvy,  Secretary, 
iio-ion  Picture  Sshibitar's  Leecue  of  ITichigav , 
84B.Beahu.ry  Arc-,  Detroit .  laehigan. 

7  sc  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  2?-n3 
ln  r9eBrd  to  the  "inetophone,  and  her  to  thank  you  for 

Vl„  v!C  irately  on  the  subject . 

,,.-S  ie  afav  in  reply  thereto  that  ny  contract 

ftaort*'«ori9d ,  and  this  t'ives  ce  tine  to  brine  the 

'  "-.rlo^a  ^-'ll ^renter  perfection.  Afterwards  I  shall 

direct  uith  the  regular  marine  picture  house  a, 

'  ,  __4.i3r  in  fact,  they  are  the 

iioh  ban  always  been  my  -n-en-ior..  ^ 

i  n  -f  th"  Xlnetaphone  its  permanent. 

r;,y  lopical  neanr.  o  ,-'■  -  ~  ^  Tfill  be  jn  opera 

j. ;.,.riy.  ~;.e  real  value  f.  *•».  ••  • 

.  the  rernlar  pantonine  notion  P-Gulu''* 

",  so  ask  that  you  rill  recard  this  letter 

for  publication. 


Jan.  31st.  1913 

Mrs.  Wm.  Jennings  Bryan,  Jr., 

311  East  4th  Street, 

Tucson,  Arizona. 

Dear  Mrs.  Bryan:  - 

Please  pardon  the  delay  in  replying  to  your  favor  of  the  15th  instant.  I 
have  been  so  exceedingly  busy  that  my  correspondence  is  somewhat  in 

In  regard  to  advising  you  as  to  taking  records  of  your  ringing  for  your 
Music  Teacher  I  am  somewhat  at  a  loss,  as  our  experience  does  not  he 


records  for  your  Teacher. 

-r s^SSESESS- 

They  have  also  studied  out  sent  to 

records  by  the  pupils  themselves,  t|ons  As  they  have  made  an 

Yours  very  truly, 

Thos  A  Edison 

Jan.  31st,  1913 

G.  Croydon  Marks,  Esq., 

57  Lincoln's  Inn  Fields, 

London,  W.  C.  England. 

My  dear  Marks 

I  have  reoeipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  22nd  instant  and  in  reply  would  Bay  that  rather 
than  continue  business  in  England  and  continuously  lose 
money,  I  much  prefer  to  withdraw  entirely. 

Many  years  ago  we  did  business 
direct  with  great  satisfaction  to  both  ourselves  and  the 
factors,  and  I  do  not  see  why  we  cannot  do  it  again. 
However,  if  we  oannot ,  I  shall  withdraw  entirely. 

fours  very  truly, 

Feb.  lot,  1913. 

Mr.  Clyde  E.  Smith, 

“5  W.  A.  Yoo, 

Pullman,  Yi'ash. 

Dear  3ir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
22nd  ultimo  and  bee  to  thank  you  for  your  kindneso  in 
augeestinc  the  making  of  reoords  of  fairy  tales  and  other 
stories  for  children.  We  have  discussed  this  matter 
several  times  during  the  past  year,  and  you- will  be  in¬ 
terested  to  know  that  we  intend  to  carry  out  the  idea 
when  we  get  our  new  largo  disc  records  ready. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Ur.  John  Wylie,  Tice  President, 

Chains re  Publishing  Company, 

17  Eadieon  Avenue, 

Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  the  receipt 
of  a  copy  of  the  Kotion  Picture  Hand  Book  by  P. 

H.  Biohardson,  whiah  you  have  kindly  sent  no,  and 
1  thank  yon  for  your  ceurteoy  in  complimenting  me 


American  Sithiu  &  Chemical  Co., 

50  Church  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

lear  Sir: - 

Sometime  after  you  left  here  t*. 
Hr.  Kdison,  and  showed  him  your  letter  and  explain 
fully  to  him. 

He  asked  me  to  v/rite  to  you  to 
that  the  throe  year  contract  which  he  has  made  in 
and  therefore  ho  could  not  do  anything  with  anyone 
the  time  of  that  contract  has  expired. 

He  also  said  thut  he  had  made  i 
tions  and  was  entirely  satisfied  as  to  the  norne  c 
the  material.  He  says  that  at  the  present  time 
ing  about  3  tons  per  month,  hut  possibly  within  a 
increase  to  5  or  6  tons  per  month. 

I  think  this  covers  the  matter 


In  reply  1:o  yon; 

Inc  the  kinetophone  allow  mo  to  Bay 

pro pared  to  napotiat*  for  foreic"  00 

lioro  not  yet  nado  the  talking  notion 
hat  the  JCnplinh  language.  We  exp 
in  other  lanpuareG  a  little  later  ob 

lours  very  t: 

Mr.  Horace  A.  Field, 

%  Forth  Georgia  Marble  Co., 

Tioga,  Ga. 

Dear  3ir:- 

your  inquiry  in  regard  to  ray  work  in 
connection  with  the  oeparation  of  iron  ores  has  been  receiv- 

ed*  In  reply  let  me  nay  that  1  hove  gone 

out  of  that  line  of  business  nyself,  but  there  if.  <» 

.in  How  -fork  r.tato  called  the  "Denson  Mine",  operated  by 

I?illin£  b  Crane  ol  Philadelphia*  1, 

plant  in  operation  at  that  nine  concentrating  iron  ore, 
and  you  could  probably  see  the  process  in  opera. _or 
applying  to  tletisro.  Pilling  «>  Crane. 

Tours  very  truly, 

Picture  Patents  Co., 
BO  fifth  Ave . , 

rev;  York  City. 

Your  favor  of  the  31st  ultimo, 

,ith  copy  of  letter  from  T.  B.  TThltlnc  of  T.yric  Theatre, 
BrooV.port,  feu  York,  hno  keen  received. 

You  nipht  say  to  him  in  reply  that 

t„c  I  h».  — .  »*«>  «•  ®lt«*  “•  ” 

.  on.  «.««»».»  «*  -•»-  **»  r° 

Feb.  Q,  19X3. 

Ur.  Paul  H.  Cromelin, 

care  Thos.  A.  Edison,  Ltd., 

25  Clerkenwell  Road, 

London,  E.  C.  England. 

Dear  Sir:- 

You  will  find  herewith  notice  from  the  Liquidator 
of  the  Edison  Ore  Milling  Syndicate,  Limited,  Hr.  c: .  percival 
Haw,  ‘j-1'3  Salisbury  House,  Lonuon  Wall .  London.  E.  0.  England . 
covering  a  distribution  of  4d  per  share  on  27933  shares  of 
the  Syndicate  held  by  Mr.  Edison,  amounting  to  L  460  -  14  -6. 

V/ill  you  kindly  call  for  the  check  and  take  with 
you  the  shares,  certificates  Mo.  271  for  20,500  shares.  No. 
426  for  6833  shares  and  No.  812  for  600  shares,  enclosed 
herewith,  which  the  Liquidator  require# to  Make  endorsements 
thereon.  Return  to  me  the  check  and  shares  and  greatly 

1  am  calling  on  your  kindness  to  do  this  for  us 
there  will  be  no  chance  for  the  certificates  going  astray. 

Yours  very  truly.  . 



1’eb  ■  B,  1915, 


W.  L.  Edison,  Esq., 

Salisbury,  Maryland, 
bear  Wll> 

Replying  to  your  letter  of  the  26th  ultimo 
your  father  directs  me  to  write  you  that  Tom  explained  the 
carburetor  you  speak  of  to  him  about  a  year  ago.  He  thinks 
it  has  already  been  patented  in  Germany,  as  a  good  deal 
of  work  has  been  carried  out  over  there  in  burning  petroleums 
of  various  grades.  Thinks  a  search  of  our  patent  office  will 
show  that  many  schemes  on  this  principle  have  been  applied 

It  would  be  foolish  he  thinks  to  spend  money  on 
this  until  a  rough  search  has  been  made. 

Yours  very  truljr. 



Dear  Sir:- 

X  learn  that  it  is  propo 
Bbolioh  tne  Scse-T  County  Eos^uito  Hxternination .  Can  you  furnish  me  with  any  pri 

natter  relating  to  tnis  auhjeot?. 

I  on  aluo  interested  to 

whether,  if  the  Commission  is  abolished,  furth« 
pertinents  arc  to  he  carried  on  in  none  other  vt 

Yours  very 

I' HE.  13th, 

Jr.  Btienne  de  Podor, 

BudapcDti  Altalanos  Villanosoagi , 

Reazveny  Tarsasag, 

VII  ICar.inezy  -  Utoa,  19, 

Budapest,  Hungary. 

Hy  dear  Podor: - 

I  have  received  your  esteemed  favor  o 
the  6th  instant  in  regard  to  the  Pineto phone. 

Bet  me  3ay  in  reply  that  my  agent,  Mr 
Thomas  Graf,  of  Berlin  is  negotiating  with  some  parties  who  in¬ 
tend  to  erect  a  Studio  in  Berlin  to  make  the  talking  notion 
pictures  in  the  various  languages.  I  can  do  nothing  until 

we  get  a  studio.  I  will  send  your  letter  to  him. 

In  answer  to  your  enquiries  1  wotild 
say  that  I  am  enjoying  good  health,  which  I  attribute  to  hard 
work,  light  eating,  no  whiskey,  ana  a  clear  conscience. 

With  kindest  regard:*.  I  remain,-  . • 

Christian  Petersen, 

7,  rystalgade  BO  K, 

Cope  image  n ,  Be  nrnark . 

r  ?.  i  r :  - 

I  bee  to  acknowledge  reueipt  of  your 
or  of  the  1st  instant  asking  for  information  in  regard 
the  F.inetophone  for  producing  talking  motion  pictures. 

In  reply  I  beg  to  say  that  up  to 
s  time  wo  have  made  these  talking  pictures  only  in 
English  language,  but  wo  are  hoping  to  establish  a 
f’.io  shortly  in  Berlin,  where  we  can  make  pictures 
all  the  European  languages.  Until  this  is  done 
ning  can  be  accomplished  in  the  wav  of  introducing 

Feb.  16th,  19; 

Mr.  Ell.  C.  Bennett, 

14la  2ynjiioate  jrust  3uiiciinCt 
St.  Tiouis,  llo . 

Bear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt 
of  Sour  favor  of  the  11th  instant  enclosing 
one  of  the  new  buttons  of  the  Jovian  Order, 
for  which  please  uccopt  my  thanks.  _ _ _ 

.9X5 . 

Mrs.  W.  K.  Conctaha.8 , 

108  3outh  Avenue, 

PinhV.ill  -  on  -  Hudson, 

Hen  Yort. 

Dear  Hadam:- 

I  have  received  your  X.etter  contain- 
m  Mrthday  conflations  and  thuft  »« 

Mc  w  accco  ....  .*  »  «»«<*«»  -  *-  — 

and  good  wishes. 

It  io  ipaite  inter? ovine  to  .  .earn  that 
y0n  hoard  one  ol  early  phonon-phe.  J  >-e  ^ 

inn  for  several  years  to  obtain  a  more  i  -  • - 

o/Dncdc.  and  in.  ^U.  «.  -  «*■  1  —  7*7*- 

el  in «.  «.  — - — rrr- 

Shoxild  you  happen  to  he  in  Hen  YorV.  vUy  «>.  ^  ^ 

would  onft  that  you  «»  ••  - 

10  .  «,  «.  yon  .m  „  ....  «  -on 

improvement . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Fob.  15th,  1913. 

r.  Robert  Fairchild, 

415  West  5th  Street, 

Pittsburg,  Kansas. 

Dear  young  friend 

I  have  received  the  letter  that 

you  sent  me.  It  in  interesting  to  know  that  you 
started  in  to  work  on  wireless  telegraphy  at  such  e 
early  age,  and  I  hope  that  you  and  the  other  boys  wd 
have  great  sucess  with  it.  I  am  sorry  to  say  the 
have  no  coils  or  any  other  apparatus  for  aale,  as  I 
all  those  things  myself  in  the  laboratory.  I  will 
one  of  our  young  men  send  you  a  photograph  showing  c 

You  a3k  whether  I  invented  the 

Disc  phonograph,  and  would  : 


D.  Van  Host rand  t:  Co., 

25  Park  Place , 

Hew  York  City. 

Gentlemen: - 

Tail  you  kindly  send 
copy  of  "The  Principles  of  Applied  Electro* 
by  A.  J.  Allnnnd?  It  in  published  by 

Green  &  Company. 

Yours  very  truly, 

7C,^  & 

Peb.  18th,  1913. 

me  one 



Dr.  G.  y.  Hilton, 

54  Columbus  Avenue , 

Lynn,  ITasu- 

Dear  3ir:- 

Replying  to  your  enquiry  as  to 
whether  I  have  ever  devised  a  boiler  heated  by  the 
electric  current,  I  beg-  to  nay  that  I  have  not.  Hue 
a  device  would  be  a  corapan*ti vely  simple  thine,  but  it 
is  not  yet  practicable  to  carry  out  the  idea  on  accoun 
of  the  cost  of  eleetrio  current.  Gome  day  elect 

current  may  be  sold  at  a  very  Ion  price,  and  when  that 
time  comes  it  will  not  take  lone  to  provide  devices  which 
house -ho  Id e 

/ill  enable  the 

:r  to  say  jrood-bye  to  coal 

Hr.  A.  h.  Chandler, 

■  f>  Harper  &'  Brothe: 
Hew  York. 

My  dear  Mr.  Chandler:- 

Mr .  Edison  received  yonr 

,’P.v  of  the  18th  instant,  enclosing  letter  from  Mr, 
:1  Kellogg,  and  he  says  that  he  will  he  glad  to 
range  for  a  private  exhibition  at  the  laboratory 
r  evening  sraept  Saturday. 

If  therefore  you  will  kind- 
lot  ub  know  a  day  or  two  in  advance,  we  will 
range  mttern  accordingly. 

sturn  Mr, 



(•  Arma  I..  Armstrong, 

55  Mr.  Robert  Fulton  Armstrong, 
Xnt.  Motor  Truck  Co., 

57th  3t.  &  Broadway, 
Hew  York  City* 

I  received  yoiir  : 
the  IBth  inst . ,  the  contents  of  which  ' 
perused  with  much  interest. 

to  express  my  thanks 

good  wishes  you  send  r 

General  Hafael  iJeyes, 

Hotel  Kao  Alpin , 

Hen  Yor’--  City. 

Hy  clear  Sir:- 

I  receive*  jm,.*-  Tftr0r  ai,  x<riii 
instant ,  and  am  much  Gratified  to  learn  that  yon  found 
your  visit  to  my  laboratory  oo  pleasant .  let  me  assure 
you  that  the  pleasure  ua3' reciprocal. 

I  shall  he  very  glad  indeed  to  let 
70.  H.vo  an  antograpli  photo^ph  ByartI  ftr  ae 

“**  7°’1  lnt™a  *«  ”«**•  ”»»  O"  to  Mt„. 

1  must  ask  you  to  nae  thise  that  are  published  in  the 
book  that  has  already  been  written. 

I  am  much  interested  to  learn  about 
the  lone  trip  that  you  are  Going  to  take,  and  assure  you 
that  I  shall  be  plad  to  see  you  on  your  return. 

Yours  very 'truly. 

Era.  Saward  Hale  Sears , 

594  Parmington  Avenue, 

Hartford,  Conn. 

Sear  Madam :  - 

I  an  In  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  10th  instant ,  in  regard  to  Cet*in0  a  not  Jon 
picture  which  would  reproduce  the  coning  inaugural 
addreoa  of  President -Elect-vaison,  and  would  cay  in 
reply  that  it  would  scarcely  he  feasible  on  account  of 
the  surrounding  noises  and  the  difficulty  of  placing 
apparatus  just  where  it  would  he  suitable  for  the  purpose. 
In  the  present  state  of  art  there  are  limitations ,  hut 
I  hope  that  many  of  these  may  he  removed  as  we  «*'  ^  ^ 
Greater  improvements  in  the  Kinetophone.  ^  nS 

for  your  information  that  we  already  ha.e  .ho. 
hy  President  ”aft 

10th  instant  in  regard  to  the  Kinetophone,  and  would  say 
in  reply  that  1  have  made  arrangements  with  the  American 

Talking  Picture  Company  to  exploit  this  invention.  All 

arrangements  in  regard  to  territory  are  made  with  them, 

'and  I  send  you  their  booklet*  herewith. 

■  1  ao  not  remember  to  have  heard  that 

Tom  Swan  died.  I  am  so  busy  all  the  time,  that  I 

cannot  say  whether  I  shall,  he  able  to' get  away  to  attend 
the  meeting  of  the  Old  Time  Telegraphers  in- August  or  Aot, 
hut  if  I  can  it  will  he  a  pleasure  to  meet  some  of  the  old 

Mr.  Thomas  Heed., 

43  Cottage  Street, 

Cambridge,  Kaos. 

Hear  3ir:- 

X  an  in  receipt  of  your  interesting 
lotto:-  or  the  SBth  ultimo.  let  ns  say  in  reply  that  the 
Stereoscopic  film  acheme  can  be  applied  to  our  Hone  Project¬ 
ing  Machine,  but  not  to  the  larger  projecting  machines 
which  are  uood  to  enhihit  the  Motion  Pictures  in  Theatres. 
The  Horae  Projecting  Machine  is  a  smaller  type  -which  7/e 
introduce,',  last  year  to  enable  private  parties  to  have  Mo¬ 
tion  Pictures  in  their  ovm  homes 

Why  don't  you  go  into  the  advertising 
business.  You  have  the  diction  and  style  that  win  in  that 
line  of  endeavor. 

Yours  very  truly, 


Mr.  Melville  Clark; 

4X0  Michigan  Boulevard, 
Chicago,  Ill- 

T.egal  Department 

«...  onr  epreement  with  the  American  Salting  i’ieture 

Comm-.ny 'i  b  concerned,  we  are  apparently  frfe  ^ a 
iotrin"  fnr  operating  a  F.inetoacope  in  synchronism  with  a 
nip  no'  ;S'«uSted  by  Mr.  Melville  Clark.  Under  thin 
til"  American  Talking  Picture  Company  has  ex- 
^i,-hta  "in  Finetophonea ,  the  word  "Cine  to  phone  he- 
wired  to  include  a  Finetoooope,  a  phonograph,  and  a 
i^rTvoni-Vn'  "-Tio*.  If  we  should  put  cut  a  synchronic- 

im  owra^ng  a  Cinetophone  in  synchronism  with 

wou"k  have  to  he  made  to  prevent  the  use 
“y  ’ -.^oh-oniser  with  the  Phonograph.  This  might  he 
o^.  Ui  *'.**:'  r  .,jnA.  -hho  Q'nnarQt us  ot*  sjeliinc  it  under 
?°?2f vtr J  oZlln£U  Vfhat  has  been  said  applies  to 

Cinetophone  sould  apparently  Prevent  t.o  .  ^he 

iggested  in  (Ire at  Britain." 

We  should  he  glad  to  hi 

sort  of  proposition  you  have  to 

fours  very  truly, 

Mr.  J.  J.  Ashenhurst, 

South  Reynolds  Are  .  , 

Canon  City,  Colo- 

1  .am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  aching 
for  suggestions  in  regard  to  destroying  the  peato  that 
injure  yonr  orchard.  lot  me  say  that  the  only  nay  that 
X  hnow  of  at  present  is  to  use  a  number  of  BO  candle  power 
ngston  lamps  in  the  orchard.  fhese  can  be  arranged 
with  cages  and  hug  traps,  and  will  cause  the  living  inceots 
to  fly  to  the  light  and  be  caught.  A  large  number  of 

these  devices  are  used  in  Germany,  and  some  times  many 
bushels  of  insects  arc  caught  in  a  single  night .  It 
«imld  seem  to  me  that  in  this  way  you  would  be  able  to 

satest  part  of  the 

-  ■ 


H.  Miller.  ■Edit.or.-in-Ohief . 
The  Sew  York  Times, 

Tines  Square  ,  IT..  Y. 

Dear  Kr.  Miller; - 

■Replying  to  your  recent  favor 
in  regard  to  the  report  of  an  agreement  between" Kiev? 
and  Erlanger  and  the  Shuherto  to  form  a  syndicate  m 
the  motion  picture  'business,  I  beg  to  say  that  I  hnou 
nothing  about  the  movements  of  these  syndicates#  -<et 
me  call  your  attention  to  the  fact  that  vrith  all  their 
Theatres  they  are  only  a  small  percentage  of  the  18000 
Motion  Picture  Theatres  scattered  throughout  the  Count 
I  do  not  think  they  intend  to  compete. 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-093  (1913) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  March-May  1913.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Included  are 
letters  addressed  to  retailer  Julius  Rosenwald  and  celluloid  manufacturer 
Marshall  C.  Lefferts,  as  well  as  to  Edison’s  European  associates  Paul  H. 
Cromelin  and  John  F.  Monnot.  Some  of  the  items  relate  to  the  commercial 
and  technical  development  of  Edison's  phonograph  business,  including  the 
introduction  of  his  disc  phonograph,  competition  with  the  Victor  Talking 
Machine  Co.,  and  the  selection  of  music  and  recording  artists.  Additional 
documents  concern  the  censorship  of  motion  pictures,  the  promotion  of 
Edison’s  kinetophone,  and  visitors  to  Edison’s  laboratory,  including  school 
children  who  were  injured  while  witnessing  a  demonstration  of  x-rays. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.  A.  E.  From  March,  6, 1 91 3.  To  May  1 3, 
1913."  The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number 
"32."  The  book  contains  699  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately 
10  percent  of  the  book  has  been  selected. 

/Hjua  A;  23 

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]/[/ /X  C^-0- 

WXXXZtUVMy  Q  &.(,  3  2-- 
WX^2J^J  J^)  6  *f- 

March  6th,  1913 

J,  R.  Wells, 

Mauchnla  Baptist  Church, 
Mauchula,  Floridt 

Replying;  to  your  i 
»  poison  contained- 

•igarettes ,  X  would  say 
jurnine  of  Cellulose,  i 

,  paper. 

this  poison  which  causes  sraofee  xo  a. 

also  has  a  violent  action  on  the  ne: 
t0  produce  irreversible  degeneratioi 
Yours  vervjyrtfC 


Haurice  Lehmann, 
61  Hue  as; 



of  the  18th  ult: 

shown  to 

ith  lettei 

I  beg  to  enolo( 

-.indly  fo: 

reply  to  the  above  letter,  and  would  ash  you  - 
it  to  Or-  Le  Roy,  aa  the  coSanuni cation  came  throne 
In  case  Or.  he  Roy  comnunit 

yon  further  Hhouiut-  »  ae«ire  *o 

„„«»  «,  w- -«•“  *“  *• M: 

th.t  eny  inventions  no  onlmitt.d  to  Me,  oh.nld  O' 

the  nutieot  of  on  nwliontion  for  potent.  » 

for  hln  onn  protection.  tint  also  for  the  protect! 



Youro  truly, 


March  6th,  1913, 

;oire  Municipal, 
Rouen,  'Prance . 

Mr.  Maurice  Lehmann  of  my 

Office  hac  forwarded  to  me  a  letter  from  you  in 

gard  to  a  method  of  enlarging  and  amplifying  the 
phonographic  engravings  or  impressions  on  cylinders 

Let  me  say  in  reply  that  your 
suggestion  seemn  to  ho  a  very  difficult  one  to  carry 
out  without  clistarting  the  music.  If,  however, 
it  oonlil  he  done  so  as  to  render  it  commercially 

practicable ,  it  would  he  yuite  valuable 

March  10th,  191 

0.  Box  #4 

Dear  Sir- 

March.  10th, 

Greusel , 

J.  Fort  Street, 
’Detroit ,  Mich. 

Dear  Sir: - 

I  beg  to  soVaipwledge  receipt  of  your 
of  the  6th  ihstout,  o»d  d»  “”11  8W  tlmt  1 

M  the  too  copies. of  foot  booh,  oof  bo6  to  «*  f  «** 
to  you  thereto r  ood  for  poor  ooof  eoy  it 

For  severol  months  past,  I  have  heca  -- 

oeedincly  btooy  *«  «**  •»>  “  ”=»  ir.port.nt  problem  «** 

hove  uffMSrt  ay  "hoi.  tl.e  »t  ottehtloo.  1 
working  aiopt  20  hours  »  day  ood  therefor. 
to  read  your  hooV.  ao  yet 

Id  td.o  before  Xo»g  to  giro  the  .  •*—**. 

■be  able  t< 




March  10th,  1913 

I.  Commerford  Martin, . , 
29  Weot  39th  Street, 
Hew  York  Cit; 

My  dear  Mr.  Martin 

I  received  your  favor  of  the 

Yth  instant  in  regard  to  the  Edison  Storage  Battery  foi 
Central  Stations.  1  have  seen  Mr.  Edison  about  it, 

and  he  sayS  to  tell  you  that  he  has  not  developed  the 

Central  Station  Type  yet,  but-  it  will 

will  be  a  husky  one,  capable  of  being  fully  discharged 

20  minutes  if 


March  13th,  1913; 

John  E.  Mavis, 

89  Oxford  Street, 

Portland,  Maine> 

the  10th  instant  containing  a  aucces 
production  of  o  musiool  SHetoh  t,lth  the  oil 
Motion  Picture 3. 

1st  mo  soy  1»  reply  that 

thins  that  yon  .udse.t  -  >•»  4»"  I"’“' 
It  nan  introduced  In  Europe  ,  but  the  oyn.h 
nan  not  sood  snonBh  to  Insure  complete  suo 
I  hellers  it  ha.  been  abandon. 

Youro  truly. 

Kerch  13th,  1913 , 

Mrs.  Harmon  P.  Payne, 

Shffolk  Co 

Dear  Madam: - 

He plying  to  your  enquiry  in  regard  to 
the  possibility  of  using  a  Storage.  Battery  Plant  for  light¬ 
ing  and  heating  your  house,  1  heg  to  say  that  ouch  a  plant 
i3  operated  by  means  of  a  gasoil) 
dynamo  machine |  and  this  in  turn  charge: 
batteries.  It  is  quite  possible  to  use  the  electric 

current  from  the  storage  batteries  for  heating,  as  well  as 
lighting,  hut  it  would  be  very  expensive  indeed.  Ihe 

question  of  lighting  is  one  in  which  economy  can  he  shown, 
but  the  cost  of  producing  electricity  by  an  individual  plenty 
ie  too  much  to  render  it  commercially  feasible  for  individuals. 
It  would  cost  much  less  to  make  the  necessary  alterations  in 
™  house  than  to  get  to  use  electricity  for  heating,  when 

engine,  which  drives  a 
of  storage 


Maroh  14th,  1913, 

Charles  Of, 

fo  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co . , 
239  West  39th  St 
Hew  York. 

Dear  3ir:- 

X  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
of  the  7th  instant,  in  regard  to  the  uoe  of  lithia 
or  lithium  carbonate  in  my  storage  battery. 

In  reply  let  me  say  that  we  ooa 
sune  about  40  tons  of  lithium  carbonate  per  year. 
It  is  used  in  the  batteries  in  connection  with 
Potassio  Hydrate.  Its  aotion  is  beneficial,  but 
the  reaction  is  as  yet  obscure.  We  obtain  our 

supply  from  Merck  &  Company, 


r.  K  ♦  L.  Dictaoi* 

4  Lg&man  Strs/t , 

London,  W.  England • 

I  have  not  had  the  pi a atm 
c  hearing  from  you  for  a  lone  time  hut  I  trust  tan 
le  V/o  "Id  has  teen  using  yon  v/ell  and  that  you  ha/_ 

3  complain  o«  you  had  when  you  were  here  last- 

flow  X  am  going  to  anV.  pot 
DU  will  probably  he  able  to  remember.  I 

n  };and  a  copy  of  the  Biography  that  you  nr°>«  “ 

age  300,  at  the  bottom  of  the  page  unere  i->  some  It 
ion;; ,  which  begins  as  follows:  -In  the  year  1687  tl 
o  m“  that  it  was  possible  to  devise  an  instrument 
he  eye  what  the  phonograph  does  for  the  ear  ,  etc- 
hir,  is  from  an  article  in  "Caosiern  Hagasine  o, 

What  X  would  lihe  to  fini 
h«~  was  not  one  or  more  interviews  wi va  Er.  Sdiso: 

h"“  5;  ££  !p.o 11  »■»  i«  “»  olnd  thrt 

me  of  the  well  V.nown  magazines. 

As  you  were  very  notivel 

r  •?*  ttxjr&ssts  rsrwrtt 

terviev/s,  and  has  ashed  me  to  . “  up*  Rn‘  “  -"‘e 
Liberty  of  troubling  y°«  ln  the  natl'°  ' 

If  yon  can  rive  re  any  3 
be  greatly  obliged,  and  perhaps  it  nay  save  me  visa 


Mr.  Arthur  5.  Overbury, 

690  W.  172nd  Street , 

Hew  York. 

Dear  Sir: - 

X  have  received  your  favor  of  the 
Slot  instant ,  the  contents  of  which  have  received  my  atten¬ 

Let  me  cay  in  reply  that  of  the 

twenty  five  manufacturers  of  the  Motion  Picture  films,  there 

are  ten  licensed  under  my  patent,  and  every  film  made  by 

these  ten  manufacturers  must  pass  the-  Board  of  Censors.  We 

never  put  out  an  objectionable  film.  fhe  pirates  in 

the  business,  and  importers  of  films  are  the  parties 

who  manufacture  and  put  out  these  objectionable  pictures. 

I  have  no  control  of  them,  although  X  have  ^outfit  them  for 

Please  c.onaider  this  letter  as  a 
reply  to  your  personal  letter,  and  not  for  publication  or 

ry  truly, 

Mar.  28,  1913. 

Marshall  Lefferts,  Esq. , 

Pres.  Celluloid  Company. 

30  Washington  PI..  Hew  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Lefferts 

We  have  another  use  for  celluloid.  Have 
•been  buying  sheets  20  X  48  by  30  thousandths  of  an  inch  thick. 
These  sheets  are  not  the  right  size,  there  being  too  much 
waste.  We  want  discs  a  little  over  ten  inohes  in  diameter. 
Can  you  arrange  it  so  we  can  get  sheets  that  we  can  cut  with¬ 
out  too  much  waste;  if  so  send  one  of  your  factory  men  up  and 

I  will  explain. 

Harsh  XF,  1913. 

Mr.  J.  K.  Hill. 

Portland  Hotel, 

Portland,  Ore. 

Bear  Ur.  Hill: 

3Uearowero+*t  handed  me  your  letter  o'  the  17th 
inst.,  in  regard  to  the  nix  month  record  of  the  j etroit  waeon 
and  i  want  to  than!:  you  “or  your  hind  intercut  1r.  sending  it 
to  me  .  1  have  taben  up  the  matter  o“  having  a  "irst  class 

man  visit  the.  pacific  toast  in  the  interest  of  the  tfiisor, 
Battery,  and  Kr .  Be©  and  1  have  tnlbed  the  matter  over. 
Possibly  we  nay  be  able  to  put  a  little  more  ginger  into  the 
people  we  already  hsve  ou~  there  on  the  toast. 

The  newspaper  clirping  that  you  enclosed  in 
certainly  very  interesting,  and  amusing.  At  the  same  time  it 
shows  the  cuali+y  of  interest  that  the  stinetonhone  must  have 

with  thanVs  and  g-oc  wishes,  j  remain 
Xours  very  truly. 

March  27th,  191.' 

>1  Olnlli.  Oeorio, 

.’u&a  awo. 

Mal&C».  ?*pala. 

X  mu  at  ask  you  1:0  perion 

the  delay  in 

"fur  kjji!*.  favor  an  u7  eo  iu  ruikncwU 

'•’{T3.2i£  the  receipt 

very  kindly  sent 

0:;  cr  i»  «•.*  -»:-v  -  *  ,vei 

courtesy  end 

rc-  •  in  re, ror.-’  to  rrnntir 

exclusive  rights 

■■  0 ,‘iio ue  i'o.  iiie  •■••hole  or  part  of 

Spain,  let  me  say 

oprun  A). -eat  in  Berlin.  Mr.  Shoman 

d-raf,  has  teen 

~iTk  rsveiT.l  parties  in  re  card  to 

till:;  invention 

3  have  yet  V-.-'-r.  concluded.  I  ex 

poet  Mr.  Graf  to 

5  America  v.-ithin  a  lew  reeks,  and  : 

he  rill  he  ac- 

/  pa-tier  representing  those  rorti, 

r:ii  interests. 

:  •.ill  Ve  impossible  for  me  at  tki 

a  tine  to  c:ive  any 

r.ver  until  after  I  have  seen  Hr.  0 

rv.f  and  the  parties 

somiiony  liin. 

Youro  very  truly. 

March  31st ,  1P13' 

Mr.  Handall  Hargreaves, 

160  Claremont  Avenue , 

Dew  York. 

Dear  Sir: - 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
of  the  27th  instant ,  and  1  beg  to  say  that  you  can 
come  out  here  any  day  this  week  and  Mr.  Edison  will 
hear  you  sing.  Tou  had  better  telephone  me  in 

advance  of  your  coming  so  that  we  can  make  sure  that 
he  will  be  here. 

'  :-Y, 




Hr.  L.  H.  Irwin, 

East  Pulton  Ave • , 

Henpsteud,  L.  I« 

Dear  Mr-  Irwin: 

Hour  esteemer!  favor  came  to  hand,  and  I  have 
delayed  replying  thereto  until  Hr.  Edison  had  passed  upon  the  records 
which  Mrs.  Irwin  made  at  our  ITew  York  Hecerding  Eoomc. .  His 
criticism  is  that  the  quality  of  the  voice  is  pood ,  but  that  there 
is  too  much  tremolo  to  allow  the  use  of  this  voice  for  the  Phono¬ 
graph.  You  must  bear  in  mind  the  fact  that  Hr.  Edison  always 

criticises  a  voice  simply  from  the  phonographic  standpoint,  and  his 
oriticism  is  not  to  be  taken  as  a  general  one.  For  Phonograph 
work  any  considerable  amount  of  tremolo  is  exceedingly  undesirable. 

let  me  suggest  that  if  Hrs.  Irwin  would  like 
to  cone  over  here  and  hear  the  record  herself,  I  think  that  it  would 
be  well  for  her  to  do  so.  Besides,  we  can  perhaps  make  some 
suggestions  to  her  that  would  help  her  to  eliminate  this  defect.  iVe 
have  made  suggestions  to  other  singers  that  have  been  f  und  to  be  benefi- 
oial . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Mr*  Spurgeon  Cowart , 

City  of  Sparta  'Executive  -Sept . , 
Sparta,  Georgia- 

Dear  Sir: - 

I  am  in  receipt 
of  the  27th  ultimo  containing  a  sugges' 
to  attaching  an  electric  motor  to  a  Ho 
Machine  • 

In  reply  1  beg 

to  the  present  time  the  Insurance  Unde 
not  permit  an  electric  motor  to  he  use 
have  been  done  years  ago • 

lours  very  truly, 


April  ;:nd ,  1913. 

Prof-  Starr  "/ i ll aril  Ontt  ir.g , 

■;>  Pile  University  of  Chicago . 
Chicago ,  Ill. 

your  favor  of  the  .Ir.ti-  i 
the  congratulation;:  thal 

Disc  Phonograph,  but  al: 

;reatly  valued. 

gent  criticisms,  such  as  those  that 
ed,  are  always  very  acceptable  to  ns 
pleased  to  have  your  further  views  z 
with  the  Disc  Kaohine . 

In  aokuoviledging  receipt  of 
tino,  let  me  thank  you  not  only  for 
von  offer  me  and  the  good  words 
inongh  to  utter  in  regard_to  the  now 
)  your  criticisms,  which  i  assure 

let  me  say  : iani  ly  that  intelli - 

ivs  kindly  volunteer 
,  and  I  shall  always  be 
you  gam  more  experience 

I  shall  be  greatly  obliged  if 
you  would  send  me  the  numbers  of  some  of  the  Victor  records 
containing  the  good  soprano  reproduction  that  you  mention, 
bo  that  1  nay  compare  the  same  with  ours  and  find  out  where 
ours  are  defective.  I  think  it  is  perhaps  unnecessary  for 
me  to  emnhasize  the  fact  that  I  am  leaving  no  stout  unturned 
to  give  the  public  the  very  beet  reproduction  of  all  kinds 
of  music  that  it  is  possible  to  bring  out. 

April  lot ,  1913  ■ 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  "beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of 
your  favor  of  the  22nd  ultimo,  enclosing  copy  of  an 
address  by  Francis  W.  'Parker,  delivered  before  the  Faculty 
of  the  University  o£  Chicago. 

Allow  me  to  thank  you  for  sending 
me  this  copy,  which  I  have  read  with  very  great  interest. 

I  should  like  to  be  informed  whether  or  not  this  address 
has  beFjU  published,  and  if  not  whether  Prof.  Parker  desires 
to  publish  it.  I  think  it  is  very  fine. 

76  V/.  113th  Street, 
Sen  YorV  City. 


I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  and  in 
reply  beg  to  aay  that  you  can  come  over  here  any  day  nort 
week,  between  9  and  12  in  the  morning  or  between  2  and 
3-30  in  the  afternoon,  and  I  ohall  be  pleaaed  to  hear 
you  play.  We  have  a  very  good  pianist  here  who  can 
accompany  you. 

Pleane  advice  my  ^acisitant ,  Hr.  V/. 

H.  Head owe ro ft  what  day  you  will  come  over. 

Mr.  Julbuo  Eonenwald, 

Chicago,  Illinois- 
Sear  Mr.  Eonenwald 

The  Phonograph  Company  of  your  City  has 
forwarded  to  ne  your  favor  to  them  of  the  3rd  instant,  and  I 
beg  to  say  in  reply  that  I  quite  appreciate  the  point  you  make 
in  regard  to  records.  For  your  information  let  me  say  that 

I  have  a  vast  number  of  record  matrices  containing  selections 
that  will  be  highly  appreciated  by  everyone  who  loves  good  music, 
but  I  an  'unwilling  to  put  them  out  until  I  oan  improve  my 
factory  processes  30  that  the  reproduction  will  be  free  from 

I  hope  to  produce  the  finest  music  extant 
and  equally  as  good  an  the  original,  and  I  3hall  do  this  without 
being  affected  by  any  idea  of  pecuniary  advantage  to  myself. 

At  this  tinrn  I  am  concentrating  my  energies 
on  this  subject  and  fully  expect  that  shall  have  a  large  assort¬ 
ment  of  fine  records  in  the  not  remote  future. 

Yours  very  truly. 

April  11th,  1913. 

S.  Ziegler, 

er  Institute  o f  normal  Zinging,  Inc-, 

1425  Broadway,  ITew  York  City. 

Ziegler: - 

In  acknowledging  receipt  of  your  favor 
insitant,  let  me  express  my  appreciation  of  your  kind 
n  ny  welfare  and  to  thank,  you  for  the  suggestion  and 
you  make  - 

Let  me  cay,  hov/ever,  that  I  am  familiar 
ranches  of  Science*  as  pertaining  to  health  and  take 
of  myself,  except  I  don't  sleep  very  much.  tfhen  I 
that  I  an  working,  eating,  sleeping  and  living 
y  as  1  have  done  during  the  last  forty  years,  I 

i)<3  prepared  to  admit  that  I  am  not  so  badly  off 

iVTiat  interests  mo  just  now  is  a  desire 
bring  over  some  more  good  singers. 

Yourn  very  truly. 

April  14th,  191! 

Mr.  L.  D.  Gibba, 

%  The  Edison  Electric  Ill'g. c° .  of  boston, 

39  Boylston  Street,  Boston,  Hass. 

Dear  Brother  Gibbs 

I  have  received  your  favor  of  the 
10th  instant,  and  in  reply  beg  to  3ay  that  1  shall  be  very 
glad  indeed  to  have  my  young  man  lock  up  the  Den  York  Sun 
article  if  you  can  give  me  a  little  nearer  date  than  "Some 
tine  ago". 

We  have  about  one  half  a  tone  of  news¬ 
paper  clippings  in  the  place,  and  it  would  help  me  a  good 
deal  in  searching  for  the  one  yon  are  looking  for  if  your 
friend  oan  give  me  some  approximate  date. 

I  am  indeed  looking  forward  to  a  Maine 
trip  this  Siunmer,  ana  shall  hope  you  make  it  all  right  and 
also  to  drop  in  and  see  you  on  the  nay. 

Jtonra  very  truly. 

April  17th,  1913 

Please  excuse  the  delay  in  send¬ 
ee  you  the  letter  for  Dr.  Ewai.  The  reason  is 
that  Kr.  Edison  has  been  so  busy  day  and  night  that 
he  has  not  had  time  to  get  to  it  until  now. 

I  trust  the  enclosed  letter  will 
he  what  Dr.  Ewai  desires. 

Yours  very  truly. 

April  15th,  1913. 

.rst  Socretar,  I  hi 

Coiiforming  to  the  promise  made  to  you  at 
t  Tot/  clays  ago,  I  now  repeat  the  substance  of  what 
i  personally  in  regard  to  the  use  of  storage  batter; 

„  .  1  am  strongly  convinced  that  one  of  the 

greatest  a actors  in  the  early  Opening  up  and  modernizing  of  China 
would  be  enlarged  xaoilities  of  intercommunication  throughout  th° 
country  by  means  of  railroads  for  the  transportation  of  passengers 
and  frsignt.  The  particular  class  of  railroads  I  have  in  ' 
mind  as  suen  as  could  be  constructed  vapidly  and  so  low  in  cost 
that  the  money  and  labor  required  for  their  construction  could 
be  fund  sned  by  the  Chinese  themselves. 

The  class  of  railroads  referred  to  is  the 
electric  road,  -  not  with  the  trolley  -  but  i^ing  electric  storage 
battery  cars.  Kailroads  of  this  character  can  be  rapidly 
easily  and  cheaply  installed  in  any  hind  of  country  whether’ 
level  or  mountainous,  and  are  entirely  practicable  over  6"'  to 
grades.  Light  weight  rails  can  he  used,  ant,  altogether 

I  think  the  cost  of  construction,  -.using  native  laho*  would  he 
leas  than  three  thousand  dollars  per  mile,  which  in  vastly  lower 
than  the  coat  of  oohatruofclon  of  any  other  cluan  of  railroad. 

In  mountainous  parts  of  the  country  very  steep  grades  cculd  be 
avoided  by  tubing  a  longer  route,  as,  with  this'' cheap  kind  of 
construction,  a  few  extra  miles  of  road,  would  in  meet  caoea  be 
enormously  more  economical  than  the  cost  of  cutting  through  a 
steep  grade. 

...  ...  Ky  opinion  is  that  your  Country  needs  some¬ 

thing  of  tnin  iina,  widely  installed,  so  as  to  open  up  commercial 
intercourse  and  provide  easy  means  of  passenger  transportation. 
Eventually.  when  your  commerce  and  transportation  buninena  has 

grown  to  greater  proportions  nanKrUf}  these  earlj^ electric  railroads 
will  have  grown  to  such! irapo rtanee>t1iat  theyjBfty-~be  cups rr.ecled  by 
stoati  railroads,  but  Vi  that  timeH!ETi»a  will  have  rrown  rip.h^ 

enough  to  have  amplejgjwey  to  finance  J  i  . . .  i  j of 

this  character/^ 

^  of  advantage  which  the 

1.  Suoh  railroa^a-^tJouid  he  narrow  guage,  made  of  light 
rails,  with  ties  wid'tfr  apart  than  usual. 

2.  On  account  of  the  use  of  storage  battery  earn,  there 
would  he  no  bonding  of  rails,  no  overhead  wiring  nor  trolleys; 
each  car  would -he  independent  of  all  the  others;  and  there  would 
he  no  general  stoppage  if  anything  went  wrong  at  the  power  house. 

3.  Steep  grades  ooiild  he  negotiated  with  a  railroad  of 
this  character. 

4.  She  constructions  of  such  railroads  would  be  very  simple 
%nd  cheap.  With  native  labor,  1  think  that  railroads  of  this 
character  could  he  constructed  for  about  three  thousand  dollars 

a  mile,  which  is  cheaper  than  making  and  maintaining  good  roads 
fit  for  ordinary  commercial  tracks. 

3-  Railroads  of  this  kind,  with  storage  battery  oars,  would 
be  available  for  both  freight  and  passenger  service. 

6.  Power  houses  could  be  located  at  convenient  points  where 
the  storage  batteries  could  be  recharged. 

7.  Phe  care  and  maintenance  of  the  Edison  storage  battery 
is  so  simple  that  highly  skilled  experts  would  not  be  required, 
natives  of  good  intelligenoe  could  easily  be  trained  into  the 
service . 

a.  The  Edison  storage  battery  is  rugged  and  calls  for  but 
little  attention.  Repairs  are  infrequent,  in  fact,  I  might  say, 
they  are  practically  inconsequential. 

In  conclusion  let  me  add  that  there  is  probably  no 
other  one  thing  that  han  clone  so  much  to  build  up  the  nuburban 
districts  of  the  United  States  as  the  electric  railway,  and  I  think 
,hat  the  introduction  thereof  into  China  would  open  up  your  Country 
very  rapidly  and  bring  about  an  enormous  change  for  its  rapid 
advancement  es  a  Fation.  It  seems  desirable  in  this  connection 
to  emp.iaoiae  the  fact  that  the  electric  railroads  1  have  mentioned 
so. cheaP  ih  construction  that  they  can  be  built  with  Chinese 
money  thus  rendering  it  unnecessary  to  oall  for  foreign  loans  for 
the  purpose.  u 

on  »  I.™  ?  would  su£Cest  that  before  going  into  the  business 

>?  ®  £^es  ac“Ae»  y°u  put  ln  on  experimental  road  of,  sap,  twenty 
oierafions.^  "°*  th#  resolta  00  doinC  before  ^tending  yoll 
Tours  very  truly. 

I  «a  .:illin£-:  to  go  into  the 

development  01  the  proposed  scheme (  hut  hare  so  rSC 
ipors  which  1  can  employ  the  i'p.oili t o-f'  mv  ~aho' 
cannot  afford  to  snend  t-. i M„„l . i. 


April  15th,  1913 

Institute  of  Electrical  Engineers. , 

29  West  59th  Street, 

Hew  York  City. 

Csntlemen: - 

In  regard  to  the  application  02  w.  E. 

I!o  Eechnie  for  membership,  let  me  say  that  personally  1 
an  not  intimately  acquainted  with  Hr.  KcEechnie,  nor  have  I 
personal  knowledge  of  his  electrical  career;  his  experience 
and  attainments  are  purely  matters  of  statement  made  to  me; 
hut  my  assistants  in  the  Electrical  Department  of  my  Company 
here  have  been  in  close  touch  with  him  in  connection  with  my 
Alternating  Current  Hectifier,  and  are  impressed  with  his 
integrity  of  character  and  his  ability  as  an  Electrical  Engin¬ 

On  the  strength  cf  their  recommendation, 

1  feel  satisfied  in  endorsing  his  application  for  membership 
in  the  American  Institute  of  Eleotrical  Engineers. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Charles  A.  hunn, 

361  Broadway, 

Kevj  Tort  City- 

I  hand  you  herewith  a  fi  ne  /-rticlc  ’ 
Spirit  of  *" 

It’lor.  aoUtorod  tofore  tto  WJ  •''*>» 

'  ChioaEo  t*y  Francis  V.,  one  of  i-  _ru-tee 

It  has  never  been  published,  hut  .he 
jthor  will  permit  it.  and  I  therefore  send  it  alonE 
a  „0u  to  see  whether  you  want  to  publish  it. 

Dear  Goodwin:  - 

Prom  your  letter  of  the  16th,  I  Bee  you  are 
now  getting- on  to  what  I  meant  by  our  speakers  being  louder  than 
I  wanted  them  to  be  and  why  I  wanted  to  tone  them  down,  but  no¬ 
body  would  stand  for  it.  At  first  I  adopted  a  thick  cloth 

on  the  grill,  but  you  all  turned  it  down  and  put  on  a  doth  which 
is  practically  mosquito  netting. 

I  thoroughly  understand  the  human  ear.  To 
prove  a  case  in  an  argument  1  took  one  hundred  (100)  records  that 
our  best  girl  passed  In  the  faotory  and,  unknown  to  her,  had  her 
go  into  one  of  Mehr’s  quiet  rooms,  and  she  threw  out  72  as  being 
too  noisy  surface. 

About  two  week3  ago,  in  the  Evening,  I  made 
an  experiment  at  the  house,  where  my  wife  complained  that  there 
was  too  muoh  scratch  to  the  records.  There  were  several  in 
the  party.  1  had  five  different  kinds  of  doth  and  also  paper 
in  the  grills.  All  the  people  were  in  another  room  45  feet 
from  the  instrument. 

I  played  several  tunes,  putting  grills  on 
and  off.  The  unanimous  opinion  was  that  the  music  was  very 
much  sweater  with  the  grill  on, that  diminished  the  volume  25%. 
That  they  heard  no  soratch,  and  only  heard  it  when  12  feet  away 
but  not  enough  to  notice,  but  with  regular  grill  the  soratch  was 

These  same  reoords  they  pronounced  fine,  no 
scratch,  when  they  heard  them  in  the  library  at  laboratory. 

......  _  ffhy?  Because  any  outside  noise  deadens  the 

sensibility  of  the  ear,  due  to  the  automatic  action  that  I  have 
frequently  explained  to  you. 

You  oan  satisfy  any  of  your  customers  by  uBing 
grills  with  from  1/16  to  l/8  thiok  of  felt  on  the  grill.  if  a 
purchaser  has  a  small  room  and  quiet  street  or  in  the  Country, 
use  a  1/8.  Pelt  is  best  as  it  softens  and  gives  no  eohoes  to 

Mr.  C.  E.  Goodwin, 

/--r  J 

raves,  fifce  the  .hardthiod 

April  17th,  1913. 

otor,  or  deflects 

1  am  going  to  ta^Rf^he  grill  with  the  Works  so 
Dealers  oan  be  aupplied^jpiratwo  or  three  sizes  to  suit  everyone. 

KegajAffig  Victor  speaker  on  our  machine ,  you  need  not 
send  any.  -“'There  is  not  the  slightest  trouble  to  do  it.  We 
have  two  or  three  kinds  here  now. 

Regarding  selling  our  reproducers,  I  will  have  that 


Have  you  seen  the  latest  two  letters  sent  out  by  the 
Viotor  Company  to  dealers,  and  their  Advertisements  in  re  needles? 

I  hope  they  will  oontinue  to  think  our  vertical  record 

V/e  are  on  the  up  grade  on  quantity  and  quality  of 
records,  I  am  glad  to  say. 

Your3  very  truly. 


April  18th,  1913. 

Mr.  Luigi  Romano, 

375  Broome  street, 
hew  York . 

Bear  Sir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  16th  instant,  and  from  its  contents  fear  that  my 
previous  letter  did  not  reach  you.  I  wrote  you  a 
few  weeks  ago  stating  that  Mr.  Edison  had  heard  your 
"Einetophone  March" ,  and  had  sent  it  to  our  Recording 
Rooms,  Rew  York  City,  where  a  reoord  will  he  made  of 
it  in  due  time .  The  Recording  Rooms  have  quite  a 
little  work  ahead  of  them,  hut  they  will  reach  your 
Composition  after  while,  and  when  a  record  is  made  and 
ready  I  will  let  you  know. 

Yours  very  truly. 

April  18th,  1913. 




Mrs.  Pranois  M.  Crossley, 

116  W.  3ixth  3troet, 

Topeka,  Kansas. 

Bear  Madam: - 

1  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  yours  of 
the  12th  instant,  and  desire  to  express  my  sincere  apprecia¬ 
tion  of  the  kind  words  that  you  are  pleased  to  say  about  my 
new  Disc  Phonograph.  I  assure  you  that  it  gives  me  great 

pleasure  to  learn  that  you  derived  such  enjoyment  from  it. 

let  me  say  for  your  information  that  the 
reason  we  do  not  give  the  names  of  the  artists  at  present  is 
that  there  is  so  much  trickery  in  the  musical  profession,  that 
there  are  many  reputations  that  are  falsely  acquired-  There 
are  many  Grand  Opera  singers  who  get  reputations  by  reason  of 
their  fine  acting,  but  who  have  extremely  poor  voices  for  the 
Phonograph.  The  general  public  does  not  discriminate  be¬ 

tween  reputation  due  to  acting  and  not  to  voice,  and  many 
people  insist  that  we  should  record  these  people  who  really 
do  not  have  good  voices.  I  have  refused  to  be  a  party  to 
this  trioky  preS3  agent  work,  and  I  will  only  record  voices 
that  are  really  beautiful  and  musical. 

X  believe  I  now  have  the  best  voices  and 
instrumental  players  in  the  World,  including  nearly  every  Grand 
Opera  3inger  with  a  good  voice,  both  in  the  United  States  and 
Europe*  When  I  find  that  the  public  really  approves  these  on 
merit  I  shall  be  glad  to  give  the  names,  and  I  am  sure  that  all 
lovers  of  music  will  agree  with  me  in  this  policy. 

1  take  pleasure  in  complying  with  the  re¬ 
quest  contained  in  your  letter,  and  send  you  an  autographed 
photograph  by  this  mail. 

Yours  very  truly. 

April  21,  1913, 

MiB3  Minnie  Tracey, 

68  West  47th  Street, 

Hew  Xork- 

Dear  Miss  Tracey: - 

We  have  received  your  favor  of 
the  15th  instant,  and  in  reply  he  g  to  say  that  I  would 
like  to  listen  to  your  voice  if  you  will  kindly  come 
over  to  the  Laboratory  some  day  ncrt  week,  either  Thurs¬ 
day  or  Friday-  At  the  same  time  i  shall  have  the 
pleasure  of  showing  you  my  new  Disc  Phonograph ,  which  I 
think  will  surprise  you  with  the  ^unlity  of  reproduction 
of  music-  Possibly  we  may  he  able  to  show  you  the 
speaking  pictures  at  the  same  time . 

Kindly  advise  my  Assistant,  Mr, 
Meadowcroft  what  day  and  hour  you  will  he  over,  so  that 
he  will  arrange  matters  with  me- 

Yours  very  truly. 

Ur.  W.  L.  Eann, 

Farmers '  Bank  Building, 

Pittsburg,  Pa. 

Dear  Hr .  Kann :  - 

1  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of 
your  favor  of  the  2lBt  instant .  and  would  say  in 
response  to  your  suggestion  that  X  have  mailed  you 
today  a  set  of  the  Storage  Battery  Company* s  litera¬ 
ture,  which  you  can  hand  to  Doctor  Ewai  if  you  desire. 

In  regard,  to  the  matter  of  the 
talking  motion  pictures,  I  would  suggest  that  the  best 
way  to  approach  this  is  for  Doctor  Ewai  to  address  a 
letter  to  Hr.  Edison  on  the  subject. 

Yours  very  truly. 

April  20Sh,  1913. 

Hr.  W.  A.  Hayes, 

Recording  Department, 

Thomas  A.  Edison,  ltd., 

25  Clerkenwell  Road, 

London,  E.  C.  England. 

Dear  Siri- 

Mr.  Halter  Miller  has  shown  me  your  favor  of 
the  8th  instant  in  regard  to  An3elmi*B  records. 

7/e  have  made  only  one  of  the  Anselmi  records 
up,  and  it  certainly  has  a  hig  "squawk",  no  matter  what  machine 
we  play  it  on.  Perhaps  the  others  will  he  0.  X.  i  win 
let  you  know. 

Your 3  very  truly, 

May  X,  1913. 


Green  &  Freeman  Sts. , 

.  Brooklyn,  New  York. 


The  following  is  the  confirmation  of  the 
telephone  message  to  you  this  morning  of  Copper 
8uiphate  free  from  iron,  which  Mr.  Edison  desired 
sent  you. 

"  Boil  solution-add  peroxide  of  hydrogen, 
just  enough  to  peroxidize  the  iron.  This  makes 
Ferric  Sulphate.  Now  add  Copper  Carbonate  or 
Hydroxide,  Just  enough  to  decompose  the  Ferric 
Sulphate,  giving  free  Ferric  Hydroxide.  You  should 
boil  for  few  minutes  after  adding  the  Carbonate.  On 
filtering  you  will  get  all  the  iron  on  filter  without 
a  trace  in  the  liquid". 

Yours  very  truly. 

Assistant  Secretary. 


165  Broadway, 

Hew  York. 


I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  29th  inatant  in  regard  to  the  possible  use  of 
Tellurium  and  Selenium. 

In  reply  I  beg  to  say  that  I  am 
still  at  work  experimenting  on  this  line,  and  have 
found  one  use  for  Tellurium,  but  the  quantity  involv¬ 
ed  would  not  amount  to  anything.  Possibly  there  may 

be  more  encouragement  on  the  sub jeot  lat( 
Yours  very  truly. 


May  2nd,  1913. 

Mr.  F.  D.  Wagner, 

1908  H.  14th  street, 
Boise,  Idaho* 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
23rd  ultimo  in  regard  to  an  invention  that  you  have  made  By 
means  of  which  nearly  twioe  as  much  musio  can  he  recorded  on 
the  Disc  Phonograph  aB  is  now  ordinarily  plaoed  upon  it. 

In  reply  let  me  say  that  if  your  process 
is  to  keep  the  surface  speed  constant  with  variable  revolu¬ 
tions,  you  can  get  twice  as  much  on  the  record,  but  this  is 
already  patented.  l’here  are  a  number  of  ways  to  double 
the  capacity  of  a  phonograph  disc,  but  there  are  very  good 
reasons  why  doubling  the  capacity  is  not  a  good  commercial 

The  best  way  for  you  to  do  is  to  apply 
for  a  patent  on  your  invention,  then  you  oan  freely  talk  about 
your  improvement.  Unless  you  previously  secure  some  protec¬ 
tion  of  this  kind,  I  do  not  care  to  be  made  the  recipient  of 

any  secret. 

Sours  very  truly. 

Hay  2nd,  1913. 

Hr.  .Francesco  Di  Pasqua, 

236  East  148th  Street, 
hew  Tork  city. 

Dear  air:- 

P.eplying  to  your  favor  of  the 
27th  ultimo,  I  would  say  that  in  my  opinion  it  would 
he  a  good  thing  to  withdraw  the  Latin  Language  from 
the  course  of  3tudy  in  the  Public  schools  and  substitute 
the  Italian  for  it.  I  think  this  would  be  an  im¬ 

provement  . 

Tours  truly, 


May  End,  1913. 

Leonard  H.  Wilder,  JSsq., 

1744  Oregon  Ave . ,  W.  W . , 

Washington,  D.  c. 

My  dear  Mr.  Wilder: - 

The  pressure  of  business  has  been  so 
overwhelmingly  great  that  until  now  1  have  had  no  opportunity  of 
acknowledging  reoeipt  of  your  very  kind  letter  of  the  20th  ultimo, 
which  was  received  in  due  course  and  read  with  a  great  deal  of 

It  is  a  source  of  much  gratification  to 
me  to  receive  a  letter  from  one  who  is  so  well  able  to  anal.'  ze  the 
quality  of  reproduced  music  as  well  as  yourself.  .During  the  last 

two  or  three  years  I  have  devoted  a  great  deal  of  time  to  the  study 
of  music  from  a  soientific  standpoint,  and  in  that  time  I  have  made 
many  interesting  discoveries  which  have  been  of  exceeding  great  in¬ 
terest  to  me  in  my  work. 

I  am  still  busy  in  the  further  develop¬ 
ment  of  my  hi so  phonograph,  and  hope  to  have  it  so  perfect  that  in 
a  short  time  we  shall  be  able  to  record  and  reproduce  the  finest 
of  Chamber  Musio-  In  the  meantime,  let  me  aosure  you  of  my  appre¬ 
ciation  of  your  kind  expressions  in  regard  to  the  progress  I  have 
thus  far  made. 

Yours  very  truly. 


I  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
1st  instant  in  regard  to  the  making  of  records  of  Roman 
Catholio  Churoh  music,  about  which  we  have  had  some  corres¬ 
pondence  with  Hr.  Ruhlmann,  of  lockport,  and  beg  to  Bay 
in  reply  that  X  shall  be  glad  to  see  Mr.  Yon  if  he  will 
come  over  to  Orange. 

I  am  here  every  day,  but  would  suggest 
that  you  or  Hr.  Yon  oommunieate  with  my  Assistant,  Hr.  W.  E. 
Meadowcroft  before  coming  over,  so  that  you  will  make  sure 
of  seeing  me . 

Yours  very  truly. 

Mr.  George  French,  Publisher, 

The  Independent, 

130  Fulton  St .  Hew  York  • 

Bear  Mr.  French 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  reoeipt  o 
your  esteemed  favor  of  the  30th  ultimo ,  and  also  of  a 
copy  of  the  "The  Independent"  of  last  week.  i  have 

read  the  article  you  refer  to,  and  also  some  others  - 
Modeoty  forbids  any  comments 
on  my  part  concerning  the  result  of  the  poll  of  your 
readers.  The  only  thing  that  troubles  me  is  the  * 

(in  which  my  wife  shares)  that  if  these  things  keep  r.P 
I  may  get  a  swelled  head. 

Yours  very  truly. 

Bay  6th,  1913. 

tr.  3.  J?.  ilo  Willis, 

bayview,  Oregon- 


i  an  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  24th  ultimo , 
ina  hoG  to  say  tnat  1  have  not  forgotten  my  promise  that  there  should 
do  plenty  of  Clarionet  muoic  for  the  phonograph.  we  have  been 
overwhelmed  with  a  lot  of  recording  that  was  in  arrears,  hut  we 
are  gradually  getting  along  to  the  point  where  we  shall  he  able  to 
take  up  the  matter  of  Clarionet  selections,  and  X  trust  it  may  not 
be  long  before  we  shall  he  able  to  satisfy  you  in  this  direction. 

X  am  very  glad  to  have  your  criticisms  in  regard 
to  the  plaster  hacking  on  the  reoords,  and  would  say  that  plaster  is 
alright  when  the  work  is  done  right.  Our  trouble  has  been  with 
incompetent  foremen  by  whose  negligenoe  we  have  suffered  considerab¬ 
ly.  no  are  getting  ria  of  a  lot  of  these  men  as  fast  as  we 

ean  replace  them  with  better  workmen-  «e  will  make  good  any 

bad  workmanship  on  this  soore. 


The  Saal field  Publishing  Co., 
Akron,  Ohio. 

Replying  to  your  request  for  a  defini¬ 
tion  of  the  word  KinetophoSS  allow  me  to  submit  the  follocving: 

KIHKTOPJiOHE,  (from  Gr.  Kinetos.  moving  -  Gr.  phone  . 
sound.)  An  invention  of  Kdison,  consisting  of  sjmohronin- 
inf^app status  combined  with  the  pnonograpn  and  projecting 
kinetosoope ,  so  arranged  and  operated  as  to  reproduce 
simultaneously  sound  and  motion  previously  recorded  and  p 

graphed  8uchyreproductlon  being  popularly  kno™  as  a  "tailing 

In  practice,  a  motion  picture  01  a 
shaker  o®  singer  is  made  simultaneously  with  the  taking  of 


^  coLcidcnt  with  the  corresponding 

o.-Mt-n'h  This  same  coincidence  of  reproduction  it* 

t^e  iriny  motion  and  sound  other  than  speaking  or  singing. 

1  am  afraid  the  above  may  be  too 

admit  of  a  simple  brief  definition. 

Your3  very  truly. 


Mr.  Edison  has  asked  me  to  write  to  you  to 
find  if  by  any  chance  you  can  give  ua  any  information  about  a 

gentleman  named  F.  H.  Xosey,  a  musician  and  composer.  *he  last 

we  knew  of  him  he  lived  at  345  West  6th  St.,  Erie,  Pa.  For  all 

we  know,  that  may  still  he  his  present  address,  hut  Mr.  Edison  would 
like  to  know  whether  such  is  the  fact  and  also  what  heis  doing. 

Mr.  Edison  may  want  to  enter  into  communication  with  him  later,  hut 
first  wants  to  obtain  this  preliminary  information  and  has  therefore 
taken  the  liberty  of  writing  to  yon  to  see  if  you  can  throw  any  light 
on  the  subject. 

Will  you  kindly  address  your  reply  to  me  and 
I  will  bring  it  to  Kr.  Edison's  personal  attention.  Thanking  you 
in  advance  for  any  courtesy  which  you  may  extend,  I  remain 

Yours  very  truly, 


Your  favor  of  the  7th  instant  to  Kr. 
Edison  was  received  and  brought  to  his  attention.  He  ia 

working  from  eighteen  to  twenty  hours  a  day,  and  is  no  very 
busy  that  he  cannot  make  appointments ,  an  all  of  hie  tine  is 
occupied  on  very  important  problems  upon  which  he  is  work¬ 
ing  at  the  present  tine. 

He  remarked  that  you  are  not  the  only 
one  that  wished  that  they  had  never  tried  to  make  an  Alkaline 
'Storage  Battery.  He  said  that  if  he  had  known  in  the  begin¬ 
ning  the  trouble  and  expense  ho  would  ho  more  have  taken  hold 
of  it  (the  Alkaline  storage  Battery  )  than  he  would  of  a 
rattle-snake . 

Yours  very  truly, 

..  . 

Assistant  to  V.r.  Edison. 

Kuy  lath, 

i  u  * 




i  HP 


Dear  Mr.  Monnot : - 

X  have  received  your  favor  of  the  Sn.i 
the  contents  of  v/hioh  1  have  read  with  a  great  deal  of  intc-rec 
am  certainly  glad  to  he  posted  as  to  the  status  of  affairs  wit 

1  have  lots  of  faith  and  patience,  hut 
ask  you  to  hear  in  mind  that  I  would  always  like  to  keep  poste 
from  time  to  time.  You  know,  of  course,  how  your  affairs  ar 
greasing  all  the  tine,  and  you  may  he  very  well  satisfied  that 
thing  is  working  out  alright,  hut  unless  you  1st  me  hear  from 
from  time  to  time,  £  am  in  the  dark.  As  to  the  matter  of  IT 
Viotor  Hero Id  and  his  battery,  I  do  not  see  very  well  how  I  ca: 
vise  you  in  the  absence  of  material  development.  If  any  0p<N 
move  is  made  on  their  part,  please  let  me  know  at  once. 

General  Letterbook  Series 
Letterbook,  LB-094  (1913) 

This  letterbook  covers  the  period  May-August  1913.  Most  of  the 
correspondence  is  by  Edison  and  William  H.  Meadowcroft.  Included  are 
lettersPaddressed  to  longtime  Edison  associate  Samuel  Insull;  Oskarvon 
Miller  of  the  Deutsche  Museum;  telegraph  magnate  and I  music  patron 
Clarence  H.  Mackay;  and  public  utility  executive  and  statesmanGeorgeB. 
Cortelvou  Many  of  the  letters  relate  to  the  commercial  and  technical 
development  of  Edison’s  alkaline  storage  battery  and  its  use  in  railroad  cars 
and  electric  vehicles.  One  item  concerns  the  end  of  ore  concentration 
experiments  conducted  by  Edison  on  behalf  of  Henry  B.  Chfford,  a  mining 
enaineer  and  promoter.  There  are  also  letters  pertaining  to  Edison  s 
phonograph  and  motion  picture  businesses,  the  choice  of  suitable  music  and 
singers  for  phonograph  recordings,  and  the  development  of  educational  films. 
Additional  documents  concern  Edison’s  opinions  and  prejudices,  his 
charitable  contributions,  and  his  reminiscences. 

The  front  cover  is  marked  "T.  A.  E.  From  May  '13, 191 3  to  Aug  6 1, 1 913. 
The  spine  is  marked  with  similar  information,  along  with  the  number  33.  The 
book  contains  704  numbered  pages  and  an  index.  Approximately  10  percent 
of  the  book  has  been  selected. 

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May  14th,  19155. 

K.  Moyer, 

Department  of  History, 

De  Witt  ulinton  Hi eh  school, 
500  West  59th  street, 
Bew  lorlt  uity. 

Dear  sir:- 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  10th 
instant  in  regard  to  projecting  motion  pict\ires,  so  as  to 
secure  a  view  of  the  same  in  three  dimensions.  In  reply 
let  me  say  that  we  are  interested  in  thi3  subject,  hut  are 
very  doubtful  of  stereoscopic  devices,. as  we  receive  sugges¬ 
tions  for  same  at  the  rate  of  about  ten  per  weeh,  and  none 
of  them  have  so  far  proved  practicable. 

Our  Mr.  Gall  is  an  expert  on  this  subject, 
and  if  you  can  find  time  to  come  over  I  should  be  very  glad 
to  have  you  tell  him  about  the  method  you  have  in  mind. 

Without  doubt ,  it  would  be  a  very  great  improvement  if  it  were 
possible  to  project  motion  pictures  in  three  dimensions. 

If  you  contemplate  coming  over  to  see  Ur. 
Gall,  1  would  suggest  that  you  communicate  with  my  Assistant, 
Mr.  H.  H.  Meadoweroft  at  this  address,  and  he  will  arrange  for 
Mr.  Gall  to  be  here  when  you  come. 

yours  very  truly. 

May  15th,  1913. 

The  Phonograph  Company, 

889  30.  Wabash  Ave., 

Chicago,  Illinois. 

Gentlemen: - 

I  am  in  receipt,  of  your  favor  of  the  13th 
instant  concerning  the  securing  of  talent  in  Europe  for  our 
disc  phonograph  records. 

In  reply  let  me  say  that  we  have  a  Record¬ 
ing  laboratory  in  Milan,  Italy,  the  operatic  oenter  of  the. 
world,  where  we  make  regular  and  trial  records. 

We  have  here  at  Orange  phonograph  records 
of  about  three  thousand  artists .which  have  been  obtained  in 
all  parts  of  Europe.  These  three  thousand  artists  have  been 
selected  from  every  Opera  House,  Conservatory  and  Musical 
School  of  any  note  in  all  the  Countries  of  Europe. 

We  have  arranged  to  record  songs  of  every 
artist  who  haB  a  good  voice,  but  we  will  not  record  Opera 
Singers  who  have  poor  voices  but  who  have  a  reputation  based 
on  acting,  personality  and  stage  environment.  My  disc  phono¬ 
graph  is  essentially  a  solo  instrument,  and  the  voice  must  be 
intrinsically  good  to  be  recorded  for  reproduction  therein, 
henoe,  we  do  not  intend  to  record  an  artiBt  on  the  mere  fact 
of  a  great  newspaper  reputation,  -  which  may  be  legitimately 
due  to  other  things  than  a  good  voice. 

I  am  quite  aware  that  this  course  may  lose 
us  the  possible  patronage  of  a  number  of  people  who  through 
indifference  or  lack  of  knowledge  do  not  discriminate  between 
really  good  music  and  reputation,  but  fortunately  there  is  a 
vast  number  of  those  who  appreciate  and  love  fine  music,  and 
it  is  to  those  I  am  catering.  A  patronage  whose  foundation 
is  the  intrinsically  beautiful  is  one  whose  superstructure 
cannot  fall. 


Yours  very  truly, 

........  ~ - 

r~"  , 

(  1 

\  i 

Hr*  Henry  M.  Island, 

Cadillac  Motor  Car  Company, 

1543  Case  Avenue, 

Detroit,  Michigan. 

Referring  to  my  letter  of  the  lath  insrt  * , 

I  teg  to  say  that  1  have  received  a  reply  from  the  Cement 

Plant  and  give  you  below  an  extract  therefrom: 

'Replying  to  your  letter  of  May  12th,  in  regard 
to  babbitt  metal,  I  would  advise  that  our 
babbitt  metal  has  been  furnished  by  Paul  S. 
P.eeves,  of  Philadelphia,  who  are  large  manu¬ 
facturers  of  bearing  metals* 

The  analysis  Of  the  metal  is  approximately  as 

89J6  Tin 
3-5ji  Copper 
7f>  Antimony" 

Trusting  that  this  information  will  be  of 

Yours  very  truly. 

May  20th,  191 a. 


19th,  1^13' 

Clarence  H •  1 «aoLa j,  iCompany , 

Postal  253  Broadway ,  ^ 

Hew  YorV.  City- 

Dear  Mr.  KacV.ay:-  ^„n0rt,.  ar»  correct. 

XX  the  newapapsr  ^f>ur” 

ltn  „„  the  People"  movement. 

you  are  interested  in  the  P=-  -  *  tl!at  it  niG* 

It  thereto re  occurs  to 

,  ^  ,.ov  „,i  «»  ->«>  »«*•  rtt,‘  J'"' 

he  of  interest  .0  *  -  O-anre  oh one pro 

are  associated  to  learn  that  I  **.  -  ^  ^  w3JL  a3 

records  of  nearly  every  ^  ^  aKmt  2E00  in  number- 

those  of  many  °thor  sinC-r-.  ^  ^  ^  ^  ha,  over  « 

»-  — •  *■  -  «“ 

for  the  pa=t  -uo  J  .  P  .  .,0ice  trial 

a«,l  “■»“  «*  ' 

friw  «*  «*  «■“*»  **  *** 

If  there  is  any  information  I  oW 


Mr.  w.  H.  Hiller, 
79  Fifth  k 

Dear  Hr.  Hiller: - 

Mr.  Georges  Vigneti,  a  Concert  violinist., 
played  here  for  Hr.  Edison  yesterday  afternoon.  1  gave  him 
ft  oard  of  introduction  to  yon.  and  he  will  call  within  a  few 

Hr.  Edison  says  to  have  him  play  Komenza 
Andalusia. fcc.  for  Hr.  Crohkhite  and  see  what  he  thinks  of  it. 
Mr.  Edison  says  that  vigneti  seems  to  he  a  good  player  and  He 
hears  no  high  harmonies  as  In  Skolnik’a  playing,  but  he  says 
that  vigneti  may  not  be  loud  enough.  If  yon  think  he  is 
OX.  take  a  trial  record  with  weak  piano  accompaniment. 

iours  very  truly. 


May  20th,  19155. 

Mrs.  J.  H.  shew, 

Belpre , 

Hash.  Co.,  Ohio. 

Dear  Badam:- 

referring  to  the  trial  Phonograph  record 
tfhioh  you  made  at  our  Hecording  Rooms  some  weeks  ago,  we  beg 
to  say  that  it  has  been  put  through  the  factory  process  and 
Hr.  Kdison  has  heard  it.  He  says  that  while  it  is  commend- 
able  in  some  ways,  it  is  not  quite  up  to  hiB  requirements 
for  Phonograph  work.  At  any  rate,  we  are  suffering  from 
a  congestion  of  reoorded  musio,  which  will  take  us  many 
months  to  dear  up.  and  r-t  until'.',  that  has  been  done,  mr. 
Edition  is  not  prepared  to  make  any  engagements  with  addi¬ 
tional  singers. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Kdi son  Laboratory. 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
19th  instant,  and  in  reply  beg  to  say  that  I  have  consult¬ 
ed  Kr.  Edison  in  regard  thereto  and  he  states  that  he  will 
be  glad  to  hear  lire.  Crossly' s  voice  if  she  will  call  here 
some  morning  or  afternoon  of  this  week,  except  Friday  or 
Saturday-  It  would  be  well  for  you  or  her  to  telephone 
me  in  advance  of  her  coming,  so  that  I  can  tell  you  whether 
it  will  be  convenient  at  the  time  that  she  desires  to  come. 

Yours  very  truly. 

May  26th,  1913. 

Mr.  Alfred  fi.  Pearsall, 

£  New  York  Press  Club, 

21  Spruce  Street, 

New  York  City. 

Dear  Mr.  Pearsall 

Allow  me  to  thank  you  for  your  Otrdiul  invitation 
to  attend  the  Dinner  of  the  Old  Guard  of  the  Hew  Yoik  PreBB  Club  on 
the  3f?th  instant,  and  to  thank  you  for  your  courtesy  In  extending  same. 

It  would  give  me  rauoh  pleasure  if  I  were  able  to 
send  you  an  acceptance  of  the  invitation,  but  the  fact  is,  1  have  been 
ao  intensely  busy  for  the  last  eight  or  ten  months  on  some  very  im¬ 
portant  problems  which  have  engaged  the  whole  of  my  and  attention 
day  and  night.  1  am  working  from  18  to  20  hours  a  day,  and  it  would 
mean  a  serious  detriment  to  my  interests  to  allow  anything  to  interrupt 
me.  Kenoe,  I  find  it  impossible  for  me  to  devote  a  single  moment  to 
anything  beBides  the  matters  on  whioh  I  am  engaged. 

As  to  sending  you  a  message  by  the  phonograph,  let 
me  explain  for  your  information  that  I  am  under  agreement  with  my 
Companies  not  to  moke  any  record  of  my  voice  at  this  time  for  oertain 
business  reasons. 

However,  I  wish  you  would  express  to  the  Old  Guard 
my  best  wishes  for  a  good  time  and  regret' that  I  am  unable  to  be  present 
to  participate  and  to  meet  my  old  time  friends. 


very  truly. 

Key  26th,  1913- 

Her  To  3*. 

““  “■  X  -  i»  reoelp.  -  •*  -  2101  1Mt- 

1„  regard  to  poleerleed  ll.e.ton.  *>r  egrioaltaral  P«C— •  «t 
le  2  da  repip  *.  -  -U  —  *»—  *"  ^  ^ 

the  Kill-  By  i*P*>ved  P™oeBse8-  we  h°p9  t0  ***  “  ^ 

t0B  at  the  lt  fiad  it  can  be  er.aad  !.•=  »o. 

S2.00  per  tea  later  oa.  oad.  II  re  tla 

ln  ear  exploitation  of  tbe  «»■  " 
e.plo,  .  nonber  of  eate.obllee  for  oar  a.e  .o  ««*,- 

— -  -  -  -  r; 
-:=r— r.  rr.rrr^ri 

to  the  farmer 

Yours  very  1 

May  29th ,  ',913 


Edward  IT .  Baird,  President, 
Century  Opera  Company, 

Century  Opera  House, 

Central  Park,  7/e  st , 
Mew  York. 

Dear  Mr-  Baird 

X  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of 
the  23rd  instant  concerning  the  letter  which  I  wrote  to 
Mr.  Mackay  in  regard  to  records  of  singers  taken  Abroad. 
Let  me  say  in  reply  that  all  of  these  records  are  out 
here  at  the  Laboratory,  where  you  can  hear  them  at  any 
time  - 

If  you  should  desire  to  come  over 
for  that  purpose,  I  would  suggest  that  you  communicate 
with  my  Assistant,  Mr.  Meadouoroft,  and  he  will  arrange 
a  convenient  time  so  that  1  can  he  here  when  you  come. 

Yours  very  truly, 

Ilr.  J.  ?•  Honnot, 

31  Hue  Baru, 

Paris,  France* 

Bear  Hr*  Honnot:- 

Referring  again  to  your  favor 
enclosing  a  report  on  the  four  Walker  trucks  shipped  to 
Harrods  Malted,  London,  I  want  to  inform  you  that  I 
have  put  the  matter  up  to  Hr.  Insull  the  head  of  the 
Walker  Company,  who  has  replied  to  my  letter  stating  that 
he  will  look  into  the  matter  at  once-  He  is  certain  to 
make  good  for  anything  that  his  Company  i3  responsible 

Yours  very  truly. 

v^J?y^^3tanfo  rd , 

rs  Hotel  Vanderbilt , 

/  H°  348  Park  Avenue, 

S  J  Hew  *orV.  City. 

Friend  Stanford:-  ^  instant  r»s 

Your  favor  ox  ^ne 

,  *ave  'been  no  very  busy  that 
received  in  d«  time,  but  ba 

„  _  I.«r  »«=  t"h‘»4'  “1  1  * 

and  see  mo*  .  for  yc 

l  find  that  it  ia  too  la-e 

""  se‘  *"  x  tui  «.«  it  1»  t“  *•*-  f°r  100 

„„„  „*  a=cortinE  to  y»«r  ««"•  ~  ™  ” 
to  come  thia  week.  la  any 

w  „  Toooao,  »*  .»  *»  prop--3' 


May  26th,  1913. 

E.  B.  Thomas,  Ks<j.,  President, 

lebigh  Talley  Railroad  Company, 

145  Liberty  street, 
new  lorV.  City. 

My  dear  Hr-  Thomas : - 

Uhen  I  wrote  to  you  a  few  5  lya  a;o 
in  regard  to  pulverized  limestone  for  agricultural  purposes 
my  atatenents  were  based  upon  iformation  which  I  b-id  receiv¬ 
ed  some  time  ago-  I  sent  your  letter  and  the  curhon 
copy  of  my  reply  to  Mr.  V.  S.  Mallory,  the  Preside.- .t  of 
ny  Portland  Cement  Company,  ana  I  have  just  received  from 
him  a  letter,  of  which  I  send  you  a  carton  oopy  for  your 

It  appears  from  this  latter  communi¬ 
cation  that  X  m$de  a  mistake  in  figures  when  I  wrote  to 
you  a  few  days  ago.  However.  Mr.  Mallory's  letter  will 
straighten  this  out  and  give  you  the  present  facts. 


17  0 

Bay  89th,  1913. 

,  F.  D.  underwood,  President, 

Srie  Pail road  Company, 

Hudson  Terminal  Building, 
60  Church  street. 

Dear  Hr.  Underwood: - 

1  am  in  reoeipt  of  your  esteem¬ 
ed  favor  of  the  23rd  instant  in  regard  to  the  natter 
of  pulverized  limestone  for  agricultural  purposes, 
and  am  glad  to  learn  that  you  think  ao  well  of  the 
general  proposition. 

I  Bhall  he  delighted  to  have 
you  come  over  at  any  time  and  pay  ne  a  visit.  I 
am  here  every  day.  and  if  you  will  kindly  telephone 
ay  Assistant.  Hr.  Meadov/croft. when  you  er.peot  to  come 
over,  he  will  arrange  that  I  shall  he  available. 

fours  very  truly. 


Osar  Sirs.  IlBen: 

Allow  me  to  acknowledge  receipt  of 

the  fine  photograph  of  yourself,  which  has  been  handed  to 
me  ^  Hr.  oolheer,  and  to  thank  you  for  sending  it  to  no. 

I  have  been  reading  your  reports  fro® 
day  to  day  and  am  glad  to  learn  of  the  success  of  our  only 
lady  demonstrator.  trip  seems  to  have  keen  in  a 

nature  of  a  triumphal  tour. 




June  3rd,  1913. 

As  I  understand  that  your  Company  in 

Sk&THsH  EHfrS  HtOHiif 

for  vehicle  traction  in  cities.  1  have  acconpllsh- 
ed  thi"  and  as  a  result  many  thousand  of  trticks  are  equipped 
uith  mv’batteries;  some  having  been  in  operation  more  vhan 
four  years.  The  cost  is  considerably  greater  t nan  that 

of  the  oia  lead  battery,  hut  in  the  end  my  batteries  a i. 
much  cheaper* 

The  Pennsylvania  P.nilroad  Company, 
after  twenty  years  experience  with  lead  batteries  have 
adopted  mine  as  a  standard  after  a  practical  te*t  lasting 
more  than  three  and  one  half  years* 

Mr*  John  W*  hieb, 
Williams ,  of  the  Hew  York  Edison  Company 

.  Arthur 

^  _ _ _  _ _  _  ___  f*  you  informa- 

tion^as^to^the'reli'ability  of  my  battery  if  yov  care  to  null 
them  up  on  the  phone. 

I  hope  you  can  see  your  way  clear  to 
specify  these  batteries  in  your  new  trucks.  I  can  assure 
you  1  will  make  good,  and  will  gup.ratuoa  -.nem  to  give  .ull 
rated  capacity  at  the  end  of  four  yearn,  which  is  three  tc 
four  times  the  life  of  a  lead  battery-  . 

Yours  very  truly. 


June  End,  19X3. 

120  West  Adams  Street , 

Chloago ,  Ill. 

My  dear  Insull:- 

I  have  read  yours  of  the  27th  ult.,and 
em  much  obliged  for  your  prompt  attention. 

I  know,  end  all  of  our  battery  people 
here  know  ,  that  the  Walker  Company  is  very  friendly  anti  a 
very  good  customer,  but  Hutohison  did  not  know  about  it. 

I  thought  that  you  ought  tc  ?-e  in¬ 
formed  in  regard  to  the  status  of  the  matter  in  question. 
Before  receiving  yours  of  the  27th  ult .  I  had  written 
Monnot  that  1  would  inform  you  of  the  condition  of  things 
in  this  particular  case,  and  told  him  I  knew  that  you 
would  bee  that  the  Walker  people  made  good . 

Yours  very  truly. 

’  J«,hprorreacive  national  Committee . 
5&  Procres^  atreet  Buildin{-, 

Eew  lorfc. 

Tow  f^or  of  the  26th  ultimo 
"egard  to  the  Suhlio  education  ^vision  of  the 
national  nerwlo.  has  tee.  recited- 

While  1  am  entirely  in  sympathy 

Lti,  the  ohje.t  0!  thi.  «  «”11  *'  >1“!W 

npc.slhl.  for  ..  to  undertake  any  active  "<"*  “ 
actio,  therewith*  1  -  *"»*»  overwhelmed  with  the 
,0*  necessitated  hy  «y  ..ItltndlnoM  affairs, 
a»  spend  fron  18  to  20  hoars  a  day  thereof.  1*  Is 
i  Imply  ...  of  the  for  ..  «  take  0.  awythln* 
sl„,  „d  therefore  1  want  ash  fow  « 


Ou>  ijou.  (<♦>»"'  1  k"*  [**•“*»«*  *** 

QjxM  ju<^X*.< 
^oMovm  -1 

't'*  U*^-- 

U«  C^. 


i£U  U^<X>  -f  W" 

tve  w  't^vjtsvxj 

|£3  c 




1  *Utf  ***  ^  ^ 

iX^riA*  '  f  '•/  lo 


nth,  Isis 

■fiiBo  Marie  Alt , 
448  Avon  Avenue , 
ITawarh ,■  U  •  J  * 

Dear  Madara:  -  *-  «_  raison 

It  has  been  aucsested  »o  ^r 

.  alMV  find  jour  voice  suitable  for  moXinr 
that  he  nicht  poaaihlj  fine-  J  for 

PhonoGraph  records.  If  'J™  have  an7  163  ^  ° 

tll!  M„„.£,r.pu.  BU~  -  **  *  ”to 

over  and  let  him  hear  your  voice  so  tha.  he  ca..  .  e 
whether  it  hue  the  neoetraary  qualities  to  mahe  a  t00t- 

AB  to  the  tine,  Friday  of  this  “oeV. 

or  any  day  ne*t  vreeh,  except  Saturday.  .ill  W  aEreeahle  to 
j^in.  The  hour  may  he  either  about  n-O-cXoeh 
aorninG  or  a-0-ol.o*  in  the  afternoon.  If  ?ou  trill  hind, 
ooamunicato  „lth  *e  hy  telephone  or  letter  I  shall  he  Cla< 
to  make  an  uppo intnent . 

Tcuro  very  truly. 

Asaiatant  to  Mr.  Edison.* 

June  11.  1013 

HI  as  Belle  Cave. 

Madison,  Virginia. 

Dear  Idles  Cave:- 

lirtclooad  find  check  for  310*00  whicto 
Hr.  Edison  directs  we  to  send  you  for  the  work  arsons 
the  mountain  people  of  Virginia,  as  mentioned  in  your 
letter  just  received.  With  heat  regards  to  your 
■brother,  I  am, 

Yours  very  truly, 


Secretary.  ' 

June  11th,  1913 , 

■Jr,  Edison  thinks  it  would  he  Setter 
fce  the  train  and  come  on  and  attend 

Yours  very  truly. 



Hu no  13th,  1913* 

Mr.  huigi  iioman?. 

Station  A,  Box  S3, 

139  Blesoker  »treet,  new  to rfc. . 

Dear  »ir:- 

I  received  your  favor  of  the  Bfitis  c t  f’ay , 
an;1,  also  tho  manuscript  of  Edison  March,  which  you  cent  at  : he 

Zet  oe  say  in  reply  that  Ttr.  Sdiuon  ha:;  a 
vast  aiiio unt  of  male  on  hand  to  he  recorded,  more  than  v;e  ean 
use  in  tho  next  twelve  months ,  and  1.  would  suggest  the  refer:-  that 
it  ic  useless  for  you  to  send  him  other  selections,  u&  there 
would  he  no  possibility  of  inuking  records  of  them  for  a  ioiig 
time  to  come,  even  if  they  were  suitable . 

let  me  soy  for  yci;r  .2  n?;<  zftA&i  ou  that  Mr.  “iiooj 
has  xl  v.uya  declined  to  assist  in  the  pnVli.v..' ior  *  .any 
whatever.  he  has  had  a  great  many  people  **-ply  h_-.-- 

,  *  ..t  h:  "111  never  consent ,  as  all  hi *»  o-syit»«l  is  ’he.’. 


let  me  say  V'  way  of  explanation  that  :ny 
Ccmpen’'  the  "dieon  Portland  Cement  Company,  has  put  tut  .c 
special  *  salesmen  in  the  flsU,  especially  to  sell 
limestone.  T!ach  salesman  is  provided  with  o  «or.i  aii.oi.-.'. 
r:o  that  they  can  get  around  ^uioVly  among  the  farmers  and  •: 
a  great  deal  of  territory. 

The  various  agricultural  stations  reeum. 
round  limestone  in  preference  to  burned  and  urigroitnd  --me 
grind  our  limestone  as  fine.  as  flour,  to  permit  of  ever, 
cation  ir.  the  soil.  re  have  reduced  the  p -ice  down  to  a 
vliere  if  v/e  go  any  lower,  we  cannot  male  a  profit.  : 
reduee  the  cost,  we  can  sell  hut  a  limited  amount . 

If  the  railroad  companies  could  ■ 
way  clear  to  lower  the  freight  charges  on  pulverised  -•>£-••• 
the  whole  of  this  saving  would  he  used  hy  us  to  reduce  tne 
This  in  turn  would  reduoe  our  selling  expenses  by  reason  o 
increased  demand,  and  thus  allow  us  to  put  the  price  at  a 
lower  point.  If  the  railroad,  companies  cannot  see  their 
clear  ‘to  make  ouch  a  reduction,  for* the  reason  it  would  es 

Geo.  F.  Randolph,  Es^., 

First  Vice  President, 

Baltimore  f.  Ohio  Railroad  Co . , 
Baltimore,  Kd. 

Bear  Hr .  Randolph : - 

T  received  your  esteemed  favor  of 
the  31st  ultimo  on  the  subject  of  ground  limestone,  and  found 
it  very  interesting. 

I  thinh.  you  are  ^uite  right  as  to  -lie 
attitude  that  the  Railroad  Companies  should  take  in  regard  . 
to  philanthropy.  They  should  do  everything  they  possibly 
can,  however,  to  help  aut  in  this  limestone  proposition. 

1’y  Cement  Forks  has  nut  four-  sales¬ 
men  in  the  field  on  this  special  business,  and  v;e  have 
furnished  each  one  of  them  with  a  Ford  automobile  so  that 
they  can  cover  a  great  deal  of  territory  and  visit  the  farmers. 
It  is  surprising  how  much  the  farmers  are  getting  interested 
in  limestone,  and  vre  find  that  our  salesmen  have  stirred  them 
up  and  put  new  life  into  them. 

ho  much  for  limestone ,  and  no v;  I 
want  to  call  your  attention  to  another  natter  that  I  think  is 
of  some  importance  to  you.  It  occurred  to  me  that  the 
Baltimore  &  Ohio  Railroad  must  have  a  number  of  short  lines 
that  are  a  burden  to  the  main  line  and  do  not  pay.  Have  you 
ever  investigated  the  Beach  Storage  Battery  Car  with  my  new 
/ilkalino  Storage  Battery?  If  not,  I  think  it  will  pay  you 
to  investigate  it-  Hr.  3each  is  getting  great  results,  and 
in  my  opinion  it  nolve3tho  financial  problem  of  these  small 
branch  lines,  and  will  turn  thorn  into  paying  propositions . 

Yours  very  truly. 



and  also  of  a  copy  of  your 
;ton,"  which  you  have  “been  Vi 

m>  aRa  1  Pound  it  very  interesting  indeed. 
ae  to  offer  you  my  felicitations  upon  the  under  lying  idea  ex 
hock,  as  well  as  upon  the  very  beautiful  language  in  which  y< 
,,iv;.r.  oppression  to  your  thoughts. 

There  is  no  doubt  that  the  knglo -Saxon  min 
brutally  practical  and  that  it  has  very  little  of  the  artist 
temperament  which  is  so  conspicuous  in  the  Italian.  *  ™ 
■balanced  hlend  of  the  two  ought  to  make  the  superman- 

with  thanks  to  you  for  your  wsitt-fceajr  in  c< 
menting  me  with  a  copy  of  your  hook,  i  remain 
Xours  very  truly. 



1>e„  *  -rr 

,  .  ttr.  F.diaon  B*  a 

„  ,  3W*»*.  =“  014 1'1'"'  '««i*»sW 

=K;  «  «**. «« C0OT  — « «* *• 

°-'-ice  °'  v0n  viill  oeo  ir0,n  .  Kr. 

^  .o  -  **  rrrui  -  ^ 

;:r^  -  -  -  r  n— *°  ^ effoot 

E  I  have  written  to  U  £or  any  in- 

Uterat-ure.  Erectly  ^th  . 

,  aim  to  commnnioate  natter- 

and  aokefl.  iVeA  your  readin. 

PH<  ' 

President , 
Into  mat: 

telephone  mesaas? 

jnpitol  to  put  up 

intha  tine 

June  20th,  1913. 

T.  E.  Clarke,  Esq. , 
Aaaistant  to  President, 
fl.  U.  &  W.  E.  R., 
Soranton,  Pa. 

Friend  Clarke : - 

I  enoloae  a  note  from  our  Mr.  Thompson  to  our 
Mr.  Bee  in  regard  to  atorage  batteriea  on  railroad  oara,  about 
which  you  and  I  have  had  a  little  correapondenoe .  Thia  is  one 
of  our  inaide  memoranda,  but  I  thought  1  would  send  it  to  you 
just  aa  it  ia  for  your  information. 

We  know  we  are  right  on  thia  proposition,  so 
with  your  permission  we  are  going  to  worry  the  boys  some  on  thiB 

Referring  to  the  last  two  sentences  of  Mr. 
Thompoon*a  memorandum,  I  don't  know  whether  there  is  anything  in 
it,  but  if  there  ia  why  should  we  not  be  considered  also.  My 
Cement  Plant  alone  gave  the  h.  T».  &  W.  R.  R.  Co.,  tv/enty  three 
thousand  cdrs  in  the  last  twelve  months,  to  say  nothing  of  the 
shipments  made  by  the  Phonograph  Works  and  the  Storage  Battery  Co. 
However,  this  is  a  side  issue  from  the  real  merij 
Yours  very'-fruly, 


'Hr^rfTred  Vf.  -Doerx, 
8  Marlborough  Hill, 
dYealistone , 

Kiddle sex,  ’England. 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  oateemed  favor 
of  the  6th  inotant  and  would  say  that  personally  X  am  in 
entire  sympathy  with  you  on  the  question  of  musical 
selections,  hut  the  trouble  is  we  have  to  cater  to  the 
public  Generally.  A  Good  part  of  the  public  demand 
the  trash  which  you  mention,  and  we  are  compelled  to 
furnish  it  if  we  desire  to  sell  our  machines. 

let  me  say,  however,  that  we  will  soon 
have  lots  of  music  of  the  olass  that  is  enjoyed  by  real 
lovers  of  music,  and  then  they  will  have  a  chance  to 
seloot  all  they  want  of  this  kind. 

Shanking  you  for  your  kind  interest,  1 

Yours  very  truly. 

Me,  a  M 

year  Madam:  - 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your 
favor  of  the  24th  instant  asking  for  the  use  of  my  name 
as  a  member  of  your  Advisory  Board.  In  reply  let  me  say 
that  I  must  be  excused  for  respectfully  declining  thi3 
lonor,  as  I  do  not  wish  to  become  identified  v/ith  any 
.lovements  of  a  public  nature.  ,  '  ~ 

Yours  very^truly. 



i  a  Cdv. 

July  3,  191: 

Hi.  Albert  Quesnel, 
216  W.  99th  3t . , 
Hew  York  City. 

Lear  Mr.  Quesnel: 

I  ara  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  2nd 
inat.  and  in  reply  beg  to  say  that  we  had  your  sample 
record  over  here  for  a  few  days  and  then  sent  it  over  to 
our  Recording  Booms  in  Hew  York.  Mr.  Miller  has  it,  and 
I  have  no  doubt  that  he  will  let  you  hear  it  at  any  time 
that  i3  convenient  to  you. 

Personally,  I  enjoyed  this  record  very 
much,  and  shall  await  with  interest  to  see  if  we  have  some 
further  ones. 

With  kindest  regards  and  all  good  wishes, 

1  remain 

Yours  truly. 

Li.  Van  rioatr nr.b  company, 

£v  Park  PI. 

Hew  iork  v.ity. 


Replying  to  your  i'avor  of  the  Puth  ult. 
in  xr. garb  to  the  publication  of  nerichte  aer  neutscheu 
Uheniiechen  ueaellochai’t,  1  beg  to  aqjr  that  you  n«^  hold 
up  the  balance  of  thi»  oruer  until  further  notice. 

a  very  truly. 


Mr.  Geo.  B.  Cortf 3 you.  Pres. 

Conrrolioateo  Una  Co., 

4  Irving  PI* 

Hew  Yotk  City. 

Lear  Mr.  Cortclyou: 

I  enclose  a  letter  from  the 
S„1,3  Lenartramt  aaoreasefl  to  me.  showing  that  we  rro 

>cS'.,p«"»r,r,»Uy  >•.»*«««-; 



Yours  very  truly. 

July  9,  1913. 

Ur.  Gobi  no  Viacarro, 

f30i  Curtis  Bldg.  i 
813  Walnut  St., 
Kansas  City,  Uo. 

Dear  Blr: 

’  om  in  reoelPt  of  your  fBVor  of  the  End 

on^Omd.ll.rl.^.*.  g„  J0U  qaoto  prfc.  per  P»»M 

In  ton  loto. 

V/e  have  never 
If  agreeable,  you  oan  send  me 
experiment  with. 

had  any  of  the  whiter  wex. 
a  four  pound  sample  to 

Yours  very  truly, 

Sh saas."uX  /  ^ 

““  3“!  w  »« •*  •w’s.?- gy, £ss. 

h*®1  ^oSoopondenoe  has  been  photograph 

and  my  corxost  tov3  not  ha^n  *rlginai 

Ihs  reason  t  »  ra  no\v  is  ^a  a  copy  ds 

&ss§ &&&&**** 

photo  greS™  /  aatnrdoy . 

Dear  Madam: 

Your  name  ha3  130011  givon  to  ua  os  g  harpist, 
and  v/o  writo  to  make  an  Inquiry  oa  to  whether  you  have 
aftornoons  at  your  own  disposal,  and,  if  so,  whether  you 
would  consider  a  proposition  to  cone  over  here  one,  tv/o 
or  throo  afternoons  in  the  woo'k  to  play  for  Mr.  Edison. 

Ho  could  not  make  any  certain  proposition  oa  to  a  aofinito 
number  of  aftomoons  at  the  present  time,  hut  probably  could 
later  on.  She  hours  would  ho  from  1  to  5  in  the  afternoon. 
If  this  would  he  agreoable  to  you,  will  you  kindly  let  me 
know  what  amount  of  compensation  you  would  desire  por 

We  would  furnish  all  the  nasje.  The  other 
players  hesido  yourself  would  he  a  violiniBt  and  flautist. 

The  latter  artiste  has  not  yet  boon  engaged,  hut  we  already 
have  a  violinist.  If  you  know  of  a  flautist  residing 
somewhere  in  this  vicinity,  who  roads  music  quickly,  we 
should  he  glad  to  know  the  nano  and  address. 

lot  me  odd  for  your  information  that  the  play¬ 
ing  that  you  would  do  here  would  not  necessarily  he  for 
recording,  hut  would  simply  he  to  make  Hr.  Edison  acquainted 
with  certain  selections,  in  order  that  he  could  pass  upon  them 
for  the  Phonograph.  You  will  soo  therefore,  thot  oenctcnt  > • 
perfection  wouia  not  ho  expoctod.  1  assume  of  course  that 
you  road  muBic  readily. 

Awaiting  the  favor  of  your  reply,  I  remain. 

Yours  vory  truly. 

Assistant  to  Mr.  Edison. 


liarquis  Cuaani  Confaloniero, 

#1400  llevf  Hnapoh Ire  Ave. ,  U.  «•» 
Washington ,  D.  C. 

1  om  inaa-btod  to  you  for  your  courtaouB 
f»„r  oopp  .1  »  treatise  ty  pour  W. 

OelMccM-Onoott.  »J  ME  J0«  MU  oitond  TO  thanks  to 

M.  for  Mo  tint  of  n»  in  fomarilng  til.  fork. 

Just  not.  important  business  •»•!«  up  norkinE 
from  eighteen  to  tu.ntj  lonr.  ,■!»,  hut  »*  I  »“  E“*  th“ 
„„  i  hope  to  into  th.  H»«m»  °*  *>«“«  °”r  th* 

Allow  roe  to  assure  you  of  my  appreciation  of 
the  UdU  feeling,  to  which  you  give  expression  in  your 

Hours  sincorplyi^^ 


July  11,  13, 

July  14th,  1913 

Kiss  Irma  '.'eibert , 

101  Newark  Avenue, 

Bloomfield ,  I! .  J. 

Bear  Kisa  Beibert:- 

1  bey  to  acknowledge  receipt  o* 
your  favor  of  the  11th  instant  and  thank  you  for  your 
very  prompt  reply  ?/e  ^all  probably  ask  you  to  com. 
over  before  lonGt  as  soon  as  other  arrange nts  have 
been  made.  I  am  now  writine  Bitaon  and  Company  to 

make  enquiries  about  rentinG  a  harp. 

1  thank  you  for  giving  me  the 

if  the  f l\it i at. 

X  shall  cc 


lir.  j.  Korgenstern, 

Director,  Opera  Chorus  ClaBB, 

Metropolitan  Opera  House, 

Broadway  and  39th  Street , 

E ew  'Sort  City. 

D"r  Slr“  Mr.  ».  M.  **!»!*.  •*  «-  “•  “**“  * 

«...  ...  —  »•  “  ““ 
tti.p  «  hav.  »*  ■»  »».»«*».  >»«•  1  ' 

U  *"  f  “ 

if  it  is  agreeable  to  you  to  ao  so* 
visit  at  your  convenience ,  it  it  Bb 

r-  X  oan  «  ^  •— *  —  -  *•  ** 

«■  ~  —  —  —  *“ 
iv  ’ith  w  *;  *„ 

M.adowcroft ,  i»  -«»•  *>”  -1-  *°  " 

being  here  to  see  you. 

Tours  very  truly , 


ur.  k.  t. 

July  17th,  1913 

LldorpAstoria  Hotel, 
I fev;  York  City. 

The  experiments  on  the  concentration 
•for*  vour  account  during 

ox  very  poor  ores  finished  and  all  expenses 

the  pest  two  year-,  are  For  a  large 

connected  therewith ha  4®e  8  where  the  principal 

majority  of  vexy  low  S1^}-®  „  this  process  will 

value  gets  in  the  very  fine  ^“^^VeWnary  ex- 

S  SpftS  kolli.r  "i«  th' 

The  process  is  certainly  extremely 
simple  •  ^0^Bi.nveBti0S4Bt5k«”ut0ih^enron 

the  Voces!,  and  r!b!llioSVe' nines .  1 

process  among  .-he  1°"  C  „  small  royalty  per  ton  worked. 

•Sitsururs  ».  **  «- 

mill  built  and  operated-  _ — "  ~7 

Yours  very-tnlly. 

July  18th, 

J.  Commerforc 
29  Heat  39th 
new  York  Clt; 

I  received  your  favor  of  the  16th  instant  £ 
le  pamphlet  issued  hy  Ur.  Hllibridge.  So  far  as  I  know.  yo 
isn  misinformed  about  contemplated  changes  in  our  adv&it^s^E 
iwever ,  I  brought  the  whole  matter  to  Hr.  "di son's  personal 
id  he  asked  me  to  tell  you  that  we  already  have  two  adverts 
aoh  of  which  has  his  regular  staff  of  assistants-  He  also 

my  that  at  present  i 

s  doing  very  littl 

r  orders  for  goods 

V/e  occasionally  have  some  special  adver 
done-  outside ,  and  there  might  possibly  be  an  opportunity  for 
Lilli bridge  at  some  future  time.  Of  course,  it  is  super 
assure  you  that  if  any  important  changes  take  place  I  will  > 
T.illibridge  in  mind. 

With  kind  regards,  I  remain 


►,*r»  «•  worrilow, 

'"•  The  Electrician, 

V-*5  nalinbury  court, 
yisct  otreet,  nondon,  k-  C- 

X  have  been  greatly  interested  in  readinB  your 
v-.nd  favor  of  the  4th  instant  and  also  the  article  in"*he 
n-t^cian"  in  regard  to  the  long  distance  run  of  a  storage 
battery  vehicle.  Allow  me  to  extend  my  thanks  to  you  for 
vour  letter  and  also  for  these  articles,  which  1  shall  retain 
;tt  my  file  as  a  memento  of  the  first  long  distance  run  in  xurope 
of  an  -i-otric  vehicle  equipped  with  my  storage  battery. 

hot  me  say  that  I  have  been  much  impressed 
th  the  optomistic  views  that  you  express.  The  present  in 
actions  point  to  a  real  awakening  in  Europe  of  interest  in 
th-  possibilities  of  a  good  storage  battery.  The  use  o 
battery  in  this  Country  is  ***  extensive  and  increasing  every 

day*  _ _  ‘ 

Yours  verj^truly , 

C7>L/{  Lol^crii - 


Mr.  J.  E.  Bradford, 

Third  &  Main  Streets 
Ripley,  Ohio. 

Dear  Sir:- 

I  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the 
10th  instant,  the  contents  of  which  have  keen  carefully  noted. 

Let  me  say  in  reply  that  if  there  wa3  any  lack 
of  synchronism  in  the  sound  and  motion  of  the  talking  pictures 
tnat  you  saw,  it  was  entirely  the  operator's  fault.  We  know  this 
for  a  certainly,  as  all  our  arrangements  of  the  apparatus  provide 
for  an  absolutely  perfect  synchronism^  has  keen  proven  every  day 
for  a  year  or  more  in  our  own  place  and  ky  experience  in  hundreds 
of  theatres  in  the  United  States.  We  find  by  experience  that  ac- 
oasionally  there  is  a  lack  of  harmony  by  reason-  of  the  carelessness 
of  the  operator,  but  it  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  perfection  of 
the  mechanism. 

If  you  have  any  improvement  to  offer  at  any  time, 
we  would  suggest  that  you  first  obtain  a  patent  for  it  and  then  we 
should  be  willing  to  consider  it,  but  we  do  not  care  to  consider 
unpatented  inventions. 

Yours  truly. 

July  "1st ,  1913. 

Dr.  Oaoar  Von  Miller. 

Deutohes  Museum, 

Hufnummer  3984, 

Munohen,  Germany. 

My  dear  Doctor: - 

Your  eateemed  favor  of  the  30th  ultimo  haB  been 
received,  and  I  feel  that  apologieB  are  due  to  you  and  your  associates 
for  what  seema  to  have  been  o  delay  on  my  part.  Let  me  cay.  how¬ 
ever,  for  your  information  that  since  we  had  the  pleasure  of  a  visit 
from  you  I  have  been  working  from  18  to  20  hours  a  day  completing 
the  manufacturing  technique  of  the  Disc  Phonograph  record  which  you 
heard  when  you  were  here-  «iis  work,  together  with  such  atten¬ 
tion  as  was  imperatively  needed  for  my  large  business  interests,  have 
engrossed  the  whole  of  my  time  and  attention  and  nave  left  me  no  time 
to  do  anything  else.  Accordingly  my  mail  has  suffered  a  great  deal 
of  neglect,  with  other  things.  I  have  taken  no  vacation  at  all  for 
nearly  two  years. 

However  I  would  say  for  your  encouragement  that  I 
am  drawing  near  to  the  end  of  this  important  work  which  1  have  had  on 
hand.  After  that  I  shall  probably  take  a  little  vacation,  and  as 
soon  as  possible  afterward  will  try  to  redeem  the  promisejhafc  I  made 
to  you. 

.  Yours jr$x>y  truly, 



July  22nd,  1913 • 

«j .  Thomaa  Wardell, 

Bradley  Building. 

171  Central  Street. 

X, owe  11 ,  Mass. 

DeaT  Sir‘"  Your  favor  of  the  ITth  instant  was  received. 

.  mo  as  as  yon  did. 

“4 1  “  ^  "  ’ «  *  -  -  >«  "  a 

— -r*trr:r:— 

“ir  » *—  *« « -  *- 

»»  test  oontinooualy  „  „„e  M  .tot  all 

tatse  ”°*=  j"  ^  „d  aoU  taels 

of  the  machines  will  P  7 

" — rr:ir^r*.— - 

.  „  Anti rely  new  departure  in  talking 

straments  the  .etas!  toto*~.»ito  el  •  »*” 

,«altes,  to*  qnfiatltles  t.  flat  .to  tefeets  toWrt-  «•  “»•  “S 

Yoursv^ry^^Xy , 

Smith  Piano  Company, 
10  Hast  Main  Street, 
Marshalltown,  J.owa« 

July  24th,  1913. 

I  am  in  receipt  of  your  favor  of  the  21st  instant, 
ani  thank  you  for  writing  so  frankly  about  the  trouble  that  you  are 
experiencing  at  the  present  time.  me  assure  you  that  I  cpiite 
appreciate  the  difficulties  under  which  you  are  laboring,  but  you 

will  soon  have  relief.  . 

Our  Disc  record  is  an  entirely  new  departure,  and 

as  such  has  retired  entirely  new  machinery,  apparatus  and  methods. 
Everybc Sy  disappointed  us  in  supplying  the  necessary  machinery,  and 
we  have  had  a' whole  lot  of  technical  troubleein  starting  the  manu- 
f act ure  of  the  Disc  record  in  quantities.  It  is  exceedingly 
liff-jolt  tc  make,  but  now  we  are  rapidly  getting  in  shape  and  have 
,c  f’o.ihle  our  capacity  in  the  past  ten  days.  I  expect 
aijiu  further  increase  our  capacity  about  six  times 
,  .  ....  -hirty  days  and  then  records  will  be  very  plentiful. 

r  . ,.0!l  cv,,%t  to  be  receiving  a  few  new  ones,  which  I 

,  _  fell  owe!  by  a  much  larger  and  a  regular  supply 

Mr.  E.  B*  Hess, 

«5  The  Hoyal  Typewriter  company, 
?.o yal  Typewriter  Building, 

364  Broadway,  Eew  York. 

1  beg  to  acknowledge  receipt  of  your 
favor  of  the  24th  instant  and  in  reply  would  say  that 
some  time  ago  we  built  an  electric  motorcycle  using  my 
storage  battery.  It  was  built  merely  for  experiment, 
but  the  result  wan  such  that  I  am  inclined  to  thank  that 
manufacturers  will  shortly  build  them  for  sale. 

In  regard  to  my  new  cisc  Phonograph,  I 
would  nay  that  it  is  now  on  sale  and  many  of  the  dealers 

already  have  them  in  stock . 

Yours  ve r y^tfuly , 

July  29th,  1913. 

Mr.  Bo we rm an, 

%  Messrs.  Post  &  PlagG, 
Kinney  Building, 
Hewark,  H.  J. 

.In  accordance  with  my  promise,  I  send  you  the 
following  information: 

She  Edison  Phonograph  Works. 

Manufacturers  Phonographs  T,  ,  n  , 

Automatic  Hand  numbering  Maonines  for  Banks,  etc., 
Dictating  Machines, 

(Machines'3  used  in  theatres  for  producing  motion  pictures) 

Kinetophones,  (apparatus  for  producing  talking  motion 


House  lighting  Controllers,  ,  „ 

Small  Motors  and  miaoellaneoua  jobbing  work  for  alli-d 
Companie  a . 

The  drop  in  profits  for  year  ending  Peb.  2fl,  1912 
as  compared  with  previous  year  is  accounted  for  by  change  in 
product  of  phonographs -to  meet  a  public  demandj^r_ajifia^type  • 
Yours  verv^truly. 

counted  for  by  change  in 


In  reply  let  me  say  for  your  Information  that 
Hr.  Konnot  is  an  independent  agent  who,  for  the  past  three  years, 
has  heen  trying  to  work  up  a  trade  in  our  storage  battery  in 
England  and  on  the  Continent.  Ur.  Edition  keeps  a  stock  of 
batteries  in  London  and  Paris  (about  550,000.00  worth)  from 
which  Konnot  draws  in  furthering  his  preliminary  pioneering 
work,  and  for  which  he  pays, except  in  cases  where  demonstrations 
are  made.  In  the  latter  case  Ur.  .Edison  generally  helps  him 
out  by  loading  the  batteries  for  short  periods  of  time. 

Mr.  Edison  has  no  understanding  with  Hr.  Konnot 
other  than  this,  that  if  he  would  work  up  a  trade  Mr.  Edison 
would  not  sell  to  others,  providing  Konnot  used  diligence  and 
continuous  efforts  and  was  successful.  Mr.  Edison  knew  that 
the  preliminary  introduction  would  be  a  matter  of  some  time  and 
a  very  difficult  proposition. 

Hr.  Konnot  is  not  a  man  of  capital  and  must 
associate  himself  with  a  reliable  party  to  obtain  it.  Ur. 
Edison  has  confidence  in  the  man.  He  is  a  good  engineer  and 
understands  the  battery  business  pretty  thorpughly.  Should 
he  bring  to  Mr.  Edison  a  group  of  reliable,  non-speoulative 
firms,  whoae  intentions  are  purely  the  actual  commercial  in¬ 
troduction  of  electric  vehicles  and  tram  cars,  and  not  for 
speculation,  such  parties  being  satisfactory  to  Mr.  Edison, 
he  will  enter  into  contract  relations  for  a  certain  period  of 
time  for  supplying  the  battery  under  proper  conditions  and 
restrictions • 

I  trust  this  information  will  he  satisfactory 
for  your  purpose .  I  return  Mr.  Brake's  letter  herewith. 

With  kind  regards,  I  remain 

lours  very  truly. 

r  scare!  to  the  at  ate 

oeived  youra  of  1 

rushed  atone  Company. 

h°'“  ^  “M”  ““ 

a„,ri.  «cl-  “ tM  MU0  ”'”1“  T“* 

«.  «»*&»*«*  *• »• f"  ’’“7ld 

„tl  «;1»C  ““  <»«“.»««  1  f'>“1 

mnv.  the  power  as  cheaply  as  i  can  h«y  it. 

r  and  tell  them  what  1  have  do 

T/ith  hind  regards ,  I 

August  4tli,  1913. 

ht  Bernhard  C#  Hesse,  i^ecreuary. 
International  Congress  of  Applied  Chemistry, 
25  Broad  Street, 

Hew  York  City- 

Kr.  Durand  has  handed  to  me  your  favor  of  th< 
30th  ultimo,  tocethor  with  the  complete  set  of  the  Report  of 
international  Congress  of  Applied  Chemistry.  The  receipt 

these  volumes  has  afforded  me  great  pleasure,  and  will  >e  a 
most  welcome  addition  to  my  library.  I  llav 

up  to  my  house,  and  anticipate  much  enjoyment  in  reading  them 

from  end  to  end. 

I  desire  to  express  to  the  Officers  an 
tive  Committee  of  this  Congress  my  thanks  and  appreciat 
the  courtesy  thus  extended  to  me.  ^ 

August  4th ,  1915, 

T.  Cemraerford  Martin,  Bn^., 

Twi'nbroofc  Farm, 

?.  0.  Ringville,  Mans, 
hear  Mr.  Martin 

I  am  this  morning  in  receipt  of  your  favor 
of  yesterday  in  regard  to  o\ir  friend  itr.  ilonnot,  and  just 
want  to  state  for  your  information  that  we  have  received 
a  cable  from  him  thio  morning  stating  that  he  has  already 
organised  a  company  and  leaves  England  on  the  9th  inst., 
for  America.  This  cable  is  the  first  information  that 
he  had  succeeded  in  organising  his  company,  so  I  an  los¬ 
ing  no  time  in  notifying  you  in  viev;  of  our  recent 
correspondence . 

fours  very  truly, 


Kr*  K.  »•  Hioe, 

5&  'l’he  General  Kleotrio  Oo  • . 

Hudson  Terminal  Bldg. , 

30  church  street,  Haw  *ork. 

Hy  dear  Mr.  F.ioe: 

Your  favor  of  the  lot  instant  is  at  hand,  in 
«pl,  let  n.  »M  that  1  appreciate  j«ar  eminences  to  accept 
„y  ,TOeotl.»  in  reference  to  pnp».nt  on  contract  ,24374.  and 
on  other  contract.  non  pieced  or  nhlch  he  pieced  nlth 

you  during  the  heleno.  of  thle  peer  for  electrical  ...ulp.ent 
of  our  new  building . 

As  to  the  slight  modification  that  you  men¬ 
tion,  I  am  willing  to  go  you  one  hotter  and  mahe  the  interest 
n.  Mjhere  is  no  reason  why  1  should  ash  you  to  accommodate 

me  and  lose  money  at  the  same  time- 

I  am  glad  to  note  that  you  have  taVen  steps  to 
push  forward  our  60  Kfl  motor-generator  set  and  trust  it  will 
oome  along  promptly  and  in  good  time  for  our  needs. 

i  suppose  you  are  a  busy  man  these  days,  but 
please  do  not  forget  that  not  only  does  the  latch  striae  hang  out, 
tat  l  shall  always  be  glad  to  see  you  if  “  ° 

run  over. 

lours  yrtif truly, 

\waCA  Sw 

August  4th,  1913. 


Reel  duplication  of  the  whole  or  of 
any  part  of  this  film  is  prohibited. 
In  lieu  of  transcripts,  however, 
enlarged  photocopies  of  selected 
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A  Note  on  the  Sources 
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available.  Every  technical 
effort  possible  has  been 
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We  thankfully  acknowledge  the  vision  and  support  of  Rutgers  University  and  the 
Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers  Board  of  Sponsors. 

This  edition  was  made  possible  by  grant  funds  provided  from  the  New  Jersey  Historical 
Commission,  National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission,  and  The  National 
Endowment  for  the  Humanities.  Major  underwriting  has  been  provided  by  the  Barkley  Fund, 
through  the  National  Trust  for  the  Humanities,  and  by  The  Charles  Edison  Foundation. 

We  are  grateful  for  the  generous  support  of  the  IEEE  Foundation,  the  Hyde  &  Watson 
Foundation,  the  Martinson  Family  Foundation,  and  the  GE  Foundation.  We  acknowledge  gifts 
from  many  other  individuals,  as  well  as  an  anonymous  donor;  the  Association  of  Edison 
Illuminating  Companies;  and  the  Edison  Electric  Institute.  For  the  assistance  of  all  these 
organizations  and  individuals,  as  well  as  for  the  indispensable  aid  of  archivists,  librarians, 
scholars,  and  collectors,  the  editors  are  most  grateful. 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey  National  Park  Service 

Richard  L.  McCormick  Maryanne  Gerbauckas 

Ziva  Galili  Michelle  Ortwcin 

Ann  Fabian 

Paul  Clemens  Smithsonian  Institution 

Harold  Wallace 

New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Marc  Mappen 


Robert  Friedel,  University  of  Maryland 
Louis  Galambos,  Johns  Hopkins  University 
Susan  Hockey,  Oxford  University 
Thomas  P.  Hughes,  University  of  Pennsylvania 
Ronald  Kline,  Cornell  University 
Robert  Rosenberg,  John  Wiley  &  Sons 
Mare  Rothenberg,  Joseph  Henry  Papers,  Smithsonian  Institution 
Philip  Scranton,  Rutgers  University/Hagley  Museum 
Merritt  Roe  Smith,  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology 


Director  and  General  Editor 
Paul  Israel 

Senior  Editor 
Thomas  Jeffrey 

Associate  Editors 
Louis  Carlat 
Theresa  Collins 

Assistant  Editor 
David  Hochfclder 

Indexing  Editor 
David  Ranzan 

Consulting  Editor 
Linda  Endcrsby 

Visiting  Editor 
Amy  Flanders 

Editorial  Assistants 
Alexandra  Rimer 
Kelly  Enright 
Eric  Barry 

Outreach  and  Development 
(Edison  Across  the  Curriculum) 

Theresa  Collins 

Business  Manager 
Rachel  Wcisscnburgcr 

Thomas  A.  Edison  Papers 

Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
endorsed  by 

National  Historical  Publications  and  Records  Commission 
18  June  1981 

Copyright  ©  2007  by  Rutgers,  The  State  University 

All  rights  reserved.  No  part  of  this  publication  including  any  portion  of  the  guide  and 
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The  original  documents  in  this  edition  are  from  the  archives  at  the  Edison  National 
Historic  Site  at  West  Orange,  New  Jersey. 

ISBN  978-0-88692-887-2 


Thomas  E.  Jeffrey 
Senior  Editor 

Brian  C.  Shipley 
Theresa  M.  Collins 
Linda  E.  Endcrsby 

David  A.  Ranzan 
Indexing  Editor 

Janette  Pardo 
Richard  Mizellc 
Peter  Mikulas 

Paul  B.  Israel 
Director  and  General  Editor 


Rutgers,  The  State  University  of  New  Jersey 
National  Park  Service,  Edison  National  Historic  Site 
New  Jersey  Historical  Commission 
Smithsonian  Institution 

A  UPA  Collection  from 

tfj)'  LexisNexis* 

7500  Old  Georgetown  Road  •  Bctliesda,  MD  20814-6126